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It was dark. The trees swayed in tact with the wind and made the surroundings look scary and terrifying. Here you stood amidst a pool of trees reminding you of a forest. The lights which decorated the trees barely lit the place up. 

If only you had decided to go with Kinjou instead alone. Even though you have been here for quite a while the university was still incomparably huge and especially at night, it made it more of a maze and harder to conquer than in broad daylight.

The hairs on your neck stood up, you were no scaredy-cat for sure but you got the feeling that someone else's presence was here with you. You walked along the alley, on both sides trees surrounding you. The cursing in your mind didn't stop, you couldn't believe your own incapability of finding the room which was supposed to hold the freshers party. You did call Kinjou and others but it was too loud on their side so you barely talked. Sending messages wasn't successful either.

"Those idiots, is it that hard to reply?" you shouted into the silent and empty night.

"Hah? Shut the fuck up! You are so loud and annoying."

In front of you, on the open university ground, you saw a figure sitting on the stairs and drinking from a bottle. You couldn't see what drink it exactly was but it didn't look like alcohol. 

Thank goodness, not a drunk bum, you thought but once you got closer, the image of someone who was worse than any drunk person appeared in front of you. 

You rolled your eyes and once you concentrated enough, you could faintly hear the bass of the music. That meant the party was straight ahead somewhere. Relieved you walked up the stairs, ignoring the lonely figure you were about to pass when suddenly your view dropped down faster than a rollercoaster.

"Huh?" you let out surprised before you kissed the hard stone floor, your body aching from the impact.

"What the hell was that for?" furiously you screamed into the culprit's face.

"I could have been hurt or broken something, you jerk!"

This time it was his turn to ignore you. Arakita brought the bottle of pepsi up to his mouth but he wasn't able to get a single drop in his throat when you smacked the bottle away. Triumphantly you watched the bottle roll down the stairs, leaving spills of sticky soft drink behind, until it fell on the ground and mixed with the dirt from the sandy surface.

"What the fuck was that for?" he cursed while standing up and looking down at you. That didn't feel right, so you walked up a few stairs and stared down at him instead.

"I could ask you the same. I think what you've done is far worse than to kick down a bottle of soft drink."

"Huh? How can you say that after you were the one who ga-", he stopped himself midway and looked away from you still wearing that pissed off and annoyed look on his face.

"Whatever," he hissed and started walking down the stairs. You weren't able to mind your own business, so you shouted:

"Where are you going? The party's in there," and pointed behind you. 

He ignored you and descended the stairs

Ah why is he so annoying?, you trashed him in your thoughts.

You were so angry that you resorted to the dumbest thing any human being could think of. Swiftly you took off one of your shoes and aimed at him. Be it luck or talent it hit the back of his head. With a shout he spun around, stared at you, stared down at your shoe, back at you and down at the shoe again.

"What. The. Fuck. Is. Wrong. With. You?" cursing he took the shoe and threw it back at you. Skillful you caught it leaving him surprised:


With a grin on your face, you started laughing, he just stood there and stared at you in utter disbelief. You calmed down and asked him with tears in your eyes:

"Didn't you want to get back at me at the party?"

"It's no fun. And you still seem dumb and dense as you've always been," he muttered, turning around, again no glance wasted on you and walked into the darkness until it completely devoured him.

"Eh?...Who the hell is he calling dumb and dense, huh?" in the midst of your rage, you missed the important point.

A few minutes wasted on cursing him, you passed through several doors until the music was finally getting louder and louder and vibrated in your ears so much it hurt.

"Oh~ you are pretty late aren't ya?" a tall guy with messy blond hair shouted while holding a bottle of beer in his right hand, with the left hand he gave you a pat on the shoulder.

"Yea, I guess. Couldn't find the place haha"

"Didn't think ya were the clumsy type," he shouted happily.

"Not really. This place's just insanely huge. By the way did you see Kinjou?"

"Man, that makes me and the other guys sad, you are always with Kinjou and never giving us other fellows a chance," he joked, well at least you assumed, and winked. 

You brushed it off laughing like always. He pointed next to the food station and waved as he greeted some other students.  You didn't know Kinjou was the type that would eat a lot and you weren't wrong.
The reason he couldn't move was because a bunch of girls surrounded him, making sure he wouldn't escape. You sighed as you pitied him. For a short while, you debated if you should rescue him or get to know other people.

Given that you couldn't leave poor him alone, you walked over and somehow, you yourself didn't know what kind of magic you did, disappeared with him from that corner. Kinjou looked at you grateful and you indicated him to go outside. There you told him about the little meeting you just had with Arakita.

"Well, he suddenly disappeared after he screamed the music's too loud."

"I'm surprised he even came."

"That. I had to drag him with me over here. And once he was here, he wanted to know where you were."

"What? Me? Did he actually say that?"

"If by 'midget' he means you, then I guess."

"Screw you, Kinjou. Seriously screw up," you jokingly said in a serious tone while butting him in the sides.

"Arakita was mumbling something about payback."

"Ah called it. Good that I was late."

"By the way we are having another race. This time you could come and see."

"Really? That's great! I'll look forward to it."


Guys, I'm going to start posting two chapters from now because I seriously have written too much in advance and we all want this story to end as quickly as possible right~?

And thank you so much for reading the story so far and I hope you continue to enjoy it.

Have a wonderful day^^

Btw my fav chapter is probably 19 bc Arakita is actually being so sweet ahahha

Arakita x f!reader (yowamushi pedal)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant