Chapter 24

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Trying to remember how it feels to have a heartbeat.

It was after the three of us had breakfast when we had to face back to reality.Neymar and davi was the one who had to leave first.Neymar had to pull davi away from our bone crushing heart warming hug.Davi was crying and whining as he didn't want the trip to end but it took a whole lot of convincing for him to get in the car so neymar could give me a proper goodbye.

We made out in the hallway for a good two minutes before we just simply had our 'one minute' moment and before I know it I watch him leave through the front door again.But before he fully was out of the house he turned and give me a cheeky wink."I'll see you soon baby"With that he closed the door after him.

But that was two days ago and until today I stil hadn't seen him or talk to him either.I had visit the castle yesterday and I tried to see him but he was again stuck in a parliament meeting which takes forever.So I kind of forgive him for that.

I had a dress fitting at twenty minutes in a hotel pretty far from my mums house so that sums up my plans for today-In two days time it  is rafa's annual birthday ball and well I just couldn't afford to attend her birthday in a sweat pants plus I did offer faye to design my dress and am really excited for the outcome .

I simply wore a grey sweatpants and a black plain croptop before putting on glasses and applying a nude coloured lipstick."Mum?"I called out before I heard a reply of 'in the kitchen' Walking towards where she was "I'm going for my dress fitting for tommorow night-I'll see you for dinner!"I called out and she simply nodded "Don't forget your sister as well as your brother in-law and their children is joining us for dinner,So don't be late you know how much imania gets grumpy when she waits"I replied with an 'of course' and soon I find myself driving the highway towards the town.

Parking space isn't hard to find around this area or especially this hotel.Walking in many have turned their attention towards me but none have the confidence to come up and greet me in which I'm halfly thankful for.I made my way directly to the elevator and pressed the number of the floor in which the room where faye and the styling team is waiting for.

'1204' I knocked on the door after composing myself-"Ah there she is!"Joan one of my stylist from my styling team greeted."Hello!"I beamed with delight and greeted them with hugs.

"Okay just sit over there"joan pointed to the leather couch."So we made two dresses for tommorow but you got to choose what you want like always."Joan beamed as faye and tara came out with two mannequin.Tara's dress is plain silk off the shoulder style.Where as faye holds something that stands out-she used a darker pink colour satin silk but it was the detailed from the shoulder towards the wrist of the dress that was eye catching-at the top of the shoulder the white flowers are 3D making the dress somehow stand out among the rest.

"So what do you choose?"joan asks as both tara and faye looks at me expectantly.Though I love tara's dress I have to say I'm getting tired of having to showcase my shoulder or simply I'm just tired of wearing off shoulder dresses.

"I like the dress faye is holding and it is unique so I'll wear that!"I answered and faye beamed as she clapped her hands in excitement."Tara's dress is amazing but I think I should tone it down with wearing off shoulder dresses for now."I offered a compliment.

The three of them then planned out a vision of how they should style my hair for the next two days in which they were surprised when I said that I would to cut it short.They nodded and gave me a time when I should be in the hotel so they can dress me up for the real day  and with that I nodded and walked out of the room so that I won't be late for dinner.

The Queen [2] Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant