I wonder (Ending 2)

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Note: Arakita says in the pic: Your hair is fluffy it makes you look like a dog, doesn't it?


"Arakita," you said while moving your feet around on one spot and eyes fixated on the restaurant bag he held in his hand.

"T-Thank you for taking care of the pig and bill."

The price was up in the 300s.

He didn't say anything for a while. Wondering why you looked up, your heart hurt.

He was gone.

No 'ok'. No insults. No 'goodbye'. Nothing.

One step after another you started to walk, you enjoyed the view of the sky. There were so many things you wanted to ask Arakita.

Why was he ignoring you? Why did he say those things at that night?

Let's end this. I'm done playing with you.

Bullshit. Playing? What did he mean playing? Were your feelings just a game for him?

But then you realised that you never told him about your feelings. In fact you didn't know about them yourself but somehow it felt nice and safe just being with him. You didn't need anything else but only spending your days with him would be enough.

But then again why did you agree to go on dates with the captain?

Didn't you like him too?

Argh! How am I supposed to know that?

Relationships were too hard. There were so many stages before you were officially a couple. Why was it so hard to tell someone you like them?

Back in your room you tossed around in your bed. You had to decide:

Arakita or the captain?

"Ahh, It's so hard," you shouted into your pillow.

At first you didn't think of the captain as anything more than a friend but now after going on a few dates, you actually came to like him. The captain was nice, caring and unbelievable funny unlike Arakita who was the complete opposite. He was annoying, harsh, crude, a stupid idiot, didn't care about others at all, always verbally abusing you, making your life harder and and and!

But despite this Arakita was able to make you feel fuzzy inside, your heart beat faster and small butterflies flying around in your tummy and that was a crucial part that was missing whenever you were with the captain. In these romantic dramas the girl would always choose the guy that was cold and heartless towards her and the guy who was nice and stuff gets rejected. This had always made you angry however was it so wrong to choose what your heart desires?

There you had it. You made your decision. You stood up and put on your jacket. 

This time, definitely!

Knock. Knock

"What is it? Huh you?"

"W-Wha-" you stuttered and pushed him aside and stormed into his apartment.

You couldn't believe you just saw Arkita. naked. ok, half. naked. but still. naked. 

He had a towel hanging around his neck and was brushing his teeth. After he closed the door, he went to the bathroom. You currently laid on his sofa.

Who the hell would open the front like that? This only happens in films right? Right?

You hit the arm of the sofa and your feet were hitting the other one.

"Oi! Who the hell you think you are storming into other people's apartment?"

Your future girlfriend and wife

You slapped yourself for the thought.

"And who do you think you are, opening the door like that?" you pointed at his upper body up and down which was still naked.

"What if any other female stood in front of the door? Huh? Do you think they won't get the wrong idea? And ffs wear something to cover yourself!"

You fell back on the sofa. You can't believe what you just said! It sounded like you were jealous. Well, of course that was the case but still.

"Tch- I put something on okay?"

You smiled.

"Now tell me what you are doing here at this hour?"

You looked at the clock, oh it was already 11 pm.

Hmm might as well stay at his place.

You laughed evil.

"What the fuck?"

You ignored him and stripped down your jacket and shoes and walked to his bedroom. You could hear him shout.

"What in the hell?"

Before he could come in you locked the door and changed into some comfortable pajamas of his, then you opened the door again. In front of you stood Arakita about to scream in your face until he saw you wore his clothes. He turned his head away and blushed. But you caught him barely.

"AH!" you exclaimed. 

He blushed! That was what he was doing whenever he turned his head away.

He was blushing! Did that mean he blushed because of you? You tried to recall every time he'd do that. You decided to tease him.

"Eh~ Arakita are you blushing?"

"S-Shut up!"

"Eh~~~~ C'mon don't be so shy and admit it~"

"I told you to shut up!"

"Oh~~ Arakita could it be?" you faked being surprised, "that you are blushing because of me~?"

"Hah? Why would I turn red for an idiot like you?"

"No need to deny it," you made a down movement with your hand while giggling. 

Arakita was about to grab you when you jumped onto his bed.

"Thanks, eyelash. I'll be taking up on your hospitality and sleep on your bed."

You wondered:

Is that how I act in front of someone I like?

Arakita x f!reader (yowamushi pedal)Where stories live. Discover now