Castiel Novak is sleeping wit...

By LucifersSide

160K 6.5K 3.8K

Castiel Novak has been a member of Enochian Industries for two years. He keeps to him self and gets his work... More

Chapter one - Mug collection
Chapter 2 - Everyone This Is Dean
Chapter 3 - Lunch
Chapter 4 Draw Me
Chapter 5 - TacoShack
Chapter 6 Angel
Chapter 7 Party: Bye Metadick, Hello Delicious-Deano!!!
Chapter 8: Doctor Sexy
Chapter 9 Netflix&Chill
Chaper 10 CasDean
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 - Inspector Charlie
Chapter 13- A crappy day
Chapter 14 - cheeky cas
Chapter 15 - Sam, This is Castiel
Chapter 16 - Crazy Cat Lady
Chapter 18 - Big News
Chapter 19 - I Do

Chapter 17 - Sasquatch

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By LucifersSide

It had been almost two months and Castiel had stayed with the Winchesters every day. Not because Sam had started working at Enochian Industries, but because Castiel had slowly moved his stuff from his tiny downtown appartment, to the cozy home of Sam and Dean Winchester. Some would say that after 3 months of dating, that moving in together would he taking things too quickly, but for Cas and Dean it felt perfect and they were happy.

'DEAAAAAN!!!CAAAAS!! C'mon guys this is the third time this week - we have 20 minutes till we need to get to work!!' Sam was pounding on Dean and Cas' door with such force Castiel was surprised Sam didn't put it through.

The pair woke up with a grone, before dating Dean, Cas would have shot up after his alarm and arrived at work 30 mins early. These days he doesn't want to get out of bed, out of Deans embrace and arrived for work on time just.

After getting ready in record time, the three of them walked into the office, Gabriel whistling a tune which made Cas blush but Sam and Dean beam.

'Here comes team free will.' Gabe joked 'you do realise when you walk in a V formation you look like a boyband or something. We just need some wind for Sammy's hair.' Everyone laughed, including Sam.

'Ohhhh yes! Benny can you request a fan from HR?' Charlie pipped up.

'Why can't you get it? I've got stuff to do.' Benny snapped back

'Ooooooh whats up with you' Gabe and Charlie said in unison.

'And besides, HR kinda wont give stuff to me and Gabe after the office wars.' Charlie said, giggling.

'Whats the office wars?' The Winchesters questioned, looking at each other. Cas had noticed they did things simultaniously alot.

'Oh. My. God!! They were never here for the legendary office wars!!!' Charlie shot up from her desk with excitement. 'Welllll basicly, we duck tape ourselves - well Benny duck tapped us you our office chairs, and using a broom from the supply cupboard me and Gabe had a dule - as the Queen of Moondor I won and Gabe, well Gabe managed to knock over a printer and three desk fans. Hannah was not impressed and Hester from HR wont let us borrow things incase "were immature". Charlie mimiced bunny ears. 'I mean its just a bit of fun, s'not like we do it every week. It was Christmas.' She stated a matter of factly like that made it any better.

After some laughter, everything calmed down and went back to a usual work day.


Gabriel's POV (yaaaaas)

'Heeeey, sasquatch! Wait up' I ran after Sam after clocking out of work. He stopped to let me catch up before he began walking again, taking long strides. I always had to walk incredibly quickly around Sam, damn his incredibly long legs. In that moment Gabe pictured Sam in tight short-shorts and a blush creeped up his neck.

'Hey shorty.' Sam said back, he looked confused. Almost as if he couldn't believe he said that.

'We gonna party like its my birthday?' I couldn't help myself! We both laughed away untill Sam had almost reached Deans muscle car.

'How long till Dean and Cas get here?' I asked curious, and mostly to escape the awkward silence. I was usually confident, and could talk to people easily. But around Sam, I found myself thinking too much and trying a bit to hard.

He looked at me and huffed 'hm, i have no idea, they went into the store closet a while back. Lucky for some.' Sam looked annoyed.

'Want me to give you a ride home?' I didn't even think, I just blurted it out. Another blush flushed my cheeks.

'That would be awesome Gabe, you sure, Buddy?' Sam questioned. Hearing Sam call him 'buddy' made Gave squirm alittle. Had he just been friend-zoned? He laughed it off regardless.

'Yeah sure, my cars this way. Isnt as impressive as this thing but its better than the bus.' The pair walked over to Gabes vehicle which was a black 2006 Ford Focus (idk if thats a good car or not tbh 😂).

We got into the car and the heat was overwhelming, and I didn't have air conditioning. Shit. Instead I rolled the windows down and drove alittle bit above the speed limit, hoping for some cold air.

'So do you want to just direct me to your place?' I ask Sam who almost had his head out of the window and was sweating.

'Could we go get some ice cream or something?' Sam asked as he sat in this chair normally.

'Are you asking me on a date Sasquatch?' I blushed, why was i always blushing!

'No, asshole I'm hot and I want ice cream.' Ouch, yep friendzoned.

'Alright, alright keep your hair on!' I took us to the best candy store in town, it was filled with various different candys from all over the world. At the back was a cake shop and outside was an ice cream parlor. My idea of heaven!

'Gabbie!' Alfie shouted from the gummy bear isle. 'I'll be with you in a minute, lemmie just get cherry gummy bears for this kid.' I waved and nodded, then looked at Sam who was in utter disbelief.

'Holy crap! This place looks amazing!' He had his mouth open in an 'O' shape. Looked like he had never seen candy in his life. Then again, gabe thought, he didn't have the physique of someone who enjoyed candy on a regular basis. Gabe blushed again, which annoyed him he wasnt used to this.

'Hey! Gabe whos your friend?' Alfie same waltzing over, looking up at Sam.

'Alfie this is my colleague Sam, Sam this is Alfie he works at this amazing candy store.' Sam was still too busy looking around to notice Alfie.  'Were actually here for some ice cream, please tell me you still do chocolate crepes?!' The crepes were the best, made with nutella spread.

'Of course we do! Its what were known for. We have actually added chocolate waffles which I think are alot better than the crepes. I think you should try it.' Alfie walked with us to the ice cream parlor before being called over to help some kid find British wine gums.

'So what could i get you two' a man i had never seen before was serving, i looked at his name tag 'Kevin' he looked young, 16 maybe?

'Can I have chocoate waffles topped with chocolate fudge ice cream and chocolate sauce please?' Kevin put my order in before looking at Sam who clearly couldn't decide. 'Get a crepe and a scoop of vanilla, its so good!' I suggested.

'Erm yeaaaah, what he said.' Sam said

'So do you want a normal crepe or a chocolate crepe?' Kevin asked, he looked tired.

'Ermmm chocolate? I guess' he didn't look to sure.

'For someone who asked to be taken for ice cream, you really dont know what to order?' I mocked.

'Shup, I was expecting to just get a small tub of mint choc chip but this place is amazing I feel like thats too mundane. Sam said while counting out his change to give Kevin. We sat down at a table in the shade and waited for pur order, we had also bought lemon and lime soads to cool us down.

We ate our ice cream delites in silence, too caught up in the delisiousness to notice each other.

Once Kevin had taken our plates away, i decided to ask Sam about the office summer festival.

The office held a summer 'festival' outside in the parking lot every July. It wasnt really a festival, there was music played out of speakers from the office CD player, a bbq, drinks and one of them roadio bull machines. Gabe always went and was wondering if that was Sam's scene.

It was to Gabes delight, but after today Gabe didn't think anything would happen between him and Sam.

(End of gabes pov... lemmie know if you want some sabriel? Ill include it if not gabe will be forever friendzoned.)


Dean's POV

I felt bad, Sammy must have been waiting 20 mins for us to.. 'finish' up with paper work.

We rushed to the car and notice Sammy wasnt there. We got in the car anyway as Castiel called him.

'Heeey, were are you?' Cas questioned. I couldnt hear what Sammy said back, i wish it was on loud speaker.

'Oh okay, will you be home for dinner? Im making burritos?'

'Okay, bye' Cas put the phone down and placed it in his front pocket before kissing me on the cheek.

'So? Sammy where is he?' I questioned

'Oh yeah, hes with Gabe - he'll be home for dinner though.'

How random, he didn't mention he was going anywhere with gabe?

Once we got home, me and Cas made burritos - well burritos for me and cas, a salad bowl for health nut Sammy.

'Sooooo' i said to Sammy when he came and sat at the dinner table. 'Where did you go with Gabriel?'

'Well while you and Cas where banging in the cupboard, we got ice cream.' He sounded pissed. I decided against teasing him about his 'date' with gabe. And just ate my burrito in silence.

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