QingYu: A Wuxia Tale (Going T...

By ginaddict

312K 17.8K 1.4K

A young man with a dream... A Captain with a mission to fulfill... They will meet and form a bond that no one... More

A Boy With a Dream
A Chance Encounter
At the Crack of Dawn
A Walk with A Keeper
In One Room
The Shadow
Questions and Rumors
Fall in You
The Spy
Night of Thoughts
Personal Assignment
The Hitch on the Plan
The Accomplice
Border in SiChuan
Operation: Seduction
Sleeping Separately
A Mad Bull in the Fence
Shell Shocked
Hiding Spot
Embrace in the Dark
I Want You
Cherry Bloosoms are Romantic
Half Truths
Future Plans
Play and Change of Heart
Badly Touched
One Rainy Morning
Lemon Scented Oil
I Love You
The Defense Specialist
First Move
The Second in Command's Past
Behind the Attack
Ally in the Workshop
One Down
Prohibited Cure
Fully Recovered
Unexpected Meeting
Counter Plan
Poisoned Darts
Shattered Worlds
Unstoppable vs Immovable
A Different Choice
The Calm Before the Storm
Battle Ready
An Attack
The Original Shadow
Fallen Warrior
The Force Beyond the Border
Prison Cell
The Woman from the Border
Our Fate
General Wang
Afforded Choices
The Aftermath of Revenge
Love will Reign


2.4K 157 24
By ginaddict

(Qing's POV)

I strode surely to get to my father's office. My legs eating the ground. I keep my hands in tight fists, I am holding on to my temper, in my best ability.

Cause I know when I lose my temper, someone is going to die.

I saw two soldiers guarding outside my father's office. I stood right in front of it. "Announce me," I ordered the soldiers.

They were hesitant, "Captain, your father is with the Master General..."

I grab the collar of the soldier on my left who spoke and pulled him closer to me. He is shorter than me so he had to stood on tiptoe to keep his balance or he will dangle in my hold.

I look down at him, straight into his scared eyes, "Announce me," I repeat in the same tone as the first time.

I let go of the soldier who cleared his throat, "General Wang, Captain Wang is..."

I didn't let him finish. I shove the door open and strode inside. I saw my father, looking surprise, with the Master General and three others. These three officials I know because they have been guarding my father for almost two decades now.

They also have rankings of generals but everyone in the camp knew they are just decorated guards of my father and the Master General. I don't respect them even if they are older than me by a dozen summers.

"Wang Qing," my father stood from sitting behind his table.

"Can we talk alone?" I said in a controlled tone.

The Master General replied, "What ever it is you want to say to General Wang, you can say comfortably with us here. We are all family here Captain Wang."

Family? I can't even laugh even if I want to. I never treated them like family and I will never treat them like that.

My family are my comrades, friends like Wei and Jiang. My family are the soldiers under my supervision. My family are my sisters, mother and father.

My family is Dayu.

And tonight, they tried to kill a member of my family. I will never forgive them...

"This is a private matter between me and my father," I said in the same cold tone.

"Wang Qing,"

"Make them leave Baba. Please," I can still be nice even if I am getting an itch to murder someone.

The other four people in the room bristle in annoyance. But I am not backing down. And I don't give a damn about their tender feelings, if they feel insulted or not.

They tried to kill the man I love. I think tender feeling are lacking in that scenario.

My father looked trapped. Then he nodded, "Gentlemen if you can give my son and I some moments to be alone,"

The Master General stared in stunned surprise at my father. Clearly not liking that his second in command is giving a Captain more importance than him.

But I am my father's son. He knew me.

Moments of silence reign as they all wait for General Zong's decision. The Master General nod and stood up from his relaxed sit and walked towards the door.

I step back to give them the way. Genral Zong stopped in front of me, "For a mere servant, you are disrespecting your superiors this way?"

I sneered, "Exactly. For a mere servant, you sent twenty soldiers? Isn't that a bit overkill?" I gritted my teeth, "Goodnight Sir,"

General Zong's face twisted angrily at my dismissal of him. But I never bother myself with him again. I turn to my father.

I heard them leaving the room and the door closing behind me. I stare at my father, with the big oval table between us.

I put a hand on that table, slowly put pressure on my palm until the hard wood under my hand give in, break and the table snapped into two.

My father's eyes widen when the two parts of the broken table collapsed on either side of him.

Now, nothing is between my father and I but tension on the air.

"Never again," I said, a clear warning in my tone. "Did you hear me? One more attempt on his life and you can disown me, I won't give a damn. Our relationship will resemble the table on your floor."

Broken. Split neatly into two. Separated.

My father's face change from surprised to fear to outrage. "I am your father!" He shouted.

"And I love him!" I shouted back.

"Wang Qing!"

I shook my head, "Don't make me forget that you are my father. Baba, even if he is not in my life, I won't marry the princess. I won't be controlled that way. You know..."

Nobody can control me. That's why I have to learn control by myself under Master Gao. My strength, my power, it was uncontrollable until I learned to be a defense specialist.

Being in defense mode, I can control myself and my strength so I won't hurt myself and the people around me. My unexplainable strength is the reason why my parents separated me from my more fragile sisters.

I once hurt my older sister, I couldn't control my strength and when I pushed her, she was thrown against a wall and got injured. Fortunately she landed on the soft settee or it would have been a bigger disaster. I had just passed my three summers then.

I was seven summer years old when Master Gao came into our home to train me. He taught me to push my strength inside. To keep still. To be immovable.

Master Gao taught me to stop attacking and start defending. To defend is to keep your energy inside and expand only what you need to defend yourself. For the first time in my life, I learn control.

Once I learned control, I was freed to play with my sisters and friends. I get to be a normal boy. Nobody knew my strength. Nobody get hurts while playing with me.

I have control. I am immovable. And I became happy.

But this attempt on Dayu's life is making my control to myself slip. Breaking a table helps a little but I know if this happened again...

I breath deeply. Remembering all my trainings.

"Never again," I repeated to my father before I turn away from him.

I walk to the door. My heart in pain. I love my father. I respect him. In my eyes, he is a honorable and decent man.

But now...that image got broken. It got tarnish. And my heart is breaking for that little boy who idolizes his father.

All because he tried to kill the one person giving me an unparalleled happiness.

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