QingYu: A Wuxia Tale (Going T...

By ginaddict

309K 17.7K 1.4K

A young man with a dream... A Captain with a mission to fulfill... They will meet and form a bond that no one... More

A Boy With a Dream
A Chance Encounter
At the Crack of Dawn
A Walk with A Keeper
In One Room
The Shadow
Questions and Rumors
Fall in You
The Spy
Night of Thoughts
Personal Assignment
The Hitch on the Plan
The Accomplice
Border in SiChuan
Operation: Seduction
Sleeping Separately
A Mad Bull in the Fence
Shell Shocked
Hiding Spot
Embrace in the Dark
I Want You
Cherry Bloosoms are Romantic
Half Truths
Future Plans
Play and Change of Heart
Badly Touched
One Rainy Morning
Lemon Scented Oil
I Love You
The Defense Specialist
First Move
The Second in Command's Past
Behind the Attack
Ally in the Workshop
One Down
Prohibited Cure
Fully Recovered
Unexpected Meeting
Counter Plan
Poisoned Darts
Shattered Worlds
Unstoppable vs Immovable
A Different Choice
The Calm Before the Storm
Battle Ready
An Attack
The Original Shadow
Fallen Warrior
The Force Beyond the Border
Prison Cell
The Woman from the Border
Our Fate
General Wang
Afforded Choices
The Aftermath of Revenge
Love will Reign


2.6K 150 7
By ginaddict

(Qing's POV)

The first thing Jiang and I did is find Wei. After giving him the news of an imminent attack from Governor Feng's army, we endured his shock first.

"Three to one? Maybe we can..."

"Will you sacrifice your soldiers for that odds?" I asked him. "Remember, these are soldiers too. Trained like us. Are you willing to fight them with a three to one odd?"

Wei frustratingly close his eyes and shout heavenward.

"Is your lover behind this would be attack?" He glared at me, clearly annoyed.

"The probability is there..."

"Wang Qing!" Wei shouted at me. "Of all people, an assasin? Really?"

"Its already done! What do you want me to do?!" I shouted back at him.

Jiang groaned as if in pain while watching Wei and I go at it like two small kids.

"Shut up! The both of you," As the oldest among us gave the order. He turned to Wei, "Listen carefully, Qing and I don't want to risk it. Can we win, maybe, the chance will always be there but it will need plans, lots of planning to win against an army more superior in number than us. Frankly, I don't give a damn about this base. Qing feels the same way. People's lives matter more. Soldiers lives matter more. So, we are asking you, what do you want to do?"

Wei look back and forth at me and Jiang. Then he sighed. "My soldiers, can I all take them as I transfer to another base?"

Jiang and I sighed in relief. We understood Wei of course. As captains, our first concern will always be our troops under our command.

"I will personally talk to my father," I said to him.

Wei nodded, "Then I will gather my troops to help with the evacuation of the helpers."

Three troops. That will be enough to evacuate the hundreds of helpers in this base to take them to safety.

We were about to agree with Wei's plan when the bell on the main gate sounded.

The three of us look at each other.

"No way," Wei said wonderingly. "Is the attack happening now?" He asked the two of us.

Jiang shook his head. "That is not the plan. Unless Dayu..." he said and before Wei and I can react to that bizzarre statement, Jiang started running to the direction of the main gate.

Wei and I ran after him. When we got up on the port of the main gate, other captains and soldiers are already there to see what is happening down outisde on the main gate.

My eyes widened in surprise when I saw a lone figure standing outside in front of the gate.


His long black hairs are tied neatly at the back of his head. He is wearing an all black robe. The color of deep mourning.

I winced as I remember why he is in mourning.

"Your lover have some serious guts, Qing." Wei whispered beside me.

Yes. Dayu had always been brave and bold. And I know now where he got it from. His mother...

"I have a message for the new Master General," he said in a carrying tone.

A coronel came in the front.

"What is the message?" He asked Dayu.

Dayu shook his head and smile, "I was asked to give it to him personally. But you will have some idea if you will all just look to the forest behind me,"

We all look at the dark trees behind Dayu. One by one, torches was lit until we saw the army behind him, waiting behind the trees.

The lights on the torches spanned as far as I can see. From left to right, I see soldiers carrying banners of the Province of SiChuan.

The numbers are enough to make us feel surrounded.

I will not be surprised if that is indeed the case.

"I want to speak to General Wang," Dayu's voice rang like a bell on every stunned soldiers inside the camp including me. "And please grant me my request or it will cease to be a request and may turn to a demand. We all won't want that..."

The soldier in charged of opening the gate looked at the coronel who first spoke to Dayu.

The coronel was cornered. He had no time to inform his superiors. He had to make the decision now.

"Are you the only one who will enter?" He asked Dayu.

Dayu laughed. I cringed. I would have liked to spend my life without hearing that hollow laugh of his again. But here I am, hearing it again.

"If that will make you feel secure," Dayu shrugged and smile like that question is a big jest for him.

I understand why he is amused. I fought the man. I think it will be safer to invite every last soldier of Governor Feng's army inside the camp than permitting an alone Dayu to come inside.

He is the most dangerous man in Governor Feng's arsenal.

"Open the gate," the coronel ordered.

I immediately run back down to the ground. As the gate open, I make sure that I am in the front of the crowd that will welcome him.

Dayu strode inside, looking relaxed and calm.

A nervous looking soldier walked to him, "W-weapons?" He stuttered as he asked Dayu to surrender any weapon he have with him.

Dayu stretch his hand sideways, silently permitting anyone to feel him out for weapon.

I strode forward to touch him but he took a step backwards. "Anyone but you," he said in a clear cold tone.

It's a slap. Everyone knew we are lovers. We are an open secret to this camp. And him refusing my touch is a verbal slap to me.

"Captain Jiang?" Dayu incline his head a little to the side to look at my friend.

Jiang sighed and gave me an apologetic look. I nodded and gritted my teeth as I watch my friend touch my lover.

Dayu smiled flirtatiously at Jiang. "You can be more thorough than that. Touch me anywhere, I am not hiding anything," he accompanied that with a sweet wink.

I took a step forward but Wei stopped me, "Don't be stupid," he whispered in my ear. "He is clearly provoking you. Don't give him the satisfaction!"

Jiang gave Dayu a pained look. Like "You know I have a lover and your own lover is looking," kind of look.

Dayu laughed again. In amusement this time.

Jiang finished checking him for hidden weapon. Dayu smoothen his black robe. Then with a move as quick as a blink of an eye, he reach out and took the sword of the soldier who first approach him. He point that sword to Jiang's neck. Right under my friend's chin.

Everyone with a sword in them drew it out and point it a Dayu who wave his forefinger in the air. He dropped the sword in his hand.

"Now that the demostration is over, who will take me to the Master General?" He asked jovially like he just didn't snatch a sword from someone and point it at a captain. Showing that even if he has no weapon in his body, he can threaten anyone he liked.

Wei sheathed his sword and gave me an annoyed glare. "Your lover is better at sword handling than you! How didn't you notice that?!"

"I was busy at other things, that's why!" I shouted back at him as I watch Dayu's back. He was being escorted by the coronel.

I followed them. Jiang and Wei behind me.

My father is still in a meeting with the other officials. They were about to bury General Zong when Dayu appeared. Now everything was postponed with my lover's arrival.

Dayu strode inside the Master General's office and stopped short when he saw the spot where Mr.Shu died.

Anger seeped into his eyes. Then it was gone.

"Master General," he politely greeted my father who gave Dayu a surprised look. The color on his face draining a bit.

He is seeing it again. The face of the woman he abused in that border. Dayu has strong physical resemblance with his mother.

But my father gathered his composure and stood up from his seat at the head of the long table. Other officials stood up after him.

"Those soldiers outside, is it true that they are Governor Feng's force?"

Dayu nodded, "And I am here to convey my master's last merciful act. Surrender the base and we will not kill anyone."

He said it directly and straightly. Without any preamble. Dayu means business.

Officials laughed at his outrageous demand. "Surrender the base? Are you insane?" A lowly general exclaimed.

"Yes," Dayu said without any infiction. "You can call me that if you want but the demand will not change. You will have until the rise of the sun before we burn this place down and anyone inside still defending it. You can choose the outcome of this battle but that is Governor Feng's condition,"

"And if we decided to fight?" My father asked Dayu.

Dayu shrugged, "We will kill everyone here. Starting with your son,"

He didn't look back at me when he said that. Dayu was staring at my father.

Dayu sighed, "Frankly, if you will ask me, I want you to stand your ground. I hate soldiers. It will be my pleasure to kill every single one of you. But my master is a merciful one. He just want this camp...and oh, General Zong's body as well. Governor Feng wants the former Master General's body."

"Why?" A coronel asked.

Dayu shrugged again. "I don't know. What could you possibly do to an enemy's body?  You can bury it or cook it and feed it to the pigs. The possibilities are endless,"

Almost everyone there blanched and paled at that picture. Cook it and feed it to the pigs? Dayu sure have a way with his words.

"No!" My father's fist pounded the table. "You cannot have General Zong's body,"

"Then war it is," Dayu turn around to leave. Everyone shouted for him to stop and wait.

Dayu raised his face and looked directly at me. He smiled lopsidedly at me. Mockingly.

Then he turned around to face the officials at the table again.

"If you will debate about this first, make it a quick one. I am a busy man. My master has a province to run. Evidences to take to the Emperor. So please, your answer, give it to me quickly," Dayu stretch his neck like he is really tired.

"Until sunrise?" My father asked.

Dayu nodded, "Be ready to march out with the sun. After that, we will burn this whole place down."

"All of us?" my father's eyes turn to me with a bit of fear in his stare.

Dayu turn his head to look at me too. Everyone's eyes turn to me. Like I hold the answer to the question everyone is asking about.

Dayu turn to face my father again, "If you are saying that you will give up this base and General Zong's body, then say so. So you can ask everyone to leave and we can talk privately,"

I stood straighter. Dayu is not done yet then. He still want to talk to my father. Why?

My father gave a look at the officials around him.

"Master General, even the body of General Zong? That would be disgraceful," a lowly general clearly disapproved.

"Yes, but our soldiers..."

A debate commenced. Dayu patiently waited. When he got tired standing, he sidled closer to the end of the table and jump a little to sit on it.

The voices stopped as they regard Dayu who got busy writing patterns on the table's surface using the tip of his forefinger.

Like what he used to do to my chest when we lay together. Writing patterns using his finger is like a hobby for him.

Dayu looked up when it got quiet, "Oh do go on. Don't mind me," he said as he went back to pattern writing.

"Why do you have to burn this base?" Another general asked Dayu.

"I don't know. And I would suggest to you all not to ask that question to my master as he is a bit sensitive about the issue." Is my lover's reply.

The debate continued. My eyes are not leaving Dayu. He is calm and collected. After that scene here when Mr.Shu died and our talk in the prison cell, if you can call it a talk, it's like Dayu had succeeded in locking his emotions down.

He looks...too peaceful. Like all his resolves are locked and all he had to do is follow a plan he carefully deviced.

What is that plan? What has he decided to do? Knowing Dayu, it's about his revenge. Now, more than ever, he will not stop getting justice for his family.

After a few more minutes, the Master General's counsel had decided to give in.

"We will leave this base and the body of General Zong," a general agreed to the term Dayu laid on the table instead of my father who sat down again on his chair. Lookimg forlorn and defeated.

"Wonderful," Dayu jumped off the table. "Now leave me and the Master General alone," he demanded as he looked at every person on the room.

"No!" I voiced out that word. "I will stay here with my father."

Dayu's one eyebrow raised at me then he faced my father, "Will you let a mere captain interfere with our talk Master General?"

My father bristled at the insult to me, "My son is a decorated captain. You are a mere assasin and..."

"I am a Master Strategist in Governor Feng's army. I have twelve years of training under my belt. I command a whole batallion of soldiers. Even the Emperor stamped my appointment as one of his priced strategist, albeit reluctantly because I am too young. Don't insult me with a presence of a mere captain, Master General." Dayu interjected coldly.

A Master Strategist? In Governor Feng's army? Recognized by the Emperor himself?

Is that true? But why would Dayu lie using a post that can be easy to check if it's true. It's will be easy to acquire the records and see if the position he owned is true.

Everyone was surprised at his announcement. Dayu shrugged, "But if you want him to stay and listen, that will be fine to me. I think it will be a lot more amusing that way,"

My father flinched. If it will be amusing for Dayu to have me listen in to that conversation he will have with my father then that means, the talk will be disadvantageous to my father.

"Everyone leave!" My father finally said.

"Father!" My feet moved to walk to him but he shook his head. "Leave with the rest, Captain Wang. That is an order!"

"Excellent!" Dayu clapped. A helper suddenly appeared. Dayu nodded at him and the helper left. Probably to give the message outside to Governor Feng.

Every eyes followed that helper who left. Dayu coughed to hid a laugh.

"Don't worry, not all the helpers here are trainee of my uncle. You know, the Camp Commander. Uncle Shu carefully select those he will train. Not everyone can pass so you can be assured that not all the helpers are spying for the Governor of SiChuan." Dayu waved his hand. "You can all leave now,"

"I will not leave!" I said stubbornly.

"Wang Qing! Leave! Now!" My father shouted but his eyes are pleading at me.


"Please son," he said in a softer tone.

I had no choice but to leave as soldier and officials filed out of the door after me. I cannot make my father lose face to his subordinates.

But I am dying to know what he and Dayu will talk about, so I plan to listen in but more helpers appeared. They guard the door against me. Pushing me in a respectable distance away from the door.

Dayu...planned everything perfectly. A Master Strategist, indeed.

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