QingYu: A Wuxia Tale (Going T...

By ginaddict

312K 17.8K 1.4K

A young man with a dream... A Captain with a mission to fulfill... They will meet and form a bond that no one... More

A Boy With a Dream
A Chance Encounter
At the Crack of Dawn
A Walk with A Keeper
In One Room
The Shadow
Questions and Rumors
Fall in You
The Spy
Night of Thoughts
Personal Assignment
The Hitch on the Plan
The Accomplice
Border in SiChuan
Operation: Seduction
Sleeping Separately
A Mad Bull in the Fence
Shell Shocked
Hiding Spot
Embrace in the Dark
I Want You
Cherry Bloosoms are Romantic
Half Truths
Future Plans
Play and Change of Heart
Badly Touched
One Rainy Morning
Lemon Scented Oil
I Love You
The Defense Specialist
First Move
The Second in Command's Past
Behind the Attack
Ally in the Workshop
One Down
Prohibited Cure
Fully Recovered
Unexpected Meeting
Counter Plan
Poisoned Darts
Shattered Worlds
Unstoppable vs Immovable
A Different Choice
The Calm Before the Storm
Battle Ready
An Attack
The Original Shadow
Fallen Warrior
The Force Beyond the Border
Prison Cell
The Woman from the Border
Our Fate
General Wang
Afforded Choices
The Aftermath of Revenge
Love will Reign


2.3K 150 11
By ginaddict

(Qing's POV)

I walked away from the general's offices with my mind full of thoughts. They lied to me but confirmed some my speculations.

It's just making me want to know more about that raid and everyone's involvement on it.

But first I need to wash and rest because I still haven't manage to sleep even a little.

After escorting the helpers deliver our supplies to the camp, I was called to help Jiang about the bloodied sack found on the forest. With General Chein inside it, dead.

I want to wash off the dirt on my body after walking almost all night and to check on Dayu.

As I come close to my cabin, I saw Mei standing outside it, "Mei, are you looking for me?"

Mei stood in attention, "Captain," I return his salute. He cleared his throat, "I think something is wrong with your helper,"

"Dayu?" I frown, "Why?" my heart thudded inside my chest, did something happened to Dayu? Another attack?

Mei wince a little, "I have been knocking on your door for quite some time now but he won't open the door. I am getting tempted to kick it but you came so..."

I nodded. I knocked on the cabin door, "Dayu, it's me," I called but no sound came from the inside.

I turn back to my second in command, "Are you sure he is inside?"

Mei nodded, "I personally delivered him here last night Captain. Watched him enter and heard him lock the door. He has to be inside because no one had seen him get out yet. I stationed people here to look out if Dayu came out of your cabin,"

I knocked on the door again. Harder this time, "Dayu! If you are inside, open this door!" I started banging the door harder with my fist.

I stopped when I heard faint shuffling sound from the inside. Then I heard the lock being moved and one more moment the door opened. Dayu's pale and sweating face welcomed me.

"C-captain," he said in a weak voice before he fell forward.

I managed to catch him. His skin felt hot with fever. I turn to Mei who looked concern beside me.

"Call a doctor! Quick!" I ordered Mei who nodded and move immediately.

I pick Dayu up and enter the cabin again to place him carefully on the bed. He moaned and started curling while shivering. He has the chills.

"Dayu," I put him on his back again and started unlacing his damp clothes. His lips are quivering and he looked pasty white.

"Dayu," I feel helpless while watching him shiver in my arms. He is sick and I don't know what to do.

Good thing Mei came back with a doctor in tow. I left the bed and Dayu to the doctor's care. A doctor's assistant entered the cabin too and it became too crowded.

"You can wait outside," I told Mei. My second in command looks like he wanted to protests but he nodded in the end and left. I had no time to wonder about Mei's attitude as my mind came back to Dayu again.

The doctor straightened after checking him out. "I think he has the Yellow Fever," he said when he turn to me.

"Yellow fever?" This is the first time I am hearing such a thing.

"There are new records on the West about a kind of fever that came from animals. It is called a Yellow Fever. It is spreading in the West, particularly in Europe and Africa..."

"Doctor please," I stopped him. "Just tell me things I can understand. I am not verse in medicine. Just tell me what is happening to him!" I shouted as I point at Dayu who is shivering and sweating on the bed.

The doctor sigh, "He is suffering from a severe case of fever. He contacted something that damage part of his internal organs, particularly his kidney that is why aside from looking pale, he is turning yellow. That's why it is called a yellow fever."

"And?" I want to shake the doctor. I don't need to hear the medicinal terms. What I want to hear is how they will treat him. "Can you make him well?"

The doctor shook his head, "Us in the medicinal world still wasn't able to discover a working treatment for this kind of fever. What we can give him are regular medicine for his fever but, the rest had to be done by the patient."

I felt my heart dropping, "You mean there's a possibility that he will die?" My throat hurt as I ask that question.


"Damn those records!" I shouted, that caused Mei to enter the cabin again. "Just tell me! Can you cure him?! Will he die from this...yellow something...fever..."

My mind is numbing. I push the doctor aside to come to Dayu's side. I pick the corner of the blanket to wipe the sweats on his face and neck. "Dayu, fight this my heart," I pleaded as I put my forehead on his hot cheek.

(Mei's POV)

I watch as Captain Wang kneel and plead beside the bed where my cousin lie shivering with fever. I look at the doctor who gave me a troubled look too.

The doctor tried to pass me but I caught his elbow and guide him outside the cabin as the Captain kept on chanting for Dayu to fight what ever it is ailing my cousin.

"What is wrong with him?" My heartbeats are racing with dread for Dayu's condition. "Tell me what is wrong with him!" I wanted to shake the doctor to answer me.

"Yellow fever," the doctor said.

I let him go and reeled back. "But that plagued the West. Not here..."

The doctor gave me a surprised look. But what everyone are not aware of, I am verse in medicine. Dayu and I both are learned in the field because we studied it while being trained under Uncle Shu.

As a way of surviving even sickness, Uncle Shu made us read about illnesses spreading around the continent and even illnesses from the West. Yellow fever is a newly discovered sickness that is speading in Europe and Africa. Something to do with a bite from an insect.

"Will he make it?" I asked the doctor anxiously.

"He will need medicine but..."

"The medicine for yellow fever has not yet been discovered," I supplied.

The doctor nodded. I stopped him again, "Can you help the Captain to make Dayu as comfortable as possible. Something about the room being aired properly so his fever won't rise more,"

"Yes," the doctor nodded, smiling a little. "We have to make the patient feel as comfortable as possible so he can fight this illness. It will give him more chances to survive,"

"Good!" My mind is whirling. Trying to remember all I know about how to cure high fever. "Wipe his body with wet cloth, willow tea to help his fever down and...and..."

"And hope for the best," the doctor put a hand on my shoulder to calm me down.

I gritted my teeth. We, Uncle Shu, Dayu and I never hope for the best. We are not made and trained that way. We look for ways to survive and that's what I will do.

I nod at the doctor and turn to run to Uncle Shu. He had to know that Dayu is in big trouble.

We have to move fast or my cousin will die.

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