Don't let me be the last to k...

By gracesimpo

60.1K 565 121

Lizzie get's torn between two people; Nathan and Zayn. When she finally makes her decison, will there be any... More

Don't let me be the last to know. Part 1-
Don't let me be the last to know. Part 2-
Don't let me be the last to know. Part 3-
Don't let me be the last to know. Part 4-
Don't let me be the last to know. Part 5-
Don't let me be the last to know. Part 6-
Don't let me be the last to know. Part 7-
Don't let me be the last to know. Part 8-
Don't let me be the last to know. Part 9-
Don't let me be the last to know. Part 10-
Don't let me be the last to know. Part 11-
Don't let me be the last to know. Part 12-
Don't let me be the last to know. Part 13-
Don't let me be the last to know. Part 14-
Don't let me be the last to know. Part 15-
Don't let me be the last to know. Part 16-
Don't let me be the last to know. Part 18-
Don't let me be the last to know. Part 19-
Don't let me be the last to know. Part 20-
Don't let me be the last to know. Part 21-
Don't let me be the last to know. Part 22-
Don't let me be the last to know. Part 23-
Don't let me be the last to know. Part 24-
Don't let me be the last to know. Part 25-
Don't let me be the last to know. Part 26-
Don't let me be the last to know. Part 27-
Don't let me be the last to know. Part 28-
Don't let me be the last to know. Part 29-
Don't let me be the last to know. Part 30-
Don't let me be the last to know. Part 31-
Don't let me be the last to know. Part 32-

Don't let me be the last to know. Part 17-

1.6K 16 2
By gracesimpo

Lizzie Pov-

''Wait, Lizzie!'' Nathan called after me. I turned around and looked at him. ''Please stay, I've not seen you in two years!'' He pleaded. ''You could of, but you chose not too.'' I snapped. ''Let me explain!'' He almost begged, stepping towards me and taking my hand. ''Fine.'' I mumbled.

Nathan smiled and let go of my hand. That's when Sasha walked in again. Wow, she really was a slag. She had now taken off her sunglasses so I could see the amount of makeup plastered on her face (which was bright orange). She had brown eyes, which I admit, could have been nice. But with the amount of mascara and eye liner around them, they looked too heavy and fake. Her shorts were shorter than any others I had ever seen with a top that pushed up her boobs.

She might as well have a sign over her saying 'free sex.' 

Sasha shot me an unpleasant look as Tom muttered something in my ear. All the lads left the room to go and start the barbecue. Lucy invited Sasha to sit with us, obviously not knowing what she was like. And when Lucy went to get us all drinks, Sasha once again, glared at me.

''Look, I know we didn't get off to the best of starts, but I'm willing to put it behind me and we could carry on as friends?'' I asked, trying my best to put on a fake smile.

''I don't need you as a friend. In fact, I don't want you as one. I know who you are, your not just a friend, your that little skank that Nathan loved. Don't even think about taking him away from me because like I said, he LOVED you. Now, he loves me, not you. He told me that you meant nothing to him anymore, he'd rather not know you. You're just somebody that he used to know.'' She spat at me. 

I stood up and walked away to see Lucy. She smiled at me but I couldn't help the tears as they flowed from my eyes. What Sasha said hurt me, did Nathan really say that? A concerned expression flashed on Lucy's face as she hugged me. ''What's up?'' She asked. But Tom walked in and interrupted us. Lucy left the kitchen to give Sasha her drink.

Tom wrapped his strong, muscly arms around me, letting my head fall onto his chest. He shushed me every once in a while, telling me it was okay. Even when he had no idea why I was crying. ''I can't go back in there Tom.'' I pleaded him. He nodded with a confused look on his face. ''Is it Sasha? What has she said?!'' He questioned.

I didn't want to be a snitch so I just looked towards the floor, hoping it would put him off. ''Come outside and tell me.'' He whispered, sending shivers down my spine at his deep voice.

The garden was now empty, everyone had gone back inside. Tom sat on a bench so I joined him. ''Now tell me.'' He ordered, but softly. I explained everything to him. Shock, anger and sympathy all appeared on his face. ''You know what? I really dislike her. None of us have ever liked her to be honest. I don't know what's going on in Nathan's mind!'' He laughed, which I joined in with. He hugged me one last time before we walked back inside to greet everyone.

The first thing I saw was Sasha sat on Nathan's knee, giggling away. Lucy and Jay were sat talking sweetly, which made me smile. And Max and Siva were cracking jokes at each other, which weren't very funny.

As soon as Sasha saw me, her lips crashed to Nathan's. What was wrong with her? I didn't want to 'steal' Nathan off her. In fact, she's welcome to him! His hands moved around on her legs which made me feel violently sick.

When they eventually stopped, she devilishly smiled at me, which meant she was up to something. ''Babe, don't you think Lizzie and Tom would make a really good couple?'' She asked him.

She knew what she was doing; winding us both up. Nathan's face dropped and he glared at me and Tom who were holding hands. (Not in a couple way, in a comfort way). We quickly let go of each others hands and stared to the floor. ''Actually, they deserve each other.'' He spat.

''I really don't like her!'' I snapped in Tom's ear, causing him to chuckle. ''I don't particularly like him that much at the moment either!'' He added; I nodded in agreement. Why was Nathan being like this? Me and Tom are NOT  a couple. Why would he care anyway? He has a girlfriend!

And I thought today would be okay. Obviously, I was wrong.

*Sorry its not as good recently. But I promise it will start getting better :D*

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