The Queen [2]

By NissaMoon_

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"I'm not her,whom you could easily fool with your words.I am not her neymar." Returning back to life brought... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
A very important Nissa Mail🌞
The Duchess
Book 3!

Chapter 30

741 18 14
By NissaMoon_



I'm prepared to sacrifice my life,I would glady do it twice.


The word that we often say when we are unsure.A word that has been spoken by the media for the past two hours.A word that the cardinal and the captain have used over the past hour.Everything is unsure.And one phrase has been stuck in my mind;Expect the unexpected.

I am sitting in this table under the damn tent.Officials talking amongst themselves as we try to figure out a way to raid the room and free the hostages.I have been trying to erase the thought that I might lose my life or worse serayah might lose hers.I don't think I can bear it.

We had gone over hundreds of plans and still we couldn't come up with one.And many have tried to change my mind over my plan of joining the army to raid the place."We cannot do anything-do you hear me!"Somehow the captains voice managed to cut me from my day dream."Defeat is inevitable."The captain continues tiredly and thats it thats the thought that everyone had and tried to push it aside as we believe in hope but then at that moment they lost hope.But I cant let it go down this way.

"Do you know who is in there?"I asks as I stood up from my chair and everyone looked at me."Every person that is being held hostage in that room right now belongs to someone-is love by someone.They have a family-friends-spouses-children.And for us to give up on them-For us to stop fighting for them-for us to not save them-I am not going to accept it!I am a leader.I am the father of this nation.And in that room right now is the love of my life and she belongs to me-she needs to come home to davi and I.The mother of this nation (serayah) is in that room and over my dead body would I let her die.So yes imagine your wives or your husband or your parents or siblings or a your friend in there-fight for them!Fight for their freedom!"

"Because right now I see weakness-And I will not allow that to be in the way of us saving those people-They deserve to be freed-to go home to their loved ones!So let us give them that!"I finished my speech.And I could see it again the glint of hope in their eyes."We must come up with a strategy"As all eyes were on me as they wait my instructions."Clear out medias and Buildings close to this hotel-Ready the helicopter-As for how we survive this snipers-Expect the unexpected"With that everyone did their work until it was time.


I was inside a closet with a few other people.We were all terrified-our tears had dried earlier and now we were just desperate to be freed-to feel the fresh trau air-to go back to our loved ones.But there was uncertainty-a thought that we might not even see the outside world anymore.

And just like that we heard gunshots and the closet door opens as someone dragged me out making me fall to my knees as they dropped me in the corner.There were atleast four men in this room-All of them armored.And all of their guns are pointed on me.Within minutes the door is being broken down as numerous army of The TPT team entered and raided the room.However this enemies didn't fear anything."Shoot us and we'll shoot her"But before anything could happen one my one the enemies fell to the ground but no one in this room fired their guns-And thats when I knew that this wasnt even half of the TPT team.It just took me a glimpse of the rooftop in the other building to know that there were more than this army.

But the leader of the group was fast.Within seconds the gun was pointed at the side of my head."You pull the trigger-I'll pull mine"He threatened."Release her!"One of the armored TPT man said."Tell your king to accept the deal or he would be dealt with consequences-which is losing his precious mistress"I close my eyes as I felt the fear taking over my body.As I try to remember a technique from a self defense class that I took many years ago.

"And what would you do if he doesn't accept it?"The man in the armored TPT suit continues to question."Lets just say he has to pay huge amounts for his mistress fune-"But before he could finish his sentence-I used both of my wrist that are still tied together andhit him in the neck.Then using my foot I hit him in the groin which made him weak and with that opportunity I took the gun that fell to the ground.I had never used a gun before.So my hands are shaky as I pointed the gun to his leg."Threatened me all you want but you should know that when you kick someone down several times they bounce back ten times harder."With that I pulled my first trigger and shot him on his leg and then on his hands.Certain number of the TPT team immediately took the enemy into a capture as I could feel myself being lightheaded.

So I fell to the ground-I can remember my hands finally being free and neymar hovering over me-repeatedly calling my name before darkness took over.


I removed the TPT head protection.Before taking serayah into my arms.I called her name multiple times but she did not answer.Panic immediately sets in.Her face is getting more paler and paler."I need an emergency helicopter in the helipad now!" As I took the steps to the the top of the building.

Within minutes I reached the area and there it was a helicopter ready to take serayah and I to the nearest hospital.

The doctors moved fast-They got serayah from my arms and started to treat her.I however waited in the private waiting room- nervous.

"Your Highness?"I allowed the doctor to enter.He handed me a bottle of water-"I suppose you need a drink-and considering we do not allow any alcohol so water is all I have to offer."He tries to lighten up the mood as I gave him a subtle nod."How is my wif-sorry the duchess condition?"I ask as I take my gulp."She is doing very well and we are assuming that she had fainted due to stress and the dehydration and well other than that we found an interesting discovery."He explains as I find myself letting out a breath of relief that I was holding but again I find myself holding another breath in the end of his sentence.

"Enlighten me."I ask him to continue."She is well um-with child your highness."And just like that I feel everything around me spin.


As soon as I woke up-serane as well as my mum was the first one that I spotted.I cracked a small weak smile as they look at me with sore eyes."Thank you lord"My mother immediately thanked the gods above as she rushed to my aid."How are you feeling-do you need anything-Serane call the doctor"Question after question she asks as serane press the button for the nurse."Do you need anything-water-food?Do you feel any pain?Do you need me to fluff your pillows-"She questions as I shook my head."Mum breathe-Exhale-Inhale"I Suggested her as she followed my technique.

"I sure do need water"As she reached for a glass of water that was sitting on my side table.I took a sip of the water before passing ut to her as she placed it on the table.As she sat on my bed-at the foot area."Honey,Why didn't you tell us?"Confused I was about to ask her what she meant when the door opened and the doctor came in.Neymar was hot in his trail and serane came in along with two other nurses.

"Ah-Duchess how are you feeling?"The doctor asks as neymar stood in the corner of the room.Serane joined my mother.I answered the doctor all that I remembered as he promised to give me the hospitality I needed and hopefully by tommorow I could be released.With that the doctor and his nurses walked out of the room.

Neymar however followed the doctor out and left mother and serane to take my ear off with how I should be more careful and use pepper spray.It was when mother and serane left to the food court when I let everything sink in.

The door opened and neymar walked in.He made his way to my bed as he sat in where my mum was once sitting.As we just kept our eyes on each other."Hi"He greets voice barely a whisper.Instead of saying anything I kept my eyes on him as he intertwine our hands together and soothingly he caresses the back of my hand with his thumb.

"Why did you do it-How can you just risk your life like that?!"Angrily I question him as thousands of emotions hit me all at once because if he did lose his life and I don't how am I going to be okay after his death?Or what if the both of us were to lose our life what about davi? "How can you neymar!What if I lose you!What if the both of us were to lose our life!What about our son,What about da-" "Because I vowed to protect you with my life!I did it because I love you and if that isn't the answer you were looking for then I don't know what to answer you because honestly I did it because I love you,And I won't forgive myself if you were to-"He choked on his words before continuing "Die."."I don't think I will ever accept it-I cant let you leave that way and I don't know until when will I keep having this type of death scare with you-but I won't let that happen."He promised as the room was quiet again.

"What you said on the phone is it true?"He questions voice soft but a hint of doubt."Do you still love me?"He questions after I didn't answer his first question."Does it matter?"I ask him as I pulled my hand away and close my eyes in which names of his mistresses name and information came into my memory like flash cards.

I pulled my hand away from his grip-As I push back my hair."I do-I meant every single word that I said to you.I love you but it still doesn't change how things are-"I continue as we look at each other but he inches closer."I know-And I'm sorry-I regret it sera please believe me."He begs as I shook my head "I love you"He expressed."I know but you cant expect me to fall into your arms just like that."I replied.

The room stayed quiet."So its his."Confuse is written on my face as I looked at neymar."What are you-" "The baby you're carrying its his"I was unable to utter some words as I watch neymar frustratedly standing up and walking to the window."I'm carrying a child?"I question."Cut me off some slack sera-You know damn well you are."He frustratedly accused.

"No I don't ask my gycenologist-I hadn't make any appointments."I answered defending myself.As the room fell quiet."How did you guys do it?Was it raw and passionate like we do or did you say 'make love into the moon?'"He turns and question.And that stung.

"How can you-I met abel few days ago literally a week ago-We hadn't spend time in each others bed-Neither have we had sex!We have literally been in two or three dates!I am not like you neymar-When I say I love you I do and no matter how many fucking times I tell myself to move on I cant!No matter how great that guy is!And for you to accuse me of sleeping around after-"I had to take deep breaths as I could feel my blood pressure rising.

"After you-Its low of you."I Continued."The last person I slept with was you.So yes this is your child"I said calmly.We looked at each other for a minute-"What are we going to do?"I ask."I don't know-I'm gonna take some air"With that he left the room and I am again alone in the hospital room and obviously with a guard standing outside.

After settling to the fact that I cant sleep cause all I think about is the fact that I'm carrying a baby-A child!.I gently rub my stomach.

"Baby can you hear me-well you don't really cause you know you're still a zygote but I want you to know that I love you-And no matter what happends I will protect you-You have a brother you know his name is davi-he is playful one probably he took it from his papa-So I really do hope you will be like me-Calmer."As I let out a small smile.

"This world is scary-But once you find the right person-It won't be as scary as you think it was,Infact it will be the most colourful and brightest that you ever see it in.But don't let love make you feel that way-because as soon as love goes away its the darkest thing that makes you feel like you don't want to be here-and its tough but you are a witherspoon and you have your father's blood so yes you are going to be a fighter-my fighter-so now I'm gonna fight to make you live."I guess the medicine really did take a toll on me- because minutes after I was humming a song to my bump-less stomach,I fell asleep.

And neymar didn't come back that night.

Nissa Mail🥀

THIS technically is the last chapter but no worries-I am going to post the prologue-which will be the end of this book!

I'm still considering whether I should do a sequel.But yeah anyways what do you think of BABY no 3?And what do you think is the ending?Happy or sad?

Comment your answers! And can I get hi-five for this long chapter!?!?

Olivits the part when olivia was in the hospital!


For love-The sam willows (You have to check the sam willows out man!They are good!)
All time high-The sam willows
You don't know-Katelyn Tarver

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