The Boss

By Shauna_shay

196K 6.9K 674

Cold. Iced. Frosty. Aloof. All compatible, making the perfect package. That was the aura he dispersed. His... More

Sweet ole' Mr Richards
Bitter young Mr Richards
Taking a Stand
Mr Richards vs Me
Nightly Adventure
Meeting Kade
A Ladybug
I think I'm fired
Mr Steele
Regret or Euphoria
A Mole
The Hunt
Déjà vu
Assistant (x2)
Getting Help
Problem Solved
A Touch of the Past
A Bit of Truth
Reign vs Rain
A New Life
Dear Miss Rosa

Playing the Game

6.4K 238 43
By Shauna_shay

I was instructed to come to work early today for the sake of being undiscovered. Arriving before everyone takes a toll on your body since you have to wake up an unusual time in the morning which your body really don't appreciate so it decides to start malfunctioning making you trip more times than your useless brain can keep track of. To put it simply, I was a walking zombie.

I walked into the office and went up to the desk taking a seat right in front of Mr Richards himself. He looked up giving me his renowned, shivering cold stare.

"I see you've forgetten your manners Miss Jones," he warned me to think about my options wisely. I was too out of it to think straight so I had no reason to fear his decisions.

"I'm afraid it hasn't clocked in yet since this isn't it's usual hour so you have to see with me for now."

"Your one of the most infuriating woman I've ever laid eyes upon." He told me as if sighing.

"I try to be sir," I yawned out unladylike.

He looked at me with something in his eyes that my brain has no means of deciphering. "Report."

"So, I accidentally uncovered some perpetrators of the Duncan's case," I notified him, "and found out that one of them is the Ben guy and the other is Mr Perkins. Somehow, a third party is involved but I didn't recognize her voice so I really can't tell who it is yet. When I overheard the two talking, Ben said he was going to come on to me and try to find out what I knew but I can use that as an advantage to get hard evidence against them."

His appearance was nowhere near pleased. I had a gut feeling about it. Or maybe it was the way his gaze hardened and the line between his lips thinned straightly or the way his jaws were locked mechanically in a tight grip.

Nope I think it's the gut feeling.

His gaze was somewhere close to murderous. "More than one. Interesting," he looked calculating for a while. "I want you to work double time on this case. Don't miss a single detail and don't lose focus by any chance. Is that clear?"

"Crystal," I replied.

"Review these," he ordered placing documents before me.

"Now," I graved.

He stared at me with a gaze only the gods could withstand.

"Of course sir," I said taking up the documents and getting to work.

Miss Jones do this.

Miss Jones do that

Soon I'll be hearing, Miss Jones clean my toilet.

Miss Jones iron my clothes.

Miss Jones

Miss Jones

Miss Jones.


"As much as I see that you're being productive, do that at the sofa because with that face now, it's guaranteed to move mountains and it's never in a good way," he spoke, barely looking up from what he was doing.

I touched my face in disbelief. Moving my hands around and around trying to pick up the flaw in just spoke about.

"Huh." The only thing capable of leaving my mouth at the moment.

He gave me a 'I don't repeat myself look.'

Getting up, I all but skipped to the sofa. I was in no mood to argue with that man. The part of me still in function said I needed sleep.

I don't know when it happened but I fell asleep reviewing the documents. I don't know how it happened but a woke up to Mr Richards staring down at me with eyes that could kill. I don't know why it happened but I tried to hit him with my fist which by the way was nowhere near it's target. Let's just say, he moved, my fist hit air and it was a whole other embarrassing moment for me when realisation kicked in.

"I shall head to work now," I said getting up and timidly walking away from him. And as I was doing that, I was chanting in my head.

Good Mr Richards

Nice Mr Richards

Good Mr Richards

Nice Mr Richards.

I don't know why I mistaken him for a dog. He was more like a lion ready to pounce. And right there and then, my ass was out his office as quick as possible. I could feel his stare even after I reached my floor. It's like he could see through all the thick structures that separated us.

Damn him.

With dreary eyes I headed to my work place. "Rosa, hey," I snapped my head towards the source, "you look like you've seen a ghost."

"Not since you came in my view," I muttered under my breath.

"What was that?" He questioned.

"Nothing, what's up Ben?" I said quickly.

"I was wondering, some of my friends and I are going out tomorrow night and I wanted to know if you'd like to come," he asked coolly.

Normally, by this point, my answer would have been an instant no but regarding these circumstances. "Yes."

"Great, it's a date then," he smiled before walking off.

"Fantastic," I huffed while taking my seat.

Just what am I thinking?


Maybe I could bring Seb but, he'll just talk me out of it.

Persuasive bastard.


I don't like slime bags and Ben looks like one. I'm a very impulsive person and in this situation, I think I'll do something very impulsive.


"Rosa, what are you doing?" Anna asked incredulously.

"Banging my head on the desk," I said like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"Why?" She inquired in disbelief.

"Because," I turned around to her, "I have a date tonight."

"Normally in my experience, that's a good thing but if that's how you show how excited you are then you seriously need help," she regarded me.

"It's with Ben," I sighed.

"Oh, just keep on doing what you were doing, maybe then you'll change your mind about the date, after you have beaten some sense into yourself."

I pouted at her. "You remind me of Seb."

"Whose Seb? No leave that for another time, why on earth would you accept something like that?" She cried out.

"Impulse," I laughed out nervously.

She gave me a -I know you're lying- look.

What's the point, she seems very trustworthy to spill secrets to. From this moment, my life will change but will it be for better or worse. Who knows, so I told. I told her about what I was really sent here to uncover. I told her about the persons I found so far. I told her why I doing it except for Mr Richards part in all of this. I wasn't ready to share it. Wasn't ready to share him.

"Wow." It was the only thing that left her mouth after I was finished.

"I know," I remarked.

"What are you going to wear?" She gasped.

"So you're not upset that I didn't tell you earlier."

"Don't be silly. I understand your reasons, the whole trust thing. I won't hold any grudges, I'm just glad you trust me."

I smiled widely, "I'm glad I did."

She bumped my shoulder playfully. "Let's go shopping today. I want a look that says I'm ready to discover something but at the same time, sexy," she gestured with her hands like the whole view was in front of us.

I paused for a moment then nodded my head. "Why the hell not. Let's do that."

• • • • •

I inserted the key inside the lock  opened the door. My apartment wasn't big but it wasn't small either. It can be termed as a reasonable size. I walked inside. The tiled floors glistened under the evening light. I directed myself towards the bedroom. It was a two bedroom apartment with two bathrooms, a kitchen, a living room and a balcony. I didn't see the sense of the balcony though. The view didn't have anything appeasing to it. If staring at the back of a run down building is a good view, I don't know what is bad. I didn't have much in the apartment. Can't say I'm a picky person, I just didn't find the time to decorate this place.

I headed through the door, avoiding turning the light on or moving the curtains aside to let the evening light inside, and went over to my closet. I didn't have much clothes. As I said before, I didn't have the time. I placed the shopping bags on the shelf. Maybe I was just lazy.


I changed my clothes into comfortable sweats and a loose T-shirt. I came out the closet giving a satisfying yawn only to have it cut short by a dark figure moving about inside my room. I froze. I didn't know why I decided not to turn on the lights.

So god help me. I don't want to die today.

My heartbeat started to increase by the second. The figure finally turned around and started moving in my direction. At midway, the figure stopped.

"Boo," came a crusty, suave voice.

I didn't know how else to react. I let out an ear piercing scream and grabbed the nearest thing to me and aimed it in the direction of the intruder.  Whoever it was, tried to avoid the impact but wasn't fast enough as it landed straight in the face.

The person moved a hand to the face. "Shit!" A familiar voice cried out. I stopped my screaming and walked over to the light switch and turned in on.

"Seb!" I exclaimed. I couldn't believe it. "Are you trying to give me a heart attack. What is wrong with you sneaking up on me like that. You didn't even give me a warning. You know how impulsive I am."

I finally realized Seb was clutching his face and groaning out. I rushed over to him. "Are you alright. Oh my God, your nose is bleeding."

I searched the room wondering what I flung at him.

"I can't believe you threw a freaking lamp at me," he said in disbelief.

"I know, poor lamp," I sighed sadly. I really loved that lamp.

"Really, the lamp. Look at me," he gestured to his bleeding face.

I rolled my eyes. "Oh hush, you have yourself to blame for that. Now get up and let me clean up your clumsy mistake."

He shook his head at me. I helped him up and walked him in the bathroom over to the sink. I took out the first aid kit from the cabinet and started dressing his wounds. When I finished he thanked me.

"You owe me a lamp." I glared at him. "And since it did so much damage, I want two." I smiled cheekily at him.

"Yeah right," he got up from the toilet cover.

I followed him out the door. "What are you doing here anyway?"

"What, can't I come visit my bestfriend?" He said to me.

I gave him a 'are you serious look'.

"Fine, since I can't talk to you at work because you don't want to compromise your precious investigation," he air quoted. "I decided to talk to you at home. And don't worry, I wore black."

I finally looked him over and realized he was in black. "Why are you wearing black?"

He's crazy.

"You know, it's what you wear when you sneak into someone's house and when preparing for a funeral," he said bluntly.

Told you.

"Okay," I drawled.

"So what do you want?" I asked.

"To see my bestfriend, it's been ages."

"By ages you mean one week," I corrected.

"Yea, yea," he bashed away.

I went up to him and hugged him. He let out a surprised sound before he returned the hug. "Thank you," I murmured. He simply squeezed my hand as a welcome.

"So, how's everything going?"

I walked to the bed and laid down. "Good. I finally got myself a lead in the investigation." I informed him. "First, I got this offer to take Mr Dun-," I proceeded to tell him what happened during the course of the day.

• • • • •
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