Chapter 18

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When neymar said cabin I didn't think it would be a large one.This cabin looks like a mansion!.

From the looks of it neymar had already arrive as there was atleast a dozen guards outside the cabin.I parked the car close to a tree before stepping out.As if on que neymar and davi walked out of the house both in a hideous pair of warmer vest.It is pretty cold in this part trau.

"Mama"Davi called out in excitement.He runs into my open arms and I hugged him  tighter."I miss you"I said before placing a kiss on his forehead."Hi"I greeted neymar as he offers to take my handbag in which I gave him.

He walks behind davi and I as we enter the cabin."Wow" I managed to say."Hmm its kind of rusty since the last time we were here was ten years back"Neymar replied as he place my bags next to a vintage looking couch.

I then sat down on one of the couches as neymar offered to make tea while doing so I watch davi played his ipad.The game he is playing is pretty distracting so I decided to watch him play adding a few comments here and there.

"Neymar this is the shittiest tea ever"I exclaimed as I drank the cup of tea that neymar took hundreds of days making it despite it being only fifteen minutes of him making it.

"Well I tried alright"He says upset.Like really upset.

We stayed quiet as he darts his eyes to davi who now is building a lego house.And I feel guilty."Well atleast you're good at some other things"I said referring to this one time he made me this delicious brazilian dish.

But he smirked and thats when my lips shaped in an 'o' "I didn't mean it that way,oh my god!"I said as neymar laughed out loud and my cheeks turned rosy.

"God I'm going to the kitchen." I annouced embarrassed as I walk towards the kitchen.Neymar then entered soon after me.As I tried to avoid his eyes."So what are today's plans?"He asks as I started making my own hot chocolate.

"Well since we are pretty tired from the journey we could have a campfire tonight." I said and his eyes widened."How 'bout a movie night?"He suggested and I smirk "Well you could always do that in the castle while a campfire can only be done in you know outdoor areas like a forest so?" I proved my point and he shook his head.

"You know this trip is all about davi so lets ask him."And somehow it stung.His words stung.
Because somehow I thought this trip meant something more to him than for davi.I mean davi is more than anything in this world and this is for him but another part of me kind of wished that this trip was for him to prove himself to me to get his another chance to try 'us' another time.

But clearly I am looking beyond the lines.

"Of course"I said and smiled as he does not say anything or correct himself like I'm hoping him to do.

"Davi,honey can you come to the kitchen for a second."I called for davi minutes later davi appeared."Yes mummy?"Davi asks as his eyes looks at neymar than turning back his attention on me.

"What would you like to do,Movie night or campfire?"I asks and he thinks,"It depends mumma,What movie are we going to watch when we're going to do a movie night?As for campfire what stories are you going to tell me and what snacks are we going to eat for both activities?"He answers a well thought questions.

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