Gravity Heroes

By HarlieKreiger

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(Wendip) (Mabcifica) A few months after the Mystery Twins head home from Gravity Falls, Mabel gets a call fro... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72

Chapter 52

11 1 0
By HarlieKreiger

Mystery Shack

Twins Room

Wildbill quickly lifted Dipper up to Mabel's bed. He pulled the shirt away from where the wound should be and saw that he was bleeding through his skin, there was no wound.

"What did you do you dang fool?", Wendy called as she looked over at her boyfriend and her best friend.

"He did what you would do, he sacrificed his well-being to help you.", Mabel said as she placed a hand on her friend's shoulder, "Now I need to try and help him."

Mabel walked over to her brother and placed her hand over the wound. Drawing upon her powers she intoned, "Yovhhrmt Lu Oruv!"

The blood seeping from his skin began to slow. Now all they could do was wait.

Indianapolis, IN

Visions Comics Home Office

Inside an office near the top floor two men were in the middle of a conversation. They looked like total opposites the one behind the desk was shorter, skinnier, had short black hair, glasses, dressed in a buttoned down shirt and slacks, and had an excited look about him. The other man was taller, well built, had long brown hair pulled into a pony tail, was dressed in a t-shirt and jeans, and really looked apathetic about being in there.

"Look Alan, listen to me. This is a great chance here," the smaller man said as he got up from behind the desk and walked around towards the other man. As he leaned against the desk he continued, "We're talking something that has never been done before. Think about it, a comic book company creating it's own real life super hero team. With people out there starting to exhibit abilities, this is the perfect time to do it before someone else beats us to it."

"Ok. And you brought me here why exactly, Jer?", Alan asked as he looked over at the shorter man.

"Well for one mom told me about you did to the meter-maid and the chick the was crying over her dead dog. She said you thought you were able to change people's emotions," Jerry said to his brother. Alan started to say something but Jerry stopped him, "Let me finish, please. The other reason is ever since you lost your federal job after the incident, you have been nothing but a layabout sponging off of mom. You need to get out and do stuff. You need a new purpose."

"What I need is for my family to butt out of my life," Alan said as he started to get up, "And for your information, I wasn't fired I quit."

"Yeah, yeah." Jerry said walking around to the front of his taller brother, putting a finger on his chest he stopped him and continued, "But you still have all of your training and if I know you, you still want to do something to help people. This would be the perfect opportunity to do so."

"I'll have final say over everything involving me and my likeness?", Alan said giving in to his younger brother.

"Certainly," Jerry said before he went back behind his desk. As he sat down he continued, "Now we just need to figure out how to do the recruiting. Maybe we can hold tryouts at Pryor Stadium."

Muskogee, OK

Honoré University

In an alley just off campus at Honoré College, a young couple sat in a car about to make a decision that will change one of theirs lives forever.

"Joanna, are you sure you want to go through with this?", Mike said as he looked over a the gothic beauty sitting next to him.

"Yeah, I'm sure, Mike.", Joanna replied

"Well, I just don't want it to be said that I made you do something you didn't want to do," He said with a sweet smile.

"Silly, I wouldn't be here if I didn't want to do this," she said as she gave him a small peck on his cheek.

"I brought protection with me if you think we'll need it," And with that he pulled a small package out of his coat and showed it to her.

"Oh put that away. If I thought we needed it I would have told you to bring it.", she said as she pushed his hand away.

"Well, we should get started. Let's get our coats off first," Mike said with a smile.

They remove their coats and she opened the door on her side of the car and got out.

"By the way, babe," he said as he got out on his side, "you look great tonight."

"Thanks, I bought this dress just for you.", she said as she smoothed out the black with white skull covered dress

"Ah, it wouldn't fit me though." He said as he came around to the front of the car and dodged a soft punch to his arm for his remark.

"So, how didja hear about this party again.", Joanna asked as they started towards the sounds of a party.

"Alan from my poli-sci class told me about it. I told him that I was looking for something to do tonight and he said that he and his house mates throw a party at least once a month. Later he asked if I thought we'd like to come and I asked if I could bring a date. He said 'that would be sweet'. So, here we are." Mike said as he walked up to the 'frat' house that Alan and some of his friends had started a few months ago after a few of them had been kicked out or left their previous frats.

As they got to the door Michael reached up to knock and heard someone inside yell "come on in", so he opened the door and nearly walked right into another door.

'Another door? What in the world is another door doing so close and when did doors start wearing Rustlers and football jerseys?', Mike thought as he looked at a guy that had to be nearly eight feet tall.

"Ah, you must be Michael. Alan said he invited some new people to the party tonight. Let me get him for you." The human door said as he turned and softly whispered, "Hey, Alan, your guests are here."

"What an idiot," Michael thought, "There is no way that Alan could him whispering like that over the music."

"Hey, Michael, glad to see you made it, amigo. Yo T, thanks for the heads up, man, but I heard them come in.", Alan called back as he walked towards them. The music seemed to follow him.

"How in the world do you hear anything over this music?", Mike yelled as he could barely hear himself think.

"Sorry man," Alan said as he closed his eyes for a minute, he slowly reopened his eyes as the volume lowered, "Is that better?"

"How the... what's goin on here Alan?", Mike said still stunned over the size of the guy and how

"It's a party, man. Tell you what why don't I introduce you around. You've met Tyrone," Alan said pointing to the giant Mike had mistaken for a door, he continued as he started to walk towards a large group of people dancing in one of the corner, "and you know Kevin and Stacey from poli-sci..."

"Hey Mike.", Kevin said as he twirled Stacey around and they continued to dance.

"And over here is Erin and Max," Alan said as he pointed over to a couple dancing a little too slow for the music.

Michael nearly laughed as he looked at them. Max appeared to have on cowboy boots, jeans and a Guns~N~Roses t-shirt while Erin was in a plaid skirt and a button up shirt that was more than a quarter of the way unbuttoned. But that was not what made him nearly laugh, it was the fact that Erin also appeared to have on a cowboy hat that was about three sizes to big.

"The hat's Max's." Alan said with a little laugh in his voice as he looked the couple over. "Yo Max, Erin. I got a couple of people I want you to meet. This is Michael, the guy I told you I invited from my poli-sci class and this is, um," Alan said as he turned to Joanna for the first time, "oops I don't think I caught your name?"

"The name's Joanna." She said with a slight smile.

"Glad to meet you, Joanna." Alan said with a smile. "I was distracted by keeping the party going or I would have never over looked such a beautiful flower as yourself." Alan then took her hand and kissed it lightly.

"Oh, stop it Alan, you know she's here with your amigo," said someone in the corner.

"C'mon, Pat, can't a guy have a little fun." Alan said with a wink, "just because you can't get the ladies doesn't mean the rest of us have to play chaste."

"Go bite a rat's tail you idiot!", the guy from the corner continued.

"C'mon out of the shadows so I can introduce you to Mike and Joanna.", Alan said as he looked towards the voice.

"Eh, Whatever." He said as he walked out Mike instantly recoiled as he stared at Pat's lightly green skin and obvious mutations. He started to walk over to the small group when he saw the look Micheal gave him.

"What are you?", Mike said as he backed away from the lizard looking kid, "Get away from me you freak."

"Well you're no fashion model yourself," Pat said as he looked Mike up and down.

"Mike, what's wrong with you?", Joanna asked.

""Don't you see, he's one of those demon spawn Reverend Abbot has been talking about on the radio.", Mike said as continued to back away grabbing Joanna as he went, "I bet that big guy over there is another one, no one can grow that big naturally."

"Whoa, chill man.", Alan said as he walked towards his classmate, "Abbot has it all wrong, no one here has been touched by demons. He's just some fear monger who wants to make a name for himself by attacking a new minority."

"Yeah, Mike this isn't like you.", Joanna said as she pulled away from him.

"I'm sorry if I don't want to be around those that can kill you just by looking at you or something worse even," Mike said with a panicked look in his eyes.

"Look man, this isn't cool. I invited you cause after hearing your stance on King and X, the civil rights movement, and all that, I thought you'd be ok with us.", Alan said shocked.

"Us, you me you're one of them too?", Mike said backing away from Alan now also, "How many of these people are freaks like you? Are any of these people real people?"

"We're all real people Mike. Sure some of us are physically different now than we were a few months ago, but we're all still people." Alan said as he continued to

"And you actually thought I would want to hang out with these freaks?", Mike said with a look of disgust.

"That really surprises you," Pat said as he stepped towards Mike, "one of my gifts is the ability to detect other like me. I mean you brought one of us to the party."

As he realized what Pat said, Mike turned and looked at Joanna with horror on his face.

Mystery Shack later that night

Dipper slowly started coming around. Wendy had finally healed enough that she felt it was safe to power down awhile ago. Seeing him stir she got up and walked over to him. As she got closer he reverted from Shifter back into Dipper. She sat down and pulled his head into her lap. She began running her hand through his hair, happy that he was finally better.

"What happened?", Dipper finally said as he looked up into her green eyes, "Last I remember you had gotten shot during the convoy ambush."

"Yeah I did, but you took me and brought me home." Wendy said looking down at her boyfriend, "While you were doing it you gave me some of yourself and you took on most of my pain."

"It saved you didn't it?", Dipper said with a small smile.

"Yeah, and it nearly killed you.", Wendy said hitting him in his good shoulder.

"Ow, I'm still injured here.", Dipper said with a smile.

"That's why I hit your good shoulder, dork.", Wendy said as she leaned down and kissed him.

Tambry's Lair

As she sat down at her bank of computers, Tambry prepared to look up any and all information on the ambush on the military convoy earlier today. She wanted to find out all she could about the group that shot her best friend. Her good mood from earlier lasted through dinner, the good faded as soon as she had heard from the gang.

"Tab, I need anything you can find about an attack on an army convoy earlier today. It was about twenty miles out of town," Tambry said as brought up her screens, "Bring in Asta and anyone else you think can help, Wendy was shot during it and I want to find out who is responsible."

'Yes mi'lady. How doth Lady Gwendolyn fare? Didst she require medical assistance?', Tab's bubble said as his icon's face showed concern.

"Her healing factor and some assistance from Dipper saved her, but from what I was told it nearly cost him his life.", Tambry said with a small catch in her throat, "At one time I didn't think he was worth a second look and now he's saved her life countless times, usually at a greater risk to his own."

'Truly a man of honor in both name and title, so for Sir Dipper and Lady Gwendolyn I shall move mountains if need be to find the information you seek.' Tab's bubble read.

Asta's icon ran quickly up to the front of the screen and her bubble flashed up, 'Hey toots, I'm here for ya. We'll find out everything we can. I hope the other kiddos are ok."

Suddenly a third icon strutted up to the front of the screen. This one was a little jet black devil in a white zoot suit, swinging a watch on a chain as he walked. "Hey there chickie pie, names Jette. My boy Tab here told me you had a security issue the last time you went searching, so he thought I might be able offer my services."

"Thanks, but right now I'm looking for info. A friend of mine was injured today and I want to find out everything I can about the people who did it," Tambry said with an anger that she has rarely shown, quickly realizing she was snapping at the wrong people she calmed down and said, "I'm sorry, today was just going so good till I heard about this attack. She's been my best friend since we were kids. And now not only was she shot, but the guy she loves is hurt because he risked himself to save her."

'That's some heavy stuff you're laying down there chickadee. Now I'm no good at getting the down low, but I can make sure no chucklehead puts a kibosh to your work dolly.' Jette's balloon read as he flipped his watch into the air and it landed in his pocket.

"Well then, let's get crackin'.", Tambry said as her fingers started flying over her keyboard.

Mystery Shack

Clondike Twins Room

Francis was sitting on his bed as Tony paced back and forth, as he he nears the outer wall for what seemed like the fiftieth time he lashed out a punched it.

"Dang it, I should have been there.", he said as he turned from the wall, "If I was there it may not have happened. Wendy may not have gotten hurt and Dipper in turn wouldn't have been hurt."

"You don't know that brother. If you were there it may have been you that got shot," Francis said in a worried tone.

"That would have been better," Tony replied as he turned towards his brother, "I can take stuff happening to me, but this happened to my family and I wasn't there to help them."

"I know T. But you have to know that even if you weren't there in body, we all knew you were there in spirit.", Francis said as he got up and walked over to his brother.

"We really just got our family, I don't want to lose them.", Tony said as his brother pulled him into a hug.

"And we wouldn't want to lose you," Mabel said as she and Pacifica stood in the doorway.

Lexington, KY

Stucker's Fine Jewels

The quiet night was shattered as a loud burglar alarm blared. Two masked men ran out of the store each carrying a sack full of jewels and assorted jewelery. As they run down to the end of the street where they had parked their get away car the one in the lead suddenly runs into a guy that had dropped down in front of him. As soon as he saw his partner fall the second robber stopped and stared at the man he had run into. He wasn't that tall, in fact his partner should have bowled him right over. And man did this guy have some weird taste in fashion. He was wearing a sleeveless turquoise shirt & gray pants. He also had on a black domino mask, hair that matched his shirt, and ten different colored metallic arm bands, five on each bicep. Currently the orange one on his right arm was glowing.

"Man, I'm in town for one night and someone has to try and rob a place.", The strangely dressed man said.

"Who, what are you?", the jewel thief said as he reached into his pocket to pull out a weapon.

"Do you really want to do that? I just want to make this quick so I don't get caught up in all the police hassle," the hero said as the red band on his left arm started to glow. Once thief completely pulled the gun out of his pocket, a ray of intense heat flew from the hero's left hand and made the gun to hot to hold.

By now the other thief had recovered, he jumped up and swung a punch at the strangely garbed man. The punch connected, but problem was it felt like he had punch a solid brick wall. He felt bones breaking.

The orange band stopped glowing and the silver one on the same arm started to glow, "Now boys the police will be here any second, so why don't you two quiet down and wait for them."

No sooner had he said that he lifted his right hand and snapped his fingers. The sound hit the two criminals like a sonic boom, knocking them off of their feet. Hearing the sirens he left the two criminals and their stolen loot on the ground as the silver band stopped glowing and the white one started. Once it was fully glowing he took off into the air.

Portland, OR

Hirsch Army Reserve Base

The base brig was holding the militia members involved in the ambush until the FBI came to pick them up in the morning. The base commander had tripled the guards until the prisoners were released incase any of their friends tried to do something stupid. Fortunately the militia had already written the men and the woman in charge off. Unfortunately for them someone else had not.

The leader of the rag tag militia group was held in a separate section of the brig seeing as she was female. Currently the guards outside her door were temporarily unaware of anything going on in their surrounding area.

She was laying on the provided bed when she heard, "I want everything you know about today's ambush?"

Opening her eyes she saw a man in all black standing over her. He had long brown pulled back into a pony tail. As she looked at him she felt that something was off, something extremely eerie, something to do with his smile. Then she looked into his eyes and she felt herself falling. In moments she was telling him everything she knew. And after he left she had forgotten all about him.

No more than twenty minutes after he left, the guards snapped to attention as a tall man in an officer's uniform walked up to them. The Lieutenant walked up to the guards with a folded set of orders and addressed them, "At ease men. I'm Lieutenant Leliti, from the Intelligence division. I'm here to question the leader of this group to find out how they knew about the weapon shipment."

"But sir, we're under orders to not let anyone in until the feds get here in the morning.", one of the guards replied.

"And I'm here under orders from Captain Bishop to question the prisoner to assure there isn't a leak on the base, do I need to call him and have him tell you in person that he sent me here or are you going to listen to a superior officer and the orders he has and let me in to see the prisoner.", the Lieutenant barked at the soldier.

"Yes sir, sorry sir. Right this way.", the soldier responded as he pointed out the way for the officer to go.

Lieutenant Liliti walked down the hall and as he got to the door of the leader of the ambushers the form of the Lieutenant flowed seamlessly into that of the Black Knight, Noch'. Opening the cell door she walked over to the prisoner and spoke, "Now you don't know it little one, but your rag tag group nearly upset two decades of my Mistress' careful planning. This displeased her greatly and for that someone must pay. And since you lead the attack, that someone is you."

Nate's House

Nate and Thompson were sitting in the game room playing a round of Field Ops.

"I want to thank you and Lee again for helping me get her out of there," Thompson said as he was killed again in the game, "Her uncle is trying to make her quit everything she cares for; her job, school, me."

"Man how could we say no, you are one of us and she has been good to and for you.", Nate said as he sniped another enemy soldier, "Besides after what you told us that Tambry found out, we had to help."

"The big problem is keeping him from showing up at school or her work to try and force her back home," Thompson added while his character was running though an empty building to get under cover.

Alexa walked into the room eating a sandwich she had just made and sat next to Thompson. After she swallowed the bite, she said, "Like I said Joey, I'm going call in sick to school tomorrow, then try and call my mom, and failing that I'll file for emancipation if I have to. I have to get out of that house and away from him."

"You're welcome to stay here as long as you need to," Nate said pausing the game, "Since I'm the only one living here there are plenty of bedrooms available."

"Thanks for the help Nate," Alexa said with a smile.

"Hey, Thompson is family and helping is what families do.", Nate said before he resumed the game.

Mystery Shack


Stan and Ford are sitting at the dining room table drinking some expired apple juice.

"These kids are gonna be the death of me Ford," Stan grumbled before he took another deep gulp.

"I know what you mean Ley, but we couldn't stop them even if we wanted to.", Ford said drumming his fingers as he took a drink, "the best we can do is try to make sure they are prepared for what they'll face and support them in their endeavors."

"I have to admit, I'm proud of the kid. He really manned up today, I don't know exactly how he did it but he did everything he could to save Wendy. I guess my toughening him up this summer had a positive affect on him after all," Stan said with a wry grin on his face.

"It was either that or love," Ford replied, "I've known men who did some stupid stuff for love before, Ley."

"Knowing Dipper, it was probably both." Stan chuckled before he finished off his drink and poured himself another.

Chapter 52 is in the books. We have the aftermath of Dipper's sacrifice. We have a couple of instances that shows the GH crew are not the only heroes in the US. We get a little Wendip moment. Tambry's reaction to the incident. Tony's reaction to the incident. Another peek at a non GH hero. Not one but two different people visiting the leader of the ambush. We find out where Alexa went and what she plans on doing. I even snuck in a lil bit of the Stans there.

The names so far:

Shifter/Dipper – Shapeshifter, highly intelligent.

Will O'/Wendy – Spectral powers, naturally athletic.

Glamur/Mabel – latest in a line of mystics, intelligent but artistically inclined.

Freerunner/Tony – Peak physical condition, muscles & skin density increased, intelligent.

Flux/Francis – Transmutation, highly intelligent (biological studies).

Charger/Pacifica – Battle armor, rich, secret sci fi fan.

Vaccine/Nate – toxin/antitoxin production, immunity to poisons, viruses, and toxins.

Delphi/Tambry – Team hacker and communications expert, Techno-Shaman.

Schematic/Candy – Gadget creator, highly intelligent, trivia queen (I know I need to include this third one some :-) ).

Also remember to check out my other Gravity Falls works:

Gravity Heroes: Sidetracks, a series on one shots & drabbels that are stories that are in the Gravity Heroes-verse but aren't necessarily required to read the main story-line. It's essentially my take on the classic Marvel Comics Presents. Chapter Seven follows Wild bill after he returns to Piedmont and delves into a few of his past lives that were re-awoken by Polden' Solntse.

I also would feel honored if any of my works inspire any art. If the do I would love to see them. Thanks again to all who have read this far. I'm happy to see different interpretations of the characters from the GH AU. Let me know by PM if you do and I'll send out a list of the full descriptions to you. The art is now up at fereality. deviantart. Com/ just remove the spaces.

Please review. I'm always open to constructive and helpful criticism, though if you're gonna troll please move on.

20-8-5 3-1-20 3-15-13-5-19 15-21-20 15-6 20-8-5 2-1-7 19-15-15-14.

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