Adopted by a Giantess

By Chrisingo47

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A 10 year human girl named Isabella is badly abused by her dad, until finally he decides that he doesn't want... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 11

2.2K 26 14
By Chrisingo47

I wake up early this morning because I have to go to work 'Groan'. I can see Issy's little bedroom on my dresser, I life the roof and see she's still sleeping peacefully. She looks so adorable sleeping in her tiny bed. I feel bad about waking her up but I have to so she doesn't wake up and realize I'm not here. I start gently rubbing and poking her. "Come on Issy wake up". She begins to stir and eventually sits up. She looks up at me, waves and smiles. "Good morning mommy". "Good morning Issy, you look like you slept well". "I did mommy very well". I smile, I lower the roof back down and pick Issy's bedroom up with her inside. I walk to the kitchen and place her down on the table. I make both of us some breakfast and bring it to the table. Issy walks out of her room and climbs onto my plate and we begin eating.

"So Issy I have to go to work today so grandma is going to be here to look after you". Issy looks up at me and frowns. "Oh... okay mommy, when will you be back?". She asks looking at me with those sad eyes. "I'll be back around 3 o'clock okay". "Okay mommy I'll miss you though". "I know honey I'll miss you too". I say picking Issy up and hugging her. I put her back down and we continue eating our breakfast. Mom eventually wakes up and says good morning to us. "Morning". "Good morning grandma". Issy says waving. Mom gets herself some breakfast and I ask her. "So mom your okay looking after Issy while I'm at work right?". "Of course I'd love to look after my little grandbaby". Mom says cheerfully. "Great thanks mom, see Issy your going to have a good time with grandma". She just smiles at me and keeps eating.

I gather up my things and prepare to go to work. I kiss and hug Issy and say goodbye to mom. I get into my car and drive off. It takes me 20 minutes to drive there and I pull up to a large building. I work as the assistant manager so I sort througha lot of emails and answer phone calls. I greet a few colleagues and greet my boss, she says hello to me and I walk into my office. I answer a few calls and sort through some emails. It's not very busy today so I decide to do some research on schools around here. I find 2 schools but there all public schools, a private school would be nice but oh well this will do. The two schools are called, Safety Bay Primary School and the other is called Rockingham Primary School. I look at Safety Bay first, it has a good percent of students graduating and a high satisfactory level from parents. Rockingham however is a different story, there's a story about a student stabing the principal. Yeah no definitely not that school, I guess Safety Bay it is.

I decide that Safety Bay is the best school for Issy to go to. I just hope she'll fit in, a human going to a school for giants, I just have to hope for the best. I call the school to enroll her, the sooner the better. "Hello this is Mrs. Cooper speaking how can I help you?". A lady asks. "Hi my name is Sarah Grant and I would like to enroll my daughter at your school". "We can arrange that I just need to ask you a few questions". "Okay". I say ready. "What is your daughter's name?". "Isabella Rose Grant". "Beautiful name, how old is she?". "She's 10 years old". I say happily. "Lastly does she need any special help?". I think about it for a second. "Yes she will need some extra help". "And why is that?". "Because... she's a human"?. I say cautiously. "Oh I see hmm... hold on a second let me go talk to the principal". "Okay". I say worried. I wait for a while until she finally comes back. "Okay thanks for waiting. I talked to him and he said that she can attend our school but we are going to assign someone to look after her". She explains. "Oh good that actually makes it better for me knowing she's going to be looked after". I sigh in relief. "Yeah okay were going to have to order in some human size things like books and writing utensils. Were also going to have to have a uniform special ordered for her". Mrs. Cooper explains. "Okay that's all good I just want to get her into school as soon as possible". "That's understandable, we should have those things sent to your house around next week, I just need your address first".

I tell Mrs. Cooper my address and thank her for helping me. "No problem Ms. Grant and remember she'll be starting school on Monday next week". "I know she'll be ready by then". "Good, so is there anything else I can help you with?". She asks. I think about it for a second. "No Mrs. Cooper there isn't, you've been more than helpful thank you very much". I say happy with the service I have received. "You're very welcome, well Ms. Grant if there's nothing else I can help you with this is goodbye". "Right goodbye Mrs. Cooper". I say then I hang up. I sit back in my chair and sigh contently, that went much better than expected. This is a good school Issy's going to, I know it will take some getting used to for her but I know she will. The rest of the day was pretty mello just a few more emails and phone calls for me to sort through. I was very excited to tell Issy and mom the great news. 'Issy might not find it great being told she's going to school'. I think to myself. The end of the day could not come soon enough.

Isabella's POV:

I had a fun day with grandma, she showed me around town. She brought me to the park, the ice cream store and a very big shopping center with many many shops in it. I missed mommy though I wish she could have been there with us but oh well I'll see her later. When we got home it was 2 o'clock so only one hour until mommy comes home. Grandma put me down in front of my bedroom and said she was going to clean the house a little. "Okay grandma have fun". I smile and wave as she walks towards the kitchen. 'Phh cleaning fun'. I giggle to myself. I walk into my room and lay down on my bed. I'm tried from today so I want to take a nap. I wake up later to see the roof of my room lifted up and someone standing there. "Well hello sleepy head". " 'Gasp'!Mommy I missed you!". "I missed you too Issy". Mommy says scooping me up and cuddling me.

Mommy sits down on the couch and places me on her right thigh. "Issy I want to talkto you about something". She says looking quite serious. "What is it mommy". I ask feeling worried. "Issy I've given it some thought and I've decided that it should be okay for you to start going to school". It takes me a second to process this and then I start shaking, if I have to go to school that means there will be boys there and I'm still afraid of them. I'm also worried about going to a school for giants, how will they treat me, will they treat me badly for being smaller than them?. While I'm worrying about these things mommy brings me up to her face. "Isabella what's wrong?". She asks concerned. "If, if I go to school there will be boys there and I'm scared of them". I squeak out almost tearing up. Mommy gives me a sad smile.

Mommy cuddles me and starts rubbing my head. "I know your scared honey but you can do it because your my brave little girl". I look up at her and she smiles and keeps rubbing my head. 'If mommy thinks I can do it then I can do it'. I think to myself. "O, okay mommy I'll be brave for you". I say more trying to convince myself. She kisses my head. "I know you will my baby girl". We sit there for a minute before I ask. "How will the other kids treat me?". I ask kind of worried. "Don't worry honey the lady I talked to said there will be someone looking after you". "Really do you know who?" I ask curiously. "No not yet, don't worry Issy your going to be just fine". Mommy reassures me. I can't help but be nervous about going to school, I haven't been to school in two years when my old daddy pulled me out.

I've calmed down mostly at this point, I'm just a bit nervous about school. Mommy seems to notice and asks. "Is there anything else your worried about honey?". "Well I'm just nervous about going to school, I haven't been to school in a long time". I say truthfully. "I know honey going to a new school is scary but you'll be fine and your going to make lots of new friends I just know it". Mommy says like any good mother would. This helps calm me down a little. "Thanks mommy your the best". I say smiling up at her.

For the rest of the day mommy, grandma and I don't do very much. Mommy and grandma watch tv, I only watch with them for around 20 minutes because there watching boring news shows. I go back into my bedroom and just admire it. It's amazing mommy bought this for me, a whole human size bedroom for me with my own bed. A few hours later we have dinner, all three of us having a nice family dinner. Grandma asks me what I think about going to school and I tell her that I'm pretty nervous. After dinner it's my bed time. Mommy brings me to her room and sets my bedroom down on her dresser. "Goodnight Issy". "Goodnight mommy".

Okay so the school Issy is going to is based on the school I used to go to and the thing about the principal being stabbed actually happened at a school near mine. Also this school is based of an Australian school since I'm Australian so it will be different for some of you. Anyway sorry for not updating here's chapter 11 enjoy.

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