Chapter 20

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Some of the best people in life are free.

Waking up to the view of pine trees and the blaring hot sun shining through my exposed legs is one of the best things that I can wake up to.

But nothing could compare to how I woke up to the smell of pancakes and hot brewing tea.Wearing nothing but a buttoned up shirt that was once alex casual wear which then turn to be my pajama after.The noise of davi's laughter that is coming from downstairs instantly brought a smile to my face.Thats it I thought not even the comfort this bed can stop me from what was going on downstairs.

So putting on shorts as alex's clothes losely hang on me,I made my way downstairs while doing so I made my hair into a bun.Going closer to the kitchen I heard more laughter and what sound like a hand mixer on operation.

I watch the sight infront of me,Neymar and davi have flour on their hair and what I can tell chocolate smudge on their apron and few egg stains on their face."What is going on here?"I question eyebrows raised amusement clear on my face.It is then that neymar and davi turn to look at me."Happy Mother's Day mama!"Davi said and I instantly remembered oh it was mother's day.My firstborn ran to me and I shrieked as I noticed how incredibly dirty he is but davi just found the amusement in that as he started chasing after me,soon after neymar joined chasing me around the house.

I was hiding in one of the cleaning supplies closet in the living room,when I hear hushed whispers before I know it the door of the closet opens and there stood my lovely son and his father staring back at me with a smirk.

Their smirks looks so similar."Neymar-I swear-"But before I could even finished what I wanted to say,I was thrown over neymar's shoulder.Repeatedly hitting his back demanding him to put me down but he is stubborn.Instead davi as well as neymar laughed so loud as they finally catch their prey.

Davi trailed behind neymar as I gave up and waited for my clothes to get messy and hair sticky.But I was surprised when neymar place me on a stool and started flipping pancakes and checking the oven once in a while to check on the muffin or whatever he was making.

Neymar was not one to bake maybe thats why it shocked me so much to see him do all this.Davi trailed behind his father as they talked in hushed whisper and sometimes stole some glances at me as they spoke.I however was getting bored as I watch everything around me before neymar place a plate with two stacks of pancakes infront of me complete with maple syrup and a cup of tea-that now tastes better than the one he made for me yesterday.

I ate as I watch neymar and davi left to the living room.They talked in hushed whispers as I tried to eavesdrop but clearly failed cause all I heard was 'ashuhshush'.

I had enough.I left my plate on the counter with a half eaten pancake and a half cup of tea.I left the kitchen to find davi and neymsr looked at me with wide eyes.

"I'm going to go back to the bedroom since the both of you are pretending that I cant hear anything I might as well" I called out  brows furrowed as I made my way up to the second floor and made my way towards  my room to take my clothes before going to the bathroom to take a shower.As I walked out of the bathroom dressed in a pair of t-shirt and three quarter tights as I expected them to actually apologize after I came out of the shower.

But they didn't.And I heard silence around the house.They done their afternoon activity without me.

I huffed in annoyance and laid on the hammock that was placed at the balcony of my room.I looked back at the door before rolling my eyes and started to read the book I had brought along with me.

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