Where Were You

By senseizayn

853K 20.3K 2.2K

After 12 years apart will life bring Camila and Lauren crashing together? More

Starting Over
Golden Treasures
Some Familiarity
Don't Look Back In Anger
The Cabello Family Way
Remembering A Stranger
The Woman Who Struggles
My Star
Two Hot Brunettes With Benefits
And She Returns
A Cry That Cannot Be Heard
Changing For The Better
The Keeper Of Hearts
Welcome Back Lauren Jauregui
Maybe It's Just Me
Listen To What You're Not Saying
Green Eyed Girl
Coach Who?
And She Was Spotted
Can't Blame Me, Can You?
Connect The Cabellos
Poisoned Name
Blanked And Shattered
Tomorrow, Tomorrow
You Too
Welcome To Dylan's New World
Don't Thank Me
I Always Think Of You
Slowly But Surely
Pieces To Be Complete
The Voice Of A Mother
Well, Congratulations
Moody Cabello Needs Some Thing
Points Underneath
For Dylan
The Hockey Moms
Musician vs Rock Star
It Kind Of Tickled
So Many Questions, So Little Answers
Stupid Yes, Asshole No
It Has To Mean Something
The Kiss That Never Ended
Grown Ups & Little Girl Crushes
Ready, Set, Chase
Ice Cream & Ch Ch Ch Changes
It's Her Time To Shine
Just Say Yes
Right On Target
Girls & Their Hockey
Morning Coffee
All In A Day, Part One
All In A Day, Part Two
Insert Foot Here
Snowflakes Aren't The Only Things Fallin
The Dawn Is Breaking
Feeling The Heartache
Room For The Cabellos?
Family Under Construction
Picture Perfect
My Place
Her Place
Dude's Got A Point
Sleepless In Camila's Bed
Lucas Learns, Lauren Teaches
The Great Detective Cabello
Ten Feet Off The Ground
Fluttered Heart
Surprised Is Served
Just Another Phone Call
Daddy Who?
When I Grow Up
Lady Killer
All That I'm Living For
Baby Packs A Punch
The Trouble With Love Is
Must Be
The Phone Call
Blanket of Security
Underneath The Cabello Household
Why So Awkward?
Just For A Moment
Lost Lovers, Forever Friends
Sleepy Head Jauregui
My Mom, My Piano Playing Hero
We Are Family
In Need Of A Cool Off
Troubled Teens
Tears of Self Deprecation
Last Day of the Year
Please Spare Me
I'm Yours Too
All I Ever Needed Was You
A Suite Night
Full House, Ace Is Low
Scribbled Note
Homeward Bound
I Don't Understand
And They Called It Puppy Love
Feisty PreTeen
An Unexpected Decision
Camila, the Hero
Love At First Sight
The Engraved Guitar
Collecting Attitude
Move Along
Girl Talk
The Missing Piece
On Location
Desktop Love
First Heartbreak
It Takes Time
One Step Closer
I'm Not Dreaming
Baby Steps to Healing
Let's Get Down to Business
No Rest for the Insatiable
Wedding Countdown
You're It For Me
You Are Now Leaving Midtown


6.3K 132 3
By senseizayn

Lauren's PoV

Over the weekend, things with Lucas seemed to have improved. She spent most of her time with Jaiden after school but she'd come home for dinner in a better mood and was willing to open up just a little bit more.

She had told us she was feeling pressured at school with summer just around the corner. All of the girls in her school were getting more into fashion and she was getting more into her art, which made her a slight loser, according to her female classmates. If I had to be honest, I was surprised she hadn't hit any of them yet.

I was also thankful for that part too. I'd hate to see her grounded and the worst punishment for Lucas would be no 'Jaiden' time.

Camila and I held interviews for a babysitter while we were at work but when we found out that the good people were scarce, I mentally and physically slapped my head when I thought about day care. Why hadn't we thought about day care? There was one in Camila's building!

"I can't believe we didn't think of this." Camila said as she buckled in Matthew in his car seat. Her voice was on the verge of self-annoyance.

"I know." I had to laugh at the situation but before I was quite mad at myself for not thinking of it sooner. We'd wasted a good Saturday morning with no girls and a sleeping boy.

"You think he'll do okay?" Lucas asked in concern as she buckled up her own seatbelt.

"He'll be fine." Camila smiled at all of us and then tickled his belly. "You're a big boy, aren't you?" She grinned as he giggled.

"Did I go to day care?" Dylan asked, digging through her lunch bag. It was a ritual with her every morning, she had to dig through the bag to see if anything good was in it.

"For a little while." I patted her leg and she gave me a curious look. "When I was working with Aunt Sofi, I couldn't always have you in the studio with me. There was a centre three floors below us in the building."

Camila grinned and looked at Lucas. "You did too. Nana and Grandpa still had to work so we put you in one."

"Yet you forgot about it for Matthew?" Dylan snickered, sarcasm dripping from her voice. The girls were starting to rub off on each other.

"Isn't there a day care where you work, Mom?" Lucas asked as we were all settled into the vehicle, Camila easing it into reverse.

"Yes, which is where he's going and yes, before you say anything, we're a little stupid for being that forgetful." She bit her lip and started to drive away from the house. I blamed it on how quickly our lives were changing together. We were so caught up in just wanting the best for the kids, a simple thing like that just slipped our minds.

"You said it, not me." Lucas laughed and I heard her give Dylan a high five.

When we pulled up to the girls' school, they were practically out of the door before the vehicle even stopped. They gave us a quick wave and were gone.

"I think I may be a little scared." Camila admitted with a soft look on her face. "I'm not prepared to have Lucas any older than she already is."

"This is going to sound so cliché but she's going through a normal phase. She's starting to feel peer pressure and we're just reaping the negative benefits." I shrugged and reached over rub her leg with my hand. "You're doing a really great job Camz, don't sell yourself short."

Her chocolate eyes cast a grateful glance my way and she squeezed the hand that was on her thigh. "I'm so in love with you."

"I'm in love with you." I whispered back, still feeling those chills run through my body when those words escaped our mouths.

Pulling up into Camila's parking spot at work, we grabbed Matthew and his little backpack. It'd be his first day without us in over a month and I wasn't sure how he'd react. He walked with one of his hands in one of ours, gripping tightly as we swung him gently.

The day care centre was rather spacious. Kids Matthew's age were running around and playing with toys at the other end of the room.

I knelt down to his eye level and dragged my fingers through his curls, which were longer than before. We didn't have the heart to cut them off just yet. "Hey lil guy, are you ready to make new friends?"

He peered around my shoulder and watched the others curiously, clutching his toy truck close to his chest. "Pay?" Matthew raised his eyebrows, pointing in the direction of the toys.

Camila knelt down beside us and kissed the side of his head. "If you need me, just tell Miss Duncan and she'll come get me, okay?"

Matthew tilted his head slightly before nodding. He barely spoke but when he did, words would start pouring out of his mouth. He only had a hard time pronouncing his 'L's and it was quite adorable.

"Play." I nodded and held his hand as he led me towards the craft table. I smiled knowing he'd seen Lucas a lot with her utensils out.

"I'm going to go find Miss Duncan, I'll be right back." Camila took off and I sat down in a small chair while Matthew grabbed scrap paper and a crayon.

"Ukus draw picture?" He smiled and started to make random circles in bright red.

"Hi!" A small blonde came bouncing over and looked at Matthew's truck brightly. "Can I see, please?" He asked politely.

Matthew frowned but then pushed his truck towards him and laughed as the little blonde boy started making car noises while driving it on the table.

I turned around and shook my head, looking over towards Camila, the teacher and another vaguely familiar blonde. "I'll be over there okay?" I said to the little boy but he was having too much fun with his new buddy to even pay attention.

I approached them slowly, just close enough to catch some of the conversation.

"You still look good," the blonde smiled, her eyes scanning Camila's body up and down slowly. My gaze shifted to Camila's reaction and she just smiled without meeting the woman's eyes. "So why are you here?"

"Dropping off Matthew Rule," Camila's answer was directed to Miss Duncan, who was oblivious to the awkward moment between the two blondes. "You?"

At that point Miss Duncan made her way passed me and towards the table where Matthew was at; probably to introduce herself and make him feel comfortable.

"I'm aiding, helping out for a little while." Blue eyes were still lingering a little too long around Camila's chest area and it made my blood boil just a little. I knew for a fact this woman knew exactly what Camila looked like underneath all those clothes. "So really, how have you been Mila?"

At that moment, Camila's head finally turned towards me and a smile appeared on her face. "I've been great." She waved me over and I slid one hand around her waist, pulling her lightly against me. "Aimee, you remember Lauren right?"

"Vaguely." Aimee responded, her eyes only catching mine briefly. "So I see you've finally settled."

Camila looked around the room full of children and shook her head. "Not here."

I was guessing Aimee was one for causing a scene because Camila immediately pulled us out into the lobby and squared her jaw at the blonde. "Yes Aimee, I've settled."

"Good." Aimee looked at me and smiled sadly. "You've got yourself one beautiful woman."

"I know." I nodded and squeezed Camila, smiling at her.

"Well, Matthew will be in great care, I promise." She turned to leave, which shocked Camila, but turned around and licked her lips. "I really thought you were more for me Camila, but I'm really happy for you."

"Aim," Camila grabbed her arm gently and tucked hair behind the blonde's ear, "there was only you, okay? When we were 'together', I promise it was only you."

The smile that formed on Aimee's face was blinding. "Thank you, but you don't have to say that."

"It's true." Camila bit her lip and dropped her hand from Aimee's face.

Aimee nodded and moved backwards. "That means a lot Camila. See you two around." I could tell it made her day better knowing that she wasn't being played, even though there were ground rules according to Camila.

Camila watched her walk away until she was out of sight and then glanced at me with a guilty look.

"I'm not mad." I whispered honestly and kissed her cheek. "I think that took a lot of courage for you to admit that."

"Yeah?" She gave me a worried look.

I shrugged a little and laced my fingers with hers. "Aimee's really sweet isn't she?"

"Yeah." Camila smiled a little. "She was different. The fact remains though that I wasn't looking for anything serious."

"Well for Aimee to know that it was just her being with you, it must've left her some peace." I pulled her closer to me, cupping her cheek. "I know you're mine. I have no worries or jealous insecurities," I tugged her towards the door, "come on, let's go wish Matthew a good day and get our asses to work."

Matthew was content wish his new friends and waved us bye with a huge smile.

"So I'll pick you and Matthew up after work." I walked Camila to her side of the building. "I'll call the school and let the girls know we'll be a tad late in picking them up."

Camila nodded and wrapped her arms around my neck. "You know," she whispered, her chocolate eyes scanning mine, "I can't wait to become Mrs. Jauregui."

I grinned and pressed my forehead against her, our eyes still connected. "I can't wait either baby."


Camila's PoV

I glanced up at the clock and realized it was lunch time. I put some files away before making my way to the front to see if Ryn was busy.

To my surprise when I reached the front, I recognized the short bald man standing at the desk, laughing with Ryn. I approached them slowly, my eyebrows frowning but I immediately forced myself to smile when his brown eyes connected with mine. "Miss Cabello, how are you?" He held out his hand and I shook it, nodding at him politely.

"Good afternoon Mr. Shapiro, what brings you to our side of the province?"

Mr. George Shapiro was the head boss of Child Development Services in all of Ontario. He overlooked many developments like mine and even though my father and I started up the place, Mr. Shapiro was still in charge when all was said and done.

"I'm sure you got my email." He looked at me curiously and I shrugged.

"No, I didn't. It must've gone into my spam mail. You know how it is." I smiled apologetically. "But let me tell you, it's a pleasant surprise seeing you here."

"As long as it's all pleasantries, Miss Cabello." Mr. Shapiro grinned and turned to talk to Ryn, "I'll come back and check things out. I'm going to take a walk with Miss Cabello here."

Ryn nodded and her eyes found mine, almost in sympathy. Mr. Shapiro was a nice man but sometimes a little too overly.

"Please, call me Camila." I followed him out of the office and into the building lobby where he looked towards the direction of the day care centre.

"I understand that you've fostered another child." He led me towards the door and opened it, allowing me to walk down the hallway. We stopped outside of the day care and I glanced through the glass doors to see the kids sitting in their seats eating lunch. Matthew looked happy with his chocolate pudding cup Lauren packed for him.

"The little boy in the blue shirt." I pointed to him and smiled, feeling a little tug at my own heart.

"You're a very thoughtful woman Camila. This development is lucky to have you not only be a big part of its running, but to be involved with taking these children in your care until their needs are further met." Mr. Shapiro adjusted his glasses and folded his hands together in front of him, studying me. "Which brings me to why I'm here."

I glanced at him a tad nervously. I figured if anything, my dad could've given me a heads up that the guy was going to make an appearance.

"This young boy you're taking care of," he paused briefly, "does he have someone else taking care of him as well?"

"Are you asking me if I'm involved with someone?" I raised an eyebrow, slightly confused by the question.

"I'd need to know if there's someone there to take care of him while you're in Toronto for a an Annual Directors of Board meeting." His voice remained calmed, as if he didn't think I'd act out at the sudden change of events.

"What?!" I hissed and shook my head. "No, I'm sorry but I can't go."

"It's not a question Miss Cabello. As your duty to this development, you're required to be there. We're holding meetings all week regarding changes in departments and I can't have anyone stand in for you, seeing as this place is run under your care." Mr. Shapiro shrugged and sighed.

"I have a family here. I can't just pick up and leave for a whole week." I shook my head at his absurdity.

"We all have families." Was his only reply.

Lauren wasn't going to like this new bit of information; neither were the girls or Matthew. I scratched my forehead and glanced back in the room where the little boy was still engrossed in his lunch. "I have a fiancée taking care of Matthew with me" I bit my lip and shook my head again while looking at the bald guy, "I still think this is wrong, they're not going to like this."

"My wife hated the fact that I'll be gone for a week visiting each development and I'll be gone for another week going to the meetings." His eyes showed a sense of sadness behind them. "That is life Camila; we have responsibilities to live up too. I'll be honest with you though, I'm really excited to have your presence there with us. No one will be able to tell the Board what things would work for changes and things that won't. Running this centre here in a smaller town gives you more of a feel for what the kids really need. Your input will be needed to the bigger cities to understand how they too can run such a smooth development."

Well when he put it like that, I had to admit I felt a little pride go through me. I worked hard and I always felt like I was a little under appreciated.

"When do I leave?" I asked, defeated. There was no way I could talk myself out of that one.

"We have a flight booked for you for Sunday evening. You'll be staying at the Four Seasons Hotel where we'll be having the meetings during that week. All expense paid and your return will be for next Saturday." Mr. Shapiro reached in his coat and handed me a plane ticket along with a business credit card. "If you use the card for anything other than food or drinks, you will be billed."

I just nodded, looking at the items he handed to me.

"I'm really sorry for coming by like this. I guess if you would've gotten that email, you would've been more prepared." He laughed softly and patted me on the arm before clearing his throat. "Please tell your fiancée that he's one lucky guy to have a strong willed woman like yourself."

I blinked and frowned before a smile broke out. It had been a long while since someone made that mistake. "Oh George, I'll be sure to tell her that."

His eyes widened slightly before he chuckled. "Of course, forgive me. Tell your fiancée that she's lucky."

With that, our pleasantries dwindled off and he went back to Ryn to snoop at our records no doubt.

I glanced down at the round trip airfare and golden credit card in my hand. "Well this sucks."

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