Queen Of Paradox (Unedited)

De NaughtyPlease

21.1K 801 185

(BEING EDITED/REWRITTEN) Every decade a Tournament is held in Paradox to decide who will become the next Ero... Mais

Prelude to Desire
Sweet Deceit
The Devil's in the Details
An Incubi's Seduction
A Queen Manipulated
The Benefit of a Friend
A Secret for One
No Man Left Behind
Switching Places
More Than Meets The Eye
Sixty Days
I Am Oueen
Between A Rock and A Hard Place
No Place Like Home
Sister Knows Best
Welcome to Paradise
Something Witchy This Way Comes
Crossing Lines
When One Door Closes...
Poor little Succubus, Ain't that a Witch
Back, Meet Knife.
Memories: Here Today, Gone Tomorrow
Mr. Blue Eyes
Memory Lane
Magic Touch
Old Wounds
Fallen Rook
Past, Meet Present
Storming the Castle
Wake Up Call
Authors Note
The Best Laid Plans...
Rude Awakening
Best Kept Secrets
Succubus Diaries
The Calm Before
Aftermath - Part 1
Aftermath - Part 2
Authors Note
Sneak Peek: Sweetest Torment

Back to the Start

109 8 0
De NaughtyPlease

Rose was mentally exhausted. All she'd been doing the last two days was thinking. And then thinking. Oh and also, thinking. You know, just to switch it up a little. Her thoughts were a mess and it was getting harder to pretend everything was okay, especially with Randolph... Even without his ability to look into people's minds he was extremely perceptive. It wouldn't be long before he noticed the distance she was slowly putting between them.

For starters, she hadn't told anyone she'd had a memory. She didn't know why she felt the fierce need to keep that to herself but, she did. But now, she had all these questions floating around her head and no way of getting an answer. It was driving her insane! And making things a lot more complicated with Randolph than necessary.

Logically, she knew a relationship with Randolph was precarious. But emotions were emotions. Her attraction to him, for whatever reason, was undeniable. He was her anchor in the storm that was her life and the only one she truly trusted. A connection like that was hard to ignore. And she didn't intend to any longer. Until that damn memory....

Two pair of eyes flashed in her mind and then their beguiling faces appeared as well. The one with the short dark hair and searing gaze she now knew was named Dean. She rolled the name around her mouth silently for a few minutes. And the one with light wavy locks and intense stare, was William...his name felt familiar and right on her tongue too...

So who were they? Had they been good, or bad, to her? The memory didn't really make that clear. She was being dragged off, for one, and angry about it. But Dean's mannerisms, while stern, had seemed almost playful? And then William had just seemed apologetic. determined, but somewhat regretful about it... And she had said she hated them-

The sudden rush of water splashing her face, pulled Rose from her thoughts with a start. She sputtered and blinked furiously to bat away the wet droplets. She turned a deep scowl to her left and gave a huff. "What the hell was that for?!"

Jackie raised an eyebrow and gave her a pointed look. They were in one of the outside baths soaking up the sun while languidly washing up. Rose hadn't seen the petite succubus much -most likely because Jackie was avoiding her- since the incident at the sex club and decided that had to change. So after training earlier, she's hunted Jackie down and demanded her best friend spend time with her. Jackie had informed her that she'd smelled like a dead animal and she wasn't going anywhere with her until that fact changed.

Rose had dragged her to the closest bath, pushed her in, and jumped in herself. Ten minutes later, they were stripped down and fully emerged in soapy water.

"That was for ignoring me after dragging me here!" She shot back.

"Oh...sorry" Rose muttered sheepishly.

Jackie lost her glare and a sad expression took over her face. "I'm sorry too." She whispered softly.

Rose stared at her in surpirse. "For what?"

"For taking you to D&D...for pushing you too soon. I'm not exactly good at this whole being-sensitive thing. I say the wrong things, do the wrong things, I'm horrible at handling being supportive and my moral compass does not exist. Much less my emotional one. I'd like to blame it on having two dads but they are so sweet and kind and caring, and just the complete opposite of me. And you're my friend, my best friend, and I just-"

Rose pulled Jackie into a hug, surprising the honey-eyed brunette.



"Never change."

"Alright...your soap tits and cooch are literally crammed against me."

"I know."

"...are you gonna let go anytime soon?"


Giggles erupted as Jackie spent the next few minutes attempting to pry Rose off her.

* * *

"And you're just telling me now?!"

Rose flinched at Jackie's high pitched tone and gave a sheepish shrug.

"I wanted time to mull it over on my own."

"But it was your first memory! You should have told me!"

"Well, I'm telling you now." Rose said in exasperation.

Jackie crossed her arms and sighed. "Fine."

A shadow fell over them and they looked up to see a older man holding their order of iced coffees.

After their bath/reconciliation, they'd headed out to Jackie's favourite coffee shop in the hustle and bustle of the capital's downtown. It was at the end of a street filled with vintage shops. The building it resided in was historical and had been many things throughout history before it became a humble coffee shop. Which was what made it so unique. Parts of the past was evident in the structure and decor. From the mural on the wall behind the counter, from when it was an art studio, to the glass domed ceiling from when it had a atrium, to the baby grand in the far corner from when it was a jazz bar. And many more pieces of history that scattered the place. It was fast becoming Rose's favourite as well.

Jackie was staring slack jawed up at the older man, at a complete loss for words. Rose truly couldn't blame her. He was, in a word, handsome. His brown hair was cropped short and well groomed, giving him a sophisticated air. He had a strong jaw, sharp cheekbones, a Persian nose and beautiful blue eyes. Blue eyes that seemed familiar...like the kind of blue that had been haunting her thoughts for days now... His plump lips, which also held familiarity, stretched into an alluring grin that created laugh-lines around his eyes and mouth, revealing deep dimples in his cheeks. It gave him a dash of boyish charm.

In human years, he'd probably be around forty. Though his body could pass for twenty any day. It was quite a vision, moulded as it was in a simple white dress shirt and light grey slacks. She could almost count all of his eight abs that rippled under his shirt as he adjusted his posture.

"You're not our waiter!" Jackie blurted out a bit too loudly. Rose watched in fascination as her friend's face went from deathly pale, to intense beet red. She wasn't aware Jackie was capable of being flustered.

He gave a chuckle and placed their coffees down. "No. I am most certainly not. But I needed an excuse to come over and say hello."

Jackie was mute as she continued to stare up at him. His grin grew brighter before he cleared his throat and stuck out his hand. "So, this is me saying hello."

Rose was on the verge of cringing. This was becoming painful. "Hello, I'm Rose and the lovely but unusually quiet woman to your right is Jacqueline." She jumped in helpfully. He turned his bright gaze to Rose briefly and even she felt like blushing from being under the full force of his charming smile.

He lifted Jackie's hand off the table and gently gripped her fingers so he could bring her knuckles to his lips. He pressed a soft kiss on them before lowering her hand once more. Although Rose noticed he didn't release his grip. "A pleasure." He murmured, his eyes twinkling as he stared at Jacqueline.

"Thank you." Jackie said faintly.

"I'll leave you to your coffees ladies. Oh, and it's Jonathan."

Jackie let out a dreamy sigh as she watched him walk out of the coffee shop and disappear down the street.

"Oh my Gods," she moaned. "That ass is a work of art."

A laugh burst from Rose and she shook her head. "You should have told him that. Or, maybe just actual speak to him?"

Jackie groaned and dropped her head in her hands.

"What happened? You're usually so talkative and flirtatious when you're being hit on. Or in general."

"Ugh. I don't know! I looked up, saw a God, and then he smiled! Did you see that smile? Call my panties Thames because there is not a dry spot down there."

"Okay ew!" Rose squealed. Both amused and disgusted.

"And his eyes! Cerulean orbs of perfection! And then suddenly I can't think! Like, did I really say thank you?"

"Yes. Yes you did." Rose confirmed with exaggerated sombreness.

"Oh jeez! Just mercy kill my ass already! My dream guy finally talks to me and I fuck it up!"

"Wait, dream guy?" Rose asked in confusion, brows dipping. Then like a switch she finally understood why this was Jackie's favourite coffee shop. It wasn't the history attached to it or the decor or atmosphere, it was him!

It also explained the outfit Jackie was rocking. A slim fitted soft yellow dress that moulded like a second skin to her hourglass figure. It stopped above her knees adding an air of elegance but the deep neckline, that displayed an ample amount of her full cleavage, gave it a dash of sexy. White stiletto heels completed the look. It was honestly over kill for a coffee date but now Lana knew why.

"Oh my God! You've been coming here for him? Spill!" Rose demanded, leaning forward eagerly.

Jackie's cheeks where instantly tinged with red, but she gave a defeated sigh. "I don't come here for him. Or at least not at first. I come here because this place is full of nostalgia and life. It's comforting...but a few weeks after I started frequenting the shop, I saw him. Oh Rose, he was so beautiful and completely not my type."

Rose raised an disbelieving eyebrow. "Really? Even with the river Thames in your panties? I'm shocked." She replied dryly.

Jackie rolled her eyes. "Well yeah, hot is hot. And of course, I'm always down for a good time, but I do have a type. Well more like types, but either way, he wasn't mine."

"What do you mean?"

"Well he's older, for one-"

"Are you serious? This is Paradox! As long as the person you're interested in has been through the change, age becomes insignificant!" Rose rattled off, astonished.

Jackie gave a small shrug. "I know, but I spent the majority of my human years on earth. They have a very different set of laws and view of right and wrong. I guess a lot of it just stuck."

Rose's eyes widened in a mix of shock and intrigue. "You lived in the Human Realm? What's it like?"

Jackie's face took on a pensive expression as she seemed to think it over. "stifling...beautiful, pernicious.." She trailed off and Rose scrunched up her nose. "Well that's not confusing" she remarked sarcastically.

Jackie laughed and gave a helpless shrug. "It's a complex realm. They don't condone violence, don't view it as a sign of power or something to be proud of. Instead it's frowned upon and punishable by death depending on the gravity of the action. Yet..their world is littered with it. More so than ours it sometimes seems. Sex there is different as well."

Rose was leaning forward on the small table between them. Hanging off Jackie's every word with rapt attention. "How so?"

"Well, they complicate it by trying to change it's meaning, it's...essence, in a way of speaking. I was told that in the past it held merit. It had significance. It was meant to connect two people in a way that was unique to them. To forge a bond deeper than anything else could."

"And now?"

"Now it's...muddled. I don't think this generation of humans even understand or know what it should be. They use it to hurt, control, manipulate, raise their esteem in the eyes of their peers, or even lower it. It's weird as fuck."

Rose could see that being quite the adjustment. In Paradox, sex was simple. It was a way to survive and a way to love. It was freely given until a consort was found, usually. You weren't judged if you had copious amounts of it or meager amounts. They were rarely monogamous unless strong feelings were involved.

"But there's also beauty in their chaos. Their night sky is a vision to behold. They only have one moon and their constellations are different. They also have different kinds of flowers, animals, food." She sighed wistfully. "I really miss their food, especially their sweets! They have this chocolate-"

Rose had been in the process of bringing her iced coffee to her lips when a sharp pain tore through her head. I broken cry left her lips and then suddenly she was a silent spectator in an unfamiliar scene.

A little girl of no older than twelve, stood partially hidden behind the leg of a young woman with light violet eyes. The little girl's long dark brunette hair was a mass of loose puffy curls and her large pale blue eyes were bright with uncertainty.

The violet eyed woman crouched and gently pulled the little girl in front of her so she could engulf her in a hug from behind.

A teenage boy of about sixteen stood a short distance away. His expression somber as he looked at the duo.

"Dean, this is my little sister. Lana." The violet eyed young woman announced, squeezing the little girl lovingly. "I'm entrusting her in your care for the evening, so play nice. The both of you." She stood and closed the short distance to ruffle Dean's hair.

He frowned and swatted her hand away but his cheeks redden, giving away his bashfulness. Lana watched pensively, her fingers curling in her dark blue summer dress. Wrinkling the material.

A man with glossy black hair falling well past his shoulders in a collection of waves and curls, descended the stairs to their right. He was tall. Seeming extremely so to twelve year old Lana. His eyes landed on the violet eyed woman first and warmed significantly. His lips curling into a smile. "Felicity, you look lovely. A sight for sore eyes." His voice was smooth and held a gentle quality.

Felicity turned and her face lit up, making her cheeks rosy and her eyes twinkle. She was a beautiful woman, but in that moment she was stunning. She laughed and the sound was musical. "You say that every time you see me Ethan, I'm not sure if I should continue to fall for that line." She teased.

He joined them on the flat with a chuckle and then finally noticed Lana. "Oh my, and who's this little Princess?"

"Lana, this is my boyfriend, Ethan. Ethan, this is my little sister Lana." This close, Lana was fascinated to realize his eyes were two different colours. One was light grey, and the other sky blue. "well, it's a pleasure to meet you Lana. The next time you're here you'll have to tell me all of Felicity's secrets" he whispered conspiratorially, making the young girl smile.

It wasn't long before the little brunette was alone with the seemingly sullen boy. They stared at each other for a few moments before he turned and began walking away. When she didn't follow he glanced back with a frown. "You planning to stand there all night kid?"

"I have a name." Her slightly high-pitched voice snapped. It was clear from the blush on her cheeks that she wasn't used to voicing her opinions in such a fashion. She was clearly the shy and quiet type.

Dean rose an eyebrow. "So?"

"So use it." She pressed. Bristling at his cavalier attitude.

"Whatever." He grumbled. "You coming or what?"

Giving a delicate huff she trotted after the brooding male. She had a feeling she was really going to hate this guy.

The scene sped up, almost as if someone had pressed the fast forward button, and had no intention of lifting their finger anytime soon.

Rose watched as the violet eyed blond, who was her...sister? Brought her to that mansion again and again. Dean was always in charge of watching her somewhat and sometimes another girl by the name of Melody, who seemed to be around Dean's age, would be there. But one thing she picked up on, was that her and Dean were constantly butting heads. Her visits usually ended in a big fight and then him giving her something in a square red wrapper to get back in her good graces. It was clearly from a different Realm and the wrapper read: Kit-Kat.

It quickly became their thing and then one particular scene approached and slowed down to come into full focus.

The young girl appeared to be fourteen or fifteen in this scene. Her hair was longer and the charming curls were gone to reveal shiny straight brunette locks. She was at that strange stage of growth where you're coming into your features. Hinting at striking beauty and the beginning of womanly curves.

She was furious in this scene and seemed to be on the war path as she stomped towards the mansion, an opened gift basket in hand. She raced up the steps, flushed and out of breath, and began banging on the door with a closed fist. "Open the Godsdamn door Dean! I know you're in there and I want an explanation! I deserve one, Gods damn it! Dean-"

The door flung open with such unexpected swiftness that she lost her footing and stumbled forward. A strong arm banded around her waist and pulled her thin frame to a hard chest. She looked up and immediately blushed. Intense turquoise eyes stared down at her with indifference.

Realizing, after a few seconds, that she was staring openmouthed, she pressed her lips together and pulled out of his hold. "Who are you?" She demanded boldly. His change in expression was so subtle she almost didn't catch it, but he definitely seemed perplexed.

"I believe that should be my line." He retorted, to her chagrin.

Her initial anger dissipated somewhat and embarrassment at her behaviour filled her. Robbing some of her earlier bravado. "Oh..I'm la- la..." She stuttered out pathetically.

"Lala?" He questioned.

She shook her head. "No...it's Lana..Lana Falcon."

He gave a small nod. "William. William Shore."

She started at that and before she could think better of it her open palm was flying towards his face. Neither of them was expecting the slap. Lana gasped, yanking her hand down to her side, and William stood frozen. His face that of a man completely stunned.

"I'm sorry! That wasn't supposed to happen! I- I- I just got so mad when I realized you're the one that hurt my Dean...my best friend.." She rambled out.

He seemed to shake off his shock at her words and his brows furrowed in confusion. "Dean? You're a friend of Dean?"

"Y-yes. I'm actually here to see him. Is he in his room?" She inquired, moving towards the stairs. "Just wait till I get my hands on him. He hasn't been answering my calls! And what the hell is this?" She thrust a gift basket full of Kit-Kat's at William who was keeping pace beside her. "I swear-" she started again.

William's hand latched onto her wrist and pulled her to a stop. "Miss Falcon...Dean is not here.."


"He's not here."

"Okay then. When's he getting back?"

William was quiet for a moment as he searched her face for what, she couldn't be sure. "He's not coming back Miss Falcon. Dean's gone and we have no idea where to."

Rose pulled out of the memory with a pained sob. For the first few moments, all she was able to do was suck in shallow breaths as sob after heart wrenching sob tore through her. The hurt and feelings of betrayal that gripped her heart and clenched her stomach, felt as real as they probably did all those years ago. She didn't have to remember to know, that what happened that day put it's own unique scar somewhere on her heart.

- - - -

Hello lovelies!
I know I'm a day late! >.< but it's finally here! Like always, please don't forget to comment and vote! I truly appreciate it more than I can say <3

- Naughty

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