Gravity Heroes

By HarlieKreiger

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(Wendip) (Mabcifica) A few months after the Mystery Twins head home from Gravity Falls, Mabel gets a call fro... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72

Chapter 66

8 1 0
By HarlieKreiger

Gravity Falls

Outside of Poseidon's Catch

Dipper was holding the door for Wendy as they left the restaurant. She had no sooner gotten through the door before she reached over and ruffled his hair before he put on his hat. He took her hand and they headed towards the woods at the back of the parking lot.

"Ok, the food there was better than Mabel let on but who she went with may have affected her judgment.", Dipper said as they walked.

"Remember the lobster she brought to the Shack after that. What ever happened to it?", Wendy asked offhandedly.

"Well," Dipper said rubbing the back of his neck, "Stan saw that she had no real attachment to it and while she was on another one of those 'dates' Stan made seafood stew for dinner. I didn't find out till afterwords and as far as Mabel knows Stan it released it into the lake."

"Sounds like Stan," Wendy said shaking her head, "Oh guess what."

"Durland and Blubs are adopting Geoff?", Dipper joked as they walked into the woods.

With a chuckle Wendy punched his arm and said, "No, dork. Dad gave me a reprieve for apocalypse training this year, since well I was the only family member to actually survive one."

"Wait, that means you'll be here for Christmas!", Dipper said as he realized what all that meant.

"Yep, so you better be ready for a cheesy Christmas movie marathons, candy canes, home made fudge," Wendy smiled as she thought about stuff she had missed since her mother passed away. They still did the training but she had always made sure they had the one day to celebrate.

"Someone to spend the holiday with," Dipper added pulling her into a hug as they walked.

Once they were far enough into the woods to not be seen Wendy reached for the ax hosted in her forearm. Once it was out and she had transformed, she asked, "Well, what's next on your plan Dip?"

"Are you up to seeing if the theater is open, with this weather I'm not too sure it will be though. It's really coming down," Dipper said as he watched the snow melt as it fell towards her.

"We could try, I wouldn't mind sitting in a dark theater with you snuggled close to me.", Wendy said with a smirk as she watched him get even redder than the cold air had made him.

Shrinking down to the size of a Military Mac figure, Dipper jumped into her hand and then she ghosted away.

Road heading into Gravity Falls

The weather had been getting worse as Wildbill and Adam traveled closer to the town they soon will call home. Both vehicles were almost crawling to get into the underpass that lead into town.

Concentrating solely on driving on the slick road, Wildbill nearly jumped out of his clothes when his phone went off. He hit the button to answer it and asked, "Whatcha want Adam?"

"Just got done talking to Stan, we're still going to the Shack but there is someone else in the room we were using.", Adam's voice came through the speakers.

"Well, shoot. Where are we gonna go then?", Wildbill asked since he couldn't remember if Adam knew about the living arrangements in the Bunker.

"He said you already had a room elsewhere, and I can get one right near there.", Adam replied.

"Okay, good.", Wildbill said, "I'm gonna get back to concentrating on this road. We'll talk more once we get to the Shack. Shouldn't be more than a half hour to forty-five minutes at this pace."

Nate's house

The outside of the house was blanketed in enough snow the it looked like something out of a snowglobe. Looking out from the living rooms window Lee was feeling a calming peace flow over him.

"You ok man," Nate called from the kitchen.

"Yeah, just watching the first snowfall of the season.", Lee called back, "Hey didn't you have a date tonight?"

"We talked earlier and with this weather neither of us wanted to try and walk any," Nate said offhandedly, "Speaking of which, when are you gonna introduce us to your freshman girlfriend?"

"Eh, it didn't work out. She said I was spending to much time with my friends," Lee said as he shrugged it off.

"Shoot man, why didn't you say something." Nate said as he was bringing in a bowl full of nachos and cheese and sat in down on the end table between the sofa and recliner.

"What would I say 'Hey guys, I know we're worried about Alexa's Uncle, Thompson's attack, and this ancient Russian goddess but my girlfriend of less than a month has broken up with me.'. You know that's not my style," Lee said as he walked over and sat down on the sofa, "So what are we gonna watch?"

"Well in honor of what's been going on I figured we'd watch Copper-Man II," Nate said as he turned on the TV and DVD player. He then plopped down in his recliner. Reaching over he grabbed a nacho and hit play on the remote.

The Royal Ragtime Theater

Wendy and Dipper appeared on the roof on the theater behind the roof edging. Seeing there was no one in the alley, Wendy floated down and landed. While she powered down, Dipper jumped off of her shoulder and shifted to regular size as he went. Once they were back to normal the couple walked out of the alleyway and around to the front of the theater.

"And as I was getting ready to walk out the door, Rudy walked up to me to ask about Grenda. This is the first time he's shown any interest in a girl that I didn't have the heart to tell him she's already dating someone, so I told him I'd find out some stuff for him.", Wendy said as they came near the ticket booth.

"Aw man, they're closed." Dipper said as he read the note that said 'Closed Due To The Weather, Management'.

"Well that sucks, what do we want to do now?", Wendy said as she looked around. It didn't seem as if any of the storefronts in sight were open.

"We could always try a movie down in the Bunker," Dipper replied as he too saw nothing open with in sight. Shaking his head he guessed it was bound to be that way as there was snow almost to his waist, "Plus it'll get us out of this snow."

They headed back towards the alley when Dipper heard the beep of his earbud. Tapping it he said, "Whatcha got?"

Wendy looked over at him and saw his hand and realized what happened. With a smirk she said, "Tell them I don't really want anything to interrupt this date."

Dipper stood there for a moment nodding his head before he said, "Ok, thanks."

"So what's up?", Wendy asked once he tapped his earbud off.

"Well apparently Tambry has either tapped into all the surveillance cameras in the town or she's set up her own," he quietly said as he leaned into her as they walked, "Tony said that according to the cameras we were clear if you wanted to change so we could get home quicker."

"So they're watching us?", Wendy said with a smirk.

"Yep," Dipper replied before he was turned as she pulled him into a big kiss.

Mystery Shack

Ford's Laboratory

Ford was seated at his desk pouring through a book while absentmindedly eating jelly beans out of a gallon tub. Candy was seated against a wall wth another book along with a sheet of paper that she was shredding to make book marks. Francis is laying next to her with his legs stretched out toawrds the ceiling along the wall, he was taking notes with a zero gravity pen.

"Well this seems to be going no where?", Ford said as he placed the book on top of another law book, "How are you two coming?"

"Well so far I've found out several laws we could use to arrest most of the town?", Francis said as he sat up and looked at his notes, "Like it's illegal to serve a blueberry pie on a Wednesday. We could do a whole book of the stupidest laws in America based just in Gravity Falls. I mean it's legal to marry a woodpecker here."

"Everything I have read is similar, it looks like all I was able to find was more trivia.", Candy sad as she closed her book also, "But Mabel should be happy, I just found out it is legal for a pig to marry a goat here."

Delphi's Temple

The tic-tac sound of fingers hitting keys filled the air as Tambry was busy crawling through the net. One of her screens held the icons for Tab, Asta, and Jette. Their word balloons covered the screen as they were busy helping within their own specialties. Tony floated around the room pausing at times near the security monitors around town, he had even called Tambry in time to catch Wendy as she practically inhaled Dipper's face and then dipper face planting in the snow right after. Tony also spent some time at the holographic projection table, partially checking the weather forecasts and looking over satellite pictures of the region. He was keeping an eye out for anything out of the ordinary that could possibly be related to the knights or their Mistress.

'That twas certainly a most bold move that Lady Gwendolyn didst take' Tab's word balloon said. He was still somewhat in shock over the kiss that he had witnessed.

'Oh, get over it Tabs. The girl knew what she wanted and she took it. I didn't see him complaining.' Asta's balloon replied to Tab. Her icon had a big smirk all over it's face.

"Alright guys, let's not get distracted.", Tambry said as she typed

"Yeah, ya little gremlins. We still need to figure out a few things.", Tony called in a playful tone over to the screen.

'You ain't just whistling Dixie, daddy-o.' Jette's word balloon answered. A second one popped up saying, 'So far all the preparations you put in place is the cat's meow, chickadee.'

"Well I hoped it would, I put a bit of my soul into them.", Tambry said as she took a swig out of a self sealing water bottle.

Tony walked over and started massaging her shoulders as she continued to work.

Mystery Shack

Soos was in the kitchen as he helped Melody finish up the dinner she cooked. They pretty much plated the meals and then wrapped them in plastic wrap. The plate had mashed potatoes, vinegar spinach, and a pork tenderloin. Stan walked into the kitchen in his peacoat and after taking three of the plates and some silverware, he headed on out of the back door. He headed towards the Portable Motel Room. Trudging through the snow he till he got to the path that had been cleared earlier, he made his way to the door. After he shifted the plates to one hand he knocked.

"Who is it?", Gillian called from inside the room.

"Stan, hurry up it's flippin cold out here.", he replied.

The door quickly opened to reveal James standing there, "Come on in."

"Thanks," Stan said as he walked into the room. Gillian was seated in the rooms armchair, he walked over to her. Holding out the plates and silverware he said, "I figured you two would like a hot meal and some company in this cold weather."

"Why thank you Stan," Gillian said as she took the offered plate. Peeling back the plastic she

"Yeah, thanks old man.", James added as he took his offered plate. He walked over to his mini fridge and pulled out a bottle of ketchup and a can Tubby Tusk Root Beer. He then went and sat back down on the bed to eat.

"James," Gillian chided.

"That's ok Gill," Stan said with a chuckle. He walked over to the rooms desk and sat down. Pulling off the plastic he began to eat some himself.

"So how does it feel to have your brother back, Stan?", Gillian asked in between bites.

"Well it was a little rough at first, but by the end of summer we had worked out most of our frustrations.", Stan said as he looked over at his former love, "Though I have to admit there were times I felt like I had given up way too much to get him back."

They continued to talk like this till they were done eating. Feeling like a third wheel James said, "Tell you what, I'll take the plates in for you two. It'll give you a chance to talk more and me a change of scenery."

"Oh, sure." Gillian said offhandedly.

James grabbed the plates and after tossing on his coat, he headed out of the door. He followed the path Stan had trail-blazed in bring the food. Getting to the door he lightly kicked it twice in lieu of knocking. The door was opened by the big fellow he had met here twice before. Was it Moose, Truce, Deuce, no, none of those.

"Hurry up lil dude, it's colder than Greasy's freezer out there.", Soos motioned him to come on in, "I'm Soos, in case you've forgotten."

Once he was inside he saw there was a woman about the age of Soos and three girls about his age.

"Well may as well start the introductions," Soos said as he pointed first to the woman and then the brunette, the blonde, and finally the muscular girl, "this is my fiancee Melody, Stan's great niece Mabel, her girlfriend Pacifica, and their friend Grenda. Everyone this is Stan's at one time grandson, James."

"Hey there," James said as he worked out what Soos had said. Walking over to the girls he looked at Pacifica and asked, "So by girlfriend did he mean, a female friend or...?"

"He meant that she's my girlfriend," Mabel said before he could finish his question.

He was getting ready to apologize when they heard the bell over the gift shop entrance ring and a voice call out, "We're here!"

Another voice called, "Hey Mabel I need some help out here."

"Come on girls, let's see what Unka Cowboy wants.", Mabel said as she got up and headed out of the dining area.

"Sure thing," Grenda said as she followed Pacifica and Mabel.

"So that's a nice Chlorine shirt you've got on, Soos has the first four seasons on DVD," Melody said trying to make small talk.

Gift Shop

As the girls made it into the gift shop, Mabel ran over and hugged her dad glad to have him back in one piece. Turning to Wildbill she asked, "You called Unka Cowboy?"

"We need to get your dad's stuff down to his room near mine," Wildbill said as he headed back out. Mabel and the girls grabbed their coats and followed him out.

As she went out Mabel slipped in her earbud. She tapped it and asked, "Hey Delphi, needing to magic. Is the area clear?"

They had pulled the tarp covering the truck bed halfway back when she again spoke, "Alright thanks."

Adam asked, "Do you guys need my help?"

"Yeah dad. Grab a box or two and stand with Pacifica," Mabel said as she pulled a box out herself. After everyone had a box or two (or three in Wildbill's case and four in Grenda's) she intoned, "Tzgv Lu Gizevo!" and the five of them were enveloped in a warm glow.


And the reappeared inside a hallway with a door on either side and one more at the end. Adam looked around and tried to figure out where they were.

"Well the room at the end is mine but the ones on either side of the hall here are," Wildbill had started saying before looking at the girls for confirmation. Seeing them nod he continued, "empty. We'll put your bedroom stuff in which ever one and for now use the other as storage till you get your new house built."

Adam decided to take the one on his right. Opening up the door he saw it was set up somewhat similar to the Portable Motel Room. He was about to ask about it when Mabel said, "These rooms were made as a permanent version of the room you were using. We've all got one down here, except Soos and Melody. They have one of their own. Testosteraur even has one. He's essentially the Bunker's caretaker."

After two more trips they had all of the boxes and then one more for the large items. Most of the furniture is till down in Piedmont.

"Well now that that's done do you want to give us a tour?", Wildbill asked.

"We need to see if our guest was still in the Shack or back out with his Grandmother. Soos could probably only hold his attention so long," Mabel said, "Once he's gone I'll be glad to show you around, though I'm still learning the layout myself."

She took them all back up to the upstairs of the Shack to be safe. She didn't know if James was still around. With a yawn she commented, "Tell you what dad, I'll give you a tour of the Bunker tomorrow. I'm ready to drop. Grunkle Ford can show you how to get back down to the bunker."

Adam took a peek into the twins room and asked, "Where's your brother?"

"He and Wendy went out earlier on a date," Mabel said nonchalantly. "If he's still following his plan they should be just getting out of the movies."

"He went on a date in this weather?", he asked as he started down the staircase. The girls stayed up as they were planning on going to bed soon. Once he was all of the way down he locked the doors on the SUV.

From the top of the stairs Mabel replied without a thought, "Well to be honest, it was no where near this bad when he went out. Besides he's with Wendy, she could survive this weather in a tank top and shorts and come out smiling."

"Still in this weather it'd be best if they got back here," Adam said pulling out his phone

"Remember Adam, this is Dipper we're talking about," Wildbill said before he continued in a mock hushed tone, "he's the responsible one."

"I Heard That!", Mabel called from the stairwell.

Calling Dipper, Adam waited till he heard his son answer. Then he said, "Hey son, we're here. Where are you? Really we were just down there, I took a room near your godfather."

Walking towards the kitchen they saw Ford, Francis, and Mabel's friend Candy sitting down to eat. Soos, Melody, or this guest was no where to be seen.

"Well your sister seems to have confiscated your room for the night since we're pretty much snowed in, you may as well stay in you room below for the night. Just make sure nothing happens," Adam said and he smirked as he heard Dipper sputter out denials.

After he hung up Adam turned to Ford and said, "I've been told you're the one to ask about how I get back down to my room."

"Certainly. Follow me," Ford said as he led Adam and Wildbill towards the vending machine.

After the elevator ride to the bottom, he walked over to a section of the wall. After pressing on a panel a tunnel opened up and he beckoned them to follow. He lead them down a metallic corridor for what seemed like a quarter of a mile or so before it finally merged with another tunnel, they followed the merged hall and went past two halls that turned away from the path they were walking. Finally they entered a larger room with an oval table in the center of it.

Now that they were in the main hall, Wildbill took the lead. Turning to Ford he said, "Thanks. I've got it from here if you want to head back and finish your dinner."

"You're welcome," Ford said before he walked over to a panel on the wall. Pressing a button he said, "Tony, it's about time for the two of you to come eat."

"Alright Grandpa, we'll be up in a couple of minutes.", Tony replied over the intercom.

"Good evening gentlemen," Ford said as he headed back down the hall they had came from.

Heading out the hallway at the other end of the Main Hall, they passed Tony and Tambry coming out of one to doors that lined the hall, with a simple nod to acknowledge their presence both groups continued on their way. After a couple of turns they finally got back to the hall that held their bedrooms. After saying good night they went their separate ways.

School Gymnasium

The music was a near constant thrum of a bass, mixed with someone shredding on a guitar, and another person pounding out a rhythm on the drums. There was a crowd of people all mindlessly dancing, while she was standing there all alone. Suddenly the crowd slowly parted while Tony walked towards her in a punked out tux. A couple of girls tried to stop him in order to get a dance, but he was focused on getting to her. As he neared her, Robbie stepped out from the crowd and tried to force her to leave the party (she had just realized that's what this was) with him. Tony stopped him by placing a hand on Robbie's shoulder. Robbie turned quickly and tried to punch Tony, but he sidestepped the punch and threw one of his own. It caught Robbie under the jaw and knocked him cold. Taking her by the hand, Tony led her to the dance floor where they slow danced to Jimmy Cracked Corn.

"I wonder why they're playing this at a punk ball?", She asked to no one in particular. She really was to busy enjoying being in Tony's arm to really complain, heck she'd probably stayed with him dancing like this if they played Amazing Grace.

"It's because it's time for you to get up, something has triggered your alarm." Tony said as he prepared to dip her.

"Huh," she asked not wanting to believe what Tony was telling her.

"It's time for you to wake up," Tony said again looking sad, "you have to get to your temple, the people need your wisdom."

"I don't want to leave," she said as she realized they were no longer at the dance. The were on top of the bridge that hang above the entrance into town. Looking around she saw that there were several people she didn't recognize milling about before there was an explosion. The bridge began to collapse out from under them, "TONY!!!"

"You need to wake up," Tony repeated as they both continued to fall.

"No. I don't want to leave you to fall on your own," she cried with tears in her eyes.

"Once you wake up I'll no longer be falling, I'll be safe. So you need to wake up, your friends and the town needs you.", Tony said as he was still falling, "YOU NEED TO WAKE UP!!!"

Sunday December 2nd, 2012 9:15 AM


Tambry's room

Tambry shot straight up and tumbled out of her bed trying to reach the alarm clock in order to throw it across the room. Once she realized it was the alarm on her phone she refrained from throwing it. She went to hit the cancel button before she saw her screen was flashing and Tab was square in the center. Once he saw she had noticed him he stopped the music and flashing light.

'Mi'lady, evil is afoot. The old mining bridge over the entrance to town was demolished, falling debris has been strewn all over the entrance. Your cameras watching the entrance way into town have registered twelve beings congregating just outside the valley. We have identified three of them; Polden' Solntse, Colleen 'Hot Shot II' Raleigh, and Dr Nuit.' Tab's word balloon read.

She stood up and ran to the rooms intercom and pressed the mission alarm. Hitting the intercom button she said, "Rise and shine everyone, We have a confirmed sighting of the three Knights and their underlings. They just blew up the old mining bridge to block the town in."

"Gotcha, Wendy just left to grab the rest of the gang. We'll meet in the Main Hall.", Dipper replied over the intercom.


Chapter 66 is in the books. We open with the continuation of Dipper and Wendy's date and she tells him about Christmas. Wildbill and Adam are almost to the Shack when Adam finds out there is someone else in the Portable Motel. Nat & Lee discuss life. Dipper and Wendy's date continues despite the fact the theater is closed. Ford, Francis, and Candy have been pouring through Ford's collection of laws, by-laws, regulation, city ordinances. Meanwhile Tambry and Tony have been scouring the internet trying to find a way to help Pacifica. Stan took some hot food out to the Portable Motel Room for Gillian and James. After eating James volunteered to bring the dishes to the house where he is introduced to Mabel, Pacific, and Grenda. Wildbill and Adam arrive next and the three girls and Wildbill take Adam down to the Bunker and show him his new room. After the girls decide to retire for the night, Wildbill and Adam ask Ford to get them into the Bunker without Mabel. While at a party dancing with Tony, Tambry is suddenly awoken to find out that the knights are attempting to close Gravity Falls off from the outside world.

The names of our heroes:

Shifter/Dipper – Shapeshifter, highly intelligent.

Will O'/Wendy – Spectral powers, naturally athletic.

Glamur/Mabel – latest in a line of mystics, intelligent but more artistically inclined.

Freerunner/Tony – Peak physical condition, muscles & skin density increased, intelligent.

Flux/Francis – Transmutation, highly intelligent (biological studies).

Charger/Pacifica – Battle armor, rich, secret sci fi fan.

Vaccine/Nate – toxin/antitoxin production, immunity to poisons, viruses, and toxins.

???/Grenda – Natural muscle

Delphi/Tambry – Team hacker and communications expert, Techno-Shaman.

Schematic/Candy – Gadget creator, highly intelligent, trivia queen (I know I need to include this third one some :-) ).

Desperado/Wildbill – Team combat trainer

Also remember to check out my other Gravity Falls works:

Gravity Heroes: Sidetracks, a series on one shots & drabbels that are stories that are in the Gravity Heroes-verse but aren't necessarily required to read the main story-line. It's essentially my take on the classic Marvel Comics Presents. Chapter Seven follows Wild bill after he returns to Piedmont and delves into a few of his past lives that were re-awoken by Polden' Solntse.

I also would feel honored if any of my works inspire any art. If the do I would love to see them. Thanks again to all who have read this far. I'm happy to see different interpretations of the characters from the GH AU. Let me know by PM if you do and I'll send out a list of the full descriptions to you. The art is now up at fereality. deviantart. Com/ just remove the spaces.

Please review. I'm always open to constructive and helpful criticism, though if you're gonna troll please move on.

15-14-5 23-9-12-12 6-1-12-12, 15-14-5 23-9-12-12 18-9-19-5, 1-14-4 15-14-5 23-9-12-12 10-15-9-14 15-21-18 8-5-18-15-5-19.

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