Arakita x f!reader (yowamushi...

By illimin

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A long forgotten sight. A long forgotten feeling. As a freshman you are attending the famous Yonan university... More

An Instant
New Beginning
The rude sleeper
An even ruder person
Dreamless Dreams
The awful driver
New Friend? New enemy?
It's pointless
And now?
It can't get any more awkward, can it?
First base???No, wait...already HOMERUN????
Even worse
Truth my ass
Pat Pat
Secret date
Confession Time
Shall we end this?
Fools (Ending 1)
Sleep (Ending 1)
It's over (Ending 1)
Ah I get it...again (Ending 1)
Memory (Ending 1)
Epilogue (1st ending)
I wonder (Ending 2)
I like you (Ending 2)
Epilogue (Ending 2)
Don't you dare ever again (Bonus chap)
For you, all over matter what it takes (Bonus chapter 2 for ending 1)

Surprise (Ending 2)

594 29 8
By illimin

"Hey, got any plans for the weekend?"

"Oh, captain! Hmm not really. Why what's up?"

"Thought we could go on another da-"

"Oh~ Captain and (F/N) how are you guys?" Machimiya interrupted slyly.

He leisurely put an arm around you. You looked at the captain to see his reaction but to your disappointment and anger the captain just smiled and started a conversation with Machimiya.

You should be angry or jealous!, you cursed the captain.

Do guys even get jealous at all? 

Annoyed you pushed Machimiya's arm off you and stopped walking.

"Machimiya what do you want? Go away."

"Come on~ Don't be like that. Didn't you say to get along?"

"Yes but who knew you'd bounce back that fast," you huffed out.

"Oh~" he poked your cheeks. You ripped his finger off and watched him bleed to death.

Ok calm down.

"Captain I'm sorry but she got plans with me on the weekend."

Since when? Don't make up anything!

"Oh I see. What a shame. Maybe another time then."

And you, don't believe him! Are you dumb? I told you that I'd have time and why would you allow someone you like meet with others?

And just like that the captain left for his lecture, leaving you alone with the red walnut called Machimiya.

"So Saturday, 2pm, Table 10 at this restaurant," he handed you the restaurant card.

"Don't be late~"

"Wait Machimiya. Why? Are you trying to sabotage my relationship with the captain?"

"How could you think something like this? It hurts and for your info I have something important to tell and," he looked you in the eyes,

"are you really sure you want to date the captain?"

"Huh? What are you talk- Where the hell is he now?????"

Just a second ago Machimiya stood in front of you and now he vanished into thin air.

How did he do that? 

"Oh Kinjou you're early," you said and sat down next to him.

"And when was I late?"

"Ok, you got me."

"Thought that."

"Oh what's up with you today?" you elbowed him in the sides.

"Please don't do that. I hurt myself during practice just where you touched me," Kinjou's expression twisted in pain.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Kinjou! Please don't die!" you wanted to help him but ended up fumbling with your hands in the air.

"How did it happen?"

"Well, I accidentally collided with Machimiya."

"Huh? If it's him I bet it wasn't..."

"Don't say something like that..."

"Ok, ok, I'm sorry. By the way, are you free to go to eat on Saturday?" you held up the restaurant card.

"Oh that restaurant's supposed to be amazing. I'd love to but due to this injury I should better rest at home."

Machimiya did it on purpose! That idiot nugget!

"I see I hope you are getting better!"

You laid your head on the table. This reminded you of the time when Arakita patted you. Your cheeks burned up and subconsciously you touched the place where his hand was. The spot felt so empty now. You closed your eyes and imagined what it felt like until you actually felt a hand covering the place.

Wide-eyed you shot up and stared at Kinjou who was in the middle of taking his hand back.

"I'm sorry. I thought it'd be better if I pretended I was Arakita."


"You were thinking of the last lecture when Arakita-"

You touched his injured spot and slowly whispered to Kinjou:

"Don't say anything unnecessary if you treasure your life."

Kinjou gulped and hit the table lightly while nodding his head quickly. Content you let him go.

Stupid Kinjou who the hell allowed you to say my thoughts out loud?

Depressed you put your head back on the table.


It was 1 pm now.  2 pm is the appointment. You had to give it to Machimiya to first shake off the captain then prevented Kinjou from coming and now even Sara. 

What on earth is it that's so important to even hurt his teammate?

Arriving at the restaurant you were greeted by a hostess.

"I've got a reservation at 2 for table 10."

"Ah yes Miss (L/N)? Your date is already there. Please follow me."

Huh? Date? Machimiya you little-

The lady brought you to the table section at the windows. Quite a few people were in the restaurant. Were they all rich? Because when you looked at the menu outside everything was expensive. And doubting that Machimiya would pay for you, you could only pray you'd have enough money.

"Here we go," the hostess said, put two menu cards on the table with a smile.

"Took you long enough Ma-"

He stared at you, you stared at him. You stared at the hostess, the hostess stared at you. You stared back at him, he was staring at the hostess and the hostess stared back at him, he stared at you again. 

The hostess then said:


and quickly left.

""Huh? What are you doing here?"" both of you exclaimed at the same time.

""Shut up! That's my line.""

"Stop saying the same things at the same time. It's weirding me out!" you glared at the person that was obviously not Machimiya.

"Hah? That's what I wanted to say," Arakita took his hands away from the table.

Great. How did I end up here with him?

Just when you wanted to walk away, a waiter came and smiled at you:

"Is everything alright?" he asked.

"Y-Yeah," you answered nervously.

"Is the table not to your liking? Maybe we should've seated you at a more quiet place for your date."

"H-Huh? D-Date? I'm sorry but what are y-"

"Nah, it's fine. She just wanted to sit down," Arakita answered.

"Do you have Pepsi here?" he asked after he nodded you down to sit.

A vein popped up on your forehead.

How dare you order me around?

Nevertheless you sat down and ordered a drink too. The waiter left.

"Did you know that we'd have a d-"

"No," he interrupted and looked through the menu, "I thought Machimiya would come because he has something important to talk about however you are here.  That idiot set us up. Might as well take this chance right?"

"Oh?" you understood that Machimiya brought you together on purpose but on a date? Why would he do that? 

I thought he hates seeing us together? And why, you glared at Arakita whose head was still stuck in the menu, are you taking it so easily?

Didn't you hear what the waiter said? D-Date! They think it's a d-date! Why won't you clear up the misunderstanding? You stupid fool!

"Let's call him," you proposed.

"Don't have his number."

Why did I expect that?

You tried to concentrate on the menu however Arakita's existence didn't make it easy at all!

Good thing that I did put an effort in my appearance, you thought, ...ok, why did I just think that?

You buried your head in the menu even more. Somehow it felt like the time you went out eating together with Kinjou and Machimiya. But this time there was a big difference:

You were alone with Arakita! Well, it wasn't the first time but still!

The waiter came back with your drinks and intended to take your order. You were so busy fuzzing over Arakita that you didn't have any chance to properly look at the menu.


You looked up. Both the waiter and Arakita were staring at you.

"O-Oh yes, I choose this one," you randomly pointed at something in the card and showed it to the waiter.

"That's an excellent choice miss!" he praised you.

Feeling a bit proud of yourself you smiled and when he left, you clapped your hands.

"What did you order?" Arakita wanted to know.

"I don't know," you said still smiling to yourself, "but he said it's an excellent choice."

"You're so naive..."


After that you didn't talk with Arakita. He ignored you whenever you made an attempt and just stared out of the window..

Yes stupid eyelash guy. Stab my heart more and harder please.

Finally after what seemed ages the waiter came with your order. First he served you a salad. The main dishes were brought on a silver vehicle. The waiter set the first dish before Arakita and revealed a typical meat dish. 

Your dish however was thrice the size of Arakita's and had to be set in front of you with the help of 2 waiters.

What the hell did I order?

Before the waiter opened the huge lid of your dish, he clapped his hands twice and the music went out. The staff at the bar stopped mixing drinks and the staff hurried to a corner, all eyes were turned to your table.

W-What is going on?, you started to panic, you didn't like the attention they gave you. 


The waiter cleared his voice and spoke with an unusual loud voice as if he practiced it everyday in front of the mirror just for his moment:

"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN can I get your attention?"

You already had their attention when you unnecessarily clapped your hands!

"Today we have this lovely couple on a date."

No. Shut up! Now! Right! Now!

"And this wonderful young lady ordered the 'goodheart-dish'!"

Huh? What the fuck is a goodheart-dish?

"The goodheart-dish is our restaurant's greatest pride. In addition to the amazing food the customer gets, they'll donate an extra price of 120 to the orphanage foundation."


"Furthermore this dish oozes excellence and elegance. It might be a bit too much for a sole young lady to eat however Missq-"


"is going to take on the challenge of eating a whole pig."

Everyone was giving you a big applause with their big smiles.

Oh ok so I'm taking on the challenge eatiNG WHAT???? NOOO THIS WASN'T WHAT I WANTED!

You were crying and screaming in your mind but on the outside you forced a teary smile. However, as soon as Arakita heard that you were going to eat a whole pig, he was roaring with laughter and hit his hand several times on the table.

You shot him death glares but too busy with laughing he missed them. Smiling to everyone else you kicked Arakita hard under the table. The pain made his legs jolt up and bump the underside of the table. He looked at you murderous and wanted to curse you loudly but had to bite it back because of the people watching. Satisfied you looked at him mockingly and mouthed:

Serves you right.

Finally, the waiter turned his attention back to you and smiled widely as if you just made his dream come true for letting him hold the speech he was practicing everyday. He continued to open the lid and voila there was your pig.

You gulped. Arakita started to die of laughter. You hoped he'd choke and bury himself 6 feet under.

The pig. It had everything, the head, the feet, the face, the tail. Literally everything.

They roasted the poor pig just like that!

You couldn't eat something like that! It looked like it was alive.

It had a tomato in his mouth and under its body, the plate was decorated with green leaves and various vegetables. The waiter gave you red wine that was on the house.

He stared at you in anticipation after he finished pouring your glasses. Fortunately the music was back on and everyone minded their own business.

"Erm thank you very much. Y-You did an unbelievable amazing job at giving the speech. I-I'l take up on the challenge."

The waiter left with a dazzling smile.

Tears were welled up.

My money, the poor pig, everything's lost, my dignity, my money, that pig's life and I have to shove it down!

You were really about to cry, this shit was ridiculous. Shouldn't something like this be booked in advance? 

You looked up the 'goodheart-dish' and there it was.

You snivelled. It said that the first order didn't have to be booked.

Why didn't anyone order it? Right that's because they're not so stupid like meeeeehhhhh 

You had to wipe your tears away that were rolling down.

"Araaaakitaaahh," you whined. 

It took him a while to stop and be serious but every time he looked at the pig he couldn't contain himself.

"Please," you cried, "Please be serious Arakita!"

He wanted to but he just couldn't.

Stupid idiot!

Fed up with his laughter you stood up and sat next to him. You used your hands to cup his cheeks and made him look at you. You pouted:

"Arakita! Please be serious!"

He stopped laughing and stared at you with tears in his eyes. He was also crying but for a totally different reason!

That jerk!

He was saying something but you couldn't understand it. Maybe because you pressed his cheeks together. They were so soft. Then you started to stretch and play around with them until you gazed into his eyes. Surprised by your own boldness, you realised how you must've looked like to other people.

Arakita had his back against the window and you almost sat on his lap with your left hand on his chest and your right on his cheeks.

Realising the position you were in you quickly retracted your hands and hurried over to your seat. This time you were the one who couldn't look at Arakita.

"Ah," he let out. You knew he was rubbing his cheeks, "Hey!"

You ignored him.


You ignored him harder.

"You! FFS I know you can hear me!"

You ignored him with all your might.

"Tch. Fine. Then I won't be helping you with that!"

You were sure he was pointing at the pig because shortly afterwards you heard him crying laughter.

Annoying jerk.

You wondered how you'd eat that thing. However, every time you looked at it you felt tears welling up again.



While these two dorks enjoy a date + amazing food (lololol), I'm sitting here alone with bread and soup, crying.

Forever alone.

Forever broke.

Well at least I don't have to share my food.

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