Chapter 14

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Its been three days since that harassment.

And I guess I have been very harsh to alex because well I didn't call him nor did I talk to him that night ignoring his calls and his knocks but of course what kind of a friend am I if I didn't open the door for him the next morning he was about to leave for the airport he said.So I wished him a good flight and for him to take care.In which he offered his services if I ever want to talk about what had happened the night before.

But that was two days ago and we have talked about it and I also have expressed myself and emotions to him.In which he listened intently.

And it also had beed two days and I have returned back to new trau where I now spent the past two days in my mother's house.My phone has been the caused of my anger three nights ago,I had successfully smashed it against a wall.

So now I don't have a phone and neither do I want to go to the castle just to see neymar who have definitely tried to contact me for the past two days.My mother's phone or house phone would always ring and she would give me a sign that it is indeed him and then I'll tell her to lie so she would reply with 'oh she's sleeping right now' or 'Oh she's gone to the supermarket' 'She's visting her father' 'She's in the toilet' .

But I know that I couldn't hide forever.

I sat on the edge of the waters.Letting the waves to hit my bare knees sometimes the water will rise a little bit higher hittng my jean shorts.I was kind of having my own peace of mind when I hear "Mama!"Turning there he was holding my five year old child.Thats before he released davi and soon my child is running to where I was.

Welcoming him with a hug and kiss on the cheek."Papa said we could go swimming and have a picnic today thats why nana is making sandwiches and we brought cookies that papa and I baked!"Davi beamed and I smiled."Of course we can"I said as I look to where neymar is and he honestly look like he have not slept for days."Davi come I'll help you change!"My mother called from where she was standing which was on the porch of our backyard.

I know what she was doing.My son ran to where she was and soon they were in the house.I then turn back to where my eyes settled on the sea.Minutes later I could hear him behind me.

His breathing made me know that he is behind me."Don't ever do that again"His voice is stern laced with something that I could tell is worry,sadness."Do what?"My reply is short and curt."I couldn't sleep for days!You weren't answering my calls!I thought something happened to you!I went to your hotel that night but no you didn't answer the door and the next night I went there you were gone!And I didn't know if you were safe so I called your sister and she said you were here and gave you some space and I did.But you didn't contact me once didn't answer my call at all.I was going mad and I admit I was snapping at everyone.Kenna thinks it's because of the wedding and the engagement ball-"

"You said that you're postponing the engagement ball until you find a loophole."My voice laced with anger as I cut him short.

"Fuck"I started to head ove to the house."Sera wait-"My eyes is surely pouring some waterfalls again.God why does this country make me cry.My hands are tugged.

"Leave me be!"My voice rose as he did let go of my hand and I was then free to walk back to the house. "Why do you always push me away!Every time I choose you and just want to protect you,You turn away from me!Eveytime something goes wrong you turn away from me!You push me away!Don't you get it I won't ever walk away from you!Serayah I love you!"His words stop me from walking.

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