Love Found - Life Made (JoeSu...

By Suggs_Jawline

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Aria has just moved to London with her older sister Laura. Laura has always been obessed with alot of YouTube... More



216 3 0
By Suggs_Jawline

Arias POV - Chapter Twenty

It is Monday today and me and Joe was heading back to the UK tonight.

Yesterday we spent the whole day inside. It was like a lazy day with pizza, films and board games.

"Do you think the owners of this house will know I've stole the shampoo?" Joe asks while walking in from the bathroom and into the bedroom. I fold up my last pair of shorts and throw it into the suitcase.

I shake my head. "Don't think they would Joe." I answer.

He smiles as he tosses it into my case and wonders of back into the bathroom. I laugh and shake my head.

I decide to quickly give my mum a text. I pull my phone out my pocket and unlock it, looking for her contact.

Hey mum, I'm leaving America tonight. We are coming straight to Liverpool as soon as we touch down. I'll be bringing Joe.

I smile and lock my phone. "Joe, I think you need to start packing besides stealing the shower stuff." I laugh noticing Joe was in the bathroom looking through all of the shower gels we was provided with by the owners.

I hear Joe laugh. "You're right." He says coming back through to the bedroom.

He grabs his suitcase and begins to fill it up. I glance at him with a smile on my face as I hear my phone vibrate. I pull it out of my pocket, noticing a message from my mum.

Ah okay, it would be lovely to meet him. Laura is also here. Fly safe honey, love you. X

I frown at her message. It was probably the nicest message I've had of her since I was in school.

Love you too, mum. X

I sent the message before locking my phone and putting on the bed.

We spent the next hour packing the rest of our stuff. "I'm going downstairs to get something to eat." I tell Joe after hearing my stomach rumble.

He nods sitting down on the edge of the bed. I kiss his forehead before grabbing my phone and heading down stairs.

The three boys was sat around the island. "Afternoon." I say stepping of the last step of the stairs.

"Hi." They all say in one.

I walk over to the fruit bowl, grabbing a nice coloured apple. "Your flight is in two hours right?" Oli asks.

I nod biting down on the apple. He nods also while flicking through is phone. "When are you guys coming back to England?" I ask.

"Maybe next week. I've got a few things to do here." He tells me.

I nod. It fell silent so, I decided to head back up stairs to Joe.

For the next two hours we spent time together. We watched a movie on his phone. Since all our stuff was packed we didn't have to rush.

"Guess it's time to go." Joe says sitting up knocking my head of his chest. I sit up and nod.

We both grabbed our suitcases and started packing the car up. Once we suitcases was in the car, the boys came out.

"Oli, are you coming with us? So then, you can bring the car back?" Joe says. Oli nods and smiles. "You guys better stay here or Oli will make you never want to go in a car again." He jokes.

Oli walks past his and nudges him before getting into the back of the car. The boys laugh before heading over to me and Joe, hugging us both and telling us to have a safe journey.

Me and Joe get into the car. We buckle up before Joe begins to drive.

"So, what are you doing once you get home?" Oli pipes up from the back trying to make conversation.

Joe grips the wheel with one hand while his other hand rests in his lap. "We're going back to my place then going to Liverpool, then I'm leaving Ar at her family home while I go to Scotland."

I've not heard him say my nickname since our first date. I smile to myself while looking out of the window. I hear Oli mumble to himself.

The rest of the drive was silent. Once we arrived at the airport, we take our belongings and Joe gives Oli a lecture about driving back. Joe wishes him luck before saying bye. Oli hugs me goodbye before getting in the car and driving away.

Me and Joe began walking into the airport. We do everything we needed to do and now we was boarding the plane.

We both touch the plane before getting on. We was walking down the aisle til Joe said, "Here's our seats!"

Since I was in front of Joe I got the window seat, which made me happy.

We get strapped up and got comfy. "Try and get some sleep on the plane babe, because once we land in the UK we going to drive straight to Liverpool." Joe says.

I smile and nod. I watch as he takes his phone out of his hoodie pocket. He shoves the headphones into the bottom of his iPhone. "Would you like one?" He asks offering a headphone.

"Yes please," I answer. He smile and holds it out. I wrap my fingers around the end of the headphone before putting it into my ear. "Thank you." I say as the music began blaring through it.

He smiles. I grab his hand and let his and my hand rest on my lap. I rest my head on his shoulder and he rest his head on my head.

After a couple of minutes the plane took off, my ears popped and I squeezed Joes hand. I hear him laugh a little which made my heart skip a beat a little.

God, I'm so happy.

I felt my eyes get heavier and my grip on Joes hand loosened. Finally sleep took over.
"Aria, we've landed. Wake up!" Joes sweet voice entered my eyes like music.

My eyes fluttered open, looking around the nearly empty plane. "Shit, did I sleep the entire flight?" I ask with my manly morning voice.

Joe chuckles. "Yeah you did, now lets go." He says standing up, picking up the only bag we brought on to the plane. He shoves it on his back.

I grumble while standing up. My legs were dead. "Aria, c'mon!" Joe whines while a smirk. I send him a glare. He sighs. "Ah, fuck this." He says.

The next thing I know is I'm being picked up bridal style. Joes arms was under my legs and the other arm was around my back. My arms instantly went around his neck.

I shove my head into his crook of his neck as he begins walking of the plane.

I stayed his arms until we get to the baggage. He places me back on my feet. "Thank you." I laugh while adjusting my shirt.

He glances down at me with a smirk. "Don't mention it darling." He says putting our suitcases on the floor.

Once we have got them, we began leaving the Londons airport.

We began heading to the parking lot since Joe left his car there

We throw our suitcases in the boot before getting in the car. We began driving with his hand on my knee.

The airport was only about thirty minutes away from Joes house. "Did you enjoy being in LA?" Joe asks keeping his eyes locked onto the road.

I glance over at him. "Of course I did, it was nice spending time with you," I tell him looking at the road. "What about you?"

He nods. "Yes! Even more happy that your my girlfriend now." He smiles to himself.

I smile at him.

The rest of the journey was consist of different conversations until we arrived back at Joes. He turns the engine of and takes the seatbelt off. "So, I just need to get some extra clothes and then we will be on our way." He says.

I nod. "Okay, I'll wait here." I say.

"Are you sure?" He asks. I nod. "Okay, I'll be ten minutes." He says, he kisses my forehead and leaves the car.

I sigh and turn up the music on the radio. My head began nodding to the beat of the music.

Just then my phone began vibrating. I looked down at the caller ID.


I frown my eyebrows but answer the phone anyway. I turn the music down. Hello?" I say once the phone was next to my ear.

"Aria! How are you?" His feminine voice chime downs the phone.

I smile. "I'm good thank you! How are you?" I say.

He sniffs. "Yeah I'm good. So, when are you back in Liverpool?" He ask.

I look around. "I'll be there in about 3 hours." I say with a wide smile.

"What? Really? I'm in Liverpool now, I thought you was going to be back at the weekend?" He says.

I bite my lip. "Things changed. Would you like to meet for a coffee tomorrow?" I ask.

"Yes of course!" He practically yells.

I smile. "Okay great! I have someone I would like you to meet." I tell him.

He laughs. "Okay, I can't wait. Text me the details tomorrow. Love you!" He says.

"Love you to Jacob." I reply before we end the call.

I feel my stomach do flips. I haven't seen him in years. I miss him so much!

I lock my phone and put it in my lap before I turn the music back up to jam out to the tune.

About fifteen minutes later, Joe comes out with two extra suitcases.

I smile at him as he walks past the window. I hear him open the boot. "Are you okay?" He asks while putting the suitcases in the boot.

I spin in my seat. "Yeah." I answer looking around at him.

He sends me one last smile before putting the last case in. He slams the boot shut and runs over to the drivers seat. He gets in and closes the door shut.

He puts the key in and turns on the engine. Once the engine begins running he rubs his hands up and down his face. "I'm so tired." He says.

I look at him. I'm not sure if he slept a lot on the plane but what I do know is that I have plenty of sleep. I want him to rest.

"Hey, shall I drive?" I ask biting my lip.

He looks up at me with red eyes. "You want to drive?" He asks with shock in his voice.

I roll my eyes. "I do have my license remember?" I say looking back at him.

"Yeah I know that babe but, would you be able to drive this car? This is different compared to your car." He states.

Joe drives a sports car which is different compared to mine and Laura's car. I bite my lip again before answering. "Yeah, it'll be fine. Joe, you look exhausted and we have a long drive. I want you to relax. Please?" I beg.

He stays silent for a minute before sighing and nodding. "We better switch seats then." He laughs before opening his door and getting out.

I also do the same.

We both walk the same way and as I walk past him and he grabs my arm, pulling him to him. "Thank you." He says leaving a kiss on my lips.

I was taken back by his actions. He let's go of my arm and we continue walking.

I get into the drivers seat and Joe gets into the passenger seat. I move the seat forward once the door was closed. I put my seatbelt on and wait for Joe to get strapped up.

He left the engine running while we swapped so, all I had to do was take the hand break of.

We was now on our way to Liverpool, finally. "Do you know your way?" Joe asks relaxing into his seat.

I nod. "Yeah, me and Laura used to drive from Liverpool to London every weekend." I say stopping at a traffic light.

He nods. He then connects his phone to the speaker and played his 'LA playlist'

After being 30 minutes into the drive Joe fell asleep. I left him to it and just began jamming out to the playlist on my own.

Joe finally woke up when we entered Liverpool, which I was happy because I started getting bored.

"So, does your mum know I'm with you?" Joe asks out of the blue.

I nod. "Yeah, I told her."

He nods while rubbing his eyes.

The rest of the journey was silent, I was feeling a little nervous. I haven't seen my mum in a couple of weeks and I know Laura's there.

We finally reached my mums house. I parked in the drive. I turned the engine of and unbuckled my belt. I glance at the house.

"Ready?" I ask Joe not breaking my eye contact with the house.

I hear Joes seatbelt unbuckle. "Yeah." He replies. I look at Joe and smile.

I hand him the keys before opening the door and stepping out. I slam shut the door and so does Joe.

Me and Joe meet up in front of the car. I walk in front of Joe, scrapping my feet across the floor. I step up the step.

My mums door it always locked and I don't have any key which meant I need to knock. I put my arm out and knock on the glass.

I step back so I was standing next to Joe.

I suddenly see a shadow heading towards the door. It looked like a man figure.

I hear the door unlock then swooped open. My eyes widen. "Peter?" My voice cracks.

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