Just A Country Girl [complete...

By 0_0samantha

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When one is in an abusive relationship, usually the solution is to obviously leave that relationship. But one... More

1. Ross
2. Reunion
3. Heart break
6. Hidden Lake
7. Fruit basket
8. Stupid teenagers
9. November weather
10. Offers
11. Accidents happen
12. The mysterious glob
13. Charity case
14. Just a nightmare
15. Jealousy?
16. Bandaids
17. Third wheeling
18. Battles
19. Crack in the wall
20. Oh brother
21. Winter plans
22. Girl's night
23. Tension builds
24. The black bikini
25. Too close
26. Fireworks
27. Fell in love?
28. Bruised eye
29. Sneaky suspicions
30. Plans
31. Fake sympathy
32. Revelations
33. Trigger
34. Whole family
35. My secret battle scar
36. Learning to forgive
37. Promises
Update [please read]

4. Big blue tractor

533 18 2
By 0_0samantha

Happy reading :3

I felt like I had cried my tears dry. I had learned to accept my aunt's death. It took many days and many tissues to gather my emotions and tape my heart back together. It's useless in a way because I feel like what's holding me together is so frail that at any moment or one wrong movement it will only break again. You know how one thing by one specific person could make your heart whole again? That person has to be my aunt or my heart will forever stay shattered. One hug from her and my heart's fragments that was broken would all fit back into their place again and I could feel whole.

I turn from her casket because I had to leave. My issues weren't faced on where I'd get my profits because we got them from her many crops and animals that supplied us our many needs. My only problem was the emptiness inside that would be very hard to fill again. The loneliness grew tremendously these past few dreadful days.

As I turned around, I was faced with my biological parents. They had come to her funeral, but their expressions clearly showed how much they actually cared to be here. My parent's are rich city folks who have been known for their snobby and stuck up ways. I was nothing like them.

"It's good to see you, Juliet." My 'mother' said obviously not meaning a single word. She wanted me to see how much she didn't care.

"Wish I could say the same." I shot back. She shrugged my words away after rolling her eyes and straightening her position.

"Your aunt was a decent woman and-" She was beginning to say before I cut in.

"My aunt was not a decent woman." I said and their faces held nothing but shock and disgust. "She was the best woman I have ever known, her title should hold more than just "decent" to you undeserving people, if you didn't bother to care than maybe you should've also not bothered to come here, an unloving presence shouldn't be welcomed at this deserving woman's funeral, a time of remembrance and love." I stated angry that they'd come here with the attitudes and the way of heart that they felt. It wasn't welcomed, at least not by me.

"Young lady," my 'father' said fuming.

"If it wasn't for us, your parents, you wouldn't be here standing before us, talking with such a mouth as yours." He continued angrily.

"Actually, it's my aunt's thanks to why I'm here. She stopped you monstrous people from aborting a kid that you carelessly had, maybe I'm a mistake, you view me as that and so would the rest of the world, but as for my aunt I was never a mistake and was a blessing to her, and her to I. Now I'd like to wish you a good day, but I wouldn't want to lie to my parents now would I?" I poke my lip out, frowning sarcastically, then walking away from the fuming people that call themselves 'my parents'.

I felt decent for standing up to them for once and saying what was on my mind. I leave the funeral home after few conversations with the casual family member.

I hop into my aunt's yellow hummer that was now considered mine. Thinking of that, I had to put my name in for the rightful owner of both the house and car. My aunt had never been rich, but we got by, we made decent money, but weren't exactly rich per say.

I drive back to my home in the silence that was drowning me. Usually, for whatever it was, we'd go to town together to keep each other company and to assist the other. I can't remember one time that I didn't assist her or that she didn't assist me when leaving he house. At first it had been because I was scared to be alone and that maybe it was a way of Ross being able to catch me when I was alone and no sign of anyone near by, but after awhile I just started going because I enjoyed her company.

I drive down my long and narrow driveway. I get to my house and turn the ignition off and step out the car. I walk into my house and set the keys on the counter. I changed out of the dark and depressing clothes that I wore to the funeral.

I throw on a fresh pair of overalls and tie my hair into a braid. The morning had now changed to early afternoon. I walked myself outside after putting on my nice steel toed boots. I was planning on getting some yard work done and finish getting some of the field tilled up for planting fall crops.

I open the storage area where I keep all the heavy farm utilities and hardware. The biggest in the storage was my blue tractor. My aunt had called the tractor Bessy and I have no idea why she bothered naming the tractor, but I guessed that she was just fond of her farm and its supplies.

I hooked it up and pulled it out the storage area. I coughed and swatted the dust that was filling the clear air. After my coughing fit, I dusted my overalls and prepared myself to start the tractor. I cleared a path so that I could easily get to the field. I finally hopped on my tractor and pulled the key out of my pocket. I put it in the key slot and turned the key. I heard the pleasing sound of the ignition starting. I went for the gears and noticed it was having issues when it didn't start properly. The tractor made a weird noise as if it were coughing.

I tried again and once more it made the same displeasing roar. Now I was concerned. Oh no. Whose going to fix it? I can't afford someone to come all the way out here and fix it and I definitely can't take it to someone to get it fixed. Too long of a drive for both parts.

I hopped off my tractor and leaned against it in frustration. There wasn't anyway that I could fix it. My mechanical skills aren't that high, I don't even know what went wrong. I have all the tools to fix it with, I think... I just don't have he brain to do it. I need someone else to do it for me, but I live pretty far from civilization and that's a big hole in the plan.

Suddenly it hit me in the face like a pile of bricks. 'It' being a solution. My neighbor, if you could even call him that. I remember my aunt told me something about his mechanical knowledge. A slight glimmer of hope began to rise. Maybe I'd have a simple solution to my not so simple problem.

Guess I'll make a stop over at his house today.

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