~Tear In My Heart~

By _D_E_D_

5.3K 237 105

Dylan has a best friend who happens to be the one and only Tyler Joseph, but she's never met his best friend... More

Please read
Hospital continued
Finally home!!!
"Everything is blue."
Fast forward
Oh miss believer
Fall Away
2 o'clock
Ty's sassy self
Im back
Run And Go
Brendon urie!?!
Drunk in love
Date night
January 17th


12 3 0
By _D_E_D_

I had an alarm set to wake me up but I wake to excited and couldn't wait to get up and get the day started. I roll over (which is really hard when your 6 months pregnant) grabbing my phone checking the time. It's 9:45 AM. I see a reminder saying its Ellie's birthday but I dismiss it already knowing

I somehow manage to get out of bed and hear Josh laugh I turn around and see he recorded me struggling to sit up and get out of bed instead of helping me...what a great guy I'm engaged to right...

I flip him off then go to the bathroom taking a shower. I get out and put on a sweatshirt One of their fans made for me to wear while I'm pregnant. It's a black sweatshirt that says I prefer the drummer and has the logo under it it's a 3x so it works perfectly with my belly and I still have a lot of room to spare which is good. Because I'm only getting bigger from here.

I hate to admit it but I had to actually buy maternity pants. Like honestly they are disgusting but Ellie Tyler and Josh said I'll probably squish the baby if I try to wear my old pants (which is impossible with pants) plus it made me so depressed when I couldn't wear my old clothes I feel and felt fat, so they got tired of hearing me complain.

I slipped into my fat old people leggings pulling them over my belly and starting on my hair. I pull it up and braid a piece in the ponytail which looks really cool since my hair is a nice bright purple with different blues in it.  I put on concealer and mascara keeping it simple . I slip on my gorgeous ring then walk out to see Josh dressed and waiting on the bed. He's wearing a sweatshirt and black jeans with vans.

I sit on the bed and I'm not scared to admit it but I can't put my own shoes on anymore. I lay back and Josh slides on some ankle socks and my vans. He pulls me up smiling and kissing me.

"I think I like you 6 months pregnant Dyl" I roll my eyes "what I like helping my baby and my other lil baby"

He rubs his hand over my stomach and I lean up kissing him. Grabbing my keys wallet and phone we head out the door.

Josh drives dropping me off at publix. He said he'd handle the food and I trust him because him and Ellie have known Eachother a while now. I kiss him then walk in to the store heading toward the bakery.

Ive been in the line for like 15 minutes when i get a text from Josh.

J🌮👻😍-where are you?

Me- in line

J🌮👻😍-that's BS.


Next thing I know Josh is walking in the store. He walks past me to the front of the line and I decide now to act like I don't know him because I know he's gonna make a scene.

He starts ringing a little bell over and over and over until someone comes up to him he says a name and slides two $20's on the counter grabbing the cake walking away.

My mouth drops. He grabs my hand leading me to the car. Once we get in the car I look at him and say "impressive mr.dun" he smiles

"It's amazing what you can do when your 6 month pregnant fiancé is standing in line for 20 minutes." I laugh as he reaches over grabbing my hand and kisses the back of it holding it by his lips the whole way home.

He refuses to let me carry anything so I wobble up 6 flights of stairs and walk back into my apartment seeing Tyler quietly setting stuff up.

He walks over to me hugging me then squatting down talking to the baby. He's been so obsessed with talking to it lately.

I laugh and push him away "weirdo." He stand up hugging me again. Ever since I told him that the baby could hear now he's been obsessed with talking and singing to it. Which I honestly don't mind Bc obviously he has a beautiful voice. The first time I told him we layed on the couch watching tv and he was telling it stories about me and him and me and Josh and describing Ellie to it.

It was freakin adorable. They way he describes Ellie to people is perfect.
I can already tell he's going to be a great dad someday and an amazing husband.

Today is the day me and Josh are revealing the baby's gender because Ellie wanted that to be her birthday present. Obviously we got her something else to though. I just have an ultra sound for her and Tyler to look at to try and guess baby's gender. Tyler is taping balloons to the wall that spell out Ellie's name and putting plates forks and napkins out.

Josh comes up with the food and cake setting it in the kitchen. I wobble into the kitchen and open the cake looking at it. It's so perfect it brings tears to my eyes. It's a big picture of all four of us with a few pics of her and Tyler surrounding it. Josh told me he sent the pics in so they could copy them and they did amazing.

I close the box and look to see what food Josh got.


She's gonna be so happy...he got 8 large fries and 8 20 piece nuggets from chick fil a and got her two code red mountain dews from publix.

Josh planned this whole party he did the cake and balloons and food. He really wants Ellie to be happy and it's so cute. I grab a big clear glass bowl dumping the nuggets in it and another dumping the fries in it. I set the bowls on the island in the kitchen and put her Mountain Dew in the fridge.

At 11:20 we are finally done setting up and Tyler goes to get Ellie.

He comes out smiling "she's gonna change real quick." We nod and wait for about 10 minutes when Ellie walks out. She's wearing grey joggers with a light blue nike crop top and has her hair up in a ponytail with light makeup on.

She looks around and comes up to me hugging me then Tyler and then Josh for a second. She looks at me "thank you Dyl this looks awesome"

I shake my head "I didn't plan it" she looks at me with her eyebrow raised then point at Tyler and I shake my head again. So she runs over to Josh and hugs him tight for a few minutes he hugs her tighter picking her up laughing. She jumps down looking into the kitchen and gasp jumping on his back.

"Josh I'm sorry for being mean to you even if you deserved it I take it all back you're amazing." She ruffles his hair jumping down and grabs a plate loading it up with nuggets and I hand her a code red from the fridge.

We all grab our food heading into the living room and sitting down on the floor. We eat and talk then decide to start opening presents.

I hand her Tylers first and she tears it open. She pulls out a black T shirt that say 'Tyler Joseph?...yeah he's my boyfriend' and a beanie that say 'I prefer the singer' she laughs.

Tyler has a whole thing planned out so he just started it off with cute cheesy gifts to throw her off.

Josh hands her the present we got her and she opens it the box consist of multiple things I've heard Ellie saying she wants.

Wireless earbuds a portable charger a $50 iTunes gift card and new beats teal wireless Bluetooth headphones. Then I hand her a little grey heart shaped locket we got her with her favorite picture of all of us in it. She thanks us hugging me and Josh about a billion times.

Now time for what she really wants. I hand her An ultrasound and her and Tyler start looking at it.

"Dyl i hate to tell u but ur baby has a third leg" Tyler says smiling even though we all know he's joking.

I look at Ellie and a tear roles down her cheek and she looks up at me.

"It's a boy?" She says barely above a whisper and I nod smiling. She jumps up and hugs me tight then Tyler grabs her wiping her tear away. I honestly didn't think she'd cry at all but it kinda made me happy knowing she cared that much.

We sit around talking until like 6:30 and realize we haven't even sang happy birthday. I grab the cake wobbling back to the living room after lighting it and I start.

"Happy birthday too you happy birthday to you." Tyler and Josh join in Ellie blushing bright red and Tyler wraps his arm around her. "Happy birthday DEAR ELLIE HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOOOOOOO YOUUUUUU."  Of course Tyler had to throw In the fact he can sing and beautifully belt the last part out.

Ellie blushes blowing the candles out. And we cut the cake giving Ellie the first piece who eats the icing then gives in to Tyler me and Josh just share a piece putting the rest back on the counter.

After we eat and discuss baby names for another hour we decide to get ready for bed even though we've done nothing today. We all go to our rooms to change.

Me and Ellie change into onesies and to our surprise so do Josh and Tyler.

Tyler is a kangaroo Josh is a koala I'm a unicorn and Ellie is eeyore. We all laugh and sit on the couch Ellie laying on Tyler and me with Josh.

We turned the lights out starting a movie of Ellie's choice 'the uninvited' I've never seen it so I watch it along with Ellie and Tyler. Josh not even pretending like he watching it.

He's kissing my cheek over and over and rubbing the baby. He turns my head toward him and starts kissing me I smile kissing him back and he scoots closer to me. I put my hand on his cheek kissing him. He pulls away staring at me for a few moments then saying I love you.

Ellie told us to shut up making me laugh and Tyler sends me a video he took of us kissing and stuff I text him back saying 'creep'.

Josh runs his hand up and down my back kissing me again. I push him off laughing "listen Josh I love you but what you're doing right now is what led to this baby being made in the first place and secondly our best friends are right there trying to watch a movie." I whisper laughing.

"Well Im very glad that baby was made Dyl." He whispers "I know so am I." He kisses me one last time and we watch the movie.

I text Tyler wondering when he's gonna do what will most definitely be the highlight of Ellie's day.

Tyla-idk give me a minute

He reaches in his pocket to make sure it's still there.

Me-nooooow please and thank you.

I see him role his eyes and shove his phone in his little pouch on his onesie. He grabs the remote out from under Ellie pausing the movie making Ellie role her eyes and smack his arm. I turn a lamp on and Ellie glares at me I laugh and open the camera on my phone.

He kisses her forehead and I can see her melt becoming a little tiny itty bit happier.

"Can you sit up for me baby." She nods sliding into a sitting position looking totally confused. "Tyler what are you-" he cuts her off putting his finger to his lips kneeling infront of her. He puts his hand on her left knee rubbing his thumb over it a few times then pulls the box out of his pocket cracking it open.

Ellie gasp and her eyes water her hand shooting up and over her mouth staring at the beautiful ring.

"No I'm not gonna ask you to marry me...well not today atleast" he winks and she smiles "but I am asking you to promise me something...I want you to promise not to leave me like ever...I want you to promise to let me hold you every night and kiss you whenever I want...I want you to promise you'll slap me if I'm being stupid and annoying...I just want you to promise I'm yours and your mine." His eyes starts watering as he pulls the ring out of the box showing her the date engraved on it.

"This day is the day I fell in love with you...which also just happened to be the first time I ever saw you" he chuckles and a tear rolls down his cheek Ellie crying to "I know this is cheesy like really cheesy but I need to get my point across and if that means being cheesy I guess that's what I'll do."

"Do you promise El do you promise to love me until I decide to propose to you and do you promise to love me more when that happens..." He trails off wiping his cheek looking down.

She nods. "Yes Tyler I promise to love your cheesy ass." She chokes out still crying a little. They laugh and then jump up Tyler picking her up burying his face in her neck. She pulls his face out cupping his cheeks wiping his tears with her thumb then him doing the same for her. Tyler stares at her then pulls her in for a long passionate kiss.

She slides off him and he shakily puts the ring on her finger kissing her again resting his forehead against hers. "I love you...I love you so much Elizabeth rose Royal." She kisses him "I love you more Tyler Robert Joseph."

I look back and see Josh crying and start laughing ending the video. "Awwwwwwee c'mere baby." I laugh pulling him to me and him burying his face in my neck.

"Why are you cryin." I laugh wiping his face off "my best fren just gave your best fren a promise ring with a cute long cheesy speech why aren't you crying."

"I'm saving it for the engagement jishy." He laughs and kisses me.

Tyler and Ellie go to there room to do god knows what. Me and Josh just turn the tv off and head to our room. Which is downstairs for now because he doesn't want me going up and down stairs.

I walk in ellies room on the way to bed not really hearing anything wrong going on. I crack the door open and Ellie is asleep and Tyler is opening snapchat. He puts his hand in her hair rubbing her head then stops after a few seconds. She reaches back grabbing his hand and putting it back on her head making Tyler chuckle. Tyler looks at me saving the vid to his memories and sending it to me then putting it on his story writing "happy birthday El love you."

He pulls her into his chest and I mouth goodnight walking out. I unzip my onesie a bit and climb in bed beside Josh. We lay on our phones talking until like 2 Am then cuddle up and go to bed.

Not edited

I have two more chapgers coming really soon guys I promise but for now enjoy this.

WORD COUNT ~ 2,666

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