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"Why are you always stalking me?"

Hmph. Look at him changing his attitude so easily. It's as if he never tried to be all over me. Now I'm the one who's bothering him!

"Don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about, you piece of-"

"Eh? Piece of what~ C'mon say it. I'm curious what other rumours I could spread," he whispered in your ear.


"I what~"

"Shut up!"

"By the way don't you feel awkward being here?"

Wondering as to what he was referring to, you quickly glanced at your surrounding.

" did this on purpose!"

"How can I influence where you are going to?"

"Idk how but you did it somehow anyways. And you guys stop staring and start minding your own business."

After letting your anger out on everyone, you dragged Machimiya, to his surprise, on his ears out of the seminar.

Great. Another thing for everyone to gossip about...

Once you made sure the both of you were completely alone and isolated, you started interrogating him.

"Spill the beans why-"

"Pfft ahahah spill the beans. Ahaha"

"Shut u-"


In order to shut him up, you gave him a kick to his knees, causing him to fall over.

"Finally zipped it? Now tell me why you did everything!"

"Eh? You don't know the reason? You must be really dumb... Because you are simply in the way."

"In the way of what?"

"Oh do you think you are that cute if you play dumb?" he pulled you by the waist closer to him and grabbed your hand.

"Wha-What are you doing? Let go! This is harassment!"

"Is it? Then why did you drag me to somewhere we would be alone? You wanted this to happen, didn't you?"

His hand slowly wandered up under your shirt. His cold fingers were on your bare skin, you cringed hard. You wanted to free yourself but couldn't move at all.

"Fuck you. I just didn't want anyone to get the wrong idea."

"You're right. Surely, if anybody saw us now they wouldn't get the wrong idea at all," he mocked and grinned.

"Then how about letting me go?"

"Not going to happen."

"But I thought you were gay?"

"Wha-" the moment his grip loosened you slipped out of his forced embrace, "That was good. I must give you that."

"Now. Tell me why."

"How about I give you an advice."

"What do you mean?"

"Stay away from Arakita and stop bothering him."

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

"Just follow the advice and the rumours won't get more out of control."

"Wait. Are you indicating that it was all Arakita's idea?"

"Well, who knows? See you ~"

What? But why? Was it revenge for the time in the library or you not acknowledging him being a good racer or when you threw his books on the floor and he couldn't pay you back at the party because you came too late? 

Or was it simply because he found your presence annoying?

But-But aren't we closer now? I thought we really could get along despite the constant fighting but-huh? Am I crying?

You touched your wet cheeks. What was this? This was ridiculous. You've been so emotional in the past days. Wasn't uni supposed to be different? Wasn't everything starting out well?

Angry with yourself, you wiped away the tears and went to the loo. You looked at your reflection in the mirror. Your eyes were all puffy and red.

"WTH? I only cried a little. A little!!!!" 

You ran your hands through the cold water and then put them over your swollen eyes. It felt really cool and you felt a bit more at ease. Although this made you want to cry even more. You didn't know why you cared so much but you couldn't stop the tears from flowing. You felt like shit.


So another day passed however today you were trying to avoid Arakita. You didn't know how you'd act if you were to bump into him. Maybe you'd've started to cry again. 

Now that you know that Arakita was behind the rumours, you felt so ridiculous for how you acted and even stayed at his place. So dumb of you to trust him and to even believe that you thought you could've liked him.

The weekend went by pretty fast and so did Monday and Tuesday. You started to skip the classes where Machimiya and Arakita were. 

And with that Wednesday of the second week in the new term began.

The day started good since you had classes with either Kinjou or Sara and that made you happy.

However, towards the end you could feel commotion starting to rise. Everyone was, by the end of lunch, running around, mostly towards one place-

You halted your steps when you heard someone call out your name. A girl with a short brown bob ran after you and stopped when she caught up.

"Yes?" you indicated her to go on.

"Machi...Machimiya's looking for you," she huffed out while trying to catch her breath.

"Eh? Why?"

"I don't know but he's standing in the campus and screams for you to come out and face him!"


Arakita x f!reader (yowamushi pedal)Where stories live. Discover now