
869 41 13

Warning: Awfully long chap


It's over. It feels weird. I can't move but if I could what should I do? 

How long did they say it was? The distance?

If I walk now can I cover the rest of the route...?

Hmm how long have I been walking now?

Am I even allowed to do that?


Huh? There's something lying there and next to it is a person!

Should I approach them? 

They're not moving....Are they dead?

You slowly opened your eyes to the bright sunlight. You fell asleep under a tree. With a big stretch and a yawn you shook your tiredness away and started collecting your belongings. You had 2 free hours before the next lecture so you decided, since it was a sunny day, to spend those hours studying outside. Who knew you would fall asleep? 

Looking at the clock you saw you still had an hour left. Too tired and lazy to stand up again, you leaned against the tree which cast a cool shadow over you. Before you knew it your eyes closed again and you drifted off to your little dreamworld.


"Ah. Fuck. Stupid pillar! Why the hell does it have to be positioned here?"

"Pfft haha. Arakita that looked so funny ahahah!"

"Hah?" Arakita shot Machimiya an angry glare.

"Sorry haha. I meant are you alright?"


"But how could you walk against a column?"

"Shut up!" Arakita said annoyed while he tore his gaze off (F/N).

Who would be so stupid to fall asleep without protecting their belongings and be so vulnerable?

"Arakita you coming?"

Frankly, he wanted to stay a bit longer but saw that it wasn't necessary when the captain came and put his jacket over her.

"Tch. Doing unnecessary things."

Pissed off Arakita walked away with Machimiya to the next class.


"Let's end this. I'm done playing," he said before throwing away the empty can of Pepsi. 

She just stared at him with big eyes, no words came out of her mouth.

'Tch. Say something ffs'

But she continued to remain silent.

'Why isn't she drinking Pepsi? Why is she drinking that stupid stuff?'

"Fine. Whatever. If the cat's got your tongue, I won't be wasting any more time with you," he kicked the ground.

"Arakita..." she said softly with a pained glint in her eyes.

'What? Are you feeling bad for me? For being the only one who remembers?'

He looked at her with an unreadable expression. She looked conflicted for a second before she stood up and grabbed his arm. He, however just brushed her off and started walking away.


The day went by without him seeing her, he was currently practicing with his team. However since the captain was too busy buzzing around (F/N) and the coach was sick, they decided to practice individually.

Arakita x f!reader (yowamushi pedal)Where stories live. Discover now