Fan, but not a fan

By MaxAnaLohden

1.6K 19 2

Jesse McCartney is hiding so fans don't mob. As Jane is a town girl. That just can't see why peope go crazy o... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 4

89 2 0
By MaxAnaLohden

Jane POF
waking up I wonder why I'm not in my room. Remembering I staid over at Zana's. Having a great night talking and playing games. Oh what a time. I get the urge to want to just go outside and run for hours with no care. not knowing, but maybe what happened last night is starting to making me crazy. I jump up and down in Zana's room, so happy. What a Saturday it will be. I just know it. I know right, I can produced the future. That's just how good I am.

Zana start to wake up with her sleepy eyes. Yawning she says, "What is all the noise. Can you keep it down it still kind of early." Seeing me laughing a little, still waking up. "Woo girl. Jumping I see. Why so crazy? Did something happen that I don't know about?"

"No silly. Just really happy, that's all. Don't you just love the weekend? I know I do."

"Ya I do, but I don't go crazy for it. Especially this early. Ok fine if you don't want to tell me what really is making you happy."

"What ever girl. You don't have to belief me if you don't want to, even if its the truth." Wile that's not totally it. I just can't tell her it all as I don't even really know what it means. Just that it makes me all happy inside. Ya maybe it is to do with it being the weekend. You know me thinking things over to much. Need to just take as is and stop trying to make sans of it all. Not every thing needs an answer.

Zana is finally up and we go to the kitchen to have some breakfast. Getting some fruit and oats out to have with yogurt. Putting some fruit on the side. A great tasty meal I'd say. Bast of all its good for you. But guilty I do love my cup of coffee. Making sure there's some for when Zana's parents get up. Sins there so nice letting me use there things like there coffee. The least I can do is make them some. We finish making are food, taking it to sit down and eat.

Sitting we talk about what were going to do today. Then Zana's parents are up looking sleepy, still. telling them I made some coffee.

They say, "Thanks Jane you didn't need to do that." In a sleepy voice, there poring into there cups.

"It's the least I could do for you letting me stay over."

"We'll then thanks again. Tastes great." They say.

Zana is tapping my shoulder wanting to tell me something. I say, "What is it?"

"I just remembered there is a cool fair happening in the park today. Was wondering if maybe that sounds like fun to do today?"

"Of cores I love to go. You know I love to go to the fairs here in Coarsens."

"I know that's why I asked." We shove each other in are sits almost falling over. Her parents saying to us to be carful to not hurt are selfs. I have to say I love Zana's parents as much as I love my mom. Feeling so at home here, just like real home, but with out annoying Olivia. I guess its like I have two. Well I am here a lot and Zana over at mine. So you can say, yes I do. Finishing are food we put are bowls away. Me taking little more coffee before heading up to Zana's room to get ready to go out.

remembering I brought my new clothes I haven't worn yet. The ones when out with Jay. Wondering to my self if I should wear that or something els. Really want to kick in the boots so sure I'll wear the boots. Nice day for them. Oh but they go so well with the rest, ok I'll wear the hole look today. What the hack should live a little. That's what life's for, right. No need to leave such great clothes to clacked dust. putting on flowery red dress and the tight jeans finishing off lacing the boots. Still having my hair to do. I go to get my como, comping out my hair. Finishing up with a side braid. Never can go wrong with one of thoughts. At least I think so.

Zana is coming out of the bathroom. She goes wow at how I look.  I twirl for her to see from tip to toe.

Zana saying, "Wow great look. Is it new? Never seen before."

"Had it for about two week. This is just the first time I'm wearing it, so yes a new look."

"How did you get clothes with out me. We are like shopping buddy's."

"I know, the day we all went home after Ice cream. Well, me I stayed out little longer looking around. Wile I saw a place I couldn't take my eye off. Went in and the next thing I knew I bought an outfit. Sorry I didn't tell you or call you to come."

"No buggy it's not like we have to do ever thing together. Even if we are shopping buddy's."

"Ya I think if we didn't have a little time apart. We have nothing to cache about. We would just sit in silence more."

"So right. Like now. Ok we should get going. Don't want to miss one mint of fun."

"Oh no we don't. Missed enough as is. Lets not miss  any more. On we go" I say. Doing the look as we check each other. Making sure we have nothing out of place. After she looks over me and me here, looking great. We go arm and arm out the door skipping. Zana's parents laugh a little as we do so. In no time were at the fair. How cool is this, it's a music fair. What's bater then music. Oh wait nothing. Going around we look at the booths. Trying some great food with some awesome music playing. I'd have to say this town knows how to have a good time with some great bands playing.

Seeing Zana is having a great time. Trying to eat as much as she can. This is not usually her or me. We like to eat heathy. Making us look good and feel good. You probably guested that we like to look are best. This is a time we stuff are self having no care. We can eat bad some times. That's what I say. To saying as I glance over to Zana. "Slow down girl, your going to hurt your self eating that fast. We do, having all day. It's not like we are in a rush."

"I know I just can't help it, but ok I'll slow down. Don't want to hurt my self." I get a drink with some Cotten candy as we go on are way to we're the bands are playing. "I can't believe they got these great bands for the fair." Zana says.

"I know right. Was thinking the same thing." I say

"What would make this day the greatest of them all if Jesse McCartney came up to play. Oh my gosh yes."

"Oh Zana of cores you think that. Well I would like to see him live. Oh wait look over there." Staring to sing I pertained to be Jmac. "Hey girl. Yes you. Come on up." Singing to Zana.

"Oh my gosh. Really me. Oh stop it, theres much bater girls here, then me. Why pic me." Wile fluttery her arms all happy.

"Cuss you glow like an angel." Ok yes he wouldn't say that, but still. I stop singing ending with a bow.

Zana clapping, "Woo ya Jesse." Her smiling at it all. "Oh thanks Jane. You really know how to make a time so great."

"What who. I'm not Jane. I'm Jesse last time I knew."

"Lol of cores your Jesse." Punching my arm playfully. "So is Jane back now?"

"Why yes. Jesse had some things to do. To bad he couldn't stay longer." I say putting my arm around Zana. "Hey lest get out if this big crowd and look around some more. That sound good?"

"Sure dose. I think at this rate. If I stay to close to the music my ears may fall off."

"Oh no, don't want that. Ok we really should go then." Walking out of the crowd arm and arm. Eating some of my Cotten candy. Playing a few of the games they had. Playing pop that balloon. I try, try and try looking like I'm about to win, but of cores a kid beats me to it. "Darn, why can't I win at least one game at theses fairs." I pout a little.

"Oh cheer up Jane. You'll win one some day. No need to be sad over it. Lets not make this a sad day now. This is supposed to be a great day. Just you and me."

"Your right Zana. It's just a game. Why should it mater if I win or not."

"Thats the spirit." Right then Zana runs to the grass, me running after here. Running there and all over the park laughing are heads off. Zana then has the urge to really use the restroom saying, "Oh no, I think all that food and drink got to me. I'm going to explode if I don't go to lady's room."

"No don't want that. There's one to the far right of the park."

"K, thanks Jane. I'll try not to be long."

"Take your time. I'll just look around some more wile you do so."

"K then." Saying quickly as she sprits to the bathroom like there's no tomorrow. I go to some booths selling music stuff. One selling clothes with bands on them. Seeing a sweat shirt with Jmac on it. Saying to my self. Oh I got to get it. Zana would love it and that its orange.

I go up to the guy asking how much it is. Telling me $12.99. I give him the money buying it right up. Good thing to, it looked like it was the last one. Wile I'm walking on looking at another booth selling music. To my spice I find Jesse McCartney's new signal. I just can't help my self but buy it for me with a cool key chain. I do putting it in my bag. Right when I'm about to walk away I pump into someone. To be hold its of cores Jay. Him saying, "Hey, couldn't stop but come over. Noticing your wearing the outfit I got you the other day.

"Oh this. I guess I am."

"You got that right. So what brings you here for the fun?" Jay says.

Walking with Jay wile I scuff my feet on the ground saying, "I'm here with a friend."

Jay scanning the park saying to me, "If so I see no one with you."

"Ya she had to use the lady's room. She went little crazy on the food and drink if you know what I mean."

"Oh to well." Jay then notes the sweat shirt I'm holding. Seeing it has Jmac on it. He says pointing at it. "So your a Jesse McCartney fan are ya."

"Oh no this is not for me. This is for my friend when she comes back. Don't get me wrong I like his music and all. I just don't see why people go crazy for him. Not my cup of tea."

"Why so? Your a teen. Don't you have a slap crush?"

"Me no. I just go for music. I'm not one to melt over a guy just cuss he's famous and most of all hot. On the other hand if my friend met him she would go so crazy, I don't think she would know what to say."

"He bater watch out for her then." Jay said

"Yes he batter." I say

We get to the game I lost earlier today. Jay saying, "Oh my gosh I remember loving this game when I was a kid."

"Oh really. Maybe you will have more luck on it then I did today."

"We'll let's see." He pays the girl and takes a water gun ready to shoot in the clowns mouth and pop that sucker. The game starts as I cheer him on, if at a basketball game. It starts to get so intents. When him an little boy are so close. To be hole he pops first.

Him saying. "Panda beer pleas."

Me looking at him with a maddish look on my face saying, "No fair. All the times I'v played this game. I never have won one."

"Oh we have sour puss here do we. Oh come on its just a game." Trying to put my frown right side up.

"Ya but one I tried hard at winning." I said

"Ok if your that bombed then you can have my panda bear." Putting his hands out for me to take it.

"Oh no I couldn't take it. You won it far and square."

"Ya but I insist." I try to push it away and not take, but he keeps trying to, so I give in and take the animal.

Wondering to my self. What if because the way I acted made him do something he wouldn't if I just stayed quite about it. Oh no I am becoming a bad person. I'm self sauntered. Oh no, I can't be. Till I'v meet him I would always help people. Or what if I only was cuss I'd get something out of it. all my life I have been self sauntered and just didn't know it.

Jay says wile waving his hand in front of my face. "Hello earth to Jane. Did I loose you. What did I say something to bore you. Oh my bad, don't want to bore you."

"No silly. Just cot up in my own thoughts that's all." I say.

"I see." We walk around a little longer, me forgetting I came with Zana. Wile we are laughing having the best time ever. He looks down at his watch with his great smooth hair blowing in the wind, as he did so. Him saying to it right when I look away, for him to not knots I was starting at him vary happily. I know I don't know what it is with him. Him saying, "Oh my gosh. Look at the time. I got to go. Have fun rest of your day and I hope your friends ok. It's been awhile she's been away."

"Oh my it has. But I bet she is fine. Thanks any way and bye. See you at school."

"Ya see ya there." He then walks off. Him doing so I watch him. Looking great the way he walks with such cute feet of his. Why did I just say that? I know weird right. Oh I don't know what is it about Jay, that reals me in. knowing are meets aren't planed, but when they happen its like I forget every thing but the moment with him. I then see Zana coming my way. shaking it off I try to stop smiling. Doing right when she's next to me. Looking like she doesn't aspect a thing. Wow I'm good. This is like the third time I'v hid it so well. I know, it must all mean something if I had to hide it again. I should tell here. Just not yet, will when I really know what this all means. Don't want to give her hopes up if it is nothing, even if he did look cute. Smiling wile I think that. Almost doing my bite lip smile. Kind of like Jmac dose. I rub it off knowing she"ll know for sure if she see that.

Zana says wile we are walking and me trying so hard not to do my heart of a smile. "What is it with me. Every time we go to theses fairs I eat and drink way to much. Shouldn't I have learned by now. As I keep going to the bathroom every time."

saying putting my arm on her shoulders. "You know that will never change. Just like me in not winning fair games."

"Ya your right Jane, but I just know it one day your win one. I just know it. Well ya it's not like theses fairs happen all the time. Only like ones or so a month. So I'll stuff my face even if it leads me to the bathroom."

"That's the spirit. An ya your right, I bet I will win one, one day."

Zana then sees the sweat shirt under my arm. Saying to the fact jumping a little, "Oh my gosh. Is that what I think it is. A sweater with Jesse McCartney on. You shouldn't have."

"I know, I just couldn't help it. Wile you were in the lady's room I stumbled alone a booth selling band t-shirts and this. When I saw a Jesse one I so thought of you. Hoping to give you it later, but now that you saw it. Here you go."

She comes in giving me a big bear hug almost taking the air out of me. Zana says, "Oh my gosh I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hug you that hard."

I say, "It ok. What's a day with out gating the wind taken out of you." Zana laughing at what I said.

"Oh Jane you know how to make a moment so great. Hey I think I had enough of this fair. I say lets go shop a little and maybe buy new pice for are closets."

"Let's. I had enough of it here too."

On are way to are fav store. Zana happens to knots the stuffed panda bear. Taking it from my arm. "Oo how did you get this. I know that the balloon pop game has them. But you haven't won a game there. Or did you wile I was gone and just didn't think to tell me."

"I didn't think it was that importune. Now you know I won my first fair game."

"That's great." We get to are fav store Mystery Girl and go in. Having a blast trying things on. Making me think a little when I did this with Jay. Even if he was just watching and not trying on with me. What a day it was. I then fond the cutest top. not being able to stop looking at how cute I was in it. Zana was speechless at how I looked. Right this is the one I'm buying today. A cute light red top flaring out some at the bottom. Saying, be your assume self on it. We both go up to buy are idem. Me a shirt and Zana a great flowery skirt to the nee. We head out going around town doing other fun stuff.  To then the café to have a drink. Having one of the best days of all.

Jesse POF
I was on my way home after having a great day out. With not even one fan coming up to me. All cuss I don't look like me. Walking wile I start to think of Jane. Such a great girl, but wow she's the first not crazy Jmac fan I have met. She could have been just saying that so to not scare me off. Trying to make sure I don't think she's crazy. I wouldn't care if she was. She be a great crazy and a cute one at that. Oh Jane the one taking over my brain.

About home having a big smile on my face. Making this day great. Glad I want to the fair today or I wouldn't have bumped into Jane. Oh yes Jane. Right then I start to space out in some other world.

Going to my room my brother, Tim, knottiest my look. Saying to it. "Woo Jesse's fond a girl. No dote about it."

I nock him on the head and say, "Stay out of it. How would you know any who. It's not like you had one."

"Maybe so bro, but I can so tell when ones gotten you so smitten."

"Oh you can now, I see. Ok maybe you do, but if you can leave me alone for now that be great."

Tim says, "Fine will do. Your no fun." Walks off, little anode. Heading into my room. Getting comfy I'm being glad I didn't see my manger right now. He probably have something for me to do. For today I don't want to work. This is my great day off for fun.

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