Lost in Wanderlust

By boot_books

3.5K 459 1.1K

{ Highest Ranking #35 in Humour } 1st Place Winner - The Blueberry Awards || 2nd Place Winner - The Hidden Ge... More

1. The Packing
2. Pillow Fight
3. The Beginning
4. The Hilarious Incident
5. The Flight Scenes
6. The First Day
7. The Safari
9. Piece of POOPSHIT
10. Just Bonfire Stuffs
11. Are You On Stupid Pills?
12. To be 'Lost In Wanderlust'
13. You're a POTTERHEAD!!!
14. Eavesdropping is a bad habit!
15. Are you like checking me out?
16. Almost Dead
17. "We've Planned Something"
18. Drakensberg Hiking Trail - Part 1
19. Drakensberg Hiking Trail - Part 2
20. Spooky Enough
21. The Creepy Cowshed
22. The Escape
23. Always Bounce Back
24. A Peak Into The Past
25. "We're Going Home!"
26. Parting Ways
27 - The Final Route

8. Panorama Route

160 20 73
By boot_books

I woke up listening to the chirping of birds and the sunlight falling on my face. Instantly a smile crept on my face when I remembered my kiss with Lucas yesterday. I went up to the window and let the sunlight heat up my entire body. Making me feel fresh, beautiful. I stretch my body and release all my muscles. Ariana and Jennifer were still sleeping. I entered the bathroom and took my shower. I came out and put on my khaki shorts and crisp white shirt and did my usual makeup. It was 8 in the morning and Ariana and Jennifer were still sleeping.

We had to leave at 10. And so I decided to wake them up. Of course not the usual way, they don't get up the usual way. So I connected my phone with the Bluetooth speaker and played loud music. They both woke up in surprise.

"Are you crazy? Who plays music this loud at this time of the morning?" Jen screamed to make her voice audible through the loud music.

"Exactly. You almost gave us a heart attack!" Aria screamed too.

"It's 8 already and we have to leave at 10. So get your ass off that bed and get ready. Understand?" I said with a smile.

We were going sightseeing today. It's beautiful to explore the world and nature. It's always marvelous and exceptional. The happiness when you see a huge fabulous mountain. The peace when you see the water flowing in gradually. The priceless feeling when you see different kinds of birds freely flying high above the mountains. The lovely feeling when you see animals doing what they like, not caring about their surroundings. It's all just wonderful!

While I was thinking about nature, Aria interrupted my thoughts, "Hey Sofia, can you please do my makeup today?"

"Sure. I'd love to."

Aria doesn't really know how to do makeup and don't even like it that much. She likes to keep it natural. She does look beautiful without any makeup though! However, I did her makeup while Jen took her shower. We packed our bags and Jen's too as she was still in shower. We packed cash, some snacks, juices, some makeup and moisturizers and some other things.

God, what was this girl doing in there?

After what felt like days, she came out of the bathroom.

"Were you sleeping in there? You came out after one fucking hour!" I looked right at her.

"What? I like to take a shower. You know that." She was super sweet! (That was sarcastic guys. Duh!)

I sigh "I really don't know what I'll do with you."
She made a face and went to get ready.

After all of us were ready, we left and hopped in the car. It was Ariana's turn to drive today. We've decided to rotate each day.

Our first stop was the iconic Three Rondavels. The Three Rondavels are the ancient geological wonder located in South Africa's Blyde River Canyon region. The trio of portly peaks are shaped like traditional beehive huts, with gently sloping walls and domed summits. The view from The Three Rondavels lookout point is considered one of the finest in South Africa.

As we reached our spot, we saw there were many tourists here discovering the beauty of South Africa just as we were doing. We parked our car as the officials instructed and then walked to the lookout point. It was a small walk. After around 15 minutes of walking, we reached the point. The view left us speechless. There were three huge stones one beside the other. And the background was covered with the greenery.

Jen broke the silence "Isn't this just amazing?"

"It truly is. I've never seen a view so mesmerising." I replied.

"Neither have I. You see, this is why I wanted to come to South Africa. It has the finest views in the world." Aria added.

We hung out there for a few minutes admiring the view. We clicked pictures and had fun by just looking at the view.

We then left for our next stop which was The Pinnacle Rock. It was a 20 minutes drive. When we reached our destination, we got off the car and walked. We could see the huge rock from a distance. The massive quartzite rock was very impressive where it erupts from the earth's surface. The freestanding tower-like "Needle" stretches to a 30-metre (98 ft) height making it quite a splendid sight where it rises above the dense indigenous forest of the Driekop Gorge.

"I wanna go up there please." I said seeing the beautiful rock.

"Don't talk like a fucking crazy person Sofia. We're not stopping you from going there. But remember you smile, we smile. You fall down a cliff, we give you a gorgeous funeral." Aria smirked.

I rolled my eyes "You know, you both are not even capable of being my best friends. Huh"

"Yaya we've heard this a million times now. How can you expect us to die with you? I wanna date cute guys, have sex, get married, have lots of kids and grow old with my love." Jen commented.

"Fine. I'll find new friends when we go back to San Francisco." I pouted.

They both laughed at this and I joined them eventually. They know I won't ever leave them.

We then clicked pictures and explored the dense forest surrounding the huge rock. We found innumerable various kinds of plants and beautiful flowers. We then started walking to the Berlin Waterfalls. We still had 2 miles to go.

Ariana sits down on the grass and says "I can't walk anymore. I need a refill."

There starts her tantrums again. Me and Jennifer looked at each other and shook our head in annoyance.

"Aria. You know what? I've heard that a lot of hot guys go there for dip in the water. Like without their shirts on." I told her excitedly.

"O.M.G. really? Without their shirts on?"

"Yes, without their shirts on."

She stood up and started walking. There, as simple as that.

We reached to the waterfalls and were awestruck by it's beauty.

"This is just so wonderful!" I exclaimed.

"These are just so hot." I heard Aria.

"What?" I asked her

"Damn. Look there." She pointed to a group of guys who were having a dip in the water. Shirtless. So this means that whatever I say becomes true!
Oh God, I wish there was a doraemon for real. (Okay. Okay. I know that can't be true.)

But the view was amazing including the hot boys!

"Let's go for a dip." Aria suggested.

"I know why you wanna go for a dip Aria." Jen smirked.

"What? No, seriously. It's really hot. It'll be a relief to take a dip in this clear cold water." Aria insisted so we went near the shore.

"Aria, we don't have our bathing suit with us." I told Ariana.

"Oh come on, we have our bikini and that's our bathing suit." She winked.

We took off our clothes and went for the dip. Damn, the water was cold. The guys were just some 20 feet away from us and of course they had a look on us.

The guys came towards us and one of them started talking to Aria. "Hi are y'all the locals here?" One of them asked. He had slim but strong body. His black hair, a bit long, complemented his light brown eyes. And he looked irresistibly handsome.

"Umm ,no. We're Americans." Aria answered.

"Oh I see. Didn't recognise the beauty of y'all I guess. Umm, I'm Caleb." He had a strong manly voice.

"Hi, I'm Ariana. You're American too?" She asked.

"Oh yeah. Actually my friend's Grandma stays here. So we're here for vacation."

"Oh wow. That's really cool. We're here for vacation too." Jen said.

"That's a weird co incidence I guess. I'm Zac." The other guy extended his hand to Jen. He was a tall guy with broad shoulders. We couldn't help but stare at his abs. He was huge. His cobalt eyes were so deep that one could drown in them.

"Hi. I'm Jennifer. You can call me Jen." She said excitedly.

Just then I heard another guy's voice behind me
"Hey guys. Whom y'all talking to?"
I turn around and I was shocked to see him.


We both said together
He was the same guy I'd found lurking near my porch the day before we were going to leave for South Africa. The same hot cocky guy from my college.

"Oh man. What are the chances of meeting you here!" He smirked.

"You both know each other?"
Jen, Aria, Caleb and Zac said together.

"Yes. I found this guy lurking around my porch the day before we were going to leave for South Africa." I said with a straight face.

"Ha! Actually I was the one who found your house keys and gave it back to you. You should be thankful to me. And my name is Jake FYI." He frowned.

"Okay. But I'm still not telling you my name." I raised an eyebrow.

"Did I even ask you?"

"Oh please. I understand you guys very well."

"Don't compare me with other guys."

"Oh God. Stop both of you!" Jen screamed at the top of her lungs.

And we all were quite at once.

"Uh, I think we should leave now." I dared to speak.

"Yeah. Bye guys. It was nice to meet you." Aria bid them goodbye.

"Hey girls. If you want, you can freshen up at my grandma's place. It's just 15 minutes walk from here." Jake offered.

"No thanks..." I started saying but Jen cut me off

"Oh of course. We would love to."

I looked at her confused. She didn't say anything and walked with the guys and Aria went behind her. Obviously I had no saying in this.
I let a deep sigh and walk towards the them.

It was small cottage with 4 bedrooms, living room, a kitchen and a balcony. I smelled the burning wood while I entered the house and a pinch of cinnamon. The house was really warm. The wooden tables and chairs add up to the beauty of the house.
"Oh hello. Who are these beautiful girls Jake?" A short woman with short grey hair who I suppose is Jake's Grandma asked.

"Uh, Granny. We are in same college in San Francisco. They're here for vacation. I offered them to freshen up here."

"Oh good good. Come my dear, come. This is your house girls. Get comfortable." Oh, she was so sweet!

"Sure thing. You have a gorgeous house Granny." I said with a smile.

The boys led us to a room and provided us with the towels and some food and coffee. The room was huge and had king sized double bed, a huge wardrobe, a couch and my favourite, the dressing table.

2 hours later

"Okay, I think we should leave now. It's getting dark." I said while munching on chocolates I had in my bag.

We were all in the living room watching TV.

"Yeah. Sofia's right. We should leave." Aria agreed.

"Y'all will drive all the way to your hotel at this time?" Caleb asked.

"Yeah. Our luggage is at the hotel." Jen answered.

"You know what? Stay here for the night. It's not safe to drive alone right now." Zac offered us.

Jen, Aria and me had a talk on this. They wanted to stay but I said that we should go to the hotel to at least get our luggage.

"Fine. I'll go alone. I'll get our luggage from the hotel." I said.

"No, you're not going alone. I'll come with you." Jake stood up.

"What? No way. I can manage it."

"Oh please. You can't carry so much luggage alone and besides I want you to be safe."

"I'll be safe. Thanks but no thanks. I'll go by myself." I was pretty confident.

"No. You don't get to do that." He said

"Yes, Sofia. Jake will go with you." Granny came in with some snacks.

"Fine." I agreed. I couldn't say no to such a sweet women.


Welcome the boys.
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