Stalker; A.F.I

By wildflowercalx

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stalk·er ˈstôkər/ noun 1. a person who harasses or persecutes someone with unwanted and obsessive attention. ... More



346 7 0
By wildflowercalx


I'm in the shower, washing my hair when two hands slide around my waist. I widen my eyes and jump slightly.

"It's okay, V. It's only me."he chuckles in my ear. I feel my gag reflexes kicking in but I hold back my vomit.

He's in a shower with me. I'm naked. He's naked. This is just gross.

I continue scrubbing the shampoo in my hair and close my eyes; I pretend he's not here.

"You're missing a spot."he speaks before running his hands through my hair. I let him wash my hair and cross my arms in front of my chest.

He runs his fingers through my scalp and over the good spots on my head, nicely massaging me. I close my eyes and let my shoulders slouch. He gets all around my head while moving his fingers at a nice pace.

This feels...nice. WAIT nO HoLD Up A mInUTe--

I take his fingers away from my head and quickly rinse out the shampoo.

"I'm done, I've already washed so I'm gonna get out."I say, moving behind him and keeping my eyes away from any of his manhood areas.

He grabs my hand. "You'll get dressed in here. I set your clothes on the sink."he says firmly and begins washing himself. I sigh and roll my eyes. "Okay."I say and get out of the shower.

I grab the towel and cover myself with it, drying quickly.

Maybe if I get done fast enough he won't see me naked in the front.

I look and see a large black shirt; probably his. I lift it and my eyes come across a set of black lace under garments. I scoff and shake my head.


I quickly slide the underwear up my legs and hook the bra on before slipping the shirt over my small frame.

Wait a minute.

I lift the shirt up and notice the bra...


I breathe hard and mumble curses under my breath before dropping the shirt back down.

"Ashton."I say in a clear voice. "Yes, my love?"he says from the other side of the curtain. "I need a brush for my hair."I say. "It should be in the cabinet."

I open the cabinet doors and see perfumes, soaps, toothpaste, toothbrush, nail polishes, a comb and a brush.

Wow, he is SERIOUSLY HELLA SUPER dedicated.

I grab the brush and begin to run it through my hair. The water turns off and Ashton steps out of the shower. I divert my eyes away from him and focus on the sink.

"Are you tired?"he asks. I shake my head, no. All day I've been asleep.

"We a movie?"he suggests. I shake my head, no, again. "Wanna play a game?"he asks. I continue the gesture. "How about baking! I know you like making cookies."he smiles.

He's right. I like making cookies and cake and muffins and things.

Yet, I still shake my head, no, and continue brushing my hair out.

He sighs in annoyance. "Cmon, V, I'm really trying here."he says and bends down. I notice he now has his shirt and shorts on. He must've been getting dressed this whole time.

He places his hand on my knee and I quickly move away from his touch. His eyes become soft. "Vanessa.... I'm not going to hurt you. Why are you doing this?"he asks quietly. I feel tears welling up in my eyes.

"I-I wanna go home."I whimper. He has a hard look on his face and licks his lips before letting out a stiff laugh.

"Of course you do. Well, you aren't going anywhere, sweet pea."he says and stands back up. I feel tears begin streaming down my cheeks.

"Why?"I croak. "Because I love you, and you're mine."he says nonchalantly, as if this is normal. "I'm not yours!"I yell. "Vanessa, keep your voice down darling. And what did I say about the attitude?"he says in a calm tone. I widen my eyes at this situation.

"This is crazy! You kidnapped me! You can't love me if you don't know me!"I say and cock my head back. "But I do know you. I said it before. I watched you for 3 years."he chuckles.

I shake my head, feeling myself become more and more overwhelmed.

"You're crazy."I growl through gritted teeth. "Only for you, Nessa."he smiles.


I run my hands through my hair and tug at it, feeling more tears stream down my cheeks.

"Calm down, kitten. Don't stress yourself out."he says and lays a hand on my back. I flinch and smack his hand away. He rolls his eyes. "Alright, doll face, you asked for it."he sighs with a slight smile before picking me up by the legs and throwing me over his shoulder.

"AH! Ashton set me down!"I yell. He carries me out of the bathroom and across the hallways to his bedroom. He slams the door behind us, with me still screaming.

"LET ME DOWN!"I scream. He slams me into his bed and glares down at me. I notice my shirt is lifted up to my stomach and the lace underwear is visible.

He looks down to my area and I swear I see a small devilish smirk pull at his lips. He hides it and looks into my eyes. "I told you not to give me attitude, V."he says. "I know."I spit in anger.

He closes his eyes and huffs in frustration before opening them back up and glaring at me with dark eyes. "Lay down."he demands in a dark tone. I obey and lay down, slowly.

Being honest, I'm a bit scared now.

He towers over me and begins kissing my neck. I squeeze my eyes shut and tremble under his touch.

His hand softly travels up my thigh and up my hip. It stays in that place as he continues to kiss my neck. He begins to harshly squeeze my waist, digging his nails into my skin.

"Gah- Ashton! You're hurting me!"I whimper. He continues to squeeze me and I feel him smirk into my skin. He sucks on the crook of my neck. I'm sure there'll be a mark there in the morning.

My hip is now in pain and my neck is beginning to hurt. I weakly attempt to push him off of me but his free hand pins my hands above my head.

"Ashton! Please!"I beg.

He leans out and looks at my face with no sympathy. He has a blank and hard face on.

"Anything you have to say for yourself?"he asks with an eyebrow raised. I look at him with fear in my eyes; I notice I'm crying.

I hiccup before letting a sob out of my mouth.

"Hm, V?"

"I-I'm sorry."I whisper.

The same smile he had before returns to his face as if nothing ever happened. "Forgiven. Now, roll over and make room. It's time for bed."he says.

I stare at him with confusion.

Was that it? He really just gave me a hicky, probably bruised my side and scared the hell out of me and now he's all cheery? What the actual fuck? This man is crazy!

"Nessy?"he chuckles. I quickly roll into the bed and cover myself with the blankets. He turns off the lamp light before he climbs into bed with me and wraps his arms around me protectively. I tense up and squeeze my eyes shut. He places a kiss on my head before smiling to himself and pulling me closer to him.

"Tomorrow you're going to meet a few friends of mine."he sighs.

He has friends?! Wait- maybe they can help me if I tell them that he kidnapped me!

"Get some rest, beautiful."he says and sighs. I blink multiple times and shift slightly.

I need to get out of here.


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