Heartbreak » l.h.

By UnsuspectingVictim

34.9K 910 105

"It's hard work breaking a heart„ I wrote this in 2013-14, just letting you know More

Chapter 1. Mistake
Chapter 2~ "With"
Chapter 3~ Jackass
Chapter 4~ Part One
Chapter 4~ Part Two
Chapter 5~ Visit
Chapter 6~ Operation
Chapter 7~ Planning
Chapter 8~ Part One
Chapter 8~ Part Two
Chapter 9~ Intel
Chapter 10~Civil
Chapter 11~ Table for 4
Chapter 12~ Help?
Chapter 13~ Luck
Chapter 14~ Options
Chapter 15~ Nothing
Chapter 16~ Comfort In Vulnerablity
Chapter 17~ Party
Chapter 18~ Crushable
Chapter 19~ Aftermath
Chapter 20~ Talk
Chapter 21~ Official
Chapter 22~ Out
Chapter 23~ Surprises
Chapter 24~ Secrets
Chapter 25~ Lego House
Chapter 26~ Hideaway
Chapter 27~ Revelation
Chapter 28~ Truth (p. 2)
Epilogue~ Here's To New Beginnings
Bonus Chapter 29~ Visits

Chapter 28~ Truth (p.1)

474 20 3
By UnsuspectingVictim

(If this is really short, it's only because I split the chapter in two. )


School was never intriguing, I noted tapping my pencil against the wooden desk. I believed expression showed my evident disinterest in the topic the teacher was discussing. On my desk was my binder, covered in colourful stickers and school related words. My name was written in the centre.
My fingers were on the precipice of the binder, grazing its edges with the fat of my fingers.

I lifted it slowly and glanced at the paper inside. Briar's plan. I smiled to myself, all I had to do was show this to Luke, and her previous little facade will crumble down.

I sat there and waited for class to be over. I decided that I wouldn't even try to listen to the teacher. My efforts would have been in vain, anyways. Science was never my thing. All the theories and formulas were meaningless. Would I ever work in the genetics field? Doubt that.

The bell rang and I sprang from my seat. I closed my binder and left the classroom. I strolled down the halls with my head up, something rare for me.

People kept staring at me and I knew why. They just can't get over old news I guess. To the right of me, I saw Briar. She pulled me to the side.

"Whoa. " I said.

"Have you seen the paper?" She asked with her eyes were wide and filled with anxiety.

"What do you mean?" I replied innocently.

"I couldn't find it after you left, " You could say I enjoyed hearing the panic in Briar's voice and the fear in her eyes.

"Did you put it somewhere?" I feigned concern.

She shook her head. "No. I don't think so. Did you take it by accident?"

I was a very technical person, and technically I did not take it by accident. I did it on purpose. "No. " I answered simply, shaking my head.

She sighed in defeat. "Well we both have to go to class, I'll find it later. See you Tal. " She walked away, hanging her head low.

A smile of mischief sprouted on my face as she distanced herself from me, heading to her next class. I pranced to my next class.


People ignored me during lunch. I expected that. Since the incident with Luke, nobody had the nerve to speak to me. Heck, even Briar avoided my gaze.

It's been months and these kids just won't get over it. My so-called "friends" abandoned me and now clinged to Briar.

I guess that's part of the reason I want to out Briar in front of everyone, to get my popularity back. Remember when I said I was fine with Briar and Luke? I just wanted her to get back with him so I could break them up.

I finally know how to do it.




~D (as in Davina ooh bet you didn't know that)

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