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"Hey Arakita! ... Arakita!"


"Wake up! How could you fall asleep in a place like this? If I didn't find you, you'd have froze to death!"

Arakita opened his eyes slowly and saw Kinjou still with his sunglasses on .

He never changes, seriously...

"Where am I?" Arakita whispered while he held a hand up to his head.

Terrible headache, he cursed himself for falling asleep, he was no better than her.

"In the mountains. Let's go. The sun already went down," Kinjou helped Arakita up and pushed his bike towards him so he could get on it better.

"Thanks," Arakita mumbled. 

It really was late and cold.

"I'll pull so stay behind me and focus on not falling asleep again," Kinjou told Arakita. 

The latter nodded his head in agreement and was thankful.

On their way back, Arakita had to focus all his attention not to fall from his bike. His body was still sore and hurt with every movement, not to mention the massive headache that dominated his senses.

That's weird, he thought looking at Kinjou's back.

I was sure I was dreaming but about what? I can't remember no matter how hard I try.


Back in his apartment, he took a hot bath and soaked in it. Staring at the blank wall in front of him, he pushed his wet hair back revealing his forehead.

"Ah," he sighed. 

He dropped his head down and looked at his own reflection in the water.

Too clear, he thought while he poured a whole bottle of body wash in his bath.

Shit. Wrong stuff.

"All her damn fault! Her freaking face keeps popping up everywhere!"

He started laughing, how stupid can someone be to waste all of his bottles in the bath just because they never had a chance to do it?

She's like a kid...She's so selfish. She was always like this...!!

He sank a bit further into the water and closed his eyes.


"Annoying! It's all her fault because of her I keep wasting my freaking money on that Pepsi shit!"

He sat on his scooter and waited for one of his 'friends' to come out and bring him what he wanted. Finally, he heard the sound of someone leaving the store.

"Took you long enough," he barked at the scared classmate.

"Hah? What the fuck is this shit?" he threw the bag with the soda furiously down on the ground.

"I wanted Pepsi! Pepsi! And not this shit!"

"S-Sorry," the boy whined.

"But they didn't have Pepsi!"

"Fuck. Screw off."


This was not how it's supposed to be. All those damn people getting scared for nothing. Only that stupid girl wouldn't-

'Tch. what am I even thinking about?'

He drove away with his scooter. It was early in the evening and he looked for something to do besides going back to his dorm room.

Arakita x f!reader (yowamushi pedal)Where stories live. Discover now