Fan, but not a fan

By MaxAnaLohden

1.6K 19 2

Jesse McCartney is hiding so fans don't mob. As Jane is a town girl. That just can't see why peope go crazy o... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 3

110 1 0
By MaxAnaLohden

Chapter 3

Jane POF

Some days want by. Seeing Jay at school. Talking sometimes as I hung with my friends. Them still having no clue I'v been talking to him or what not. It's not like I tried so they didn't. It just how it went. Some how when we pump into each other it was always when I'm alone. For that to happen is rare. I am practically with a least one friend at some point. Aspashly Zana. We are like joined at the hip. Well not always but a lot.     

Friends and I are talking on are way home. Then everyone gets a call or text wile I don't. They all say they have to go, having something they need to do or be. I say bye as they leave me alone to walk. Even Zana had somewhere to be.

I think to my self. Wondering why lately I have alone. I usually am with a least one friend. It's uselessly hard not to be. I guess that's just how it is right now. I got to go practice my dancing if I'm going to have any chance at getting on the team. Going on my way. As usual I'm lost in my thoughts not noticing what I may be bumping into. I than feel a thump. I come out of thought and see Jay laying on the ground.

Looking down I say, "I'm so sorry. Got lost in thought. I really should look were I'm going more then wondering. I'm so bad. At this rate one of us may get a contusion."

Jay says wile I help him up, "Umm.... Who are you? Do I know you and do you know who I am?"

"Oh no what have I done. I mindlessness really did do bad. What am I going to do."

Jay sees me so worded, wishing now that he didn't play such bad trick on me. Says, "Got ya. I'm fine relax. I didn't know you care so much."

Getting mad I say, "What so thats funny to ya, is it. What if it really did happen, what then. Maybe then I'd think your joking and your not. Grr boys." I walk away not looking back. Feeling a gust of wind go by me. In no time Jay is next to me.

"I thought my mad walk away told you it all. Pleas go now before I slap you. I am not a violent girl." Walking  away so I didn't get the urg. "So go now!"

"Oh come on. I'm so sorry. Yes boys are grr. They don't think. Just as I didn't at that moment. So come on slap me. I deserve it."

"No, didn't you hear me, I'm not a violent girl and I don't want to start."

"Yes, but I'm not leaving. So if you have the urg do it. Come on."

I really try not to. Hating doing so, but looking at him just caped making me mad. With no control I slap him right on the cheek. I see him flinch saying, "Oh my gosh. I really did it now." I felt so bad I ran off so fast he had no chance to stop me. I ran all the way to the park and sat next to the pond looking down at it.

Jay/Jesse POF

Laying my hand on my hurting cheek I say to my self. Woo that girl has strong force. Well I did deserve that. I just can't believe I made her run away. I can be so stupid. I just wanted to get to know her bater. I probably blow it for life. Betting she never will want to talk to me again. Guys are stooped. Me being one of them. I know right. Some times wish I was more like a girl. Well yes they do stupid things too, but still.

Trying to find Jane to see if we can talk this out. Having no luck. I walk home hoping she will still talk  to me at some point.

Jane POF

Still sitting at pond, wishing what I did never happened. What, so I have a violent side to me after all. Well I did worn him if he didn't go. I just can't believe I really did do it. Something in me just took over. Ok I should stop thinking about it. It's not like I'v know him for that long. Only hung out ones and talked at school. As I do need to practice my dancing if I'm going to have any chance at gating on the team. That should be what maters then me feeling bad I hit a guy, well slap, that I barley know.   

I stop sulking and go home to do some dancing. Getting home with a smile on my face like nothing happened. I hide it so well mom doesn't even suspect a thing. Yes if you haven't noted mom can care little to much. Even on the smallest thing. Being glad she didn't. Then I'd have to bring it up again. At that rate I don't think I can get any thing done.

Going to my room. Putting, do not disturb on my door. To turning music on as I watch a fyoo dance videos on YouTube. To learn some new things and give me ideas on what I should show. Making sure it Was purified even if its a month and half away. Wanting to really make sure what I show is something I love. At least if I don't get on the team I'll be glad I at least had fun with it. That's what I all ways say. Do what you love then what someone els thinks. Whats the point at doing it at all if you don't love it. Then your not putting your heart into it other wise.

Getting my book to write down the moves as I record my self, so I can really learn it. I know I'm a perfection. Maybe little to much. But I do really want to get on the team. So it won't hurt to really know it.

I get so into dancing I don't realize what time it is. Never been told din din was ready or anything thing. Oh well, not to hungry any way. So got all ready for bed happy tomorrow was Friday. Yay the weekend is not far now.

Mom came up seeing it was getting late. Knowing I didn't want to be bothered, but want to make sure I got food. she nocked not getting a response. So she opened my door with some food, but then she saw me fast a sleep in my bad so she left. Closing the door softly to not walk me. From what mom was betting was lot of dancing that tiered me out. From what she heard up here.

Mom and I are vary close, but she is nice enough to leave me be when I need it, like today. That's why I have the sign that I can put up. Well, my sister doesn't uselessly care. Sometimes she just barges in when she feels like it. At theist today she didn't.    

Jesse POF

Getting home after taking a nice walk. Thinking through how stupid I was today. At home my mom was coming my way. Forgetting that Jane slapped me. She stopped in worry. Wasn't to sure why till I noted where she was looking.

Mom then said, "Oh my gosh. How did that brews happen? Did you get in a fight at school."

Then my manger coming over says, "Oh no. Maybe going to public school was a bad idea, just like I thought. We can't have you gating brews. Especially on your face. That won't be good to see when on tv. Having an interview this Friday."

"No I'm fine. I just fell clumsy me. It happens to us all, even famous. So if you don't mind I'm going to go for a swim and no mater what you say I'm still going to public school and will do my music no mater what. You have no worries on your end ok. I'll make sure to cover it up before interview. You know guy makeup will cover it up nicely." 

Walking away thinking even thought I don't like wearing makeup, I'll do it any way. Getting my bathing suit on and I jump in the cool pool water. Feeling refreshed, I do some laps to keep my fitness up. Don't want to get flabby arms. No mater if one day I'm not famous any more. still want to look good for my self. So ya I may be staying fit for what I do, but actually doing it more for my self then the fans. It just works out that way.

being Friday, I tried to find Jane. Hopping we can talk, but not seeing her all day. In know time school was over. Needing to get home to make sure I wasn't looking like Jay when at the interview. Being my interview not Jay's. Still being me. Just the infamous me. I get home not even seeing if I see Jane any where.

At home almost done gating ready. Last but not least I make sure my hair looks great. Then it is time for me to go. Getting in the car, I think to my self to make sure I am not a fool wile on tv. We get there as my manager sees the brews still on my face. He gets some makeup and we cover it up. Getting out of the car. Greeting everyone one at the door. Going in to the wear I'm now to wait till I go on. I then get called on. Looking at my hair one last time and walk on.

Jane POF 

At Zana's place hanging out. We are talking about some things. Like what we like to do this weekend. Then as were watching tv, Jesse McCartny's interview is up.

Zana saying, "Shh Jesse's up next."

"I'm not making any noise."


"Ok months is now locked." Zana being so glued to the tv. Watching too, just not as oh my gosh.    

"Well hello, welcome to Funna Sun. As we are here today with heart throb Jesse McCartney. Thanks for coming today"

"It was my plasher."

"Glad to hear it. So today were here to talk about Jesse's new album and movie Kith. So about your movie first. What do you have to say, it may be like when it comes out."

"We'll Hellen, what I can say is its a vary deep character I play as the ambition to this girl."

"Very intreating. You hear that girls. Now I can't even wait to see it."

"Why thank you."

Hellen looks down at here papers for a sec then looks back at Jesse saying, "So your fans are dying to know what in store for your new album."

"As of now I still have some of it I need to work on. It will go along the lines of Beautiful Soul with more up beat to. So say a mix of the old to the new me."

"Vary intreating. Always know  how to impress."

"Oh stop it Hellen. At this rate your going to make me blush."

"Mission compleat. So we will be right back with more with Jesse as he'll be playing his newish hit for us, 'Out If Words'.

As Zana is watching she chuckles a little at what Jesse said. Even I thought it was funny. He looks so him in the interview at that moment. I don't think I'v aver seen a slab in an interview look so free. Most to me feel like there readying from a scripted, not truly being them, but not what I see here with Jesse. Look like he's having fun for the most part. Even though probably doesn't like being there, but he makes the best of it. Then the show is back. So I go back watching.

"Welcome back to Funna Sun as we are still here with more Jesse. So Jesse before you go play us your great song. I have a few questions from your fans. So Jesse from fanlishis was wondring. What's a place you want to go that you never been?"

Jesse clears his throat then says, "We'll I still haven't been to Africa. I'd love to go there. I hear Capet Town is amazing. A vacation hot spot I would love. I'v heard amazing things about, is Figgie. Humm, but there are a lot of places. Greeks I still haven't been. I'v been to Europe. So ya"

Hellen looks down reading question and say, "Girl from Cape Town says, whose your big inspirations? "

Jesse thinks for a mint to him self then says, "Oh man there's a lot of people. I think growing up as a lot of male pop singers would tell you Michel Jackson. I know it sounds cleationa, but really he was the king of pop. Growing up I remember listening to Thriller. Just wanting to make that music. Also Elvis Parsley, as my parents had this album collation, old 45. I remember on my own I was 4 1/2 years old, dad would freak out cuss  I would always end up braking the till on the turn table." He took a short poss as he sipped some water wile his hands were moving as he talked then he want on. "And he would get so mad at me I remember having to sneak the recedes. They were all old albums I sneak down stairs. I pulled out one of a old Elvis record and umm... I remember thinking this guy is white singing r&b music like this. If he can do it, maybe I can do it. This had some Jams Brown, like guys I grow up with loving. I just didn't belief he had so much soul. So any way Elvis, Michel Jackson definitely. Umm Jams Brown and singer/song writers too, James Caller and others."            

"So here I have one for ya."

"Oh no this will be good."

"Oh stop it Jesse. So I was wondering. Do you have a beat or what not bouncing around in your head at any given time?"

Seeing Zana so clued to tv. It was as if she just couldn't wait for Jesse's answer to any question. Then he speaks so I watch for the hell of it.

"We'll, when your a creative person your all ways thinking of new fun creative ways to speak your voice, you know. Deftly I'm always browsing lyric ideas."

"Like what's in your head right now."

"So funny, feels like your just swimming around in my head."

Hellen says wile laughing a little at what he said. "Like if you have a beat that needs the lyrics."

"It's not a 3 in the morning thing. That just never happens. That is uselessly a night station. So ya I do. When I really need to write it down I'd pull over as I don't like to text and drive."

"That's good. Would love just sitting here talking, but you won't get to play your song for us other wise."

Jesse goes to get ready to sing as Hellen talks a little saying, "so here we are with Jesse singing his newest hit 'Out Of Words'.

Zana geting really crazy when he's about to singing. For me hearing him, but this one being the first time They Pam to Jesse and his band just as he's starts singing.

Let me take your coat

Let's sit down and talk

I already heard the news

Plus, your mama told me, too

I know it's complicated

Work got you all frustrated

(They laid you off)

But, don't trip you got me

And we'll get through it, baby

I'm in it for the long run

(Even if we' strugglin')

Every day (we gon' be hustlin')

Every day (we gon' be hustlin') together

I'm in it for the long run

(Even if we strugglin')

Every day (we gon' be hustlin')

Every day (we gon' be hustlin') together

He starts singing hearing  more and more I start to have a weird feeling in me at that moment. How odd no Jesse song has made me feel something like this. I can't explain it. I try to let it go, but the more I hear the harder it is for me to leave it. I at least hide it well anof so Zana doesn't aspect a thing. So glad she doesn't. For at least now when I don't know what it means. It's almost like that time I heard Jay in the bathroom thinking it was Jesse but nope it was him. I'd say the new Jesse is showing in this song. It dose have sound like his old songs with little new. That's even odder as his old ones didn't make me feel this way. No I do love his old music, but this song making me feel away thats odd to me. Then Jesse finishes singing.

Hellen saying, "Why thank you Jesse. That was great."

"Why thank you. It was my plusher doing so."

"Give it up for Jesse." They say there byes. She ends the show with her last words. Being the end of the show, Zana clicks the tv off looking really happy.

I say, "Oo I see Jesse got to you again. I bet it was his song. Wasn't it."

"Maybe." As she was blushing a little. "It just made me feel so happy inside. So how about you."

"Oh nothing you know me I'm not a really big Jesse fan like you. I did like the song, but not like it made me feel anything."

"I know, I'm just so glad I have a friend like you that will sit here and watch with me even if your not a fan like me."

"That's just how nice I am."

Zana comes in giving me a hug. Us siting on the couch. I give one back. Still having that odd feeling in me. Time goes by, it starts to get dark. Thinking of what we can do this spooky night. Zana asks if I like some popcorn. I say yes as we go to her kitchen. Me making some hot chocolate for us. We then head up to her room. Turning on the radio. To be hold its Jesse's new single that comes on. Wile that feeling had left me it came right back in me making me feel weird again. Trying to lat it go as Zana tries to singing along. I join in doing a worse job then she is. Not even caring we singing into are brush mic. I know right, fancy. The night just caped gating funnier and funnier.

And yes I am at a sleep over at Zana's if you haven't guests already. We then played truth or dare. Zana asked me first. I picked truth.

Zana says, "Ok so, is there a boy you have your eye on right now?"

I think to my self for a mint. Not really knowing how to answer cuss for one I'm not even sure if I do or not, so I say. "We'll you know I think a lot are cute, but for one I like like, nope."

"Oh come on I know there is. You have been acting little odd some days, spill. You know you want to."

"How can I Zana when there is no one. You know if there was you'd be the first I'd tell."

"Ok fine don't tell me."

"Ok truth or dare girl." I say.

"Umm.... Truth."

"Ok. You gating it. Any boy you fancy? And if so did you aver do something embracing infant of him."

She starts to blush. "We'll remember Jon?"

"Ya what about him."

"He is the one I have had a big crush on for a wile."

"Oh my gosh. That is so great."

"We'll one day when you had some family thing. Having you missed school. Something in me thought I could talk to him. Stupid me. I find him in the hall by him self. With out his boys. So I go up about to say something. But instead I start to act like a clown and rip my pants right there and then. Before I knew it his friends where there laughing at me. Not seeing if he was, being so embarrassed. I just ran off."

"Oh my gosh. Why didn't you tell me this?"

"I don't know. I just felt so bad at how I can't talk to people like you. Thinking I could. So when it went bad. I just couldn't face you about it."

"I didn't know you felt that way. Just cuss I can make my self look fine. I'm not. Inside I am pretty nerves. I guess I know how to hide it. That doesn't mean I'd think of you badly or any thing. Your my friend and I'm here to help you through the bad and good. I'm there for you thick or thin."

"Thanks Jane. I don't know, you just make it look so easy I guess I thought it would be for me too."

"Ya it happens. Here for it all."

"Back at ya." Zana said. So we play that a little longer. Talking about some of the great times we have had friends and all. Laughing are heads off. Not really off of cores. That be grows. We then start to get ready for bed. Her comping my hair and me her's.

Me at least trying to leave that feeling I have behind me. It's not like it is anything any way. So I get cozy in Zana's guest bed. Us goofing a little longer into the wee hours. Wile we finely drift to sleep.

Jesse POF

I finely get home. After a long day at school. Then to work. Oh well, such is life. Wile I'm in my room chilling. I feel something odd in me. As I felt when I was singing my song. Thought it was nothing. But here is again. Wanting to get little more lea way on my album. I get out my song book to write some lyrics. I then see the last one I wrote. Wondering why I did. Not thinking much of it. I flip to new page and write, even just a little. Writing random words that come to my head like jump and phrases such as worlds big big place, with so much to see, so on. I do that for the amander of the day. Not thinking about anything that needs done, but this.

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