Chapter 10

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"Neymar you cannot just not see her,she is distraught.She is your wife neymar.She gave birth to your son.She might have over-reacted and blamed you but you know her-she is stubborn.She won't get out from her room-arrives late on public events,she is a mess-hell you both are!" Rafa exaggerated.Its been four days since I had asked for a seperate chambers.

Step 1,complete

"Look if you come here to lecture of my choices-that I made because of her wishes,then I suggest you leave." I said tiredly as I rub my chin and put the paper down.She let out a loud sigh before making herself more comfortable on the sofa by stretching her egs on the coffee table.

"She didn't wish for you to move her to a different room dumbass,She wanted you to understand her situation."Rafa grumbled and I put the papers down and stood up from my chair before walking to the front of my office table as I took one of my favorite photo of serayah.

"Rafa grumbled and I put the papers down and stood up from my chair before walking to the front of my office table as I took one of my favorite photo of serayah

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I looked at the picture for a few minutes.

"I need to let her go."I said as quietly as I could.

"You must be kidding!Neymar she didn't mean what she said!"Rafa is now standing.Looking with me with huge eyes and arms crossed over her chest."What are you doing neymar?Why are you letting someone as beautiful and down to earth and lovely such as serayah go?,What is wrong ney?,Why push her away-" She took a deep breath "Again?"She continued softly.

"I stood by you,I understand you the first time you push her away,I accompanied her,I did everything I could to actually make this whole lifestyle feels easier on her.Because you weren't there,because you chose not to be there,because you pushed her away."Rafa said sadly as she sat back down

"I listened to her cries sometimes,I listen to her prayers for your safety and from then on I could tell how much she loves and cares for you.But I don't get it,I don't get why do you keep pushing her away when you love her?You claim that you love her,you gave her a promise of a love that you both will share forever,a marriage.Our lifestyle is hard to accept but she tries,she gives you out to the world when she is in need.When she needs someone to hold to and you are busy in the office,she does not whine and instead stays in her space."

"I can see she is tired but she smiles-"And "I dont feel it anymore the spark,that was usually there and I dont want to keep giving her hopes." I said though I couldn't look at her eyes because if I do my cover will blow and I already made it to step one.

"You're lying!If you love her you would want to stay with her!You would want to actually try and make it right!Not leave her!"With every word she spoke,it just pushes me to tell her the truth."Thats the thing I don't think I love her no longer!I don't feel it!.sometimes people fall out of love and its normal!"

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