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When you woke up Arakita was nowhere to be found. You checked the clock that was on the small drawer next to the bed.

"Shit. I missed two whole lectures... Well, might as well skip the whole day," you decided. 

You realised that you were getting careless and did whatever you wanted but well... 

You got off the bed and saw that the substitute bed was gone from the floor. After you did his bed, you changed back into your own washed clothes and stuffed Arakita's clothes into his dirty laundry bag. Then you stepped into the living room. You wanted to have breakfast but decided you couldn't enjoy it if everything was so dirty.

Finally, after two hours you finished cleaning his apartment, bringing the garbage outside, opening the windows to let fresh air in, you made a light meal from what could be found in his fridge and sat on the table that faced towards the living room and admired your own hard work.

You were surprised that you were actually able to clean the whole place with motivation and enthusiasm. You looked over the living room again and thought proudly:

Yeah I know, I'm such wife material ahahah.

You bowed to yourself and then started laughing and couldn't stop.

An hour later you sat on the sofa and zapped though different TV channels. Another hour passed and you went through Arakita's DVD collection. The next hour you looked through his manga collection. It was already 3pm. Arakita should be back by now but you figured he would be practicing with Kinjou and the others. 

You sighed, today was Wednesday, the third day of the new term and you already missed a few of the new classes. That was great, just great. So which film should you watch next?

The next time you looked at the clock it was soon 6 in the evening. You got off the sofa and started being productive.

Hehe, eyelash guy's going to make eyes, you thought while cooking the best dish you could make with the ingredients he had.

Just in the nick of time you finished setting and serving the food on the table when the front door opened, revealing a tired and grim-looking Arakita.

"Hey," you greeted him and gave him a cheeky grin.

"What are you doing here?" was the first thing he said.

A vein popped on your forehead, you clenched your teeth.

No, 'oh you cleaned the room.' 

No, 'oh it smells good'. 

Or 'hey' back. 

No, nothing, on the contrary you got treated as if you were a pest. You were about to say something back but realised it was Arakita, what did you expect? You rubbed the bridge of your nose, closed your eyes and took a deep breath.

"Well thanks to you I missed the whole day."

"Hah? You were the lazy ass who couldn't get up even after I shook you as hard as an earthquake."

"Wha-That-That's not true," you said, turning a tad red.

"Whatever," he replied and plopped down on the sofa throwing his jacket over it. 

Quietly you went behind him, positioned your head above his. He had his eyes closed and his head leaned against the back of the sofa with his face facing the ceiling. You leaned over a bit more and your hair fell on his face and tickled him.

He immediately opened his eyes, his brown eyes met yours. 

And he stared at you.

A minute passed and you were still staring at each other until you pulled back and held your hands against your cheeks.

Arakita x f!reader (yowamushi pedal)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz