Book 2 [ The Untitled Series ]

Από ThePinkSpot

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[ Book 2 ] Alexus is a beautiful twenty-three year old woman who's just beginning to gain the maturity necess... Περισσότερα

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Book 3 Preview
Book 3

Chapter Twenty-six

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Από ThePinkSpot


" no." I pouted. Pulling my comfoter up over my head and snuggling deeper into my bed. Tyrone was trying to get me to get out of bed.

Tyrone and i were back at my apartment. After two long ass plane rides and a bunch of smart comments on my end we were finally home. I was rolling my eyes the entire ten hours it took for us to get back, and he keot giving me his signature 'keep actinf like that if you want to' looks. Ofcourse I kept giving attitude, only to get fucked asleep as soon as we got to my place.

I had been asleep ever since. Almost eighteen hours straight.

" yes, Love." The covers were yanked away from me quickly, allowing for cold air to rush in and surround me. "Symonee keep calling your phone.You dont hear that shit?"

Now that he mentioned it, I did hear my phone ringing. I finally opened my eyes. "can you hand it to me please?" He grabbed it from my dresser before tossing it to me. " and give me my fucking comforter back."

" nah." He took my comforter- which had been balled up at the end of the bed and put it in the chair by my bedroom door. " if you want it come get it."

" play too fucking much." I playfully rolled my eyes as I answered my phone. "hi, bestfriend."

" Lex! Oh my god, come get me please." She said, sounding stressed.

" whats wrong, boo?"

" my mom. Please i just need to get out of this house before I lost my mind."

" I'm on my way." I hung up the phone and began dragging myself from bed. My body was screaming at me to lay back down but my bestfriend needed me.

" what she want?" Tyrone asked.

" She wants me to come and get her. I think her and her mom got into it."

He shook his head. " here we go with this shit."

" what?"

" I've been waiting on this to happen. There's no reason at all for Victoria to be here, yet here she is. I knew sooner or later Symonee was going to lose her cool."

" why is she still here anyway?" I asked, pulling on a pair of sweatpants. " can't she take a hint?"

" no, fuck no. Nobody in that fucking family can take a hint. Even when they're being told something directly, it still doesnt resonate. Victoria wants to take Symonee home, and come hell or high water she's going to do that...unless Symonee really stands up to her."

I took a moment to think about the situation before my mind got to wondering. I began to wonder what happened between Victoria and Tyrone. The two had a history, clearly because they had Symonee but i had no idea what really happened to their relationship after that.

" what happened between you and Victoria?" I asked, voicing my thoughts.

He shook his hand, plopping down on the messy bed so that his back was toward me. " a lot...but that's between me and her."

I paused. " so you're not going to tell me why there's so much tension between you two?"

" we didn't work out. That's all you need to know."

" no, its not, because every time she's around or her name is brought up you either get uncomfortable or you turn away like you're doing right now. We've talked about absolutely everything, including your job and my alcoholism...two of the most sensitive topics between us. But you won't talk about why she bothers you so much."

His back tensed, and i was expecting him to scream but he didnt. I should have known. That man barely ever raised his voice in my presence. " that shit is dead, has been for a while now."

" clearly it isnt. Whatever happened, you're bottling it up. And I didnt get into this to deal with secrets, okay?"

" come here." I followed his instuction, going over to stand in front of him so that he could look up at me. And ofcourse he wrapped his arms around me. " I'm gonna tell you everything, aight? I promise, baby. Just not aright now. I dont wanna think about that let alone talk about it but when I'm ready to you'll be the first know."

" mmhmm, okay. As long as you not thinking about getting back with-"

" never, babe. I'm done with that. I been done with that for like..." He mumbled something afterward making me smack the back of his head before asking him to repeat it.

" and dont play with me this time."

He laughed. " just go check on Symonee, aight. For real, me and Victoria are done."

I gave him the side eye before kissing him. " make the bed, please."

" make the bed for what? I'm about to go back to sleep."

" back to sleep? What time-" I looked out of my bedroom window, only to see that it was pitch black outside. Then i checked the time on my phone to see that it was past one in the morning. " you wasn't gone tell me what time it was?"

He just shrugged like an idiot and so I left. It didnt dawn on me until I was pulling up outside Symonee's house that it was technically her birthday. I hadn't even been thinking about it when she'd called but suddenly it was the only thought in my head.

Symonee was already sitting outside waiting for me, with one sleeping child on her lap and another sitting in the carseat on the ground infront of her. I helped load the children into the backseat and once everyone was settled m, i pulled off.

" so..." I trailed off. For someone who sounded close to a mental break on the phone twenty minutes prior, she seemed fairly calm.

" huh?" She asked, turning away from the window and looking at me.

" what's wrong? What happened?"

" I really don't even want to discuss it tonight. If I could just stay at your place tonight then it'll make everything so much better."

My hands gripped the steering wheel tightly in anxiousness. Tyrone was at my place still. If I'd of known that she wanted to spend the night then i would have kicked his ass out. But I hadn't...

" dont you just wanna go get breakfast or something? We could go to a little twenty four hour spot and just-"

" nah, im really sleepy. Like, I'm not even in the mood to eat and the kids are dead tired. I really just need a warm bed."

I opened my mouth to speak once before closing it without a word, and again soon after that. It wasnt an ideal time to tell her about Tyrone and i but I didnt have a choice. There was no lie that I could make up that would explain the reason that my bestfriend couldn't sleep at my house for the night.

I sighed, pulling over to the side of the road and parking. We were only two blocks away from her house. " damn, Symonee, I really didnt want to tell you this on your birthday. I swear I didn't. I was gonna come by your place in the morning, take you to get breakfast, give you your gifts and just kick it with you all day long. And then maybe in a week's time I'd tell you but..."

" but?" She turned to face me. " what the fucks going on? I'm really not in the mood for bullshit so just tell me so that we can get this over with. Whatever it is im sure its not that bad-"

" I told you last week yhat I was on a self help retreat but really your father and I went on vacation together. And as we speak he's at my apartment. We've been dating for like three months and im so sorry that I didnt tell you." I blurted it out before i could think about it. And just like that, the air around us thickened.

Symonee chuckled. " no, really, why can't we go to your place?"

" im serious, Symonee."

" no."

" yes." I assured.

Her face contorted. " You cant be doing this to me. I just stuck up for you to my mom and you go and tell me some bullshit like this? The only fucking person I can trust has been using me to get to my dad...just great."

She jumped out of the car and I followed immediately. I rounded the car to stand behind her as she leaned into the backseat to get Deanna's carseat out.

" I would never do that Symonee." I said, trying to defend myself.

" but you already did!" She screamed, leaving her place where she was struggling with the carseat and stepping up in my face. Her body language made me kind of defensive, but i pushed those thoughts away because she had every reason to be angry. " you're telling me that you didnt know who my father was when we met and that this is all just a coincidence?"

" everyone knows who your father is, thats not fair. But I never used you!"

" and why am I supposed to believe that?"

" because I'm your friend and i love you?" I asked. " I messed up by lying, yes, but i love him."

" there are no buts. My mother was right about you being a leach. You're just sucking what you can out of me and my father."

That felt more like she'd punched me in the face than verbally assaulted me. Hell, I almost wished that she would have punched me instead. At least then I'd know what to do.

This was uncharted territory for me. I'd never in my life had a blowout with a friend, especially not a bestfriend.

" a leach? If I remember correctly I'm the one who helped you when you came here. You were beat down and tore up all because of your mother who you're so readily praising right now. You were quiet and anxious all the time when I met you and i helped you find yourself but all of a sudden I'm leaching off of you. That's low."

She rolled her eyes. " i was shy, but you were an alcoholic. The two pale in comparison to one another."

" if you think I'm such a terrible person then why the fuck are we even friends? This is deeper than just me dating your father. Ever since your mother came around you've been acting-"

" dont bring her up. Clearly she's the only one around here that isn't lying to me, that's more than I can say for you. And to think that I didnt believe what she was saying and I was about to tell her to kiss my ass but now- now i see."

I felt so bad for everything, but Symonee clearly had it in her head that I was the enemy. And what could I say? She wasn't understanding reason or accepting apologies. And I wasn't sure if the bigger issue was me dating her father and lying about it or her mother in her ear but the two together brought out a side of her that I had no idea how to get through to.

" I'll just let you cool off and I'll call you later." I said it but Symonee didnt give any indication that she'd heard me at all. She just gathered her kids and started back toward her house. I watched to make sure that she got back safely and then I got into my car and pulled off.

I went home, curled up in bed next to Tyrone and - although I had a hard time closing ny eyes- went to sleep.

It was my phone that woke us up this time. Only two hours after falling asleep, Dryan was calling to see if I knew where Symonee was. He said that he went out on a run shortly after midnight, only to just return home and to find her and the kids gone.

" what?" I asked, sitting up out of bed. Tyrone was already awake, scrolling though his phone.

" she's not fucking here. Listen to me."

" i heard what you said, Dryan. I just dont know where the hell she is. I mean, we got into an arguement a little after midnight but-"

" about what?"

I paused. " I told her about me and her father." At that statement, Tyrone looked up at me. " it wasnt planned, it just happened. She was pissed, saying how her mother was right about me and- wait, is her mom gone too?"

" yeah, you dont think that they would leave town and- that Symonee would- she wouldn't do that."

" i dont know, Dryan. She was really pissed last night. Did you call her?"

" she keeps sending me to voicemail." He sounded sad when he spoke. It was hard for me to believe that Symonee would leave Dryan and take the kids with her. Even if she did want to leave him, she knew how much he loved his kids. It just wasnt right.

" let me call her. They probably just went to the store or something. Don't panic, bro."

" yeah, aight."

I hung up and dropped my phone on the bed in deep thought. The idea of Symonee leaving was just so farfetched. It didnt even make sense. But then again, since her mother had come to town, alot of things didnt make since. Like our arguement. I expected for Symonee to be angry when I told her about Tyrone and i. I even expected for her be sad about us lying to her, but the way she had reacted was so far left i never saw it coming. She'd accused me of using her and called me a leach.

And then she'd just up and left without a word to Dryan.

" you told Symonee about us?" Tyrone asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. " I thought we agreed to wait until after her birthday."

" we did agree, but she wanted to come here last night when you were here. I tried to get her to go somewhere else but she wasnt having it. What else was i supposed to do?"

He shrugged. " it's over with now. And dont bother calling Symonee."

" why not?"

" she's with her mother. Victoria keeps texting me a bunch of dumb shit about Symonee finally being home and where she belongs."

" I can't just not call her. She's my bestfriend, Ty."

" If I know Victoria like I think I know her, Symonee's phone is probably already in a dumpster somewhere. Her social media has probably been deleted... It'll be like she was never here."

I jumped up. " Then we have to go there! We can't just let her leave . Why are you being so fucking calm about this?"

" it's not that I'm calm, I've just been through this shit before. Symonee made her decision, and im not happy about it but there's nothing that we can do..." He sighed, laying back down. " it's over."

I could see how sad Tyrone was about the whole ordeal. Symonee meant alot to him. After all, she was his only biological child, and they had just gotten back on speaking terms a few months ago after hardly talking for almost three years.

I went and climbed in bed behind Tyrone, wrapping both of my arms around him and throwing my leg over his body.

" We have each other, Ty. And..." My throat was acting like it wanted to close but there was something that I needed to get off of my chest before i exploded. It was something that I'd accidently admitted to Symonee, even before I'd admitted it to myself. " I love you."

" i know, Lex. I love you too, baby."

I released a deep breath. My nerves had actually been on edge while I'd waited for him to reply, but they clearly had no reason to be.

I squealed in girly excitement which made him laugh.

Damn, I really loved him.




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