Dreamless Dreams

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The moonlight shone through the window and hit your face. It was bright, too bright. You realised you've forgotten to close the curtains. The stress was doing things to you. With a sigh you fell back onto the bed and covered your eyes with your arm. 


It happened again. On nights where you really needed your sleep the same dream kept haunting you and once you woke up you immediately forgot what it was about and remembered the details only blurry.
Everytime, you'd wake up with your heart racing, not the kind you'd have after a nightmare, but one that filled you with desire to the point you wanted to clench your chest with your hand. 

Your heartbeat was normal again but that feeling would still linger for a while and you clutched the bed sheets wondering why your body was so restless.

The only thing you could remember was standing under a tree on a sunny day, watching something. But what? You didn't quite know but you guessed it was a sight like never before, something utterly breathtaking. So, you kept dreaming about the same scene. Why did you keep having the same dream over and over again? Although the real question was:

Did this dream happen in real life or not?

Because it didn't feel real compared to some other dreams. It had more of a distant and nostalgic vibe to it, like you were watching yourself in the dream as a spectator but at the same time relived all of the things that happened. It was really hard to tell.

For a moment sleepiness dominated your thoughts until that Arakita guy popped up in your mind. Angry you took a pillow and tried to suffocate yourself with it. Just because the upperclassmen had some important meeting to attend, the training race was cancelled. You would have wanted to see Arakita and his foul mouth lose so you could laugh at him. Kinjou told you that he was from a strong high school and was a talented biker but you had yet to recognise his skill. 


"Are you alright?" you were in the middle of the lecture but you just couldn't shake off the tiredness. 

You laid your head  on the table. Your friend, a fellow girl studying the same subject as you, was looking at you worried. She was a pretty girl about the same height with blond locks that she tugged behind her left ear while the hair on the other side effortlessly flowed over her shoulder. Her sharp green eyes pierced into you. 

"Ugh, so bright," you whispered. 

Confused your friend looked at you. While you turned your head to the other side, so you don't have to face her, you mumbled:

"Yeah I'm fine. I just lack sleep."

"Why? Didn't you sleep well yesterday?"

"Actually I was until I woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't fall asleep anymore."

"I told you, you shouldn't stay up thinking about things, it's not good! Especially when you want to sleep."

She is always so serious and starts scolding you like a mum. 

Smiling a bit to yourself over your silly yet gentle friend, you just grunted in response. The rest of the lecture went by with you barely listening to the professor, while your friend was even more spurred on to write the most important facts down in order to beat them into you later.

When the lecture ended the both of you went to the next period. Since your limbs felt numb and you were still tired you started stretching yourself while you also couldn't stop yawning. 

"That's so unladylike," your friend scolded you.

"Yeah, yeah," was the only thing she got in return. 

You didn't want to get into that topic until an annoying voice you hated rang through the corridor:

"Damn right she is. Who the fuck walks around while doing weird poses and can't even use her hand to cover her mouth while yawning. That's filthy."

"Shut up. I don't even want to hear that from you," you couldn't be bothered, the tiredness already wore you out, you couldn't afford to overexert anymore. 

So, you and your friend just walked passed without even looking at him. At the same time you couldn't suppress a yawn.

"Spare me please. You look like you're about to eat me," Arakita continued to sprout nonsense and looked like he was going to follow and annoy the shit out of you. 

That's not going to happen, you thought while turning around, grabbing his bag and threw out all his content so they laid astray on the ground. After you finished the deed, you took your friend's hand and sprinted to the next lecture. Even from far away, you could hear Arakita cursing and wishing death upon you. 

Serves him right, although that was really petty.

While you seated yourself you had to endure another lecture from your friend before the real lecture.

What a pain in the ass

Since you ran pretty fast there were still 15 minutes left. Suddenly, she requested about Arakita's identity and your relationship. Nonchalantly you told her about the time at the library and the encounter and so on. 

"Oh I see," she said. After five minutes she started talking again but this time she was more hesitant and timid:

"You are pretty close to Kinjou, aren't you."

"Well, I guess", you could see where this was going.

"Do you erm," she tugged on her sleeves, 

"perhaps know what type of girls he likes?"

"Hmm. No, sorry we don't talk about stuff like that," you lied. 

You knew he liked serious-minded girls and your friend well, she was the perfect girl for him. But those words would never ever leave your lips, she would edge you on to help her getting closer to Kinjou and honestly you couldn't be bothered. You knew Kinjou was quietly popular in university. The girls all talked about him behind his back. He himself, although was not aware of that.

"Well, I know Kinjou is pretty popular. But why tho? I mean he is a nice guy and I like him but yea I just don't see why."

"I guess that's because your type differs from other people but don't you know? Everyone thinks he would make a good boyfriend. Not that anyone would tell this to his face."

Well, I guess, I'll do exactly that.

And so she went on and on about what was so good about Kinjou and what a perfect boyfriend he would be. You thought about throwing yourself out of the window.

Arakita x f!reader (yowamushi pedal)Where stories live. Discover now