For you, all over matter what it takes (Bonus chapter 2 for ending 1)

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Because a lovely reader wanted Arakita's pov for ending 1. So here you go~ a long chapter


Tch. This shit better be working or else I'm gonna sue the damn internet...

Honestly, he could've just spared himself all the hassle doing this after uni but he wanted to surprise his girlfriend. She was upset yesterday evening and he didn't act like a proper boyfriend, so this, he gave it another glance and sighed, is an apology gift. 

He was up all night, browsing the internet for a good present and out of all the million suggestions he opted for this one, well he modified it a bit.

He stared at it again and yet another sigh left his lips. He didn't even know if she might like it or if she was even allergic, he never bothered to ask. He promised himself to be a better boyfriend.

He heard a snicker next to him, not one but two. He scowled at Kinjou and Machimiya who were about to laugh.

"Is this for (F/N)?" Kinjou smiled whereas Machimiya really burst into laughter.

"Fuck you Machimiya. What you laughing at huh? And yea it is."

"A-Arakita," Machimiya wiped away his tears, "that's gigantic. How did you carry it all the way into uni? It's taking up two spaces! It's bigger than Kinjou and you together!"

"Shut the fuck up!" Arakita barked but he started questioning if he hadn't overdone it.

"I think she's going to like it, she will be quite happy. This is really sweet of you Arakita."

"S-Shut up Kinjou," he turned his head away in embarrassment but came face to face with it.

"Fuck" he whispered, "how the hell is she going to carry it once I gift it to her?"

"BAHAHAHHAHA. Told you that thing is immense. Do you want her to become the keeper of the forbidden forest or what?"

"A-Arakita, calm down! Machimiya doesn't mean it like a bad thing. It's a gorgeous present!"

"Like hell it is! It's going to devour her if she even tries to carry it," upset with himself he sank further in his chair.

"That's a nice tree," the professor commented as he made his way to the front and began the lecture.

"It's not a tree! It's a bouquet! the size of a mini tree. Fuck," Arakita shouted but by the end his voice became rueful.

So the lecture passed with Arakita wondering if he should dump that shit somewhere or give it to her. He went for the last option in hopes she'd react differently. But actually it didn't matter, he just wanted a response or any reaction from his girlfriend.

"Shall we help you carry it?" Kinjou proposed, Arakita nodded and together the three carried it to the cafeteria.

"That's so heavy Arakita. Amazing what love can do," Machimiya smirked, Arakita ignored him and searched for her.

He spotted Sara and called out to her but she told him that (F/N) hadn't been in her lectures.

Uni was over for him and he sat in the campus with his little tre- bouquet. He has been looking for her everywhere, calling and texting but no use.

Suddenly his phone vibrated, he held his breath, she texted him back.

Arakita, sorry for yesterday, I didn't mean to be so harsh to you but maybe it's better to spend some time apart from each other. I need to figure things out and will leave uni temporarily. I'm sorry. I hope you'll wait for me . Promise you do? I'll come back soon.

Arakita x f!reader (yowamushi pedal)Where stories live. Discover now