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"Man what the hell? You are everywhere! What an eyesore," he sat there with his feet on the table.

It was what it looked like. The both of you staring at each other lovingly, thinking about how you were going to murder the other person without being found out.
For starters, it wasn't your fault but his! Well, it could've been that you contributed to it but that was not the point. The point was to make clear which one of you was right and of course it was you, wasn't it?

"Ok guys, stop fighting each other will ya now?" a tall guy with blond hair came from behind and put a hand on your shoulder. He had a relaxed and easy-going look on his face. Arakita's eyebrow twitched.

"So, you finally here? I waited quite a while," Arakita said.

"Oh, hey I didn't know you were part of this club?" you blocked out Arakita and smiled at the guy who you saw at the party. You definitely heard Arakita clicking his tongue.

"Haha looks like it, doesn't it? I'm the captain," he winked at you.

"You look much different than when you were drunk."

"I wasn't drunk. I was just in a good mood," he winked at you again. Before you could respond to his gesture, Arakita impatiently said:

"Are the others from the club here too? I want to finally race."

"Patience is a virtue^^" ((yes, guess what he can make the sound "^^"))


After everyone changed (you obviously waited outside) and readied their equipment, they assembled in front of the club house. You stood next to Kinjou, away from everyone else. You didn't recognise anyone besides a few people and that was why it was weird that the guy who stood next to Arakita, with red hair, smiled at you mischievously while twisting a strand of his hair.

What's his deal?

Then the race started. The starting point was the university's front gate. The journey led through the city and mountain and finally back to the university. A total of 100 km. You were amazed how they were able to survive this insane distance. 

You sat in the car with the coach and a few other club members while driving alongside the cyclists. Whenever you came next to Kinjou you cheered him on and grimaced when Arakita was in your sight, he clicked his tongue in response. Then there was that smiling guy from before who stared at you. You found it weird but paid him no attention except for being polite and smiling back.

When the race entered the mountains, the coach said:

"Let's wait at the top to set up the in-between goal."

From the explanations you understood that the person who reaches the mountain the fastest would get awarded a certain title. Under your breath you mumbled:

"Hopefully not Arakita."

"Well you might be right." 

 After the preparations were done, the other club members sat down to eat and drink. They offered you some, so you sat with them and had a lively conversation when the coach said:

"Here they come."

The person who took the top was unknown to you so you focused your attention back to the other racers.

And then he looked at you.

Time stood still. The wind was gone. A deja-vu feeling. Nostalgia. And every other feeling related to it hit you. 

You felt weird and uncomfortable, so much your chest started to hurt and you sought to get rid of the feeling, emotion. The moment your eyes met was only an instant. A sting pained your heart and you felt tears welling up.

Why were you feeling like this? What was wrong with you? Why were you overreacting? 

The worst thing however was he only glanced at you for a moment and the next he already passed you, not wasting a second glance, again.

Every time he did that, from the time you first met at the library, to this point, it hurt and you didn't want to admit it. Because why would you feel that way for a stranger? But still it hurt. 

You tugged on your shirt and regained your calmness. The coach stood next to you and said :

"Let's go follow them."

He smiled at you warmly and patted you on the back. You only nodded and followed himback to the car. The entire time you felt down and didn't really pay any attention to the race. The coach must have noticed it because he stopped explaining things you were eager to hear before.

Once the race was over you took a while to get out of the car. You watched the coach exit the vehicle and walk towards Kinjou. He whispered something while looking in your direction. Then he came back and said while you got out of the car:

"How did you find the race? You are always welcome to watch."

"How about becoming the manager," the red haired guy said and smirked.

"Never in life. I don't want to see her everywhere and everytime," Arakita spat out.

You ignored both and thanked the coach with a smile for his kindness and promised you'd come back to watch another race. Kinjou walked towards you with a knowing smile and asked:

"And how was I?"

"Amazing!" you said genuinely. 

"It was so cool how you raced and the aura around you was completely different."

"Haha, good to hear. Thank you"

"What about me? You won't go off and say I just run my mouth and talk big right? I was amazing too, right?"

Frankly you wanted to ignore him but said:

"I couldn't care less about you."

Arakita was about to get angry and throw some curses at you when Kinjou asked if you wanted to grab some food. After biking you'd get really hungry, he explained. Happily, you agreed.

"Eh. Sounds good let me join too!" Arakita came up to you.

"Ah wait, Arakita. You promised me something, didn't you?" the red-haired guy stopped him.

"Eh?? What? Can't remember that"

"Don't be like that~"

"Disgusting. What's with that tone? Go away, man."

"Come on," Kinjou whispered to you, "Let's go while they are sorting out their business."

You nodded and followed him.

"By the way Kinjou, who is that red-haired guy? He, hmm, I don't know seems a bit weird?"

"Oh, that's Machimiya Eikichi. He was also at the Inter high. I don't really know either how to describe him."

"I see."

Machimiya huh? He gives me some kind of weird vibe.

Arakita x f!reader (yowamushi pedal)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن