Power of the Heart Season 2 ~...

Від JadedWoolf

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Duelist Kingdom is now behind Sera and the gang. More mysteries about to unlock for Yami and Sera as Battle C... Більше

Dungeon Dice Monsters Part Two
Dungeon Dice Monsters Part Three
The Mysterious Duelist
Our Past
Our Past Part Two
Lost Joey
Rare Hunter
Rare Hunter Part Two
Aria vs Sera
Marik Strikes Again
Battle City Finals
Yugi vs Bakura
Yugi vs Bakura Part Two
Yugi vs Bakura Part Three
Sera vs Odion
Sera vs Odion Part Two
Mai vs Marik
Seto vs Ishizu
The Tomb Keeper's Secret
Sera vs Joey

Dungeon Dice Monsters Part One

11.6K 118 25
Від JadedWoolf

It has been a few weeks since we saved Seto from the virtual world and life has pretty much gone back to normal. I love the fact that I'm home with my brothers again. I don't get to see Seto much because he always busy running the company. There are a lot of times when he asks me about some things. If I'm not helping him or hanging with my friends, then I'm playing with Mokuba. He asks me to play video games with him and teach him to become a better duelist. Now for my friends. I couldn't ask for better ones. They are practically another family to me. Tristen, Joey, Bakura, and Yugi are my brothers while Tea and Serenity are my sisters. School has been going great too. I got ready for school making sure not to forget my Millennium Crystal. Mokuba and Seto were shocked when they learned I became a telepathy because of it. They told me to stay out of their minds...boys. I left my room and went to the kitchen to grab some toast. I grabbed it and kissed Mokuba's head.
"I'll see you later, Mokie! I'm heading off to school!" I told him running out the door. I then made my way to Kame Game Shop where grandpa and Yugi lived and worked. "Morning, Yugi!" I smiled walking up.
"How's it going, Sera?" Yugi smiled back.
"Good, thank you. Grandpa, how are you doing?" I asked.
"Humph. Good for you maybe," he replied making me frown.
"What's bugging your grandfather? I've never seen him like this before. Is he sick?" I asked Yugi. I bent down a little so he could whisper in my ear.
"I don't think so, but I'm worried. He's been acting really weird all morning," Yugi frowned.
"But why?" I asked. Grandpa popped up.
"Okay, I'm going to tell you. I've endured many things in my life. I've been trapped in an ancient pyramid, stung by scorpions, attacked by Tibetan wolves, but nothing compares to this. A new game shop!" Grandpa pointed.
"There's a new game shop?" I asked.
"They think they can drive me out of business selling their trendy new trash, but they have no respect for the gaming traditions that are true classics because they sell only the fads of today," grandpa said.
"Wow! A new game store? I better go check out the competition and see what we're up against," Yugi smiled.
"Don't you even think about it!" Grandpa told him making Yugi jump. Yugi and I then left, but Yugi wanted to check the new game shop out.
"Yugi, if your grandfather finds out we've been here, then you're going to be so grounded!" I told him.
"Aw, what's the harm in a little window shopping?" Yugi asked me. I sighed.
"I'm not bailing you out then," I told him. A woman came up and handed Yugi a flyer.
"Here," she said. Yugi blushed. If it were Yami I would be so ticked.
"What is it?" He asked.
"Dungeon Dice Monsters," she answered.
"Wow, this looks like a pretty cool game, but I wonder how you play it," Yugi said. I sighed and started dragging him to school.
"Yugi! Come on! Let's go! You're going to make me miss my first class again!" I told him. I kept walking ignoring his protests. "If I get detention then you're doing my homework for a week!" I told him. We finally made it to school and I sighed of relief. "Next time I'm walking myself to school," I grumbled as Yugi gave me an apologetic smile. I groaned. "You're lucky your cute," I pouted making him chuckle. We made it to class and greeted our friends. We then told them about the new game shop.
"Whoa, be still my beatin' heart. You sure? There's a spanking new game shop?" Joey asked.
"Yeah, my grandpa's real worried about it," Yugi frowned.
"It just opened. They have all the latest and greatest games. They were really trying to hype this new one, something about dice or dungeons," I said.
"You saying they got that Dungeon Dice Monsters?" Joey asked.
"Hey, how did you become a total expert all of a sudden?" Tristen asked.
"A little thing called the newspaper. Ever heard of it, genius?" Joey asked sarcastically.
"What? You never read the newspaper!" Tea deadpanned making Joey fall.
"I read it when I'm out delivering them, okay?!" Joey told her.
"Why are you delivering newspapers?" Tea asked. Joey seems a little ticked.
"Listen, Tea, I don't get one of them fat allowances. I just need a little extra spending money, that's all. I gotta save every penny of that award money Yugi and Sera gave me for my sister's operation," he said.
"Hey, how is your sister, Serenity doing?" Tristen asked.
"Great! The eye guy said she's going to see as good as new. And the first thing she's gonna see is my beautiful mug," Joey smiled.
"Wow, Joey. That's awesome news!" Yugi grinned. We all agreed with that.
"So, how are you liking school here, Ser?" Tristen asked me. I smiled.
"I love it. Everyone seems nice and I get to be around my favorite gang all the while," I said making them smile at me. If only Yami could experience this.
'I wish he could too, Sera,' Yugi thought to me. I smiled a little at him. It's then we heard some girls giggling and squealing next door. We went to go check it out.
"Who is this guy?" Joey asked annoyed.
"Ladies, let's get this party started," I heard the guy surrounded by girls say.
I came out of the Puzzle in my spirit form and I saw the gang looking at a crowd of girls.
"Show time," I heard. I looked over and saw a boy shaking a cup before he set it down on the desk. "Keep your eyes on me, ladies," he said to them. He removed the cup revealing six dice stacked perfectly.
"Who is this guy?" Joey asked.
"Hey, you two kids know who that dice man is over there?" Tristen two of the students.
"Yeah, that's Duke Devlin. He owns that new game shop that just opened up," one of the kids answered.
"That guy's got it all," Tristen commented.
"There's one thing I can't stomach it's a guy who'll do anything to get a girl's attention. He's a filthy show off!" Joey said. Tea and Sera smirked.
"And I just thought you couldn't stand guys who were more popular with the girls than you," Tea teased.
"Listen, Tea, if I wanted I could be just as popular, but I don't want to stoop to the level of that two bit Houdini. I got my self-respect and I got more talent in my little pinky than he'll ever have," Joey told her.
"If you count talking with food in your mouth a talent," Tristen retorted making Joey fall.
"Didn't you catch any of my moves in the Duelist Kingdom, you numbskull?" Joey glared.
"Now you're adding lucky to your list of talents?" Tristen joked.
"You're lucky I don't rearrange your face, wise guy," Joey teased back making Sera chuckle.
"That's enough, children. Don't make me put you two on time outs," she joked.
"I don't wish to intrude, but I couldn't help overhearing you dabbling the game of Duel Monsters," Duke walked up.
"Dabble smabble. Now listen up, if you knew the first thing about duel Monsters then you know all about Bandit Keith, the Intercontinental Champion. The guy was unbeatable..." Joey started.
"Why do I feel like I'm being dragged into this?" Sera asked our friends.
"And Sera wiped the floor with him," Joey finished. Sera sighed.
"And there it is," she mumbled. Duke looked at Yugi.
"What do we have here? You're Yugi Muto, Champion of the Duelist Kingdom," he said to him.
"Uh, yeah," Yugi smiled a little.
"I heard a great deal about the way you play the game," Duke commented.
"Hey, dicey, what have you heard about me, Joey Wheeler and my friend, Sera Kaiba?" Joey asked.
"Nothing at all about you..." Duke said to Joey. He looked at Sera. "But, Sera Kaiba on the other hand, I heard was a beautiful duelist. I have to say the description didn't do you justice," he...flirted. If only he could see me glaring.
"Um...that's nice of you to say," Sera said. He grabbed her hand and kissed it. I glared harder wishing I could become real and hurt him for touching my Sera. She took her hand away and wiped it on her skirt. She crossed her arms. "Sorry, not interested in play-boys," she told him coolly shocking the girls. I smirked. Definitely my girl. Duke narrowed his eyes a little before covering it up. He looked back at Joey.
"Why don't we play a little game? And you can show these lovely ladies just what you're made of," he told him.
"What game?" Joey asked curious.
"This, a cup and dice are all we need to play the game," Duke said holding the instruments up. "Are your talents up to the challenge?" He challenged. The girls started doing a little cheer making Sera stick her tongue out with disgust.
"Alright, Devlin, bring it on!" Joey accepted.
"Then let's rock and roll," Duke moved to a desk and placed the cup and dice down. "Use the power of my mind, I bet I can move the dice into my right hand without touching the cup," Duke told him. Sera rolled her eyes.
"Next you'll be telling me you can fly around the room. Unless you got telekinesis there's no way you can do what you saying. That's just plain impossible," Joey told him.
"You shouldn't underestimate me. Perhaps the dice are already gone," Duke said.
"What?!" Joey asked.
"Beyond your comprehension? Why don't you just look under it for yourself?" Duke smirked.
"Wise guy," Joey went to check. Yugi and Sera gasped.
"Joey, no! It's a trick!" They both told him. Joey picked up the cup and the dice was there.
"It's still there!" Joey said.
"I'll take that," Duke grabbed the dice with his right hand. "I moved the dice into my right hand, and I never ever had to touch the cup. That makes me the winner," Duke told him. The girls cheered for him then as Sera sighed in annoyance.
"You're nothing but a dirty, rotten con-artist! If you were a real man you'd play a real game! I challenge you to a match of Duel Monsters!" Joey pointed at him.
"As you wish, but since this game is your specialty, I do have one very small condition," Duke said.
"Condition?" Yugi asked worried.
"Okay, but no more funny stuff, capiche?" Joey asked. Duke shrugged.
"I'm afraid I don't have a deck of my own," Duke told him.
"That's not my problem. You're the one with the new card shop," Joey said.
"My condition is this. We open up new packs and create our own new Duel Monster decks. That's fair even by your high standards," Duke smirked.
"What's fair about that?" Sera glared. Yugi nodded agreeing.
"If you're not playing our own cards then the game's just pure luck. Besides, there's an awful lot of cards we have never even seen before," Yugi said.
"Have a little faith, pals of mine. Was I or was I not a finalist in the Duel Monsters championship?" Joey smiled.
"Yeah, Joey, only I don't think I..." Yugi was cut off.
"I accept your condition," Joey told Duke.
"Joey, don't do it!" Sera frowned.
"Excellent, but playing a game for fun is so pointless. Let's make a little wager. If I win you'll do whatever I ask for an entire week," Duke said.
"You got it, dicey boy. Because when I win, you'll have to do whatever I want you to and I want you to close down your stinkin' shop!" Joey said.
"I wasn't finished. Sera Kaiba will also have to go out with me for a month," Duke added making Sera and I glare at him.
"I would rather be eaten by Tibetan wolves!" She growled.
"Don't worry, Sera. I'll win and you won't have to go out with him at all," Joey told her. He glared at Duke. "There's no way I'm losing to that show off!" He added.
"He's toast," Tea said.
"Burnt to a crisp," Tristen added.
"Yup, looks like Joey is in over his head again," Yugi added.
"Time to get ready for hell. I'll prepare my grave," Sera added lastly.
"You can't seriously think I'm going to lose to a guy with a dice stuck in his ear! I'm one of the top rank players in the whole world! I'm not some snotty nose rookie who just brought home his first deck!" Joey said to them.
"You're good, Joey, but..." Joey cut Yugi off.
"But nothing. I know what I'm doin'!" Joey said.
"Seto, Yami...where are you when I need you?" I heard Sera grumble.
Seto, I wish you came to school today, you could have scared Duke off for me! Duke looks at Joey.
"Very well, we'll hold the match today after school. I have a state of the art dueling ring located in my game shop. Alright?" Duke asked.
"Sure," Joey nodded. Duke looks at us.
"Of course you're all invited. I wouldn't want you to miss your friend's finest hour," he told us before walking away. Yugi and I became worried. Why do I feel this isn't going to end well? After school we all went home and changed. I put on a black long sleeve turtle neck with a black skirt that ended at my mid-thigh. I then added my white vest cardigan, white cross belt that had my dueling deck pouch, and then my black boots. I can't forget about my Millennium Crystal and my duel locket. We all then met up at Duke's game shop.
"I can't believe that dice guy owns this place. Looks like spent some major mullah. Too bad he he's gonna be closing it down," Joey said before walking up. We all sighed.
"Joey's hearts in the right place, it's his head I'm worried about," Tea said.
"Yeah, if his head gets any bigger he's gonna get it stuck in the front door," Tristen agreed. Joey was then singing a little something to himself. We all walked in.
"Welcome to Devlin's Game World. Mr. Devlin was beginning to worry about you. Follow me," a man with glasses told Joey. We all followed and saw and elevator. It opened revealing Duke wearing black and red. I'll admit, he is cute, but he's too much of a play-boy. He saw us.
"Ah, you showed up," he said.
"The dueling ring is on sub-level six. Your chariot awaits," the man said. We got into the elevator. We saw a box full of Duel Monsters card packs.
"Go ahead, Mr. Wheeler. Choose your packs carefully. We'll build our own decks from these new cards," Duke told him. Joey starts looking.
"Come to papa," I heard him say. I looked at Yugi activating my Crystal.
'I'm not liking this one bit,' I thought to him. He nodded at me.
'Me neither. I have a feeling Duke is up to something,' he told me. I nodded agreeing with him. We looked at Joey who grinned. "Did you get some good cards?" Yugi asked.
"Don't worry about it, this match is in the bag," Joey said to him. I looked at Duke who was smirking making me glare. I know he's up to something. We heard the ding from the elevator. "Are we there?" Joey asked. We turned and saw the arena...and three Duke Cheerleaders. Ugh! "This place is huge!" Joey gasped.
"Actually, this is the smallest ring in the place, but it does have all the bells and whistles," Duke bragged. We then heard the cameraman.
"TV cameras?" Joey asked.
"Yeah, I have a little theory, the bigger the audience the better the performance. That's why I've decided to broadcast this match live to the entire world. I know my fans will enjoy watching me defeat the third best duelist. I just really hope you are third best, not third rate," Duke smirked. I knew it! Joey smirked...he's been around me too long.
"Third rate? Third rate? You're gonna need a third life! Because when I'm done with you, Dukey, there won't be anything left, not even in the second life!" Joey told him. The cheerleaders whimpered at the thought. I rolled my eyes.
"Don't worry, I never disappointed my loyal fans yet," Duke smiled at the girls. They started cheering again.
"Where's the bathroom so I can puke?" I asked my friends who snickered.
"Clam up!" Joey shouted at them. He then ran to the blue platform. "Let's get this show on the road," Joey said as his platform rose. "Come on, tough guy, let the duel begin," Joey said as Duke's platform rose. The girls cheered again make us sweat drop. I looked at the girls.
"Shut up before I get a bat and knock you out!" I shouted annoyed. They shut up, heh. Duke smirked at me.
"What? Jealous?" He asked. I rolled my eyes.
"As if. I've seen snakes cuter than you," I told him making him glare a little.
"Let's duel!" Duke and Joey said.
(Duke-2000, Joey-2000)
Duke drew his first card.
"For my first move, I'll attack with Oni Tank T34!" Duke said as a tank appeared on the field. "Alright, that ends my first move. Now let's see some of that world class talent of yours, hotshot," Duke smirked.
"Hold on to your headband, dicey boy," Joey told him drawing a card. Joey grinned. "Tada, Sword Hunter in attack mode. Let's slice and dice the dice man," he said as his monster appeared. Sword Hunter attacked Oni Tank T34 which was destroyed. "Slammin'! Bada bing, bada boom!" Joey grinned as Duke gritted his teeth.
(Duke-950, Joey-2000)
"Your big bad Oni Tank's changing into a chunk of Sword Hunter's armor, raising his attack power by a walloping 200 points!" Joey told him. The cheerleaders whimpered as I cheered.
"That's my brother! Win this so I can keep my sanity, bro!" I told them. He nodded at me with a smile.
"Not bad, maybe Joey won't embarrass himself after all," Tristen smiled. He looked at me and Yugi. "Think he's got a shot?"
"Yeah," Yugi and I answered.
"Hey, Puke Devlin, why don't you quit before my Sword Hunter guy messes up your pretty head?" Joey asked confidently.
"I got you just where I want you," Duke smirked.
"Hahaha, you crack me up, Dukey boy. But hey, it's your funeral," Joey told him. Duke draws.
"I play Dark Bat in defensive mode and I lay another card face down as well," Duke said as his bat appeared.
"A bat? If that's the best you got you're saying 'bye, bye, card shop'," Joey drew a new card. "Next Sword Beast in attack mode comin' at ya! Attack!" Joey ordered. A rhino like creature appeared and took the bat out...I have a bad feeling about this.
"No harm done as the bat was in defensive mode," Duke said.
"Heh, that's where you're wrong, ponytail. Sword Beast reduces your life points even if you're stinkin' bat was in defense mode," Joey smirked shocking Duke.
(Duke-550, Joey-2000)
"Perhaps I've underestimated you, but my Dark Bat won't be going off to the graveyard all by himself thanks to Michizuri," Duke held the card up smirking.
"Michizuri?! What?!" Joey freaked.
"Michizuri will drag your monster done to your doom!" Duke told him. Not good! Sword Hunter was destroyed.
"Ow, that hurt. Joey better starting thinking more than one move ahead," Tea said.
"Don't get too cocky, Joey!" Tristen warned.
"Like I said before, I've got this match here in the bag! I could be this two bit loser in my sleep!" Joey grinned. I don't know, I think Duke Devlin knows more about this game than he's letting on. I really hope Joey doesn't blow it. "You think that little tricks gonna save your phony butt? Think again, I still got you where I want you," Joey told him.
"We'll see since your strongest monster went off to an early grave. Now would be an excellent time for me to go on the attack. First I'll lay this card face down, then I summon Spike Bot with Spike attack!" Duke ordered. His Spike Bot attacked Sword Beast destroying it.
"Come on, Joey, concentrate! Duke Devlin's just trying to psyche you out! Don't let that joker get to you!" Tea shouted.
"If you lose, you're gonna have to do whatever he tells ya and Sera will have to be his girlfriend for a month! Don't you forget that!" Tristen told him.
"Fat chance! Come on, Lady Luck, Joey needs a winner," Joey drew his card. "Chaching! This super cards gonna kick your Spikey Bot's keister! Goblin Attack Force, bash him!" Joey ordered as goblins appeared and attacked the Bot.
(Duke-50, Joey-2000)
"Yeah! You don't have a snowballs chance in Hades now do ya, Duke Dead-Man?" Joey smirked. The cheerleaders whimpered. "I forgot those goblin guys go into defensive mode after they attack, but no problemo. He's only got 50 points anyway and next turn it's zero! And then you're gonna close your shop down for good!" Joey said over-confidently. I don't like the looked Duke's face.
"Joey's really gonna win and make your grandfather so happy!" Tea smiled.
"Go! You got him now, Joey!" Tristen cheered. Yugi and I were still worried though. I looked at Duke, how can he still be so calm? He must have one more trick up his sleeve...if he had any.
"Just be careful! It's not over yet!" Yugi told him. Joey wasn't listening though. Yugi and I covered out eyes. "I can't watch," he said.
"Me neither," I agreed.
"Enough fooling around! Time to summon one of the most powerful cards in my deck. The mighty Greedius!" Duke summoned his spaceship like monster.
"That all you got? 'Cause that won't save ya," Joey told him. Duke smirked.
"And I use a magic card, Limiter Removal which doubles my attack power," Duke added.
"What?! Holy cannoli, that's a lot of points! It's a good thing I got all my goblins or he'd beat me with one lousy shot!" Joey said relieved.
"Wait! Another magic card, Fiery Meteor Crash!" Duke showed.
"Not that! ...Hey, I never heard of that Fiery card. What's it do?" Joey asked.
"Don't tell me the third best duelist doesn't know what this card does! You might say it's a magic card version of the mad Sword Beast card you played," Duke smirked.
"That Sword Beast...huh?! They means...!"
"This next card has a special power. Usually your monster in defensive mode would absorb my attack, but with the Fiery Meteor Crush card, I can deal my damage directly to your precious life points!" Duke said.
"No!" Joey shouted.
"It's a pity this match was so short. I was hoping for an actual challenge, but it was not meant to be. The only thing that cheers me up is knowing that you'll be my servant for an entire week and Sera will be my girlfriend for an entire month!" Duke told him. "Greedius, annihilate!" Duke ordered. It was then Joey's goblins were destroyed.
"He wipe out all of Joey's goblins and the rest of his life points!" Tea gasped. Joey walked over then.
"It's okay, Joey, you did your best," Yugi said trying to cheer him up. Duke snapped his fingers and one of the girls brought Joey a dog suit telling him to put it on.
"I hope you're a man of your word, Joey-Boy. I'm looking forward to having an obedient dog for the next week," Duke told him. He then walked up to me and put an arm around my shoulder. "And a beautiful girlfriend for a month," he said making me frown sadly.
"Hey, knock it off, Duke Devlin! Just because you won doesn't mean you can put Joey and Sera down!" Yugi told him.
"Yugi, a promise is a promise and I gotta keep it, even if it's to a creep like Devlin," Joey told him. Duke flicked a dice at Joey's forehead. "Ow!"
"Are you okay?" I and my friends asked.
"Shut your yap, you mongrel! You will not speak until your master commands you too!" Duke told him. I glared at him.
"Come on, Joey, Sera, let's get out of here," Tristen said to us.
"Sorry, I gave my word," Joey told him. Duke flicked more dice at him.
"Stop hurting my friend!" I growled as Joey said 'ouch'. I was ignored.
"You're a dog now, Joey. You don't say ouch, you say woof, woof," Duke smirked. "Okay, no put it on and bark for me," Duke ordered. Joey growled and put the suit on. "Bark, dog." I felt like crying seeing Joey like this. "The dog suit fits you, Joey. Now give us your best bark." Joey got down like a dog and barked. I let the tear slip. I looked at Yugi...please, Yami. Help us!
"I have to put a stop to this!" Yugi said. His Puzzle glowed and Yami appeared.
"Duke Devlin, your cruel stunt has gone on long enough. I challenge you to a duel! And when I have defeated you, you will declare Joey a free man again and leave Sera alone!" Yami glared.
"Excellent, but we will play a game of my own choosing. We will battle to the finish in a game of Dungeon Dice Monsters. And when you are the loser you will give the title King of Games to me and you will swear on your grandfather's life to never play Duel Monsters again," Duke smirked. I gasped.
"That is going too far!" I pushed away from Duke. He grabbed my wrist and kept me there, but he squeezed it. "Ouch!" I yelped. I heard a growl from Yami as he glared.
"Yugi, you can't do it!" Joey pleaded. Duke went to flick another dice which was caught by Yami.
"So, what's it gonna be, Yugi?" Duke asked.
"Duke, I will accept your condition. I will not let you destroy the dignity of a friend or hurt the one I care about! We will duel battle in your game of choice. Dungeon Dice Monsters," Yami agreed. He dropped the dice and stepped on it. Yami...please win.

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