Street Dancer (BTS fanfic)

By Chromiee

117K 3.3K 761

Warning: the following story contains a lot of cursing and maybe sexual content. All Rights Reserved! I own t... More

Ch. 2 - Meeting BTS
Ch. 3 - Annoying Hyungs
Ch. 4 - Jackson
Ch. 5 - Tae-hyung's Magic
Ch. 6 - Evil Elevators
Ch. 7 - Noona of Seoul
Ch. 8 - Jackson vs Eun-ha
Ch. 9 - The Accident
Ch. 10 - Sushi, Mochi & Kimchi
Ch. 11 - Umma Fangirl & Signatures
Ch. 12 - Meeting Army
Ch. 13 - Slapped by Flowers
Ch. 14 - Eun-ha's Ancient Crush
Ch. 15 - Kookie's Birthday
Ch. 16 - Eun-ha's Birthday & LoL World Championship 2017
Ch. 17 - Jun Forfeits
Ch. 18 - JYP Entertainment
Ch. 19 - Steamy
Ch. 20 - Jump
Ch. 21 - Big Bangin'
Ch. 22 - Spoiling Suga
Ch. 23 - Snapped
Ch. 24 - They're Back
Ch. 25 - Eun-ha's Breakdown
Ch. 26 - Hong Kong We Go
Ch. 27 - Suga's Relief (R.I.P Jong-hyun of SHINee)
Ch. 28 - Little Things Can Mean Something Too
Ch. 29 - Stop It Jun
Ch. 30 - BTS + GOT7 & Bye Old Apartment
Ch. 31 - The Truth
Ch. 32 - A New Start
Ch. 33 - Big Eyes
Ch. 34 - Curtain Call
Ch. 35 - Hoo Hoo This Hoo Hoo That
Ch. 36 - Ask Us Anything
Ch. 37 - Chaotic Dinner
Ch. 38 - The Crazy in Her
Ch. 40 - Return of the Fashionista
Ch. 41 - Gorilla and JB's Weirdness
Ch. 42 - Crushing Cans
Ch. 43 - Their Deal
Ch. 44 - Damn Eun-ha
Ch. 45 - His Moves
Ch. 46 - So So SOOOOO
Ch. 47 - Separation Difficulties
Ch. 48 - Jungkook's Words Man
Ch. 49 - Bittersweet
Ch. 50 - Eun-ha of the Past
Ch. 51 - Underground Hell
Ch. 52 - The King
Ch. 53 - Plan P-O-E
Ch. 54 - Last Stand
Ch. 55 - The Magazine
Ch. 56 - Eerie
Ch. 57 - Cats
Ch. 58 - Someone is Watching
Ch. 59 - Just Us Two
Ch. 60 - Coffee
Ch. 61 - Maknae Plan
Ch. 62 - Strangled
Ch. 63 - March 9
Ch. 64 - Conflicted
Ch. 65 - JB's Risk
Ch. 66 - Distance & Guilt
Ch. 67 - I Can See Your Voice
Ch. 68 - MAMA
Ch. 69 - Limit
Ch. 70 - Fighting For Them
Ch. 71 - Who
Ch. 72 - Her Infamous 'Heart Disease'
Ch. 73 - Pocky Deal
Ch. 74 - BBMA's
Ch. 75 - Ultimate Family
Ch. 76 - First Summer Night
Ch. 77 - Stingray and Seagull Friends
Ch. 78 - Each Other's Presence to the Other
Ch. 79 - Hyo-rin is the Best Wingwoman
Ch. 80 - Their Closure
Ch. 81 - Locked
Ch. 82 - Nam-joon and Eun-ha
Ch. 83 - The Eve
Ch. 84 - Hum
Ch. 85 - Lost in Malta Pt. 1
Ch. 86 - Lost in Malta Pt. 2
Ch. 87 - Lost in Malta Pt. 3
Ch. 88 - B-Boy Waltz
Ch. 89 - Promise
Ch. 90 - One Love
Ch. 91 - AAA's Lullaby
Ch. 92 - Artist of the Year
Ch. 93 - Countdown
Ch. 94 - 2 Year Promise
Ch. 95 - Lil Meow Meow
Ch. 96 - Feelings Not Returned
Ch. 97 - As Time Passes
Ch. 98 - Reunion of OT8
Final Chapter: One Love


10.1K 159 44
By Chromiee

"What the hell! You have no right to just kidnap me out of nowhere and sign me up for some boyband!"

Her name is Rha Eun-ha. She enjoyed her life by entertaining people with her dance performances all over Seoul until she was kidnapped by a group of men in black, leading her to Big Hit Entertainment's HQ.

What happened earlier...

"Thank you, thank you.", she bowed her head over and over again as the audience tosses bills on her hat that was laid on the ground.

She somewhat did this for a living. Just to keep herself alive and not rely on her parents every time she needed something. She hated the feeling of relying and being in debt to others.

Her audience applaud her once again before saying goodbye to her. "Goodbye Kitsune! Great work today!"

"I think that's enough for the day!", she grabs her black, Volcom cap and takes out the bills, counting them before putting it in the front pocket of her backpack and took off her white, Kitsune mask after people left.

"Rha-Rha!", Eun-ha's friend, Kang Jun rides his motorcycle to her while waving. He's a guy that a girl would want to be as a boyfriend. He's got the face, the body also, he's very boyfriend material. But, the thing is, no matter how obvious it is, he stays in the friend-zone for his sake. And it didn't matter if he was really good-looking or boyfriend material. "I'll grab you some garb and we'll head back to the apartment. What do you want?", he said removing his helmet.

Eun-ha meets up with him and pokes her fingers together. "Masizzim beef ribs?", she innocently smiles at him and pokes her tongue to the side.

"Again?", he laughs and ruffles her hair. "Ok. I'll get the food and meet you back at the apartment? Unless you wanna come with me and we can go home together?", he said with a smile, hoping she would do the last part.

"Nah dude. I have to pack up first so I rather meet you back at the apartment with the food ready. Cuz we both know that I'll be smelling the ribs outside the building.", she said in a playful manner and turns around, waving her hand. "You go on ahead Jun. I'll take my bike. See you in half an hour. And the damn food better be there!"

Jun sighs and chuckled. "Alright boss. As you wish.", he starts his bike's engine and puts on his helmet. "Half an hour ok?", he signals her with a two-finger salute before riding off to the road.

She smirks and then goes back to her dancing spot where she left her backpack with her mask resting on top of it. Oh, and her old school mini-boombox. She fits the music player inside her backpack and decided to rearrange what's inside her bag. "Aigoo. What a pain. Should've used Jun's spare bag.", she scratches her head, irritated and did what she had to do, putting her earplugs on.

While she does that, a black limo stops a couple feet from where Eun-ha was and a group of men in black with shades got out of it. A couple of them approached the young lady.

"Are you Ms. Rha?", said the biggest member of the men in black.

Of course, with her earplugs in her ears, she couldn't hear anything.

"Ms.Rha—", he says again but gets cut off as she throws an empty bottle over her shoulders.

"Eh?", Eun-ha perks up, raising a brow. "What the—", she sees the shadows looming over her then turns around, hitting the man with her backpack out of impulsiveness. "Oh, my bad.", she smiles at them like nothing happened and goes back to what she was doing.

"Grab her. The boss wants her ASAP.", the big guy rubs his nose and points at her.

They went for her, grabbing both of her arms and dragged her into the limo before she could escape.

"Wait— what in the world are you idiots doing—", she yelled then the limo's door closed.

Almost an hour later, back at the apartment, Jun waited patiently for Eun-ha to return. Like the good friend he is. He was resting himself on the couch, playing on their PS4 while he waits. "I wonder if I should text her again.", he reaches for his phone on the coffee table in front of him and slides his thumb across the screen. "Still nothing from her.", he furrows his brows and slumps back on the couch. "This girl... I swear she drives me nuts."


The guy that Eun-ha hit earlier was nudging her back to make her move faster. "Move a little faster will you? We don't want to keep Bang Si-hyuk waiting."

"Bang Si-hyuk? Who the hell is that?", Eun-ha struggles on trying to unbind the cloth that bound her wrists together. "Is this thing really necessary? Yo, Biggie, will you take these things off?"

"You ask too many questions lady. Just keep moving.", said Biggie. Let's just go with his nickname for now.

As they walked through the giant, white hall, they finally reached their destination. A huge, rich-looking door. It was bigger than the other doors they've seen during their journey to this office. Inside, was the cliche boss desk with the mystery person facing the other way.

Eun-ha groans and gets pushed forward, stumbling on her feet. "Let me guess. Bang Si-hyuk?", she raises a brow and kept her eyes on the back of the reclining seat.

The person known as Bang Si-hyuk turns the seat around with his hands clasped together on the desk. His expression was blank as he stares at Eun-ha. "Rha Eun-ha was it?"

"You told your goons over here to catch me, Rha Eun-ha. Of course I'm Eun-ha. I wouldn't be here if I wasn't.", Eun-ha rolls her eyes and puts her tied hands out. "Will you tell your goons to take these things off?"

Bang Si-hyuk waves one hand, signaling Biggie to take off the binding cloth off of her wrists. "I have quite took an interest with you Ms. Rha. I hate going on social media but my nephews sent me some videos about a masked street dancer."

"And? I'm glad you're liking my videos. But, who are you again?", Eun-ha rubs her wrists and gives him a blank expression.

"Lady, how could you not know the founder of Big Hit Entertainment? What is wrong with you?", Biggie puts his hands on his waist as he yells.

The founder again, raises his hand to silence Biggie. "It's alright. I'm the one doing the talking here.", he closes his eyes and locks his eyes at Eun-ha. "I heard that you have finished college with a dance major and what, graphic design?"

Eun-ha turns to the side, walking towards a couch and flops down with one leg over the other. She lets out a loud sigh and held one hand up to the side to start talking. "What's your point? Want my autograph?"

"No thank you.", Bang waves his hand in refusal. "I was on the fence for the past couple of weeks of what to do with my boys. I needed to do something to promote the company as well.", he stands up and climbs on top of his desk. "Big Hit Entertainment will rule the world!"

His men clapped their hands then quickly shut themselves as Bang Si-hyuk jumps off the desk, walking towards Eun-ha.

"Well, good for you. Good luck.", she waves her hand.

"And for that to happen, you are going to be BTS's newest member.", the man spreads his arms in joy and then goes back to his expressionless self. "Your parents signed the contract already and you are to disguise yourself as your usual, dancing Kitsune alias. But, the boys cannot find out that you are a girl. I was looking for a guy at first but couldn't find one with the dancing skill of your caliber.", he pulls out a piece of paper, or rather, a contract and shows it to Eun-ha. It was legit. It had her mother's signature on it too.

"WHAT THE HELL!", she shouted and jumps off her seat. "You have no right to just kidnap me out of nowhere and sign me up for some boy band!", she grabs the paper from Bang and rips it to pieces. "And my parents put me up to this? I thought they were gonna let me make my own decisions!"

Bang Si-hyuk turns around and walks back to his desk. "They were. In fact, they were hesitating on accepting my offer. But after hearing that you weren't doing much with your time, they gladly accepted my offer. So here we are. Oh, by the way.", he pauses. "I have a lot of copies of the contract. Paper and a saved document on my computer."

"For fuck's sake.", Eun-ha's knees gave up and she falls on them to the ground. She pulls out her phone and swipes her thumb all over the place and bring the phone to her ear. Her contact answered right away. And Eun-ha didn't even pause for a greeting. "UMMA! WHAT THE HELL!", a beep was the only answer she got.

The guards and Bang Si-hyuk watch her yell then throw her phone to the ground. "I guess you got your answer.", said Bang. "I'll get you a new phone when you move into the boys' apartment. So pack up within three days and I'll get someone to get your stuff."

"How much am I getting out of this?", Eun-ha furrows her eyebrows and then glares straight at Bang Si-hyuk. "I'm sure you're not expecting me to do this for a low price eh?"

"Of course not.", he opens a drawer and puts a check on the desk. "For starters, I'll give you this amount."

Eun-ha walks over to his desk and her eyes widened at the numbers written on the check. She then thought about how much it could help her and Jun. Especially how Jun is always stressed out with working overtime for his sick mother plus babysitting her butt. She clenched her fists and slams them on the desk. "It's a deal."

The apartment door opens and Jun scrambles on his seat, throwing the laptop to the side. "Eun-ha! What the hell happened? It's been two hours! And the meat's cold now.", he runs to the entrance to make sure she's ok.

She was. But she looked and little grim. "Jun, you're not working tomorrow. Cuz we have a long night ahead of us.", she smiles worryingly at him and shoves the check to his chest. "I'll warm up the food."

"Rha-Rha. What the hell did you do now? You didn't get into drug dealing did you?", said Jun while looking down on the check.

"What? No. Just sit your ass down.", she chuckles and heads to the kitchen.

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