The Boss

By Shauna_shay

197K 6.9K 675

Cold. Iced. Frosty. Aloof. All compatible, making the perfect package. That was the aura he dispersed. His... More

Sweet ole' Mr Richards
Bitter young Mr Richards
Taking a Stand
Mr Richards vs Me
Nightly Adventure
Meeting Kade
A Ladybug
I think I'm fired
Mr Steele
Regret or Euphoria
A Mole
The Hunt
Playing the Game
Assistant (x2)
Getting Help
Problem Solved
A Touch of the Past
A Bit of Truth
Reign vs Rain
A New Life
Dear Miss Rosa

Déjà vu

3.2K 117 7
By Shauna_shay

I don't know why but I was completely and utterly the first one who had arrived for this interview today. I knew I would have reached this stage of acceptance because I had all the proper credentials. The only way I wouldn't be accepted was if Mr Richards personally told them to not consider me but that didn't happen and I was here today. However, I was not prepared for what was to come. The unpredictability of it all. Knowing Mr Richards, one couldn't be expectant of anything. It was like when I think we are good and then he throws a lot of work on me or when I think he wouldn't want me on the top floor anymore but it turns out that he had no problem with it. Something about him I couldn't quite figure out.

The interview was to be done in the conference room, the same room I'd done the interview the last time, except this time it was with Mr Zavier Richards himself instead of his father. Even though I had known Mr Richards for a while now, it did not stop the feeling of nervousness that was now taking over me. Although I had been through this process already and had gotten through the first time, it was only because Ole man Richards had taken a liking for me. I really didn't know how this one was going to play out.

This man was harsh, cold, even brutal. I really didn't know if I could take any more of his frostbites. But I wasn't about to give into defeat. That wasn't me. At approximately 8 o' clock people started to flood into the building. Meeting was scheduled at 9 in the morning but for some reason I had arrived at 6:30. Maybe I was too anxious for this interview.

I had taken over the role of directing people to the waiting room like it was second nature. Some of them even thought I worked here. Well I did but I just didn't work at this department. When the last set of people had rolled in, a middle aged lady walked up and called each person to receive a number. This indicated who was suppose to go next in a numerical order. When she handed out everything, she gave us instructions and left afterwards. It was simple. Number one enters the room and after number one leaves the person with number two enters immediately afterwards. Don't waste any time or you will be sent out immediately. This was expected because Mr Richards knew we were adults and if we couldn't follow simple instructions then we weren't worthy of being hired. Number 1 entered and soon after the other numbers followed after the previous ones left.

One by one persons left the interview room. The place started to get less and less crowded. Some interviews didn't even last 2 minutes. Almost everyone who walked out of the room had distasteful looks on their faces. I swallowed wondering what he had said to them that had made them look so sour. But I already knew that just his attitude was enough to make them look like that.Finally, it was just down to me. The wait wasn't even as long as it was before when his father was doing it. In truth, this was the shortest waiting period I've ever had for an interview.

I swallowed the lump in my throat. The anxiety I had started to increase even more as time drawed down. I felt my palms starting to sweat.

I really didn't know why I was the last one to be called but it just increased my anxiety tenfold.

Time slowed at that moment as I felt my heart beat slowed down with it as if it was echoing inside my ears. I wasn't certain but I think it stopped for a slight second until it sped up again. I entered the conference room. I took a deep breath before I continued walking. I looked at the man before me whom I hadn't seen in a while. His head was down as he looked at some papers.

Busy as usual.

"Good morning, I'm Rosa Jones," I stated once I reached the end of the table opposite to him. I figured that why not start over from scratch. If I wanted to get this position, I had to do it the right way.


"Have a seat," he said without glancing up. This was the usual style of Mr Richards. The 'your presence doesn't sway me' look.

"Thank you Sir." I took a seat. It felt as if gravity pulled me down just then as if I was going to obey his every command.

"The information currently on your credentials doesn't sway me Miss Rosalie Jones. What I want to know is if you're capable of handling the task you are given?" He asked without glancing up. However, he used the name that was on my file instead of the one I introduced myself as.

"I would much rather you call me Rosa instead of Rosalie if you don't mind," I said. Even with the large gap between us, I felt greatly intimidated. Mr Richards looked up at me with those usual cold eyes. I gulped and cursed myself for mentioning anything. It was just that I didn't like when anyone called me Rosalie. I would always introduce myself as Ms Rosa Jones and that was for reasons I'd rather not think about.

"Of course I do mind Miss Rosalie Jones and I don't care for your preferences," he stated giving me a look that sent me to the deepest part of the ocean in the artic. It was obvious he liked doing things based on his judgement and not how others see fit. Only his thoughts mattered.

One strike for me so far. Look how I wanted to start off without any problems. Okay Rosa, you still have a chance. Maybe. 


"Of course sir. I will refrain from commenting on my preferences next time. Please forgive my outburst," I gritted out.

"Adequate," he arrogantly said.


"Now, I just have a few questions for you. Can you comply and answer without stating any unnecessary comments."

"Of course sir," I smiled sarcastically.

I wasn't liking how this was turning out already.

"And I do not appreciate sarcasm Miss Rosalie Jones," he said acidly.

I swear he's saying that to rile me up.


"And I certainly do not appreciate foul language so refrain from ever commenting using such things in my presence."

Please God tell me I didn't say that out loud.

"Indeed you did. Now can this interview begin or do you insist to give more snide remarks to interrupt this process."

I groaned in response. Now I'm definitely not going to get the job. At least I tried.

Three strikes for Rosa. You're definitely out.

"It's either yes or no Ms Rosalie Jones," the fact that I know Mr Richards, I knew that he said that a while ago stressing my first name. He was purposely doing it to show that he was the dominant figure here and my opinions at the moment meant nothing.

As the interview continued I felt a sense of deja vu. For some reason it felt like this had happened already. As if I was reliving a moment that past. Then it clicked, this happened the same way for the first interview I did at this company. I couldn't believe that the Richards' were able to rile me up the same way. This showed that they were alike, even if it was in a small way.

   • • • • • •
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