It's over (Ending 1)

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Note: Let's just try and ignore Shinkai in the pic above lol


He stared at the phone.  'Mum' it read. Tired he looked at the clock. It was only 9pm.

What the hell? Why do I feel so tired?

He wanted to wake his girlfriend up but when he saw how sound asleep she was, cuddled in his embrace, he couldn't do it. He looked away.

The phone didn't stop ringing. With a click he pressed it away away however he couldn't see well. The light blinded him. Suddenly he heard:

"Hello? Thank goodness. I was worried you wouldn't pick up."

As to not disturb his girlfriend he cautiously and slowly got up from the bed and wandered towards the door. Just when he wanted to walk out of the room, he stopped in motion, his hand on the doorknob.

"You know it's time. You've been selfish enough. Come back home, okay? We let you go to uni only for those  5 months because you promised to come back after that. It's time. Or else who knows what's going to happ-"

Arakita dropped the phone. His eyes slowly wandered to the supposedly asleep form of his girlfriend, however instead of seeing her lay on the bed, he stared at the silhouette of her looking back at him with wide eyes. Something glistened in her eyes. As if in a trance she shook her head.

Are you telling me that it's not what it looks like?

Utter silence.

"Hello? Hello? What are you doing? (F/N)???? Answer me! Don't be anymore selfish! Stop being reckless! (F/N)? (F/N)?"

It seemed like her mother's voice triggered something in her. Suddenly she jumped from the bed and sprinted towards the phone lying on the ground. The only light that was illuminating the room.

Just before she could grab it, he quickly picked it up. He wanted to know what that was all about and put the phone to his ear.

"Hello?" he asked. 

For a moment her mother didn't say anything.

"W-Who is it? Who are you and where is my daughter?"

Before he could answer, she screamed:

"NOO," knocked the phone out of his hands and kicked it under the bed.

"What the fuck?

She didn't look at him.

"Oi answer me!" he grabbed her by the shoulders and turned her around.

It was too dark to see her face, he couldn't make out any reaction. In addition the only light source was kicked away like a football.

"What did she mean? What does it mean that you have t-"

"Leave," she whispered. 

Her quiet voice met his raging one but it was the coldness in hers that made him shut up abruptly.

"Hah? What do you mean I should lea-"


There it was again. Her voice was different from usual. He didn't understand why she was saying that. He didn't understand what was going on.

"Leave," she said louder.

"What do you mean? Come on explain yours-"

He stopped immediately again when her eyes met his. Something inside him was tugging on the strings in his heart.

Arakita x f!reader (yowamushi pedal)Where stories live. Discover now