Where Were You

By senseizayn

853K 20.3K 2.2K

After 12 years apart will life bring Camila and Lauren crashing together? More

Starting Over
Golden Treasures
Some Familiarity
Don't Look Back In Anger
The Cabello Family Way
Remembering A Stranger
The Woman Who Struggles
My Star
Two Hot Brunettes With Benefits
And She Returns
A Cry That Cannot Be Heard
Changing For The Better
The Keeper Of Hearts
Welcome Back Lauren Jauregui
Maybe It's Just Me
Listen To What You're Not Saying
Green Eyed Girl
Coach Who?
And She Was Spotted
Can't Blame Me, Can You?
Connect The Cabellos
Poisoned Name
Blanked And Shattered
Tomorrow, Tomorrow
You Too
Welcome To Dylan's New World
Don't Thank Me
I Always Think Of You
Slowly But Surely
Pieces To Be Complete
The Voice Of A Mother
Well, Congratulations
Moody Cabello Needs Some Thing
Points Underneath
For Dylan
The Hockey Moms
Musician vs Rock Star
It Kind Of Tickled
So Many Questions, So Little Answers
Stupid Yes, Asshole No
It Has To Mean Something
The Kiss That Never Ended
Grown Ups & Little Girl Crushes
Ready, Set, Chase
Ice Cream & Ch Ch Ch Changes
It's Her Time To Shine
Just Say Yes
Right On Target
Girls & Their Hockey
Morning Coffee
All In A Day, Part One
All In A Day, Part Two
Insert Foot Here
Snowflakes Aren't The Only Things Fallin
The Dawn Is Breaking
Feeling The Heartache
Room For The Cabellos?
Family Under Construction
Picture Perfect
My Place
Her Place
Dude's Got A Point
Sleepless In Camila's Bed
Lucas Learns, Lauren Teaches
The Great Detective Cabello
Ten Feet Off The Ground
Fluttered Heart
Surprised Is Served
Just Another Phone Call
Daddy Who?
When I Grow Up
Lady Killer
All That I'm Living For
Baby Packs A Punch
The Trouble With Love Is
Must Be
The Phone Call
Blanket of Security
Underneath The Cabello Household
Why So Awkward?
Just For A Moment
Lost Lovers, Forever Friends
Sleepy Head Jauregui
My Mom, My Piano Playing Hero
We Are Family
In Need Of A Cool Off
Troubled Teens
Tears of Self Deprecation
Last Day of the Year
Please Spare Me
I'm Yours Too
All I Ever Needed Was You
A Suite Night
Full House, Ace Is Low
Scribbled Note
Homeward Bound
I Don't Understand
And They Called It Puppy Love
Feisty PreTeen
An Unexpected Decision
Camila, the Hero
Love At First Sight
The Engraved Guitar
Collecting Attitude
Move Along
Girl Talk
The Missing Piece
On Location
Desktop Love
First Heartbreak
It Takes Time
One Step Closer
I'm Not Dreaming
Let's Get Down to Business
No Rest for the Insatiable
Wedding Countdown
You're It For Me
You Are Now Leaving Midtown

Baby Steps to Healing

6.5K 123 8
By senseizayn

Lauren's PoV

The gravel, beneath the tires of the white jeep rental, crunched as I pressed the break pedal slowly. There was no sound coming from the back where Matthew lay sleeping in his car seat while Lucas and Dylan had their headphones in, listening to a movie that was playing to entertain them.

I felt a hand slip through mine while the other gripped the steering wheel tight. Just the touch of her warm skin helped the knots in my stomach ease a bit. It had been years since I was outside the house I grew up in.

"We can take a few minutes if you need it." Camila said softly and squeezed my hand in comfort.

I nodded and smiled gratefully, my hand finally letting go of the steering wheel and pushing through my hair. "Thanks Camz," I breathed.

We sat in silence before Dylan tapped on my shoulder and pulled herself up to rest her chin in the crook of my neck. "I'll hold your hand Momma."

I bit my lip, trying to keep my tears at bay for as long as I could. Camila and I talked about my parents and how much I missed them and wished I could've done a lot of things differently before they passed away. We talked almost every day, even if they were little things we discussed for minutes here and there. I was slowly allowing myself to heal so I could be stronger for those times when Dylan asked about her grandparents. She has many great memories and I know her heart aches for them as well.

I took a deep breath and nodded, opening up the driver's side door and planting my feet onto the gravel for the first time in, what felt like centuries. It felt spongy beneath my feet and I didn't like the feeling of the unsteadiness in my stance. I braced my sweaty palms against the jeep and inhaled sharply, closing my eyes. I could hear my parents yelling at me for pulling into the driveway too fast or with my music blasting too loud. I could see my mom smiling in the doorway the very first time I brought Dylan to visit. I could smell the freshly cut grass my dad would do every Saturday morning. All the memories blasted me into the reality of them not being here anymore.

"Momma?" Lucas was at my side, her hand on the small of my back while Camila pulled me close to her. "Come on Dyl, let's keep Matthew company until they're ready to go in."

I hadn't realized I was crying until Dylan dug her feet into the dirt and clung to me, her own eyes shimmering with tears. It broke my heart all over again and I knelt down, allowing her arms to wrap around me tightly. "I miss them too." She sniffled.

I glanced at Camila and she had unshed tears as well. Her hand was caressing my cheek before she'd run it through Dylan's hair. She pulled us both close and kissed our cheeks. "You know, your parents are proud of you right now, Lo. You have accomplished so much. You have a beautiful little girl that is as bright as can be and you're about to gain a wife and two more kids, officially, into your family."

I managed to smile and press my lips against hers gently. "Thank you, Camila." I whispered once again. I wiped Dylan's tears and squeezed her to me before letting go and standing up. I took her hand in mine and looked down at her. "What do you say, are you ready to go in?"

We all glanced up at the huge empty house, the keys to all the doors burning slightly in my pocket.

"Did you want us to come in?" Camila asked, pointing to Lucas, who now had a sleepy Matthew holding her hand.

"Of course." I smiled softly and nodded my head for them to follow us to the familiar pathway.

The inside hadn't changed much. Everything was covered in dust because it took me so long to earn the bravery to step inside. Even though the smell of my childhood home was long gone, I could still pick it out when we wandered further into the foyer.

"Is this yours?" Lucas asked, looking in awe around the house.

"Legally, yes." I nodded and trailed my finger across the dust on my mom's favourite bookshelf. It was still housing all the old books she'd read when her day was slow and quiet.

"Wow." Lucas smiled grabbed Camila's hand. "Have you ever been in here before?"

Camila grinned and as soon as she smiled at me, all of my worries and knots melted away completely. "I have. I had a hockey game here one year and since Lauren was visiting her family for March break, I decided to surprise her."

"I think my jaw is still on the ground out there somewhere." I teased and nudged Dylan, who giggled quietly.

"Awe, you two were stupid to break up." Lucas threw out there carelessly and shrugged when Camila scolded her. "What? It's true!"

"Well if that were true, do you really think you'd be here right now?" Camila raised an eyebrow and lightly punched her daughter in the shoulder.

"Ew. Jaiden says 'doing it' with guys is a sin. So I don't know whether to be thankful or grossed out." Lucas huffed and Dylan gagged playfully.

"Okay, first of all I don't think you should be hanging around Jaiden for awhile because you're starting to talk like her. And second? You're a beautiful gift, no matter how or who got you here so let's leave it at that." I ruffled her brunette hair but she smacked my head away and growled a little bit.

"You cannot forbid me to see Jaiden." Lucas huffed and marched down the hallway with Matthew and Dylan in tow.

Camila whistled and stuffed her hand in her pockets. "Wow," she breathed, "I'm kind of scared to hear her say that when she brings home a girl we both dislike."

"It'd be like Sofi bringing home Isa, wouldn't you say?" I batted my eyelashes playfully and Camila scowled before wrapping her arm around my waist.

"Please, no reminders. Isa was a phase. Sammy finally wrapped my sister's thick stubborn ass around her finger and I'm glad the nightmare of their severed relationship is over." She nuzzled my cheek.

"Mm, and we can all get married and live happily ever after." I sighed and cupped the back of her neck, bringing our lips together softly.

"Exactly." She breathed and kissed me a little deeper.

The kiss didn't last long because we heard small footsteps running towards us. I pecked her lips one more time and turned around to see Matthew coming around the corner in a baseball cap that belonged to my dad.

"Look!" He danced around proudly with the hat on and I smiled, bending down to pick him up.

"Looks good on you, bud." I lowered the cap over his eyes, causing him to giggle.

"Sorry I couldn't catch him in time. He grabbed it off the hook in the kitchen." Lucas apologized with a worried look on her face.

"It's okay." I assured her. "You two go take a look around. Dylan can show you her old room when she stayed here."

Dylan paused in her step towards to the stairs with a confused look on her face before she snapped her fingers and yelled, "I remember! Come on Lucas!"

Matthew watched the two older girls go on ahead without him but slung to Camila's leg, making no attempt to chase after them. "Did you want a moment to yourself?" She asked me softly and I immediately shook my head. "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure Camz, but thank you." I held her hand in mine, tugging her closer. "Let's go explore a bit."

Dylan's PoV

"Dylan, you have a huge room!" Lucas twirled around the light purple carpet before falling back into a bean bag chair. "Your grandparents must have spoiled you."

I shrugged with a sad smile. I was missing them but had to admit that parts of my memories of them were fading a little bit and it scared me. I did remember my grandpa's famous piggy back rides all through the house and they claimed every Sunday that they had me, it was called 'Princess Dylan' day. He wouldn't let me walk anywhere by myself.

Gramma made me breakfast in bed on those mornings and then she'd attempt to teach me how to do some of her craft work. Even when I couldn't get it at first, she'd be patient with me.

"They were awesome from what I remember." I smiled at my sister and bounced on my old bed. "Momma loved to stay here on the weekends. I remember hearing her playing piano almost every Saturday night, writing songs for her job."

"I wish we could've known each other then." Lucas sat up and looked around the room. "It's a good thing our parents are getting married, eh?"

"Yes." I beamed and jumped off my bed before going into my old closet. I had a whole chest full of toys in it and decided to dig it out. "You think they'll let me take some of this stuff back home with us?"

Lucas laughed at the huge brown chest and helped me drag it out, dusting it off. "I think we should convince them to take back the bean bag chairs."

We giggled and then dug through all the toys I knew I was too old to play with now. I had more than a few that would keep Matthew busy so I shoved those aside for him. Lucas picked up a wrapped present with my name scrawled out in neat writing. I looked at it puzzled because I don't remember hiding any presents in my toy chest.

"What is it?" Lucas whispered in wonder and I shrugged, taking it from her hands. I placed it between my legs and inspected the untouched blue wrapping paper tied with white ribbon around it.

Peeling back the tape and ripping the paper every so often, I was finally holding a shoebox in my lap. Opening the box, I gasped at the black and lime green hockey skates sitting untouched and brand new. I remembered begging my mom for them but she kept saying 'maybe for Christmas' and that year it never happened. I was in foster care and lucky enough to eat a candy cane if I was good enough.

"Wow, those are awesome!" Lucas smiled and traced her finger along the lime green laces. "Why had you never opened them before now?"

"I didn't know I had them." I murmured and grabbed the piece of folded paper that was placed inside the left skate. Unfolding it, my heart was racing for some odd reason.

"Our dearest Dylan,

So you found your hidden present! Your mom may have thought it was too early to have these pair of skates but we sure didn't. We miss you and one of these days you'll have to come with us to England. Enjoy your skates and remember to wear a helmet.

Love, Gramma and Grandpa."

I wiped my eyes, not realizing I was crying. Lucas hugged me and kissed my head before taking the note out of my hand and gently guiding us down the large set of stairs.

Mom and Momma were at the kitchen table looking through some papers when they noticed us walk in slowly. I clutched the box to my chest tightly while Luc handed Momma the note.

She read it slowly and then over again before her hand covered her mouth and she kneeled in front of me, pulling me into a crushing hug where she sobbed.

Mom took the note and read it as well before joining us on the floor and wrapping her arms around us both as much as she could.

Camila's PoV

Lauren paced a little while the note from her parents was clutched to her chest tightly. "I was supposed to give the present to her before they came home. I totally forgot about it though. Sofi's album took up some of my free time and even though I was no longer her manager, she still wanted me to have the final say in her music. God, I was really selfish, wasn't I?"

"No." I said quickly with a shake of my head. "Lo, you had a dream that you were living. You had a beautiful little girl you were taking care of and forgetting to give her a gift from your parents doesn't change that by any means."

Lauren sighed heavily and rubbed her forehead in an agitated manner. "It's just another reminder of..." she took a deep breath and sighed heavily, almost defeated like. "It's another reminder of probably disappointing my parents. Something so small may have meant the world to them."

"I know baby." I ran my fingers down her arm. "They're not disappointed in you. Even if they were still with us today, they wouldn't be upset that you forgot to give Dylan her gift. If anything having her find it buried in her toy box probably made it more special." I smiled softly at her and cupped her face with my hand, pressing our foreheads together. "You can't beat yourself up anymore. We're not here to forget about your parents because that'll never happen, but we're here to close some doors to your past and have you move on with a peace of mind."

"I know." Lauren sniffled and allowed me to wipe the tears away from her eyes. "Thank you so much Camila. You've been my rock ever since I walked back into your life and I couldn't thank you enough."

"I love you." I replied simply and kissed her. "I'm always going to be here for you. You don't need to thank me, I'm honoured to be that person for you."

"You're so much more than that." Lauren whispered.

"Come on, let's get out of here and pay your parents a real visit. I bet your dad is patting you on the back for landing a catch like me." I nudged her playfully and she laughed.

"More like kicking me in the ass for letting you go the first time. He always told me I would regret not following you after graduation." She rolled her eyes but then nodded. "I'd have to agree with him."

We set off to find our kids to begin another emotional trip to the cemetery where my Jauregui girls could pay their respects and mend their hearts even more.

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