Chapter 25

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Think that cupids onto somethin'

The taxi driver offered me a kind smile as I gave him one back as I paid his fee and I left his car.But what surprise me was he too left his car."Duchess-I just wanted to escort you towards the club so those forgive my language fuckers won't harm you"He pointed to the paparazzi who have begun their torture as flashing lights were already blinding me.

So he helped me-"Thank you-" "Ali ma'am" "thank you ali."I thanked the cab driver and gave him a smile and just like that I was pulled into a room full of party goers who all is having a good time."Sera you came!"I heard someone called out and I tuned to find faye."Faye!"looking at her glassy eyes I knew she was already drunk.

"Lets get you to the booth!"She intertwined her fingers with mine and I trailed behind her as she led me to what I assume a vip booth.There sat few more people-or maybe just five of them.Joan said her hello's but tara seemed to have her attention in a certain male friend.

"Serayah-I'm happy to see you here!"Faye said with a drunken smile."What are you talking about its your birthday where else would I be?"I replied "I don't know joan said you're probably crying in your bedroom but I tell her that you're coming and just running late."I could tell faye was drunk because sober faye wouldn't have the courage to be so bold.
Instead I smiled and drank my martini.

It was when an upbeat song played that faye's friends including tara and joan except the two men of course to let out an excited squeal."This is my jam!And serayah this should be yours too considering the lyrics matches your situation!"Another dig-I don't like faye when she's drunk.

"I'm gonna dance!"She called out and I nodded as almost all her friends went and dance.The ones left behind are mostly drunk so they couldn't bother to make conversation with me.I felt a vibration in my purse-thinking it was my mum I pulled it out of my bag and checked on the ID.


I declined the call and got back my attention to the dance club in where I watched faye closely.

'Is it just our bodies? Are we both losing our minds?

Is the only reason you're holding me tonight
'Cause we're scared to be lonely?

Do we need somebody just to feel like we're alright?

Is the only reason you're holding me tonight
'Cause we're scared to be lonely?'

Faye was right this song speaks to me in a personal level.I thought of those times in the woods what if neymar ran back to me only because he was afraid of being alone?But that's impossible he have kenna to fill in the space.Maybe I was the one who was clinging into him?.

It was the third ring and the same ID.'Neymar'appeared in screen when I decided to switch my phone off and putting back into my clutch before I made my way to the bar.

I could say I am not a lightweight when it comes to alcohol because well its been an awful hour pass and I can say everything is still not blurry."Rough day?"A voice cut me off and I turned to find a man standing at five foot and eight inches tall-eyes reminding me of dark chocolate.

"You could say that."He somehow had invited himself as he sat at the stool next to me."So tell me what got such a pretty woman like you sitting in this club looking fucking upset?"And I looked at him not to sound such a narcissist or stuck up but I wondered if this man knew who I was but from what I can hear his accent isn't exactly what a trau nationality would have.

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