Gravity Heroes

By HarlieKreiger

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(Wendip) (Mabcifica) A few months after the Mystery Twins head home from Gravity Falls, Mabel gets a call fro... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72

Chapter 56

10 1 0
By HarlieKreiger

Robbie's Van

As with his room, Robbie had cleaned his van till it sparkled. He even planned on taking it to Portland this weekend to get it repainted, probably a silver or green tone. The black just wasn't him anymore and since the band folded there really isn't a need to have the name on it anymore. He also felt it wasn't a good look for the beautiful young lady in the seat next to him.

"So what happened back there? Between us we should have had them eating out of our hands.", Robbie asked as he continued to drive.

"I told you my pheromones only work on guys who are not in love. They seemed to be working on, I think you said his name was Nate, but then suddenly he was back the way he was before we started to talk to them.", Blair replied as she looked down at her lap, she doesn't remember how he did it but he was able to convince her to tell him about her abilities. The only other person she had let know about them before now had been Charlene. While she was thinking this over she said, "It appears that your little enemy must truly love the redhead."

"Yeah, I could've told you that. Our rivalry started over the fact we were both interested in the same girl, Wendy. I had her for awhile till I screwed up," Robbie calmly said as he drove, "apparently he swept in afterwords. It doesn't matter, I've got someone a lot better now."

"Aww, you say the sweetest things.", Blair remarked as she grabbed on to his arm. She held it for a bit before she thought, 'This is weird, why am I school girling over someone who I started dating as a mark. I'm gonna have a good talk with Charlene when I see her, maybe she can help me figure this out.'

"We're here gorgeous," Robbie said as he looked into her eyes and then kissed her.

'Whoa, what was I thinking about. Oh, who cares. I've got a great guy here and he's my inside track to what the Valentinos are hiding,' Blair thought after they released the kiss.

Piedmont, CA

Wildbill's Apartment

With everything but his chair, fridge, and his bed gone Wildbill looked around to see if there was anything he needed to worry about before he headed to Adam's place. Though it will be a chore he had planned on asking Mabel to try and get the truck back up to Gravity Falls, he's going to be driving the Wagon for awhile. His duffel bags are already in the car and his pistol is in the small of his back.

Knock, Knock.

He turned and looked at his door. Of those who knows where he lived, Adam is at work, Mabel is at the hospital with Thompson, and he had just left Antonio. He walked over to the door and looked through the peephole. He saw a badge being held up to be seen.

Opening the door he saw two uniformed and a plain clothes officers. The plain clothes officer introduced himself, "Good afternoon Mr. Hauser, I'm Detective Holenbeck. We'd like you to come down to the station with us to answer a few questions."

"Can I ask what this is about?", Wildbill asked as he looked over at the police officers.

"We're investigating the disappearance of Colleen Raleigh," Detective Holenbeck replied.

"What," Wildbill asked incredulously, "when did she go missing?"

"A little over a week ago," the detective responded, he noticed Wildbill's expression change slightly. Subtly he pounced on this as he asked, "Now is there anything we need to know?"

"I have a thirty-eight in the small of my back and the permit is in my wallet.", Wildbill said as he raised his hands and turned so one of the officers could take his pistol.

Gravity Falls General Hospital

The gang was still sitting in the corner of the waiting room when Lee and Mr. Thompson came out.

"Alright guys, Mrs. T and Alexa are staying back there but they said you can go back and visit two at a time.", Lee said as he walked over to the gang.

"Alright all, who wants to go first?", Dipper asked as he looked around.

"I'll stay back, you guys have known him longer than me and my brother.", Francis said looking at Tony who nodded.

"We shall stay back as well," Candy said looking over at Grenda.

"Tambry, Nate, you guys go ahead and go first.", Wendy said looking at her friends. The rest of the group nodded in agreement.

"Alright thanks guys.", Nate said as they went back.

Gillian's hideout

James had just finished carrying in the soda from the car, he had wanted to move after having been in the car for the long trip back from Portland. They had ended up buy two of the fridges, one for each of them. He went back out to the car to see if there was anything else he may have missed. After looking things over one last time he got a weird feeling, like someone was watching him. Acting as if he was checking his hair in the passenger side mirror he looked as good as he could around the area. He realized there was no way to check things out that way so he headed on inside. Once he was in the darkness of the old shop he traveled up to the shadows on the roof and looked out over the area to see if there was anyone he could see.

"You know if you're trying to hide your identity, you need to not use your abilities out in the open.", a voice behind him said. As he turned he saw a bluish white leg swing out and kick him in the jaw. As his head was encased in ice, he fell into the shadows and disappeared.

Mystery Shack

Stan was pacing through the gift shop, stopping every once in awhile to look at his watch. School had been out for nearly three hours now and the kids weren't home yet. Soos had said something about one of their friends being in the hospital but surely they should be back by now.

"Any answer yet?", he called back to Soos as he continued to pace.

"Sorry, Mr. Pines. They may be in one of the phone black out zones in the hospital," Soos said as he listened to Dipper's voice-mail message again.

Melody walked over to Stan and put a calming hand on his shoulder. Looking at him she said, "Stan, you need to calm down. You're no good to the twins if you've worried yourself to an ulcer or a heart-attack."

"I know, but I'm responsible for them.", Stan said with a worried look over his normally stoic face.

Gravity Falls General Hospital

Tambry and Nate came back out from and signaled the next group to head back and visit Thompson. Dipper and Wendy headed back. When they got back to the room the Doctor was in the room while Alexa and son were hugging each other in the hall. Wendy walked over and hugged both of them while Dipper placed a comforting hand on Alexa's shoulder.

"What's going on?", Wendy asked as they separated.

"Joey woke up just a moment ago, the Doctor rushed in after it happened. They're running a few tests then we'll be allowed back in," Alexa said happily.

"That's good to hear," Dipper said genuinely relieved. He then asked, "How coherent was he? Will he be able to give Blubs and Durland a description of his attacker?"

"He was still groggy. He remembered me but not why he was here," Alexa said as she turned to look at the opening door. A short dark skinned female Doctor walked out of the door. Alexa quickly asked, "Dr. Brit, can we go back in with him?"

"Yes, we gave him another dose of pain killers so he may be groggy," Dr. Brit said as she started to look up. Seeing Wendy she said, "I'd know that shade of hair anywhere, do you happen to be related to Dan Corduroy?"

"Yeah, he's my dad.", Wendy said looking the Doctor over. Not recognizing her she asked, "How do you know him?"

"Well besides his visits here, my husband works with him. His name's Dylan, maybe he's talked about him?", Dr. Brit said a little too cheerfully before she offered her hand, "Either way it's good to meet the daughter of the only man in town that can out work my husband."

"Sure," Wendy said as she looked over at Dipper feeling a little weirded out, "we're gonna go in and see our friend now."

"Don't worry, we're gonna take good care of you and your boyfriends' friend.", Dr. Brit said as Wendy and Dipper headed into the room.


Fiddleford was busy adding in several various training apparatuses to the training hall they had worked on earlier in the week. He had built several stun blasters, restraining device shooters, tranquilizer darts shooters, taser arms, etc. He didn't really want to do it, but these were in the specifications Dipper had wanted to be included in the room. Testosteraur was standing next to him. If it hadn't been for the manotaur and Ford this work would have taken forever, but with his and Ford's brains and Testosteraur's brawn its going at a fairly good pace.

"Well, I reckon this is what he wanted.", Fiddleford said looking over his work.

"This is a good simulated battlefield my friend," Testosteraur said looking over the room.

"Well, I shure in heck hope that Dipper likes it.", Fiddleford said before he reached into a pocket and pulled out a small notebook, "Let's see here, what's next."

Looking down the list he saw a good portion of the items were crossed off then reaching the bottom he saw the words rec room quickly followed by miniature golf course in glitter ink.

"Heh," Fiddleford chuckled as he read that, "Leave it to Mabel to want to put something fun in like that, maybe I can even toss in a few arcade games the kids may like."

Piedmont, CA

Piedmont PD Missing Persons

Wildbill sat in an integration room waiting on Detective Holenbeck. He had been offered some coffee and declined. Knowing that making him wait is a common tactic to make him agitated, so he began to find his center and stay calm. About fifteen minutes later the detective walked into the room.

"Now Mr. Hauser, do you have any idea why we have brought you here?", Detective Holenbeck asked as he sat down across from him.

"Well you told me that one of my former students disappeared," Wildbill said looking over at the Detective. He scratched his ear before he continued, "You also told me that she has been missing for a little over a week, but I know she was free and mobile yesterday. She stopped by my apartment yesterday offering her services for an upcoming show I'm throwing to benefit two of my students who are in the hospital. I have witness to that fact as I was talking to my god daughter on the phone when she arrived. She heard the whole conversation."

"Well, that's all well and good Mr. Hauser. But can you explain why we have found her jacket partially burned and covered in blood behind your old gym? And with you finger prints on the sleeve.", Detective Holenbeck asked as he placed a picture on the table in front of Wildbill.

Gravity Falls

Gravity Falls Memorial Hospital

Dipper and Wendy had just walked out of the ER when he heard the voice come over the earbud he constantly kept on. He was hearing most of what was going on with Wildbill. He walked up to the group and told them that Thompson was awake and suggested that Mr. Thompson go see his son. He then quickly gathered the rest of the group and asked them to step outside with him.

"Alright man, what's up?", Lee asked as they made their way outside.

"Wildbill may be in trouble, it sounds like he may be getting questioned about a disappearance down in Piedmont.", Dipper said as he looked over the group, "Tambry, I need you to try and look things up for me."

Tambry nodded and pulled out her phone.

Dipper then turned towards Mabel, "Mabel, Wildbill has said he was on the phone with you the last time he saw her. The police may try and call you for verification."

"Probably the lady that came while we were in the middle of moving his stuff," Mabel said as she scrunched her face in thought, "I think I remember most of the conversation. I should be able to make it sound as if I heard over a phone instead of from his bathroom."

She hated to lie, but really it would only be stretching the truth as she had heard the conversation and wasn't in the room with them. She remembered something so she turned to Tambry and added, "I believe her name was Colleen, if that helps you."

"For now that's the most of it," turning to Lee and Nate he continued, "but I want you two to keep an eye on Alexa till we find out who attacked Thompson. She may be in trouble."

"Of course mon capitaine," Nate said with a mock salute.

"We'll also take shifts coming to visit Thompson over the next few days till they release him," Dipper added, "At least one of us with powers will be here after school til he's released. I don't want to take a chance that whoever attacked him will come back."

Mabel was about to say something when her phone went off, thinking it might be the police she answered, "Hello. Oh hi Soos, yeah Thompson is starting to do better. He's regained consciousness. We'll be home soon."

Mystery Shack

Stan had finished pacing after he heard Soos talking to Mabel. He was glad to hear they were ok and would be coming home soon. He sat down to finally calm down and watch some TV. He had just got comfortable when he heard a knock on the door. Knowing that Soos and Melody were somewhere on the other side of the Shack he got up to answer the door. When he opened the door he saw the kid who was with Gillian when she visited.

"Mr. Pines, I need your help. Someone kidnapped Gillian.", James said before he collapsed through the doorway.


Chapter 56 is in the books. We get a small look into the relationship between Robbie and Blair. Wildbill get's asked to come in by the police about the disappearance of the former student he saw yesterday. Then The gang starts to get to visit Thompson. James gets attacked back one of the people who stole Bill's statue. Stan is worried about the kids only to be calmed by Melody. Wendy and Dipper head back to see Thompson, learn he's now conscious, and meet his doctor. Fiddleford looks over the list of ideas the team put in for the bunker.

The last chapter I listed my top ten favorite GF ships, this chapter I'll list my top ten most hated GF ships:

1. Billdip (As I have stated before, I don't like Bill. Even worse is shipping a multiple millennium year old dream demon with a human, ugh. Add in the way he treated Dipper through out the series and I instantly see any relationship Bill is in as an abusive relationship)

2. Mabill (As I have stated above, I don't like Bill. Even worse is shipping a multiple millennium year old dream demon with a human, ugh.)

3. Billford (As I have stated above, I don't like Bill. Even worse is shipping a multiple millennium year old dream demon with a human, ugh.)

4. Rondy (It always seemed wrong to me from the beginning, and it got worse after 'Boyz Crazy' with the reveal that Robbie was using hypnotism on Wendy)

5. Stendy (I've always felt Stan sees Wendy as a daughter he never had so this seems wrong and then there is the age difference)

6. Mabdeon (Mabel would never go with Gideon after everything he's put her family through and I wouldn't want her to either)

7. Stos (I've always felt Stan sees Soos as a son he never had so this seems wrong)

8. Stan & Lazy Susan (that relationship seemed forced from the beginning and then to later find out Stan is the one to cause her to have the lazy eye)

9. Wenlee (only seen it a couple of times and it just doesn't feel right)

10. Rombry (Yeah I know it's in my Top Ten favorites. But while I like it cause they seem happy, I also hate it due to Robbie's actions in the past ie the hypnotism)

The names so far:

Shifter/Dipper – Shapeshifter, highly intelligent.

Will O'/Wendy – Spectral powers, naturally athletic.

Glamur/Mabel – latest in a line of mystics, intelligent but artistically inclined.

Freerunner/Tony – Peak physical condition, muscles & skin density increased, intelligent.

Flux/Francis – Transmutation, highly intelligent (biological studies).

Charger/Pacifica – Battle armor, rich, secret sci fi fan.

Vaccine/Nate – toxin/antitoxin production, immunity to poisons, viruses, and toxins.

Delphi/Tambry – Team hacker and communications expert, Techno-Shaman.

Schematic/Candy – Gadget creator, highly intelligent, trivia queen (I know I need to include this third one some :-) ).

Also remember to check out my other Gravity Falls works:

Gravity Heroes: Sidetracks, a series on one shots & drabbels that are stories that are in the Gravity Heroes-verse but aren't necessarily required to read the main story-line. It's essentially my take on the classic Marvel Comics Presents. Chapter Seven follows Wild bill after he returns to Piedmont and delves into a few of his past lives that were re-awoken by Polden' Solntse.

I also would feel honored if any of my works inspire any art. If the do I would love to see them. Thanks again to all who have read this far. I'm happy to see different interpretations of the characters from the GH AU. Let me know by PM if you do and I'll send out a list of the full descriptions to you. The art is now up at fereality. deviantart. Com/ just remove the spaces.

Please review. I'm always open to constructive and helpful criticism, though if you're gonna troll please move on.

19-5-3-18-5-20-19 23-9-12-12 2-5 18-5-22-5-1-12-5-4 1-14-4 20-18-21-20-8-19 23-9-12-12 2-5 19-8-1-20-20-5-18-5-4.

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