New Beginning

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School wasn't the best. That was why you hoped university would be better. At least that was what everyone hoped for.

You stood in front of the huge university building entranced by its size and the intimidating atmosphere it radiated. It was the end of autumn and the trees that surrounded the path to the entrance were already losing their leaves. Everywhere one's eyes laid upon, a view of warm colours spread. The leaves, that lost their green, floated in the air and slowly landed on the ground.

Unfortunate for the elder man who had to clean up the mess, with a barrow next to him he started sweeping the ground. He already had piles together until a cold breeze came and scattered them all again. The old geezer cursed and returned to collect the stray leaves. Feeling a bit sorry for him, you just smiled and went to the fresher's welcome meeting in the big hall.

Once you entered the building you couldn't stop admiring it.  The map, you printed out from the homepage, led you one corner after another one and suddenly you were outside again. 

Huh? How did this happen? 

Even with the map, you had no idea how to get to the main hall. After you took a better look, you realised it was more complicated than you thought. The building's construction was so complex and detailed, it contained of an outer building that surrounds the inner one like a square and the inner was sectioned into different areas that were broken up by small gardens. 

What the hell is this? I can't be late for the meeting. How more cliche can this get? 

You were nervous and anxious since at the meeting everything related to your course would be explained and your timetable was going to be handed out. Furthermore, the attendance was absolutely important. Without any other choice, you approached someone and figured you were on the wrong side of the building. At the entrance you should've turned left instead of right. You cursed and ran all the way back.

Back at the entrance you saw other students running to the left, figuring out that they were first years like you, you followed them and finally made it to the main hall. Exhausted and out of breath you signed in at the table positioned in front of the doors to prevent anyone unrelated from entering, and went into the room which was already full. 

Just watching it from the doors you could tell that there were at least a thousand students here. Fumbling your way through the rows of chairs and apologising to each person you stepped on the toes, you finally fell onto one of the empty chairs. 

You tried to be as quiet as you could as you bowed down to rub your ankles. The person next to you just chuckled a bit and frustrated you glared at them, unintentionally.

Quite a rude thing to do, you thought. 

But you could understand their point of view since it must've looked funny to outsiders. Focusing your attention back to the podium in the front you started to listen to the speeches that were held by various professors and the director himself. As to not let yourself fall asleep you played with your phone.

Some the time passed and the end was still far away. You were already bored again, so you looked at the guy who laughed at you. He was bald and had a stern but somehow honest face, you guessed he'd easily attracted girls. He keenly listened to the speeches. 

How can you listen to such boring stuff? 

Looking to your left you saw that the girl was the same, it felt like you were the only person who wasn't interested in the welcome speeches.

Two hours passed and you were released from the torture. On your way out you had to pass the table again to sign out and were given a room number to collect your timetable and everything else related. Surprisingly, you learned that the bald guy was in the department of science, same as you. 

When you both compared your timetable, it was a match. You had most lectures and seminars with him. His name was Kinjou Shingo. He seemed like a fairly nice guy but somehow didn't give off the feeling that he was a keen talker or an extrovert. 

Well, fair enough, you thought, don't want some annoying guy who talks on and on for hours with me, right?

A week's already passed since you got into university. It was from the beginning hard and you got tons of homework to do and had to prepare for exams that came up in a month. You did meet with a bunch of people who you can consider your friends and go out but still somehow you and Kinjou were just closer. Was it because you met him first and were basically stuck together all the time?

So, you guys were sitting together for your lunch in the cafeteria when Kinjou asked you:

"Hey, are you going to join a club?"

" A club? Is it mandatory?"

"No, not really. I just thought you'd be interested. I already joined one."

"Seriously? Which one did you join?"

"The road racing club."

"Oh, I see. I heard you were from the famous high-school racing team that won the inter-high right?"

"You seem to be knowledgeable."

"I guess. I am kinda interested in sports....But yea club does sound nice."

"If you like sports why not join a sports one?"

"Hmm I'm going to see. But you are good aren't you? Road racing I mean. You have to tell me when your races are so you can let me watch."

"If you insist."



"By the way why are you always wearing sunglasses?"


Arakita x f!reader (yowamushi pedal)Where stories live. Discover now