My Hero Academia: Oneshots

By quoteoftheday

4.1M 81.4K 112K

Officially the first My Hero Oneshot Book to reach 1 million reads! Reader inserts! Everything from painfully... More

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I did some art (Deku, Shouto, Kiri, Baku, Amajiki)
☁️Tenya x Reader: Pebbles are for the Birds
☁️Kirishima/Reader/Midoriya: Micro-jealousies
Kinktober Begins
☁️Amajiki x Reader: That Elusive Blizzard
🍋We wrote this drunk😂
☁️Izuku x Reader: Rival's Sibling Rivalry
🍋Shouto x Reader: SHH!
🍋Shinsou x Reader: A Very Good Morning
🍋*Amajiki x Reader: Quirk Experimentation
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🍋Izuku x Maid!Reader: Dirty Work 2/2
🍋Kirishima x Reader: Rockin' Bod
🍋Submissive!Katsuki x Reader: A Good Punishment
🍋Kaminari x Reader: You're a Treat
🍋Izuku x Reader: Prescription for You
☁️Mini Fluff Cleanse Scenarios
🍋Todoroki/Reader/Bakugou: Striptease Me
🍋*Shouto x Reader: Cold, Hot and HOTTER
🍋Amajiki x Reader: Walls are Kinda his Thing
🍋Baku/Deku: Grand Theft Bakugou 1/2
🍋Baku/Deku: Grand Theft Bakugou 2/2
🍋*Baku/Deku/Reader/Todo/Kiri: The Repayment 1/2
🍋*Baku/Deku/Reader/Todo/Kiri: The Repayment 2/2
🎃☁️Katsuki x Reader: The Hunted
🎃☁️ *Destination Fluffery Part 3: A Wardrobe Crisis
🎃☁️ Shouto/Ghost!Deku: One Last Wish
🎃☁️ Various x Reader: Weirder Stuff 1
🎃☁️Various x Reader: Weirder Stuff 2
🎃☁️Various x Reader: Weirder Stuff 3
🎃☁️Various x Reader: Weirder Stuff 4
☁️Shouto x Reader: PDA
☁️ Shinsou x Reader: Of Bugs and Stargazing
☁️Mirio x Reader: Leaves
🍋We Wrote This Drunk Too
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☁️*Neko!Amajiki x Reader: A Good Home
☁️*Neko!Amajiki/Reader/Kiri: Human Love
🍋*Neko!Amajiki x Reader: In Heat
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☁️Dominant!Amajiki x Reader: Off the Cuff
🎄Tamaki Saves Christmas
🎄Tokoyami x Reader: Mistletoe (And A/N)
Massive Writers Block. HAAALP
☁️Various x Reader: Purely Sweet
☁️Harem of BNHA boys X Reader: Wish Fulfillment Part 1
☁️Harem of BNHA boys X Reader: Wish Fulfillment Part 2
☁️Harem of BNHA boys X Reader: Wish Fulfillment Part 3
🍋We wrote this drunk three: Triple Threat 😂
🍋Bakugou/Amajiki: What's a Pornhub?
☁️Harem of BNHA boys X Reader: Wish Fulfillment Part 4
☁️Harem of BNHA boys X Reader: Wish Fulfillment Part 5
☁️Harem of BNHA boys X Reader: Wish Fulfillment Part 6
☁️Harem of BNHA boys X Reader: Wish Fulfillment Part 7
☁️Harem of BNHA boys X Reader: Wish Fulfillment Part 8
1 Million Reads and a Special Oneshot!
☁️Harem of BNHA boys X Reader: Wish Fulfillment Part 9
☁️Harem of BNHA boys X Reader: Wish Fulfillment FINAL
☁️Sero x Reader (Fantasy AU): The Baker's Boy
☁️Katsuki x Reader: Tunnel of Mushy Bullshit
We wrote this drunk- Oh no...
☁️Kirishima x Reader (Fantasy AU): Little Dragon
🍋Drunk Fanfiction 6: Jesus in space
☁️Izuku x Reader: Confidentiality
🎃🍋Kinktober: Amajiki NSFW Alphabet
🎃🍋Kinktober: Shinsou NSFW Alphabet
🎃🍋Kinktober: Mirio NSFW Alphabet
🎃🍋Kinktober: Shouto NSFW Alphabet
Announcing a New Oneshot Book
🎃🍋Kinktober: Katsuki NSFW Alphabet
🎃🍋Kinktober: Izuku NSFW Alphabet
🎃🍋Kinktober: Dabi NSFW Alphabet
💔Amajiki/Reader: The Meaning of Fear
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🎃Mystery x Reader: Who done it? Part 1
🎃Mystery x Reader: Who done it? Part 2
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🎃Mystery x Reader: Who done it? Part 3

🍋Shinsou/Reader/Monoma: Who's in Control?

76.3K 1K 1.9K
By quoteoftheday

Monoma/Reader/Shinsou LEMON: Who's in Control? for lpvxjb

Description: Uh... Hm... I don't even know... Your naked cat-boy crush goes head to head (or dick to dick) with a foxy Aryan blonde from your class? 

You quickly turned your eyes down to the lunch table as the boy you had your eye on threw a glance in your direction. Hitoshi Shinsou, the one who had captured your attention greatly during the sports festival, was showing his face more and more often in the last few weeks. After getting lost in the gargantuan stadium back then, you had stumbled upon his waiting room. He had been kind enough to let you stay, discussing your quirks and hobbies. You assumed that your presence was a distraction from his focus on the battle, but he didn't seem to feel that way. He thoroughly had enjoyed your company, feeling refreshed that someone was interested in his quirk without comparing it to that of a villain's.

"Him again?" Kendo inquired, catching your dreamy gaze at him. You said nothing. "Why don't you just go talk to him?" She shrugged casually.

"Uh... He's kinda intimidating..." You admitted.

"You might as well. He'll probably be joining our class soon anyway."

"What?! Really?!" You yawped happily.

"Soooo F/N..." Monoma swept in to sit by you, interrupting the conversation. "We still on for tonight?"

"I never agreed to that, Neito." You winked and elbowed him playfully. He grinned widely with a pious jerk of his chin, assuming you were jesting.

"Eight O'clock it is then." He concluded. You snorted and rolled your eyes, knowing he wasn't going to take no for an answer. Monoma had been pursuing you for a while now and you weren't sure how exactly to feel about it. He certainly had things covered in the handsome section of the mate checklist, but some of his personality flaws alarmed you from time to time. You would have given him a fairer chance if he hadn't possessed a strange fixation on the demise of Class 1-A. So to you, a romantic relationship is not particularly suited for someone of his... let's call them antics...

On the other hand, you couldn't seem to get your mind off of the mysterious general studies boy. You looked up again, just in time to see him disappear around the corner.

Later that afternoon you returned to your apartment, changing into something more comfortable.


You smiled as a fuzzy little nugget pressed his head to your palm in a demand for attention. This cat had followed you home one day during the sports festival and you'd been caring for it ever since. Its unusual coloring and sleepy eyes reminded you of Shinsou, so you named it accordingly.

"You're so cuuuuutee, Hitooossshiiii." You cooed, doting on it with both hands. It nuzzled your chin affectionately, purring and pawing at your chest. A knock at the door disrupted your cuddles.

"Oh hey, Neito." You said simply, inviting him in. You regarded him, noting that, in comparison to you, he was dressed to the nines.

"Glad you invited me here, F/N." He bowed gently, immediately making himself at home. You wanted to retort that he sort of invited himself here, but decided against it. The two of you had settled on a movie in your room, since that's where the television resided. He filled the silent parts of the film with his smooth attractive voice, telling stories and compliments to you. You had to admit his shameless flattery was actually pretty charming. Slowly but surely, his butt had migrated towards you on the bed and he stretched an arm over his head, snaking it behind your shoulders. Suddenly, the cat leapt onto Monoma's lap, startling him.

"Oh, you have a pet." He observed as the cat tried to wedge itself in between you.

"Eh, sort of. He kind of comes and goes as he pleases."

"Mm." He nodded, returning his focus to you. As the movie scene became a little more heated,  Monoma scooted closer to you. "M'sleepy." He lied, resting his head on your shoulder. You allowed it, running a hand through his very soft lush hair. He took the signal as a green light and began to place feather-soft teasing kisses along your jawbone and neck.

"Uh..." You shifted uncomfortably. It felt nice but you still weren't sure of your feelings for Monoma. "H-hey... You aren't watching the movie..." You tried to get him to slow down without rudely pushing him off of you.

"You're much more interesting..." He said smoothly, a hand running from your knee upwards to your thigh. "OUCH!" He recoiled, grasping his injured hand. "Your stupid cat bit me!"

"Hitoshi!" You looked at the cat, which was staring Monoma down. For a fleeting moment, you felt as if the little fluff ball was protecting your chastity from Neito's advances. He hissed as Neito used his other hand to slide him off the bed.

"You named the cat after that weird kid from the tournament?" He asked, cleaning his wound.

"He's not weird." You defended. "I think he's really interesting..."

"Yeah. Interesting like a villain..." He replied, crawling back in your direction. "Now... where were we..." He resumed kissing your neck, slowly moving towards your lips. You stopped him.

"Neito... I think you're going a little too fast for me..."

"Aw, come on." He whined. "Let me kiss you."

Suddenly your mind went fuzzy and you obeyed him without question. It felt as though you were watching the events from the sidelines, like someone else had taken over your body. Monoma watched your eyes glaze over, bending to his will. You felt his rough tongue slide into your mouth, but had no control over your body's response. Monoma wracked his brain for how he was able to copy a power when he hadn't touched anyone for at least half the day, but was at a loss for any kind of definitive answer. He decided to try it again.

"Take off your shirt..." Was it a demand or more of a test to see if he could do it, he wasn't sure. But whatever inhibitions he had were stripped away as he watched you swiftly dispose of your shirt. He reached out, gliding his hand over your bare stomach.

"STOP!" A sudden third voice filled the room.

"THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" Monoma squawked. He didn't answer, but came over to your position on the bed and shook you violently.

"Ah!" Your mind came back to you and a familiar pair of dark eyes were staring at you with concern. "S-Shinsou!" Your eyes grew wide. "When did you get here and- WHY ARE YOU NAKED?!"

"He was the cat! And he just transformed all of the sudden!" Monoma rang out, madness rising in his voice.

"H-hitoshi! Y-you were Hitoshi?!" For the briefest of seconds, your mind flew back over the past few weeks, searching your memory for any inappropriate or embarrassing things you must have done in front of your cat. 'Oh god...' You recalled a night that you couldn't sleep and decided to touch yourself. You had ignored the cat's presence as it sat in the corner licking itself. "A-all this time?!" You squeaked, horrified at what he had seen.

"Yes..." He answered, a dark blush filling his pale face. He must have been remembering the same event. Suddenly, you smacked both hands over your mouth to keep yourself silent. You realized that he could control you at any time and escalate the situation.

"I can explain all of that, but first you need to listen. This guy copied my quirk and was using it to take advantage of you."

"HEY! I was not!" He defended. "I just-"

"Stop talking." Shinsou activated his quirk, causing Monoma to stand there in a trance. Your eyes flitted in fear between the two of them, making sure to not make the slightest peep. Shinsou reached down beside the bed, handing you the shirt you had removed against your will. "Forgive me." He said, looking away to respect your privacy. There were so many things you wanted to ask him, but one was more important than the others. "I'm sure this is terribly confusing for you, and-"

"Why did you follow me home?" You asked him. With a stealthy ability such as his, he could have used it on anyone. What was so special about you?

"You... answered me..." He spoke slowly, reverently.

"Yeah." You nodded, still expecting a reason.

"But you know what my quirk does..." He gazed at you in awe, utterly confused as to why you would ever open your mouth in front of him again.


"Why?" Instinctively, he had crawled himself closer to you, his catlike behavior still percolating out of his system. It was not unlike trying to get your landlegs back after a few days at sea.

"Well... I guess after all we've been through together..." You relived the last month you had spent with him by your side, keeping you company when you were stressed, cuddling with you when you were sad. "I just... trust you."

Shinsou's stomach did a somersault. There weren't words enough to describe the expression that dawned his face. His melancholy heart had been melted by the sun, his shyness disappearing. He peered at you with half-lidded eyes, pulling your face gently towards him. He was slow in his movements, calculating; as if giving you plenty of time to pull away if you desired. But you didn't. You yanked him down upon yourself, embracing in a sweet kiss. You weaved your hands through his sexy bedhead, allowing his tongue to dance against yours. Your lips separated and he nuzzled your neck affectionately. You giggled at how catlike it was. He blushed slightly, realizing the silly cute thing he had just done.

"Ah... wait." You realized Monoma was still frozen in place, being forced to watch this unfold. "You should probably snap him out of it..."

"On it." Shinsou replied, deliberately punching Monoma in the gut and laying him to the floor.

"AGH!" He regained his bearings, clenching his stomach in pain.

"Hitoshi!" Your jaw fell open. He turned and gave you a mischievous look, as if to say 'he deserved it'. The tiniest laugh escaped your throat. Monoma scrambled over onto the bed.

"This guy is dangerous, F/N." He said low, as if trying to convince you to escape out your own window with him.

"No he's not, Neito." You giggled, alleviating some of the tension in the room.

"And why did he get to kiss you before I did?!" He objected, staring at the approaching nude boy bitterly.

"I mean by technicality, he kind of didn't..." It was true. Neito had peppered you with kisses all evening, but he didn't seem pleased by that answer. His brows furrowed until you pulled him into a kiss. You noticed Shinsou stop in place, looking hurt by your actions.


"Well, Hitoshi, it doesn't seem right to send him home after all that's happened." You smiled, naughty delicious ideas popping into your mind.

"I see..." Shinsou said, covering a brokenhearted expression with a business-like façade. You saw this and got up to embrace him.

"That doesn't mean I want you to leave either, Hitoshi..."

The boys exchanged a significant glance, wary and possibly disgusted at the proposition about to be made.

"Why don't you both stay with me?" You whispered in a sultry way, letting your fingernails glide down Shinsou's bare back. They both stared at each other, waiting for the other one to back down and leave. But neither did.

"My, my, F/N... You certainly are a naughty vixen." Neito wore a haughty grin, a poker face to scare away the shyer boy. You read this signal incorrectly, thinking he was totally down with the D.

"So I guess that means you're in." You smiled, taking a disturbed-looking Shinsou by the hands. "Won't you stay, Hitoshi?" You begged, running a hand down his chest. He gulped. "I mean... you're already naked..." He looked down and blushed, having completely forgotten about that. "Here..." You yanked off your bottoms and began unlatching your bra. "Now you're not alone."

Monoma's jaw had hit the floor when you turned to look at him. You put your hands on your hips and stared, waiting for the third member of your party to join the naked club. As he began to hesitantly unbutton his shirt, Shinsou had crept up behind you and slid his hands around your waist. You pulled your hair around one shoulder, giving him permission with your eyes to nibble your neck and ear. His wet tongue nicked your skin through his soft kisses. A jolt of hormones shot through Shinsou as he felt your bare skin on his. His hands moved up, fondling your breasts as his sharp teeth grazed your ear. Your breath quickened, letting out aroused audible sighs as your nipples hardened under his touch. But that wasn't the only thing hardening. You leaned back into Shinsou's body, surrendering. He sighed and you felt a rising poke from behind you.

Over on the bed, Neito's eyes had glassed over as he watched you nude and writhing. He quickly hastened his undressing, his erection springing forth with the fast removal of his pants. You licked your lips, flashing him a little smile to let him know he hadn't been forgotten. He got up and closed the distance between you. He threw his arms around you and pulled you into a kiss, trying to shut out the other boy with his hands all over you. He had a plan to steal his quirk and somehow get him out of the way. However, Shinsou also had a similar thought process, knowing he could cease control if things started to get out of hand.

"Eep!" You yelped as Monoma yanked you out of Shinsou's arms and mounted you on the bed. You laughed at his boldness, starting to feel a wet heat building below deck. You reached out a hand to Hitoshi, not wanting him to feel left out in the cold. His fingers interlaced with yours and you pulled him into the pile for a kiss. He grimaced as his shoulder bumped the toned glowing body of Monoma. You felt moderately suffocated as the two boys pushed one another, your lips parting and colliding with Shinsou then Monoma, back and forth the battle went.

"Okay, wait." You placed a hand on both of their chests. "We need to figure out a better way to do this."

"Maybe one of us should leave." Neito snapped his head towards Hitoshi.

"Splendid. How kind of you to volunteer." Shinsou deadpanned back. You rolled your eyes at their bickering; doing the only thing you could think of to shut them up. You grabbed their erections, one in each hand, both of them abruptly falling forward with a gasp. You pumped the shafts, hoping to stroke the aggression away. Their salacious moans filled the apartment.

"How... do you want to do this, F/N?" Shinsou huffed, obviously much more docile under your touch.

"Hm... Well you lay here..." You had him rest back on the bed, feeling exposed now that his full nudity was out to be scrutinized. "And..." You clambered on top of him. "Neito, you get behind me there." They both quietly positioned themselves accordingly before getting to work. Shinsou ran his hands through your hair, pulling you into a hot wet kiss. You shivered at the double sensation of Monoma's strong hands on your hips. He guided your rear end in his direction, his tip prodding at your entrance. A wandering hand found Shinsou's member, and you were able to watch with wanting eyes as he mewled and writhed. His lustful moan shot a spike of want between your legs, making it all too inviting for Neito. Without warning, he plunged inside with a growl of desire. You bit down on Hitoshi's shoulder from the shock, wishing he had at least warned you. Neito built up a steady rhythm with you on your knees overtop Hitoshi, skin slapping as he thrust from behind.

After a short while the pressure started to feel good, escalating your pleasure as you let out pathetic whimpers.

"Eh?" Suddenly you were yanked backwards and your feet hit the floor, Monoma plunging deep and rough into your wet cave. Your back met his chest and he left love nips along your neck, greedily grasping your breasts with both hands.

"Hey!" Hitoshi objected, cold from the sudden absence of your body heat.

"It was smart to leave most of the work to the brawn of this operation." He praised you, passive-aggressively demeaning Shinsou's lesser athletic build. In response, he narrowed his eyes and spoke.

"Wait your turn." He ordered, resulting in Monoma ceasing all movement. Shinsou tenderly pulled you off of the more muscular boy, stealing all the attention for himself. With sunset eyes, he asked permission before sliding himself between your folds. He held you close, relishing in the uninterrupted intimacy. It felt heavenly to give up control, letting you ride him at your own pace, watching as his modest ordinary body took you to new heights. You were losing yourself in the burning embers of passion, not noticing the absence of two other hands groping you.

"Ohhh... aaanhhh..." You sighed, the monstrous craving taking over. "Ah- ohhhhhhhh!" You convulsed, seeing nothing but a shrieking white. Your back arched and your head tilted back sharply as your blurred vision returned to you. Shinsou was so close, your twisting body and salacious noises pushing him to the edge. Only a few more thrusts until- "What the-" You pulled off, noticing Monoma frozen at the edge of the bed, bare dick twitching in protest. "Hitoshi!" You whined. "Don't do that."

You slipped off of him, forcing him to catch his breath, and went over to give Neito a firm slap on the ass. He snapped out of it, eyes aflame with hatred. "You okay?" You asked him. He only nodded, knowing better than to speak again. "That wasn't nice, Hitoshi." You scolded him, resulting in a smug grin from Monoma. You babied Neito for a while, letting him lay in Shinsou's place while you sucked him. The salty bitter tang of yourself still lingered as you swirled your tongue around him.

You ascended your ass in the air as an invitation for Shinsou to continue his work. Neito grasped the bed sheets, panting as the sudden fantastic stimulation heightened his senses.

"Could you... maybe slide this way some?" Shinsou awkwardly requested from Neito, since he couldn't exactly reach you while still standing at the edge of the bed. He brushed Shinsou with his foot and smiled.

"Just be quiet and stay there." He whispered. You slurped and bobbed around his member before you furrowed your brows. You glanced back to see Shinsou now standing there with a clueless expression.

"Seriously?!" You lurched towards poor Shinsou, shaking him by the shoulders and planting a kiss on his lips.

"Must have done it by accident like before..." Monoma said smoothly, but you weren't buying it.

"Dammnit! If either of you does that again, I'm kicking you both out!" You stared daggers at each of them. "Understand?"

"Yes..." They both answered in unison.

"Good." You said with a serious tone. "Now do you want to go back to the original arrangement or..."

They didn't answer but returned to first position, Shinsou laying on his back with Monoma behind you. "This is fine but... could you maybe..." Shinsou was yearning for the same special kind of attention Monoma had just received but wasn't sure how to ask. You grinned, knowing what he wanted. He yelped as you slid his body down, legs hanging off the bed. You ferociously descended on his member with your mouth, slapping your rear end in command to Neito. Your bent standing height was perfectly comfortable for Monoma, allowing him to reach new depth within you.

The satisfaction rolled once more, a bomb about to detonate. His thrusts pushed you forward, taking Shinsou farther down your throat. Your moans sent vibrations through his shaft, coaxing pleasure from deep inside him. You panted, puffs of hot air rushing between Hitoshi's legs. "Mmmmm.... Naaaahhhh." You felt yourself climaxing once more, the sight of you pushing both boys over the edge. Their musical groans echoed in the room, bouncing off the wall and filling your ears as an explosion filled our mouth. Within seconds, an eruption of bliss filled you from behind as well. You both collapsed forward, heaving in air, wiping your mouth clean before nuzzling Hitoshi. He turned to stroke your face affectionately, staring in your eyes while catching his breath. A sweaty chest met your back as Monoma spooned you, closing his eyes in exhaustion.

You and Hitoshi did the same. You smiled to yourself, basking in the otherworldly ability you possessed. Both of them had the quirk to take control, but somehow, against all odds, you had been able to manipulate their behavior exactly to your liking. But... if it meant that much to them, you wouldn't mind letting them believe they were in control the whole time...

Does this count as a Neko fic? I'm not really sure...

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