The Second Potter

By topaztiger15

65.4K 1.5K 714

What if James and Lily Potter were hiding something about Lily's pregnancy? What if Harry had a twin that no... More

Talks In The Hallways
Umbridge Takes Over
Her Favorite Spot
A Trip to Malfoy Manor
When Your Mom is More Popular than You...
Teacher's Pet
Awkward Interactions
Summer Magic Tricks
Secret Meetings
Secret Meetings Pt 2
Three Weeks Later
Celebrations and CONFRINGO!
A New Year with New Secrets
Battles of Inner Thoughts
Stuck at Home with Polyjuice
Misinterpreted Feelings
Hidden in the Closet
Finally Free
Save Me from Myself
Not Over
Thank You!
New Book!

A Rather Dramatic Entrance

9.1K 172 158
By topaztiger15

These are all the spells that are used in this chapter. You can use it to better understand what these spells are and how to pronounce them.

Alarte Ascendare (a-LAR-tey ah-SEN-deh-rey) - shoots the target high into the air

Alohomora (al-LOH-ha-MORH-ah) - unlocks doors

Aqua Eructo (A-kwa ee-RUCK-to) - this spell is used to create and control a jet of clear water from the caster's wand tip

Avada Kedavra (ah-VAH-dah keh-DAV-rah) - killing curse; causes the target to be killed instantly

Confringo (kon- FRING-goh) - causes anything the spell comes in contact with to explode and thereafter burst into flames

Crucio (KROO-shea-oh) - inflicts intense pain and torture on what the spell touches until they tell the caster whatever they want to know

Episky (ee-PISS-key) - used to heal minor injuries like broken bones and repairing cartilage

Expelliarmus (ex-PELL-ee-ARE-muss) - disarming charm; causes whatever the victim is holding to fly away from their hand

Fianto Duri (fee-AN-toh DOO-ri) - defensive charm to form a shield that protects caster from spells and other objects


One night in Harry's fifth year, just before Delores Umbridge becomes Headmaster, there's a storm while everyone is in the Great Hall having dinner. Thunder and lightning are raging war outside as rain bats the castle walls and windows. The students talk amongst themselves as they enjoy the feast.

Harry is sitting with his friends, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, as Ron's younger sister, Ginny Weasley, slid over next to Ron. "Hello Harry." She smiles meekly.

Harry grinned back, "Hello Ginny. How you figure Quidditch practice went today?"

"Well, I definitely think we need to improve our speed when we're up against Slytherin. If we can't intercept some of their passes, we might lose this year. Gryffindor doesn't have Oliver Wood for a Keeper anymore." She said tucking a piece of her red hair behind her ear.

Harry pondered the thought for a second before nodding in agreement. "You don't have Wood, but you have me." Ron said proudly and stuffs the last piece of his muffin in his mouth. Ginny smiled and playfully slapped her brother's arm and Hermione rolled her eyes.

Harry smiled but soon felt a twang of pain in his scar. He brought his hand up to rub the scar and grunted. His friends' eyes all turned their attention towards their friend with concerned looks on their faces. "Harry, are you alright?" Hermione asked. Harry nodded and continued to rub his scar as Professor Umbridge stood up to speak.

"Attention students!" She yelled to the crowd of witches and wizards as she made her way to the stand at the front of the stage. All of the teachers at the head table rolled their eyes at Umbridge and sighed. Hagrid crossed his arms over his large chest and prepared for the next spiel about the Ministry of Magic that Umbridge decided to spill.

The Great Hall was soon silenced as the students turned their attention to the unbearable pink witch at the front of the room. Harry tried to pay attention as his scar kept pulsing with pain. "Hello children," Umbridge has the same fake smile plastered on her face, like always. "As you know, there have been rumors of a suspected group that is practicing magic, hidden from everybody else." People started murmuring to each other as Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny shared an uneasy glance.

"Yes, it is tragic. Anyways, I am making an Inquisitorial Squad, led by Mr. Filch that works to find the students using magic behind our backs. Sign ups are in my office and you can come get them during your classes. Furthermore-"

A loud bang followed by a piercing scream cut Umbridge off. Dumbledore rose and walked to the front of the stage. "Thank you Delores, for that announcement, but if you'll please sit back down." Professor Umbridge nodded and hustled back to her seat behind the head table as students started to chatter.

"Silence students," He said kindly. When the students wouldn't calm down, Dumbledore grew irritated. "SILENCE!" His voice boomed throughout the castle. Harry clutched his head as the pain started to become unbearable. He grunted as it grew silent, causing a few people to stare. Hermione put a hand on her friend's shoulder and tried to speak to him but her voice was muffled by the ringing in Harry's ears.

Dumbledore took the moment of silence as an opportunity and spoke,"Please remain calm students, the teachers will go-"

"Professor Dumbledore!" Hermione yelled. All eyes turned to her and then to Harry's state of hurt as he started panting and breathing heavily.

Professor Dumbledore gave a quick look at what was going on and his eyes widened as he hurried over to Harry's spot, calling Madam Pomfrey over as well. "Hermione, what's going on?" His voice was laced with concern, but also with a calming factor.

"I don't know sir, I think it's his scar." Hermione guessed. Madam Pomfrey took a quick look at Harry and Dumbledore called Professor's McGonagall and Snape over. They hurried over and looked to Dumbledore as he whispered something to them.

There was another crash outside the Great Hall and everyone's attention to the doors. Dumbledore looked as well, grabbing his wand in the process. "Teachers, have your wands out immediately." The teachers did as they were told and stepped out from behind the head table and readied their wands. The students remained in their seats, slowly starting to scoot more towards the head table as the teachers moved forward to be in front of the students.

There was a bang on the doors of the Great Hall and everyone flinched. Some of the first years were whimpering as they held onto each other. Another bang on the door and everyone flinched again, some screeched and the teachers' wand tips started to glow. Umbridge was practically shaking in her boots. She held her wand close to her face as the banging on the doors of the Great Hall continued.

Then it stopped. Everyone stared at the door, waiting for something to happen. "Minerva," Professor Dumbledore muttered to Professor McGonagall. She nodded and glanced at Professor Snape, who nodded in return. Umbridge still looked scared. "Do not engage until we figure out what it is, understood?" Dumbledore advised everyone nodded. Umbridge nodded rapidly and with her eyes closed.

"Alohomora!" Dumbledore said and the spell flew from his wand and hit the door. The doors of the Great Hall gave a loud click, signifying that it was unlocked. Professor McGonagall's wand released a small spark that hit the door and she flicked her wand towards her face. The doors slowly opened as everyone held their breaths in anticipation.

The door creaked open and McGonagall mumbled something before her spell let go of the door. A blast of light blew the doors open as a figure rushed in. She was female. Snape gasped and muttered, "It can't be."

Umbridge panicked, thinking this person was a threat and fumbled with her wand before she grabbed it and pointed it at the female. "AVADA KEDAVRA!" It was like slow motion. The spell hurtled towards the girl as she raised her wand in return.

"Fianto Duri!" She yelled. A light emitted from her wand and grew to surround her, almost like a Patronus shield would. Once the shield was in place, the girl raised her wand once more and yelled, "Expelliarmus!" The two spells collided at the center as sparks of colors crackled from the touch. A large light engulfed the point of intersection between spells.

Harry stood and watched with wide eyes as he tried to get a good look at the girl. Unsuccessful, he watched as the scene in front of him unfolded. It was so similar to the battle between him and Lord Voldemort less than a year ago, when Cedric died.

The girl's magic soon started to overpower Umbridge and the wine red beam of light started to overtake the lime green from Umbridge. Soon, the Expelliarmus spell overtook Umbridge as her wand was cast aside. She shrieked as one of the students stepped forward, afraid of this well-practiced witch.

"Confringo!" They yelled as the spell flew towards the girl. It hit her shoulder, but since she had the shield up, absorbed some of it. However, it did explode. The girl was thrown back against the door frame and then dropped to the ground, landing with a thud. With the little strength she had left, she lifted her wand at the young Hufflepuff.

"Alarte Ascendare!" She muttered and the spell flew from her wand and hit the young Hufflepuff boy, sending him flying into his friends. Umbridge ran to pick up her wand as the teachers started rushing forward. Umbridge screamed and the teachers stopped and turned. Umbridge took that opportunity and flicked her wand.

"Crucio!" Everyone was shocked that Umbridge had now used two Unforgivable Curses against one person, who probably wasn't even a threat. The spell hit the young girl and she started writhing in pain, screaming out with screams so piercing, it would give Mandrakes a run for their money.

"Professor Umbridge! You will cease!" Dumbledore yelled. Another scream turned their attention back to the girl.

Snape turned around so fast and accidentally blurted..."LILY!" He realized what he had said and cursed under his breath. After this, everyone had to see the girl. Harry pushed his way through the crowd, his scar no longer burning, and gazed at the young girl.

Harry's jaw dropped at the sight of her. She looked Harry's age and had long flaming red hair, matted with blood and water and hazel eyes filled with tears. Her clothes were wet and torn and covered in dirt from the storm, and her face was stained with water droplets, blood, and dirt. Needless to say, she did look like Lily Potter. Except for her eyes. Her eyes were the exact same color as James Potter. eyes changed. They went from hazel to green, back to hazel.

Everyone looked to Harry for explanation as Professor's Dumbledore, Snape, and McGonagall muttered a few things and the girl stopped writhing. Everyone looked at her in awe. Snape knelt down and raised his wand while everyone gasped, afraid of another Umbridge happening.

"Episky!" He muttered softly. The teachers calmed down at the sound of the minor healing spell. The girl took a deep breath and glanced up at Snape.

"Thank you sir." She mumbled, still out of breath.

Snape bowed his head, "Can you stand?"

The girl nodded. Harry held out his hand to help the young girl up and smiled. The girl returned the smile and took his hand. Once they touched, they both flinched and grunted in pain. Harry clutched his forehead, where his scar was and the girl's hand flew to her wrist. Everyone looked at them strangely as the teachers examined them.

Professor McGonagall moved Harry's hand to look at his scar while Professor Snape took the Lily Potter look-alike's wrist. "Bloody hell." Snape muttered. Everyone crowded around to look at her wrist. It was the same lightning shaped scar that Harry had on his forehead.

"What's your name dear?" Professor McGonagall asked.

"Ph-Phoenix." She said softly.

"Your full name, please." Professor Dumbledore stated kindly.

She took a deep breath, "Phoenix Minerva Rubella Potter." Everyone's eyes widened at the last word and people started gasping and chattering. Harry's jaw was on the floor and his brain turned to mush. "Why?"

"How old are you?" Snape asked.

"I'm 16."

"Bloody hell." Harry muttered.

Snape's expression was blank, almost looking like he'd seen a ghost, "You really are like Lily." He mumbled. Phoenix snapped her head to Snape, almost hitting him with her long red hair in the process.

"What did you say?" She asked.

"I-I didn't...I-I don't-"

"How do you know my mother?" She asked softly.

Harry almost started crying. "I'm not alone."

Phoenix' eyes widened as she studied Harry closer. Her breath hitched after a minute of studying him. "What does that mean?" Phoenix asked.

"You and Harry here are related. Twins if I'm right." Professor Dumbledore smiled. Phoenix pushed people aside and wrapped her arms around Harry, embracing him in a tight hug. Harry couldn't handle it anymore and threw his arms around his sister as everyone in the hall started clapping.

"If I may interrupt this moment," Professor McGonagall smiled, "Phoenix, dear, have you been placed in a Hogwarts house in the past? Or have you been on your own this entire time?"

"What's a Hogwarts house?"

"Dear God, she's been raised by Muggles!" Draco said from somewhere in the crowd. Phoenix didn't even look around for Draco when she lifted her wand and flicked it. From the crowd, Draco yelped. Phoenix smirked and winked at Harry as he stared at her in awe and amazement.

"Minerva, would you mind fetching the Sorting Hat from my office?" Professor Dumbledore asked. Professor McGonagall nodded and hurried out of the Great Hall. Everyone became excited as Harry led Phoenix to the front of the Great Hall with a smile on his face. Everyone started to take their respective seats with their houses.

Professor McGonagall came back, not five minutes later, with the Sorting Hat. "This hat with sort you into the house you belong in," Harry whispered to her, "I'm in Gryffindor. Though the Sorting Hat wanted to put me in Slytherin because of what Voldemort did to me - I mean, us." Phoenix smiled and fiddled with her hands.

"It'll be okay, Phoenix. If you tell the Sorting Hat your preference, he'll take it into consideration." Harry advised. Phoenix nodded to Harry as Professor McGonagall brought the Sorting Hat and gestured for Phoenix to join her. Phoenix followed the professor to a stool in the middle of the room. The professor gestured for Phoenix to sit on the stool.

Phoenix obliged and sat on the stool as Professor McGonagall announced her name. "Phoenix Minerva Rubella Potter." Professor smiled at her middle name. McGonagall was always a favorite teacher of the Potter's so she felt honored to have their daughter named after her. The professor set the Sorting Hat on Phoenix's head.

"Hmm, another Potter," The Sorting Hat said, "I could put you in Gryffindor with your brother, or I could put you in Slytherin, or there's Ravenclaw, or Hufflepuff. The decision is difficult. You would be of much help in Slytherin and would excel there but on the other hand, you're a true born Gryffindor. What is your preference?"

"I don't know," Phoenix admitted, "I don't really know what any of this means so you choose for me."

"Very well." The Sorting Hat said. After a minute or two, he spoke again as everyone waited in anticipation. "SLYTHERIN!"

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