Chapter 5

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Avoiding and running is what I do.

Its been a week.One week since the funeral.One week since I told neymar I wanted a baby in which he said 'no' to.And one week since I started going for therapy to start walking again,My progress has been amazing as everyday I walked it felt like how I normally did.

However my progress with neymar has been well fluctuating.After I told him how I'm ready to have a baby he well rejected the idea in a kind way,he said he wanted to but well he said it wasn't the right time and of course with that I felt embarassed,I mean who won't right?Its like your husband rejecting to have sex with you.

So of course after I tried my best to avoid him, I am just embarassed.That was the answer to my actions this whole week,how I scoot away and pretend to sleep everytime he comes up to me during our bed time.How everytime during lunch I pretended to be sick or busy,him easily letting me go.Or when I spend time with davi and he enters the room I will always have an excuse to leave,either to use the loo or take something from our room or even just plainly walking out the room.

"You have a long day today"Zar said as she enters the room while I brush my hair while wearing a white silk robe and sitting on my dresser."Great I'm excited"I said sarcastically.
"Oh would you cut that off remember when you said 'I live for this' in the past my queen"She says and I let out a smile."That was before,now all I want to do is soak in my bed and cry over my feelings"I said and she shook her head with a smile.

"Still running from him I see"And I just look at her "I am not running away okay"I said sternly "Okay so anyways lets get to work,At noon you have to attend some matters in the office.At 2pm,you have a meeting with the Royal Planning Unit regarding the Christmas ball.At 4pm you have tea with Princess Rafaella,Lady Serane and Duchess Seren.At dinner You as well as the rest of the royal family members receive audience in the royal hall with mayor linderman of Beli and his family and that is pretty much it for today."

I nodded before she clapped her hands after putting her books down and with that three servants came in,each carrying a new dress.

"Okay the all this dress are made by the wonderful Elie Saab,choose one for tonight and one to wear in the afternoon."She asks me and with no hesistance I chose a blue paterned but blue and nude dress with blue lining covering the nudity inside for the day.

And the white and lace print for the night.Both of the dresses had a golden waistband."Hmm good choice.Now why don't we start with hair and make up"Zar said and I was led back to the dressing table.Immediately I was being dolled up.

I heard the master bedroom's door open and shut."Babe?"I close my eyes before biting my lip."I need to use the loo"I told the ladies before he even had a chance to talk I already entered the bathroom.

I did my business and walk out and was greeted by davi."Hello momma's little boy"I said as I took him in my arm.But he was no where to be seen I raised my eyebrow at zar and she chuckled "He realised he left his watch and came to get it."She answers and I nodded,I sat back at the dressing table while they dolled me up davi kept distracting making it hard for the ladies to actually do their work but they managed. 

I was out and ready by noon going to the Queen's office and immediately zar brought her computer up and we went to decide things."Ooh this one is a wedding invite,Oh its from your cousin,Frencis." "She's getting married?!"I ask and she nodded giving me the invite.

Join Joe & Francis as they celebrate a bond of infinite.

"Finally"I said."They have been dating long before I was with neymar."I said and she nodded.Then we went through the same things over and over again an invitation for an interview or even book publishing chances or some ads.

"I think we should head on to the royal dinning hall,Its time to meet with the planning unit."I nodded and so we made our journey towards the hall.My presence was announced and I made sure every detail was to be written down and the date was to be during the 23rd which was two weeks from now.

The planning took long enough to realised I could already leave and so I walk to the patio in where rafa as well as my mother and sister were already there laughing and talking.

"Hello ladies"I said as I gave a cheek kiss on each of their faces.I sat myself down."Looks like someone have a long day."My mum said and with that questions and after questions was asked.

"I decided on a winter wonderland themed for christmas,I decided on the change due to I'm tired of always having to see the same decorations and the same people with the same colour of dresses which was always green or red."I said and their eyes widened.

"You meant you changed history?"I nodded to my mum's question."Well hell yes!,because I've been dreading the change for such a long time!"Rafa said and she got nod's of agreement.And so we went and talked to the old theme's of royal balls to eventually talking about wedding.

"Speaking of weddings did you know Frencis is getting married?"I askes serane in which her eyes widened so was my mothers."With joe?"They ask and I nodded "it was about time they got married,they have been together for what ten years now?"And I nodded ro my mothers question."I didn't see her during the funeral tho,did you?"I ask the both of them and they nodded and I guess after that it went silent for a while trying to let it sink in that feeling of sorrow and the pain.

"Serane when is your due date your stomach is bigger than the size of a ball?"Rafa asks and so the conversation led to talking about children and how I'm coping with my miscarriage in which I didn't mind that question anymore then suddenly I quiet down while their still talking.

I want another child so badly,The thought of having another baby brought a smile to my face but again I thought of what neymar said.'That it wasnt a right time and all'And with that I let out a frustrating groan.

"What's wrong with you?" Rafa asks,And helplessly I told them how embarassed I feel around neymar because I just blow out that I wanted another child and how regretful I felt when he rejected to have sex and all.But their eyes trailed behind me in which I didn't care at first.

"Like am I really that bad?"I asks as their eyes widened behind me."Like I am trying to keep my body sexy as hell here" I continued "But seriously though can you imagine the embarasment that I felt when he said 'Its not the right time' God I feel like I wanted to die right there,Maybe I should ask him to rate our intimidate moment or my sexiness for that matter." I continued to blabber out my questions as rafa mumbled something along the line 'Behind you'.

"So now I am trying all my best to hide and avoid him all and all." I said before turning my head and just to be greeted by neymar's figure and his expression which was anything but happy.

Nissa Mail💁🏻
Oh no sera!

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