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Despite what he said he went to the bench same time as yesterday. However, after two hours she still didn't come. Getting frustrated he questioned himself why he would even bother listening to her. Nevertheless he waited for another two hours. That cat didn't come either.

"Oho, what am I seeing here? I guess you really can listen to others," she teased him with that contagious smile of hers. He looked away.

"Now, now, don't feel upset. Sorry, did you have to wait for long?"

"No, I just got here," he lied.

'Why give her the satisfication of knowing that I wasted four hours waiting for her!'

"I see. That's a good response haha," she plumped down next to him.

"Oi, what's that?" he nodded at the thing that joined them company on the bench.

"Oh that," she said mysteriously and stroked the small blue box next to her, "is your treat!"

She continued to grin mischievously.

'What the hell is wrong with her?'

"Like I want some stupid box like that!"

"Eh~ but I carried it the whole way up to here!" she pouted.

'Stop that!'

"And to my defense it's the inside that counts!"

"Hah, do you mean personality or what?"

"Of course not silly! I'm not that deep. I mean the inside of the box!"

"Well, didn't think you'd be intelligent anyways."

That earned him a hard slap on his shoulder.

"What the fuck was that for?"

"I'll have you know young man that I'm more educated and sophisticated than you'll ever get to be even after living for 1000 years!"

"What is that even supposed to mean?"

"See, you're the stupid one."

He hated how she had the guts to always talk back to him or that personality that always had to have the last word. What was wrong with her? Most people would've avoided him by now and/or be scared of him.

He prepared a comeback when he flinched at a sudden pain in his under-eye area. He touched the spot where his bottom eyelashes were and then looked at the girl who stared in amazement at something resting on her index finger. It took him a while before he realised:


She just looked at him confused.


"Just like that!" she held up her index finger to show him his eyelash, his veins pulsated with rage.

"You still have enough there. But it's amazing how you have those lashes!"

"I-I don't even know where I should begin! Maybe by fucking murdering you?!"

"Shut up!"

"HUH," he was really on the edge of losing his control. 

He had to restrain every muscle in his body to not take the girl up to the school roof and throw her down.

"You're the eyelash guy. You have to supply everyone with eyelashes," she said with a straight face as she tried to pluck out another one from his bottom lashes. 

He wanted to slap her hand away but realised how close she was. He stared at her, her eyes fixated on his bottom lashes. He felt funny inside. His eyes widened when her fingers were dangerously close to his eyes. Crunching his teeth, he evaded her hands and let her plummet face down on the bench.

"Ah! What was that for?" she said muffled while rubbing her nose. 

Her teary eyes glistened in the sunlight.

'Don't look at me like this!'

He had to turn away from her and take a step forward.


'M-Meanie? Is that supposed to be cute or what?'

He was curious to see what kind of expression she would make however he was disappointed. She was too busy fumbling with the blue box instead giving him any of the reactions he desired.

'Tch. Why would I care?'

He wanted to ask her what she was doing but she got him first:

"C'mon sit down!"

"Why should I?" he pretended to be still angry.

"So~ You don't want your treat huh?"

Thinking about it, he finally sat back next to her and awaited the reveal of his treat:

"Ta da," she held a bottle of cold Pepsi in front of him.


'Is that shit here supposed to be my damn treat?'

When he touched the Pepsi, his hand got wet. He guessed that the blue box over there was a cool box. She had to carry that heavy thing only to serve him the Pepsi cold?

'How stupid', he thought.

"Why Pepsi? Why the hell should I drink it? It's nothing but sugar!"

"Because Pepsi's amazing! You take the first sip and woah..." her eyes sparkled, he couldn't stop staring at her.

"It's so cool and bubbles in your mouth! It feels incredible and you yearn for more. So you take another and another sip but it doesn't feel quite the same. Longing for the first experience you start to buy a second bottle, and bottle after bottle you can't imagine drinking anything else! Something like this? Oh and you should drink it cold," every word was spoken with so much fascination and excitement.

"Ha? It's just a drink!"

"Then why don't you try it?"


She looked at him excited. The only thing he could think of was 'stupid' when he put the bottle to his lips. Looking at her, he took the first sip and his eyes widened.

"Wth? You're right? That's...That's unbelievable!"

"Yes didn't I tell you?"


Everyone, here we have two dorks getting all excited over Pepsi.

Arakita x f!reader (yowamushi pedal)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora