QingYu: A Wuxia Tale (Going T...

By ginaddict

312K 17.8K 1.4K

A young man with a dream... A Captain with a mission to fulfill... They will meet and form a bond that no one... More

A Boy With a Dream
A Chance Encounter
At the Crack of Dawn
A Walk with A Keeper
In One Room
The Shadow
Questions and Rumors
Fall in You
The Spy
Night of Thoughts
Personal Assignment
The Hitch on the Plan
The Accomplice
Border in SiChuan
Operation: Seduction
Sleeping Separately
A Mad Bull in the Fence
Shell Shocked
Hiding Spot
Embrace in the Dark
I Want You
Cherry Bloosoms are Romantic
Half Truths
Future Plans
Play and Change of Heart
Badly Touched
One Rainy Morning
Lemon Scented Oil
I Love You
The Defense Specialist
First Move
The Second in Command's Past
Behind the Attack
Ally in the Workshop
One Down
Prohibited Cure
Fully Recovered
Unexpected Meeting
Counter Plan
Poisoned Darts
Shattered Worlds
Unstoppable vs Immovable
A Different Choice
The Calm Before the Storm
Battle Ready
An Attack
The Original Shadow
Fallen Warrior
The Force Beyond the Border
Prison Cell
The Woman from the Border
Our Fate
General Wang
Afforded Choices
The Aftermath of Revenge
Love will Reign


4.2K 186 21
By ginaddict

(Dayu's POV)

I lay on the bed and watch as Captain Wang light two candles and put them inside the paper lamps. The room glowed in soft light. He turned and smile at me.

Captain Wang. He is a general now, though. Serving directly under the order of the Emperor. But he will always be my Captain Wang.

I held out an arm and a hand to him. He came to me and slip in the bed beside me. He gatherd me close to his side, my head pillowed against his shoulder.

"I love you," he said as he played with the strands of my hair.

"I love you too," I close my eyes when his hold tightened. I savored the feeling of being in his strong arms again.

His arms that will always make me feel safe when they are holding me.

"Why did you get married?" I asked him in a quiet tone after moments had passed.

"I want children," he replied. "Remember our plans before? That we will adopt children? She fulfilled that dream for me. Our marriage was arranged by the Emperor who was her guardian."

I nodded. The Emperor arranged it, how can Captain Wang say no? He can't, so he married her.

Captain Wang sighed. "She was beautiful, there was no hardship in bedding her but we never loved each other. We became allies. Partners with mutual conditions and benefits in our marriage. She will give me children that I want and I will, in return, give her back her freedom and a comfortable life. That was the bargain,"

"After she became pregnant with the twins, I stopped visiting her bedchamber. She died in birthing complications after giving birth," Captain Wang finished in a sad note.

"I'm sorry," I know, he may not love her but she was still the mother of his children.

"I used to feel guilty about her before but I have consoled
myself now. I have my work, this place to build for you and the twins to occupy my time,"

I looked up, surprised, "You have twins?" That slipped my mind the first time he mentioned it.

He smiled and kissed my nose, "Yes, a boy and a girl."

"And the boy will be my student?"

"No, you will concentrate on my daughter,"

I was surprised again. His daughter. "Why her?"

"She is sickly," My heart ached when I heard that.

Captain Wang sighed while looking up at the ceiling, "My daughter is sickly, shy and lonely. My son, is very different from his sister, he is an arrogant bastard. I will start teaching him humiliation soon,"

I smiled, "So you will train him then. How old are they again?"

He smiled at me, "Six, their personalities are developing. I want my daughter to learn from the best. I want you to teach her to attack when needed, and to put her brother down once in a while,"

"Like I do with you," I teased him.

He smiled at me, melting with love in my eyes, "Yes, exactly like what you do to me,"

I lean up to kiss his lips, he kissed me back. Then I settle back to lie on his arm.

"That will fill my days. What about my nights?" I bit my lower lip. Anticipating his answer.

"I will fill your nights. You will spend them all with me," he answered with promise in his tone.

I tease him some more, "But I thought I will have my own quarter. I was promised a room of my own,"

"Whoever promised that lied to you," he laughed when I pinched him. He knew that Mei said those words to me.

"How often do you talk to Mei and Jiang?" I asked him curiously.

"I saw Jiang four times every year, when he will visit his family. I will always ask about you. We will talk about nothing but you that there was one time that he visited here but avoided me,"

A laugh escaped my lips at what he said.

"This place...?"

"Mei told me to prepare," Captain Wang lift my face to look into my eyes. "He said I should keep on dreaming and wait until you are healed. I never thought that it will take you seven summers. But like I said, I built and prepared this place for you while I wait."

We stared at each other. I saw love in Captain Wang's eyes.

"I love your place," I said dreamily afterwards.

He nodded, "Our place." He corrected me. "Where we are is the main house. The second floor held this suite and my children's quarters. I also built an office for me and a library for you,"

I got excited, "A library?" my voice was filled with wonder.

He laughed at my expression, "Yes, a library. I filled it already with books and scrolls. You can look at it tomorrow. You and the children can study their lessons there too. I put tables and chairs there."

He built a library for me. And planted a cherry blossom tree. And built this whole place for me. Qing really loves me.

I kissed him, long and hard. He was happy to reciprocate.

"I can't wait to meet your children and teach your daughter,"

Qing grew serious, "I hope you will love them. And treat them like they are yours. You will raise them with me after all,"

I frown, "Won't that confuse them? Our relationship...won't they ask about it? What about the servants?"

"I will handle all the explaining. The children will grow up understanding us. The servants will not talk about us outside this property if they knew what is good for them. I know how to handle my troops Dayu, I can train them to accept our relationship,"

I still have doubts but I decided to trust him, "I will do my best for them to like me," I promised. "And I will love your children, they are ours now, right? Our children,"

Qing was so happy at what he heard, "Yes, they are our children. They will love you. I have the confidence in you that you will show and teach them how to love,"

I felt tears prick my eyes. I only learned about love when he started loving me. He taught me a lot of things about love. How to receive and how to give it.

He lovingly wipe my tears and hugged me to his body again.

"I love you, my heart. This is the start of our happiness. Your happiness,"

I nod and shed more tears. He let me cry on his chest. He knew, I gave up on happiness a long time ago. But he is determined to give it to me. He waited seven years, but not in vain, he built this home for us. For me...for our love.

This happiness. I will grab it. This time, I will not let go.

I believe it now. After everything that happened to me.

This is the happiness my past had prepared for me.


The next day...I meet his children.

Twins, like he said, a boy and a girl.

Wang Dao and Wang Hua.

Dao (meaning blade) and Hua (meaning flower).

I smiled at them.

Wang Hua looked worriedly up at her father who picked her up in his arms.

"Hua, he will be your teacher," Captain Wang smiled at her daughter and then at me.

I feel scared. What if they won't like me?

Hua shyly buried her face on Captain Wang's neck. She looked a bit pale, her eyes a little dim for a girl her age. She should be full of life. Her father is right, Hua is sickly.

"Don't be shy, daughter. Say hello to your teacher. He will always be with you..." Captain Wang looked worried and uncertain as his daughter hid her face more.

I took a deep breath. If I have to win someone's trust first. It should be this little girl. She will be my student, and in a way, my patient too.

She was just like me when Uncle Shu rescued me from that temple a long long time ago. Scared of people as I feel weak.

Uncle Shu never gave up on me. He never failed me. I will never fail this little girl too.

"Hua." I called her name and didn't speak again until she got curious enough to move her head a little and take a peek at me. "I will teach you to handle swords and daggers..."

"Dayu..." Captain Wang didn't expect that. I think he wanted me to start in moves and footwork first before going into weapons. But I had a feeling that Hua needed something to shock her interest.

And I was right. Hua's eyes widen and life entered those pretty eyes.

"S-swords. Like what Dao is playing?" She looked down at her brother who is peering up at us while frowning.

I think she is referring to the wooden sword his brother might have.

I shook my head. "Real swords," I said.

Her eyes widen more and she pushed her body away from her father. "Real sword?! Really?"

"Yes," I smiled at the excitement on her face.

Hua looked at her father who gave me a look and a sigh before he nodded. A smiled broke on the little girl's face. A new energy coursing through her. Excitement and hope that she will be strong and not sickly anymore.

Hua turn to me and held out her arms. I took her from her father who gave her up to me. Then Captain Wang looked down as Wang Dao poked his middle.

"Who will teach me, Baba?" His words are asking but his tone had a demanding note on it.

Captain Wang looked at me and I nodded at him. He lean down to pick up his son. "I will teach you. Dayu is for Hua and I will be your teacher..."

Wang Dao's face brightened like that of his sister's. He looked so happy to know that his father will personally teach him.

If only this arrogant boy knew how much humiliation he will be in.

I looked at Hua who smiled at me. I hugged her to me. She lean her head on top of my shoulder. My heart pinched.

She is my daughter now.

I look at Wang Dao who keeps on chattering to ask his father what kind of weapons he will use while learning. I smiled at the father and son.

Wang Dao is my son now.

And Captain Wang...he is and always will be...the man I love.

This is my family now.

I finally have a family again.

And now...my happiness is complete.

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