Sleep (Ending 1)

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It was awkward.

It was so awkward.

After what happened last week you couldn't look at Arakita anymore. was just utterly and absolutely impossible.

Even being near him, feeling his presence made your heart go crazy and your whole body tingle.

It was not possible.

Now that you 'kinda' confessed to each other. It was even more weird.


"Eeek" you made an unnaturally high squeaky noise.

"What the fuck was that?"

Even if you were at the start of your relationship you realised pretty quickly Arakita wouldn't suddenly change into a sweetheart. To be able to date him you need to be mentally strong against his verbal abuse.

At least he stopped calling you 'midget', not really tho, he'd still call you that occasional when he was annoyed with you and wanted to make that clear. However, that actually backfired because every time he would call you that, you'd get even more angry and annoying. Although you refused to look or touch him even during your arguments.

No, touching was totally forbidden. You made that clear to him since that day. But he looked at you with an expression that was completely new to you and asked 'not even patting'? Your heart made jumps, you had to control yourself and say:

"No, not even pats."

Although you loved those, including his hugs, holding his hand and...and everything...

T-That's it, you stood up and wanted to walk out however Arakita stopped you:

"Where are you going to?"

"Somewhere," you answered meekly.

"Oh I see, sorry."

Huh? Sorry? You and sorry?

"I didn't know you wanted to go out on a date," he added nonchalantly.

D-Date? That word....out of your mouth?

He stood up from the sofa and put on his jacket:

"What? You wanted to go right?"

"Y-Yea but..."

He looks damn good in that jacket. Too good. Ffs, stop looking so good. Damn it!

Arakita started to close in to you holding up your jacket this time.

"W-What are you doing?" you asked, moving backwards until you hit the wall.

"Put your jacket on of course"

"W-What? Since when are you so tame? I can put it on myself."

He stopped walking towards you thinking for a second and then approached you again.

"But isn't this stuff a boyfriend usually does for his girlfriend?"

W-What? How can those words come out of your mouth so easily? You? You are the least person that would say this!

 Terrified of Arakita's sudden change you pointed your finger at him and shouted:

"Shut up. We aren't that close now to be c-called that! OK?!!!!"

He just shrugged his shoulders and was close enough for your bodies to touch. He matched his height to yours. You closed your eyes.

"Now," you heard him whisper in your ear, "don't make it harder than it is ok?"

Arakita x f!reader (yowamushi pedal)Where stories live. Discover now